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59 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Thanks! You use +Spd too huh. Glad to hear you like using her.

well i only got the one 😉 
ifi had the option i might do +atk (so she's basically closer to a 40/40 spread but i think it depends on how i was building her). but 44+ speed is nothing to sniff at either. 


4 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

I've been wanting B!Lyn for a looong time now due to her use in many F2P guides. I hated to use most of my orbs just for her considering how many good units are available to summon now, plus the upcoming Hector for DC fodder, but I still think it's worth it. Took ~60 orbs, but she finally came home after bringing the pity rate up to 5% and was thankful the game gave me a colorless in every summon session so super low chance of a pity break. Now her IVs aren't very good, +Def -Res, but at last she's not -Spd or -Atk so I'm not going to worry about trying to get another copy anytime soon.



why would you have to pull for her? wouldn't she be your brave hero choice? I'm confused. 
the one thing here too, if you needed her for guides. you're going to have to compensate for her ivs not being the same (i have this with my ike. i merged something into the Neutral). I will though say that it helps you learn 🙂



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13 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

I've been wanting B!Lyn for a looong time now due to her use in many F2P guides. I hated to use most of my orbs just for her considering how many good units are available to summon now, plus the upcoming Hector for DC fodder, but I still think it's worth it. Took ~60 orbs, but she finally came home after bringing the pity rate up to 5% and was thankful the game gave me a colorless in every summon session so super low chance of a pity break. Now her IVs aren't very good, +Def -Res, but at last she's not -Spd or -Atk so I'm not going to worry about trying to get another copy anytime soon.

[+Def, -Res] might be a better nature for following guides than +Atk or +Spd. Most guides uses a free BH!Lyn with neutral nature, and using a different nature may affect how the AI moves, and if you run a +Atk or +Spd one and it kills something instead of leaving it alive as a neutral one would in the guide, then that would further throw the guide off course.

10 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

why would you have to pull for her? wouldn't she be your brave hero choice? I'm confused. 

I remember reading it somewhere where that choice expired a while ago, so new accounts that are created now would not be able to choose Brave Heroes units for free. I believe they can still choose Arrival of the Brave units for free and Brave Echoes units for free too.

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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

[+Def, -Res] might be a better nature for following guides than +Atk or +Spd. Most guides uses a free BH!Lyn with neutral nature, and using a different nature may affect how the AI moves, and if you run a +Atk or +Spd one and it kills something instead of leaving it alive as a neutral one would in the guide, then that would further throw the guide off course.

I remember reading it somewhere where that choice expired a while ago, so new accounts that are created now would not be able to choose Brave Heroes units for free. I believe they can still choose Arrival of the Brave units for free and Brave Echoes units for free too.

I have a NInian and her IVS completely throw it off (compared to the neutral). so it's just a be careful. 

and ahhh. that's kinda poopers. but that explains a lot. 

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2 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

and ahhh. that's kinda poopers. but that explains a lot. 

Yeah. I wish they did not make the choice expirable. Feels like a petty move in my opinion since it should not have a huge impact on revenue. It does not really make sense to further punish new players for missing out on units in my opinion, since they are already missing out on a lot of Grail units from quests and Tempest Trials, as well as a lot of the resources given over the years.

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2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

well i only got the one 😉 
ifi had the option i might do +atk (so she's basically closer to a 40/40 spread but i think it depends on how i was building her). but 44+ speed is nothing to sniff at either. 

Ah, I see.

But yeah, having to choose between +Atk or +Spd for any unit is a hard choice. Personally, I always go for the superboon just to have that extra stat point since any atk or spd needed can be gained from the rest of the skillset and whatever support skills my ally units have.

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35 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

well i only got the one 😉 
ifi had the option i might do +atk (so she's basically closer to a 40/40 spread but i think it depends on how i was building her). but 44+ speed is nothing to sniff at either. 



why would you have to pull for her? wouldn't she be your brave hero choice? I'm confused. 
the one thing here too, if you needed her for guides. you're going to have to compensate for her ivs not being the same (i have this with my ike. i merged something into the Neutral). I will though say that it helps you learn 🙂



I never got her for free. My first two 5* units if I sort my barracks by "Obtained" are B!Veronica & B!Camilla. So perhaps B!Lyn was also one of the choices and I was a newb and didn't know what I was doing, lol. Why would I choose two 5* staff units??? Though I do remember googling it real quick before picking and I read a lot of people said Veronica was really good so that's probably why I picked her (plus I liked her look)

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2 minutes ago, TEKWRX said:

I never got her for free. My first two 5* units if I sort my barracks by "Obtained" are B!Veronica & B!Camilla. So perhaps B!Lyn was also one of the choices and I was a newb and didn't know what I was doing, lol. Why would I choose two 5* staff units??? Though I do remember googling it real quick before picking and I read a lot of people said Veronica was really good so that's probably why I picked her (plus I liked her look)


well Veronica is the best free choice. when i started, I picked Ephiriam because i needed an Axe, (i mean he helped me through many armour quests at the time, but boy oh boy do i wish i picked veronica. I finally got a copy of her in April of last year, and my best IV a few weeks ago). 

