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... I free-pulled a 5-star Thea 😐

I mean, I wanted vanguard for Travant but uh ... I would've preferred Nailah. I wouldn't have even minded getting nothing of note.

Here's to hoping my luck on the legendary banner hasn't burned out with all these random ass 5-stars.

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I have Nailah, so red it is.

  1. 4* Seth: No thanks. There are 3 other reds, but I have other priorities for my orbs.

I've been lucky lately, so no reason to push it on a banner I don't really care about. Shame about those other reds though.

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Oh man I got Nailah as my free summon. I've been wanting her for a year now, so this should be a happy occasion but...

Her B-skill would do so much to make AR easier on me. My Picnic!Leo could use it to eat all those pesky Veronicas alive with his Raven Tome. I've been really looking forward to doing all that.

Problem is that I also want Nailah for herself and this copy just happens to have great IVs (+Atk -HP). Foddering her would be quite a shame.

I even tried pulling another copy, but 70 orbs had me pity broken by Tibarn (goodbye Def bane at least). Can't afford to spend anything more, so I am now at a loss as to what to do. Doing either feels like a waste tbh.

So yeah, I am not happy.. just conflicted.

Edited by Nanima
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VG banner looking good for me (to free pull). Tibarn would be great fodder and Keaton didn't want to come on his initial banner, even if I used a big heap of orbs to hunt him. 

Sooo, I red stone and it is: ... dreamy Camilla! 

Wow, I already got her as an off banner pull last year with the same nature (+SPD/-DEF), what are the odds? Free 5*, can't complain though. :- )

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10 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Oh man I got Nailah as my free summon. I've been wanting her for a year now, so this should be a happy occasion but...

Her B-skill would do so much to make AR easier on me. My Picnic!Leo could use it to eat all those pesky Veronicas alive with his Raven Tome. I've been really looking forward to doing all that.

Problem is that I also want Nailah for herself and this copy just happens to have great IVs (+Atk -HP). Foddering her would be quite a shame.

I even tried pulling another copy, but 70 orbs had me pity broken by Tibarn (goodbye Def bane at least). Can't afford to spend anything more, so I am now at a loss as to what to do. Doing either feels like a waste tbh.

So yeah, I am not happy.. just conflicted.

Null C Disrupt is infantry only.

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Would be happy with any of these pulls, so I'll do up to a full circle if applicable.

3* M Morgan
5* Keaton +Atk -Def
3* Chrom
3* Marth

Neat. Would rather Tibarn but can't complain about a Keaton with a perfect boon. Had just surpassed my record of 666 orbs to end up at 667 too, now I'm back below it.

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I guess to offset my previous crap luck of pulling lots of pity breakers, for this session, I finally got Keaton, 2 Nailahs, and only 1 pity breaker in the form Nephenee.

My Kronya's skill set is basically complete now with Null C-Disrupt. I might replace her Savage Blow for Pulse Smoke in the future, but I will probably stick with Savage Blow in most cases. I am now ready to use Kronya cheeses for Astra season.

Edited by XRay
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48 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Oh man I got Nailah as my free summon.

Ooooh congrats! (Also hey fellow Picnic Leo AR user)

Yeah this is quality bait banner and I fell for it. I was missing Nailah in my second account, will I get her?

2nd circle in gave me a +Res/-Spd 5 star Thea. At least I didn't have a rate...someone's going to get Vanguard. Then about 50 orbs later I finally got her- +Def/-Atk Nailah. Great fodder nature...but I also want to keep her, too so I'll have to wait for another Nailah sometime lol.

Then on my main I got a +HP/-Spd Tibarn after 60 orbs. Felt painful skipping the blues for NCD fodder (already have a neutral Nailah) but I want to get Keaton since he is rarely on banners. After getting the Tibarn, the very next circle with a reset rate had 1 red orb and....it's a +HP/-Def Keaton!

Well..hope I get lucky with L!Leif and maybe Wolt, because so much for my saved stash lol.

Also got a +Res/-HP Deirdre while hunting for Sonya earlier in the week, and a +Spd/-Def Brave Roy on his rerun banner.

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Ugh, I have an itchy trigger finger right now. I want to summon, but I know I'll regret it if I do. I need to wait at least until the mythic banner... >_<

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So... I got a Nailah with 9 Orbs!


I need to think about my next Null C project... I hve Nowi and Hawkeye, so I wan a Red unit now.

Some friends recommended my Itsuki, which is not a bad idea. I was also considering OG Roy, since he has Bracing Stance and QR in his weapon, so it saves me from the need of use QR in his seal slot and I can use anotehr type of seal... maybe another Stance or even Renewal.

 I would go with Tharja if we had Vantage Seal.

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I got her too! 😄 Though it took me 30ish orbs.


Still not bad though, and still kinda counts toward my general luck streak lately. lol And she's +Atk, -Spd. Not the greatest spread, but not the worst. I'll take it. I want her to further complete my Tellius and laguz collection! Now the only laguz I'm missing is Leanne.

I had to buy an orb pack to go back over 300 orbs though, and I want to stay there because of GD Ike's upcoming return. I still need to merge him more!

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Well the TMS banner gave me Mordecai at 5* so I will quit with that since I have shown some support for TMS.  As to the VG banner I pull the lone blue as my free pull and I get Sirius!  My first one so I am happy.

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Mmm, I still don’t have Keaton, maybe I’ll free pull red and see if-


Woah. But no way he has good IVs, I mean a free pull...?

+Atk -HP

*Jumps on desk and does the Spongebob Dance*

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Hey, anyone remember when I said I should seriously stop pulling on the FE4 banner? I certainly didn’t:



lol no reds yet again

.....Nope. I can’t even muster up any more anger at this point. Of course this was how it was going to end if I even got pity-broken again (rate would’ve risen to 4.75% after the Beruka) at all.

At least I’m now free from this banner from Hell I hadn’t promoted her yet and that this one is +Spd/-Res.

The 3rd anniversary can’t get here soon enough.

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44 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Hey, anyone remember when I said I should seriously stop pulling on the FE4 banner? I certainly didn’t:

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lol no reds yet again

.....Nope. I can’t even muster up any more anger at this point. Of course this was how it was going to end if I even got pity-broken again (rate would’ve risen to 4.75% after the Beruka) at all.

At least I’m now free from this banner from Hell I hadn’t promoted her yet and that this one is +Spd/-Res.

The 3rd anniversary can’t get here soon enough.

That's almost as bad as me senselessly pulling for Bucket Hinoka levels of ouch, not only did I get nearly everything other than her, but the pity breakers were units I didn't have but weren't looking for, except an Elise to fix my +Res girl's -Atk...


I really hope your luck picks up soon mate.  😧

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11 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

That's almost as bad as me senselessly pulling for Bucket Hinoka levels of ouch, not only did I get nearly everything other than her, but the pity breakers were units I didn't have but weren't looking for, except an Elise to fix my +Res girl's -Atk...


I really hope your luck picks up soon mate.  😧

Thank you.

My bad luck seemed to just be exclusive to that miserable banner since I did at least free pull Hubert (who I was missing) off the Chill Skills banner last week (though he also got +Def/-Spd). 

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