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Well that was the first crappy summoning session I've ever had. I actually got to 10% without a five star. I spent over 1000 orbs and I only got one Lilith and the free Lilith, so a +1 Lilith. I plan on spending the tickets to try to get one more at least...but those were all the orbs I was saving up for Catherine. Dang it, I like Lilith too much haha. Oh well, I'll try more and once this banner is done, I'll save again. Only took me a few months to get 1000, I can do that again.

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Spend around 300 orbs and Rinkah is +2. This is pretty nice. I try to get at least 1 more. After that I go back to saving and wait for her to appear on another Legendary or 3 hero banner. 

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@SatsumaFSoysoy Oh lucky Celica merge!

@Zeo @Landmaster @daisy jane 

So freebie lord. Thank goodness there are green orbs. Second account got my 3rd Deirde (+Res/-Spd) on the only green, while my main account netted a +HP/-Spd Hector! Score!

As for the Fates banner? Sadly no new Fates units, although pulling any greens gave me a Barst which is always welcome.

On my second account, on the final summon I opened everything anyway and I'm glad I did because I got a random +Res/-Def Mareeta on the red!

Then tried my luck for Skylivia again but nothing.

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Sigh... I fucking KNEW I was going to get worthless trash from the leads banner. I still have no idea why IS does these random free 5 star summons with random IVs. It only does anything for a few lucky people that actually pull something good and the rest of us are left with useless garbage. Especially in this case where many of the units are available at 3 and 4 star. I hope a lot of people sent complaints about this. I actually should myself and should have done so already.

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Game is sensing I started another Gacha (seven deadly sins - grand cross) and is flooding me with free 5* today :




+DEF/-RES, fixing my +ATK/-RES one. 

Soo, first 2 tickets from the new banner: 





Yay! Can't believe my luck today. 🙂 Zero orbs used ... 


Hopefully that holds until the legendary banner with L!Celica. 

Edited by mampfoid
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Got four red orbs and one blue for my freebie lead 5☆ summon. Tried my luck with red, got Celica. She's okay, but I'd have preferred Lyn for a merge, or one of the Byleths for fodder. But, hey, at least I wasn't stuck with five colorless orbs!

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4 Red, 1 Blue~ I only wanted Micky~


AND I GOT HER, YEEESSSSSSSS -Atk, +Def, happy she's finally home~ Only need Brave now~

1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy Oh lucky Celica merge!

@Zeo @Landmaster @daisy jane 

So freebie lord. Thank goodness there are green orbs. Second account got my 3rd Deirde (+Res/-Spd) on the only green, while my main account netted a +HP/-Spd Hector! Score!

As for the Fates banner? Sadly no new Fates units, although pulling any greens gave me a Barst which is always welcome.

On my second account, on the final summon I opened everything anyway and I'm glad I did because I got a random +Res/-Def Mareeta on the red!

Then tried my luck for Skylivia again but nothing.

Congrats on Deirdre, Hector, and Mareeta!

30 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Game is sensing I started another Gacha (seven deadly sins - grand cross) and is flooding me with free 5* today :

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+DEF/-RES, fixing my +ATK/-RES one. 

Soo, first 2 tickets from the new banner: 





Yay! Can't believe my luck today. 🙂 Zero orbs used ... 


Hopefully that holds until the legendary banner with L!Celica. 

Congrats, Mamp, that's so lucky!

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I got DC fodder from the leads banner. I wanted to try on blue but the game said "NOPE" and threw me 4 red stones and 1 green. I wasn't going to risk it so I chose the safest option. 

As for the Fates banner, I got a Pugi guy (+Def -Spd) from the second ticket. I don't care about Thracia characters and his nature is bad, so it seems now I have Mirror Stance 3 fodder too. I wonder who'd like using that? I still have to get the last 2 tickets, so we'll see if I can manage to snag a Lilith or some fodder.

For a little extra, I went and pulled a bit on the Mythic banner to see if I could get at least one of the colorless units. I got my 3rd Thrasir (+Spd -Res) so she's at +2 now, it's kinda funny how they all seem to be +Spd for whatever reason. 

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Only blues and reds for me, so I went with Blue and got Tsubasa [+Atk, -Spd]. Just need another copy down the line to fix it. The only TMS unit I am missing now is Kiria.

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Well, I had better luck on the Fates banner than the shitty leads one!

Roughly 60 orbs in:


Main target acquired! ^^ My +10 Kaze can have his little girl with him now! And I finally have a red bow too. +Spd, -Def. Which would be pretty decent if not for Def being one of her best stats. So I decided I'd fix it with the free summon at 40 pulls if I could also get either Rinkah or LIlith at some point.

Come my second ticket:


Well hello, Lilith! 😄 Neutral, btw.

And now my Midori is just +Spd with no -Def! Never got Rinkah though, so she'll have to wait until another time. I don't want her that bad.

Edited by Anacybele
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Was hoping for a green orb on the Heroes Lead free summon so I had a chance for Distant Counter fodder but I ended up with four red orbs and 1 blue orbs. Decided to pull one of the red orbs and got M!Byleth so I ended up getting Distant Counter (plus Ruptured Sky) fodder anyways.