Micaiah would have been better (if you are strictly going via guide as most guide makers said they were picking Micaiah (but Camilla is busted too.). 

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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Micaiah would have been better (if you are strictly going via guide as most guide makers said they were picking Micaiah (but Camilla is busted too.). 

Yeah, now that I have Lyn, Micaiah is the next unit I really want. She's in tons of guides. Plus I really like her as a unit and character too.

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I never picked the "most common CYL pick" for any of the three years. Lyn and Veronica were not my jam compared to some of the other character choices we got. But considering that Brave Roy was the last CYL1 hero who showed up for me in summoning and Brave Ephraim has so far never shown up for me when all the others had, I made the right choices.

... Now, this year. I picked Eliwood as my freebie because he's my fave, but he showed up again with a better nature while none of the others have. I was baffled. Oh well, I do love my neutral Eliwood, can't say I regret it.

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Last ticket, and decided to go all in until I got a focus unit. First session, which had a 3.50% leftover rate, pity broke me with Helbindi. Not a bad pity break, but not what I wanted.

Next session, look who showed up.


The most adorable Kitsune ever is here with her lovely yukata outfit. +Atk -Res too.

This is where I normally retire from the banner but I had a hunch and went YOLO one last time. And this happened.


What a nice way to end the banner. And +HP -Res which is good enough. Used very little orbs here so I’m quite satisfied with the results.

As for Lethe, the only focus unit to not show up, I MAY buy the pack later, but I’ll wait a bit to make the choice. There’s a whole month left, after all. 

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So far I kind of adjusted a bit in a better pull behavior less saltiness and a bit more controlled in how far I go. But still put in quite a few orbs on the good legendary and got all of the 3 units one time at least. And one merge for Celica. I don't force anymore to try to save only. Kind of wish I would already know what will be in the next banner though.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @daisy jane

And now I'm up to 4.75% on the banner with the last ticket spent. Pretty typical horrible luck on a seasonal banner that I've almost come to expect. From this point forward my chances of a *5 are higher though so I'm going to snipe blues and pull greens if there are no blues to pull. Lethe is OP and would be great but I want Duo Alfonse above all. Not pulling sporadically anymore. Going to save up all my orbs for the rest of the month and pull near the end of the banner and let the chips fall where they may.

In other news... that weekly revival banner that just dropped.


3 red stones, this was in the one I pulled. What are the odds. +ATK/-SPD so he's a merge. Guess I'm getting a point of ATK and a few points of RES. Neato.

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I just noticed I had some Google credit left over on a gift card, so I figure i may as well throw some orbs at the Legendary Banner before it leaves tonight. Pretty glad I did. I did three full pulls (well almost, the last session I only did 4), the first session gave me another Edlegard, the second session gave me the last copy of Tharja I needed to +10 her (and it's +Atk so I can change the IV from +Spd), and the last session gave me another Eir. I really wanted an extra Eir for Mystic Boost fodder. I did pull my second copy the other day, but I wanted to keep at least two copies for AR, so now I got the fodder I wanted. Do I want to keep the +Spd -Def or +Atk -Res copy? I'm thinking the +Spd is the way to go.

Also, what to do with the extra Edlegard? Merge or fodder? If fodder, who wants her skills? Would Rouse Atk/Def 3 be smart to put on my CC/Vantage Thraja? It would make sure she is always buffed up for her blade tome if she ends up away from her team mates and can't get buffed by them. Would keep her damage up when she's in a group of enemies doing her Vantage thing, right?


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I already posted some of my pulls from the legendary banner here, but since I was VERY lucky this time, I'm going to post a small summary. 

So Celica ... I liked her in her game and the legendary art is awesome. She is not on the same power-level as Alm and she is no GF unit, but I decided to make her (and Alm) my legendary merge projects. Edelgard isn't bad, but clearly the least desirable green unit here (plus I already got one copy of her). I didn't have Thrasir before the banner (no defensive Mythic at all), but she is good fodder and having one copy (lol) wouldn't hurt. 

I didn't use many orbs since Leif's banner (exceptions were Peony and Altina) and I got me one orb package for Christmas (the last for a long while), so I hoped to have enough orbs for 2-3 copies of Celica.

