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I made 6 pulls in the legendary banner and nothing, will keep going until the new banner is revealed. 

My free pull in the BHB banner was a Laegjarn, a welcome surprise as I was waiting for a meele Flier she is +Atk -Def. Now that I don't need to fodder her for anything I might build her for the flier team. 

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I pulled 1 Legendary Lucina, 1 Ranulf, 1 Easter Marisa and 2 Leif's, and on the next banner, I pulled Alm right away. I'm pretty happy with those results

Lucina, Ranulf and Leif were all pulled in one group as well.

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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

I wish I could keep going on this legendary, it seems like it's treating everyone really well (as it did me) but I've committed to saving.

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @Anacybele

That being said, I'm still gonna pull on the new banners for the discounted price. Alm and Faye BHB with Brave Celica on the banner eh? Well, I don't have Brave Celica and my OG Alm is -SPD so I don't mind. Oh look... one red stone and 4 blue. That makes this simple. I'll just take this one stone and-

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Oh... ok. Wasn't expecting that. Already have a +ATK one, but I'm sure she'll be happy to lose the -HP bane. Another free *5. Low key crazy.

0 orbs spent. Keeping it moving.

We both got free Elincias? (though on different banners, I guess) :O Wow, that is cray-cray.

My free pull this time was nothing special.

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20 hours ago, Zeo said:

I wish I could keep going on this legendary, it seems like it's treating everyone really well (as it did me) but I've committed to saving.

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @Anacybele

That being said, I'm still gonna pull on the new banners for the discounted price. Alm and Faye BHB with Brave Celica on the banner eh? Well, I don't have Brave Celica and my OG Alm is -SPD so I don't mind. Oh look... one red stone and 4 blue. That makes this simple. I'll just take this one stone and-

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Oh... ok. Wasn't expecting that. Already have a +ATK one, but I'm sure she'll be happy to lose the -HP bane. Another free *5. Low key crazy.

0 orbs spent. Keeping it moving.

Truly the game's long running apology for that horrible Legendary Banner before~ Congrats!

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Truly the game's long running apology for that horrible Legendary Banner before~ Congrats!

I hope that lasts through this next month. I'm going to put everything I have into Lyn merges at the month's halfway point. At a boosted rate there'll likely never be a better chance to merge OG Lyn (unless of course she demotes). Then whatever I have when the banner is over will go to the legendary since Inigo wants Infantry Flash (for Matthew of course~) and Lyn wants Time's Pulse 3 for her ultimate set. Then of course there's L!Lyn who continues to evade me and of course, L!Tiki who I haven't been able to get yet.

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The BHB was no great challenge, so I might as well see if I can add Faye to the team.

  1. 4* Silvia: Feathers.

And now for Weekly Revival 2. Here's hoping for Delthea.

  1. 4* Tailtiu: SI fodder.

Whatever. The barracks is almost full anyway.

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Rather a Celica merge than a Genny anything but no reds, two greys and two blues, so I reluctantly open a grey.

5* Genny +Res -HP

Um, sure I guess. Successfully resisted the temptation to open the other grey.

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Just an Azama this time. There was one of each focus color, maybe there could have been something in red or blue but I already have a merged +1 +ATK Delthea and a +ATK/-HP Celica. I foddered my 2nd one off to Faye for a Guard Bow build before Garon was a thing but it's mostly fine. The HP bane helps get her into Desp range.

Either way, keeping it moving. Each orb unspent before the 17th is a precious step towards a +10 Lyn.

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Another free pull. I'm not sure which to go for.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Genny (THAT'S A FREE STAFF SKILL! +Atk/-Res, the exact same as the first I pulled. That's funny.)

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Well I still don't have Celica even after 35 orbs, I did get my 3rd Saber and a bunch of 3*s.  I may give this Saber to my B!Ike for shield pulse since that skill can be good on him, but I will have to see.  Now to save up some more orbs to try again for Celica later this week.

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3 hours ago, kirauza343 said:

I’m really glad they decided to rerun the revival banners! I’ve been wanting a Celica with a better asset for ages and the last time this ran I only made it out with a Laegjarn, but this time my free pull was a +spd Celica!

That's awesome, congrats! Is she still in your main team? 

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One last go at the legendary banner because why not?

4* Fae
4* Lachesis
3* Catria
4* Frederick
5* Legendary Ryoma +Spd -Def

Not bad at all, the opposite nature to my first, rather useless one. I know he wants a kit overhaul though and that's not something I'm inclined to do, so he'll mostly be bench material even with his absurd speed.

So ends a rather productive banner, yielding 10 five-star units from 348 orbs at a very generous 34.8 apiece. Five-star summary:

Evil Tiki Neutral
Legendary Leif +Res -Atk
Legendary Alm +Spd -Atk
Evil Tiki +Spd -Res
Valentine's Ike +Atk -HP
Legendary Leif +Res -Def
Legendary Azura +Spd -Res
Picnic Felicia +Atk -Res
Legendary Lucina +Atk -Def
Legendary Ryoma +Spd -Def

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2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

One last go at the legendary banner because why not?

4* Fae
4* Lachesis
3* Catria
4* Frederick
5* Legendary Ryoma +Spd -Def

Not bad at all, the opposite nature to my first, rather useless one. I know he wants a kit overhaul though and that's not something I'm inclined to do, so he'll mostly be bench material even with his absurd speed.

So ends a rather productive banner, yielding 10 five-star units from 348 orbs at a very generous 34.8 apiece. Five-star summary:

Evil Tiki Neutral
Legendary Leif +Res -Atk
Legendary Alm +Spd -Atk
Evil Tiki +Spd -Res
Valentine's Ike +Atk -HP
Legendary Leif +Res -Def
Legendary Azura +Spd -Res
Picnic Felicia +Atk -Res
Legendary Lucina +Atk -Def
Legendary Ryoma +Spd -Def


that's pretty good. The only thing my Ryoma has really is vantage. I use everything else in his kit (and he''s my Alm's PairUp unit). and it serves him well. just something to keep in mind.(though mine is merged to be fair to negate that def bane)

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14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

That's awesome, congrats! Is she still in your main team? 

Of course! I don’t think I have it in me to change it at this point since it’s been these four since Marisa and Micaiah’s release. I’m just too attached to them lmao (not to mention how much I’ve invested into them...), and even if I did shake it up there’s no way I’d take Celica off. Sure it makes finding places for new characters a challenge but that’s what other teams are for!

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We had made exactly the same final pull. I was at 9.50 and with no orbs so I hoped that my last pull would be a 5*. I had no Colourless or blue orbs so I pulled in green and I got a 3* Libra.

I had gotten previously a Lucina and a Tiki (I swear this girl is cursed, in every banner she appeared I got her but afterwards no matter how many orbs I spend I never get another 5*). A good banner overally, now I hope the upcoming banner is farfetched so that I can skip and save for Sothis/Lif (if he is the mythic). 

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