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No 5* from Fates/Rev banner, but I did get an Eirika on the Lords banner, which I found a touch amusing since I've never gotten one (one of my very first 5* summons for the game was an Ephraim though).

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After getting Celica on the free 5☆ Lead banner, I threw a couple YOLO orbs at the Mythic banner, and...I got a duplicate Legendary Robin/Grima. No Bramimond, just Robin.

Bleh. Okay, let's use my free pull on the double Lyn & Hector revival! And...Eyvel. Blocked from what I wanted again.

Fine, game. Final time summoning today! Let's try the spring banner, maybe I'll get Est, or Idunn + Fae. Oh, cool, I got a 5☆...except it's NARCIAN. BLOCKED. AGAIN!

At least Narcian is +Atk, and Eyvel is +Spd.

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3,911 total pulled units.  I needed a specific fodder.


Corrin (+Def/-Spd): Wouldn't matter which male Corrin it was, this is unacceptable.
Soleil (+HP/-Def): Uh, hi Drive Res?
Eliwood (+Def/-Atk): Definitely not waifu material.
Sophia (+Spd/-Atk): Only if I wanted her to murder Brammy.
Gunter (neutral): Even with a shiny new axe, I'm not building this one.

Forrest (+HP/-Atk): 4* focus get!  Terrible bane, though.
Forrest (+Def/-Res): It's not like he's going to tank physical hits, either.
Tanya (+HP/-Def): Maybe Midori can make use of her bow?
Marth (+Spd/-Res): Not bad!
Clair (+Atk/-Res): Near-perfect!  Because she's a lower rarity, merges shouldn't be a problem.

Tethys (+Atk/-Res): Join Clair in the Now It's Perfect! circle
Leon (+Def/-Atk): So my waifu came home. ;/
Sothe (+Atk/-Res): Three amazing units so far, keep it up guys!
Hinata (+HP/-Spd): Hmm, who wants Fury?
Lilina (+Atk/-Res): FOUR!  OMG!

Klein (+Atk/-Spd): The worst thing about this is that he's 3*.
Forrest (+HP/-Res): FODDER! FOR REAL!  I was specifically hunting for Forrest, because Micaiah wants her Res Ploy, and she wants it NOW.  This one's 5*, so I don't need to spend any feathers!  As for the others, I'll wait until I get a good base, then go merge-happy.
Brady (+Def/-HP): He must've heard my calls for Infantry Rush for Midori.
Felicia (+Res/-Def): Dunno who wants Breath of Life at this point.
L'Arachel (+Def/-Spd): And we end with disappointment.

I got the fodder I was looking for, two copies of the same unit so I have future merges for him, and some amazing bases on older characters.  THAT was a good haul.  Time to save orbs!


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Free lead was Chrom, there were one colourless and 4 red orbs. At least Flame emperor got Aether for free (wanted a Julia merge though). 

In the fates banner I summoned 25 units so far, by Wednesday I will have reached 40 (it could have been Tuesday but I am lacking one single orb). Anyway the important stuuf I pulled so far were.

  • +Def -Spd Midori a good nature but I wanted that A slot for Julia so she got foddered. 
  • A +Spd -Res Rinkah, which is weird as I don't know what to do with her. 
  • A +def -res Nina that got foddered to Male Corrin for the B slot because I didn't want her in my barracks (she is a bad pity breaker that wasted space). 

A fine summoning session but I didn't get a Lilith to have a +1 after the free one or the last Fae merge. At least Julia is now back in action. 

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I got the tokens.

I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but why not?

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

3* Tharja (Haven't seen her in a while. +Res/-Def), 4* Marth (MARF! +Atk/-Def), 3* Laslow (He's so slow to get Inigo. +HP/-Def), 4* Sully (Not funny. +Def/-Res), 3* Cherche (Blerche. +Def/-Res)


2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

3* Cherche (Really? +HP/-Atk), 4* Camilla (Launch units. My bane. +Atk/-Res), 5* Midori (Massive Tank! +HP/-Atk, not that nature anyway.) 4* Ares (Good fodder. +Spd/-HP), 4* Matthew (Nahtthew. +Atk/-Spd)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* VIrion (ViriNON! +Atk/-Spd), 4* Maria (Nahria. +HP/-Atk), 4* Gunter (You know there are not launch units, right IS? +Def/-Spd), 4* Oscar (Not what I meant. +Spd/-HP), 3* Seliph (Mehliph. +Atk/-Def)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Forrest (Everyone's favourite progressive is here! +Def/-Spd, man.), 4* Forrest (This is getting out of hand. +Res/-HP), 3* Nino (I'll be picking Rinkah for sure at this rate? +Def/-Res), 4* Rody (No thanks. +HP/-Def, there's worse fodder.), 4* Jagen (I am not making a 5* +10 of him or Gunter. +Atk/-Spd)

So many units dropped in those colours and not one shows up. I did get Midori and not get pitybroken by Forrest, which is nice. 

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