I started sniping blue and green, since I had no Naga and Peony merges wouldn't hurt. But soon Dimitri stopped me from pulling further blue:


Two copies of him, I'll keep the +DEF copy:


The other copy will be Lull/DB4 fodder, but I don't have a clear candidate yet. 

Ok, here comes the cool part: 



(one copy of Edelgard was obtained before this banner)





Totally happy with Celica. 5 merges is much more than I hoped for. She'll be featured again in April, hopefully I'll be able to get her to +7 then. 

Thrasir shocked me with her stalking behavior. I don't particularly like her (I prefer OG Veronica), but she'll help to boost my score in Mjölnir's Strike and she was fun to use in TTs with the NY debuffers. 

Since I got a good boon for Edelgard, I made her a backup WoM-Galeforcer for AR. 


I had some very crappy legendary banners and some very lucky, but I think this one was the best so far. Good timing I'd say. :- ) 


20 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

@daisy jane

So, my experience with Renewed Spirit...

I start off with this, 1836 orbs...


1616 orbs spent. But that's fine because I still managed to get this in the end!


Waited three years to merge Anna or an alt of her and I'm happy I finally got the chance to do so. Already merged her and gave her flowers, just have to level her up and grind SP. Also managed to pull enough copies of Caeda, Palla, Lonqu and Eliwood along the way to +10 all of them as well (once I have the feathers to do so anyways).

Wow! Wow! 

That's an huge heap of orbs, but I'm very happy you succeeded, big congrats! Anna is looking cool!

I knew you liked her, but I didn't know you liked her that much. 

Your pity breakers aren't all great, but at least NY!Lethe and Mareeta are pretty cool. 

17 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I got no 5* from the NY Tickets, but I got this in the circle after my last ticket's circle:



Wow, awesome circle! 

I know you didn't want Lethe in particular, but she is the only one tempting me to use some orbs on this banner (I won't). Have fun with her! 

5 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender @Landmaster @daisy jane

And now I'm up to 4.75% on the banner with the last ticket spent. Pretty typical horrible luck on a seasonal banner that I've almost come to expect. From this point forward my chances of a *5 are higher though so I'm going to snipe blues and pull greens if there are no blues to pull. Lethe is OP and would be great but I want Duo Alfonse above all. Not pulling sporadically anymore. Going to save up all my orbs for the rest of the month and pull near the end of the banner and let the chips fall where they may.

In other news... that weekly revival banner that just dropped.


3 red stones, this was in the one I pulled. What are the odds. +ATK/-SPD so he's a merge. Guess I'm getting a point of ATK and a few points of RES. Neato.

Coool free pull, congrats! How many merges do you have on Roy currently? 

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@Zeo Oh nice Roy. Still don't he him to complete the CYL 1 set and I was baited in trying all the red stones but nothing

@mampfoid oh WOW, so much luck for you in the banner, congrats!

So had a bit of mixed pulls.

Got a free Mia in the Idunn banner, although she's +Res/-Atk but hey she is new. but then there were 3 other reds and I was baited in wasting my orbs.

Then got baited opening the whole circle for the last ticket for the NY banner. 4 blues...and the last blue was my 3rd pitybreaker Mordecai.. also +Spd/-Res like my current one...

Then tried last YOLOs for the legendary Celica banner. Finally cleared a 9% rate in my main at least, with a +Def/-Spd Thrasir. Unfortunate nature aside, at least she's new and I got a limited green unit, and getting a limited unit in a legendary is a win. No last minute 5 stars for second account though.

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38 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Got a free Mia in the Idunn banner, although she's +Res/-Atk but hey she is new. but then there were 3 other reds and I was baited in wasting my orbs.

Then got baited opening the whole circle for the last ticket for the NY banner. 4 blues...and the last blue was my 3rd pitybreaker Mordecai.. also +Spd/-Res like my current one...

Then tried last YOLOs for the legendary Celica banner. Finally cleared a 9% rate in my main at least, with a +Def/-Spd Thrasir. Unfortunate nature aside, at least she's new and I got a limited green unit, and getting a limited unit in a legendary is a win. No last minute 5 stars for second account though.

that's something though (i tried for Thrasir and still no dice) but i figure she's gonna be like Marth and Third time the Charm and I shall be swimming i Thrasirs.
(i've become addicted to the notion of panic smoke lol. 



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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid oh WOW, so much luck for you in the banner, congrats!


Thanks! :- )

Congrats on Mia, Mordecai and Thrasir! All three are great units (even if Mordecai as a 5* isn't the greatest pull), bet you'll find a way to make them work in a clear. 



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Continuing the merge hunt for the Askr trio. 35 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Olivia: Nope.
  2. 4* Sully: Draw Back fodder.
  3. 4* Subaki: Bleh.

One more try. 22 orbs left.

  1. 5* Duo!Alfonse: Excellent! There goes their Res flaw. +HP/-Def on the merge copy for the record.
  2. 3* Robin: Bonfire fodder.

Since that nice thing happened, one more try to snipe reds for Anna. 13 orbs left.

  1. 4* Eliwood: Meh.
  2. 4* Lon'qu: No thanks.

Oh well. Time to save for a bit before going back.

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12 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wow! Wow! 

That's an huge heap of orbs, but I'm very happy you succeeded, big congrats! Anna is looking cool!

I knew you liked her, but I didn't know you liked her that much. 

Your pity breakers aren't all great, but at least NY!Lethe and Mareeta are pretty cool. 

Haha, thanks! I spent last year trying really hard to save up enough orbs to +10 whatever Anna's first alt was going to be because of course I want to invest everything I had in my number one favorite Fire Emblem character and I'm happy to have accomplished it all in one go.

Also, not going to lie but seeing Oliver with Celica's hair gave me quite a spook for a moment. Still looks great though! L!Celica seems like she's a strong unit and I probably would have tried to get her too but Anna took priority. Congrats on getting halfway there on the L!Celica merges. Hope you get more merges of her in April! Congrats on Thrasir, Edelgard and Dimitri as well!

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On 1/5/2020 at 5:07 AM, NSSKG151 said:

@daisy jane

So, my experience with Renewed Spirit...

I start off with this, 1836 orbs...

PJJRDGR.png Got my first Anna 53 orbs in...uNPVv49.png

and ended like this...                                          EScKFYp.png


1616 orbs spent. But that's fine because I still managed to get this in the end!



Waited three years to merge Anna or an alt of her and I'm happy I finally got the chance to do so. Already merged her and gave her flowers, just have to level her up and grind SP. Also managed to pull enough copies of Caeda, Palla, Lonqu and Eliwood along the way to +10 all of them as well (once I have the feathers to do so anyways).

But dang I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it. I heard horror stories about red being a hellish color to pull on and being an infamous color for pitybreaking people easily but my god I wasn't expecting to get pitybroken twenty-two times today!

Here's a list of characters who annoyed me today pitybreakers I gotten...

  Hide contents
  • Mage Eirika
  • Leif
  • Hubert x2
  • Sky Olivia
  • New Years Duo Alfonse/Sharena x2
  • Owain x2
  • Mordecai
  • Sword Reinhardt x2
  • Adrift Camilla
  • Brave Alm x2
  • Laegjarm
  • Lene
  • Quan
  • Lethe
  • New Years Lethe
  • Karla
  • Mareeta

And out of this bunch the only ones I really didn't mind getting pitybroken by were Eirika, the Reinhardts and the Owains. Also surprised to have gotten all this year's New Years units besides Selkie.

Oh yeah, while I'm at it one of the tickets for the other banners managed to net me this...


My third New Years Azura so now she is up to +2 merges which is very nice.

So yeah, spent nearly my entire orb stack but I'm walking out with a +10 Anna and a free Azura so I'm pretty satisfied. Got to stock up for the next Anna alt now.

Wooo congrats on getting your +10 Anna, a bunch off good fodder, and a free Airzura!

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2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Haha, thanks! I spent last year trying really hard to save up enough orbs to +10 whatever Anna's first alt was going to be because of course I want to invest everything I had in my number one favorite Fire Emblem character and I'm happy to have accomplished it all in one go.

I admire your saving skills, really strong!

2 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

Also, not going to lie but seeing Oliver with Celica's hair gave me quite a spook for a moment. Still looks great though! L!Celica seems like she's a strong unit and I probably would have tried to get her too but Anna took priority. Congrats on getting halfway there on the L!Celica merges. Hope you get more merges of her in April! Congrats on Thrasir, Edelgard and Dimitri as well!

Thanks, I'll need all my luck!

Here, for the beauties:




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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Here, for the beauties:

[Nightmare Fuel]

I think this is the only one that has actually made me want to wash out my eyes.

I'm jealous of your Thrasir. I kinda wish the number of Edelgard vs Thrasir copies I ended up with were reversed, but I can't really complain.

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Well after seeing the trailer I decided to do a yolo summon for NY!Lethe since I would love a complete colors beast cav team.  Took 10 orbs but she actually showed up!  +def,-res so not the best, but at least she isn't -atk.  I am now truly done with the banner and I am happy since beast cav team is a go now.  Lethe has always been a favorite so I am glad to have both versions of her.

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