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Success! Done with the new fallen banner. Goal was Corrin, Lyon and Ike in that order. With tickets, I got Fallen Male Corrin, a dupe Shannan and my first Osain! Wow!! That’s insane luck! Shannan was +Atk-Def, so I’ll probably merge my +HP-Def one I to him. Osain is -HP+Def, and I wanted him for a while, so I’m happy he showed up for me!! Corrin came at -HP+Def as well. I don’t mind the coincidence! Lol it could be worse, so I’m happy.

I ended up sparking for Ike even though I wanted Lyon more. I figured I could keep trying and get Lyon much easier than I could get Ike. I especially don’t trust myself as getting him on a future 3 man banner, where he could once again color share, and, even worse, risk getting a book 1 unit... so as neutral, he came home!

I kept summoning for Lyon after. I got a pity broken by Kaden at like 4%. He is -Atk/+Def, but thankfully he is my second copy. I’ll probably merge this one into my original +Atk-Spd version. Finally, at around 3.5% after that, I got Lyon! Perfect IVs too: +Atk-Spd! I’m so happy! Time to hoard until next week... Faye and Siegbert temp me, ugh lol.

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After using the three heroes+chapter orbs I got a -Atk/+Def F!Lyon...Classic. It is one of his superbanes to boot...at least he'll do well during his bonus weeks and his fodder is godly. Anyways, I still have 2 tickets left and will spark Julia if she doesn't come before that, if she does then Ike it is!

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2 sessions, 10 total pulls. I got a +Atk - Def Ike. It's fine I guess but I am more interested in Julia and Lyon ti he honest. Will go for the 40 summon to be able to get Julia for sure (or merge her) and then pray that no mythics can stop me from saving until August. 

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Got Ike on my second summon! +Spd/-HP, which seems quite good.

Still got some more tickets to pick up before I start doing my own sessions, though. I still want Lyon, and now that I have one of the red units, my current plan is to hold off on pulling more red orbs until I get around 10 summons in. I do want Julia, but not enough to want to go for red at this rate until I'm closer to the spark.

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My first three pulls, including the free one, were literally all Lon'qus. I started questioning my luck on this banner at that point because really, what the actual fuck.

But then my fourth pull...


AAAAAAH WHAT?! My corrupted mercenary hero came this fast?! lol This is the fastest I've ever gotten a new Ike, even breaking the record GD Ike held (he was the fourth session or so)! FUCK YES BABY!

Unfortunately, his IV spread is the worst (+Res, -Spd), but I planned to merge him anyway and I still got that free pick after 40 summons.

Edited by Anacybele
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Decided to snipe red and green on all ticket rounds and leave it at that. Things were looking pretty bleak, there was just the four greens and one red total in the first four rounds - indeed the very first circle offered a green with four greys. So once again it comes down to the last ticket...

Evil Ike +Atk -HP

Alrighty then. Not a fan of the unit (would rather have either of the mages) or his art but can't complain about this, especially since I've completely struck out with the Picnic tickets. I don't have the slightest clue how to use him, and it's unfortunate the quintuple XP/SP event just ended, so he'll just have to calm down for a while on the bench.

Anyway, I've ended up with just 10/40 on the free summon counter so it's not even remotely worth going for 40, I'm outta this banner.

(Rest of the units were 3* Echidna, Olivia and Merric; and 4* Arthur, Fae, Barst, Stahl, FCorrin, Caeda)

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@Zeo @daisy jane @Landmaster

Wanted greens for Lyon. Got a +Def/-Atk PegaNino on my main on the second ticket, which is neat since I didn't have her. Unfortunate bane but at least I have her.

Then on my last ticket I got +HP/-Def Fallen Ike!

Opened like 8 orbs worth of greens but at least I got some free 5 stars lol. None on my second but I got Reposition with Barst so till great! Good session overall.

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I got Julia and one more Ike before the free pick! Now my Ike is +2 and carrying a nice +Atk boon. ^^ Funny thing was though, the two Ikes I pulled before the free neutral one were both -Spd. Definitely a good thing I intended to merge him regardless.

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...I got a +HP -Atk Male Byleth on my 2nd pull on the banner.

I decided that yeah sure why not, I think I can get the orbs I need to get the free 5* unit just from playing the game. I... don't really like my chances of getting any of the 4 before then though, considering the larger number of 3* units than usual, PLUS Byleth. BUT TOO LATE TO TURN BACK NOW! So curses to you luck, but you won't get the best of me!
...even if every fiber of my being tells me to just ignore these guys...

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Well I can definitely stop questioning my luck now. lol

I just got these two within a short time frame!


+Atk, -Res and +Def, -Res respectively too. This has got to be the first time I've gotten a bunch of on-focus and off-focus 5 stars that were all units I didn't have! First time in a long while at least.

My tickets haven't gotten me anything tho. Both these 5 stars were from the new story orbs, believe it or not. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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More picnic disappointment.

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Hinata (Least it's good fodder. +HP/-Atk)

2 each Red, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Mercedes (IT TOOK 10 FUCKING MONTHS TO PULL HER. COLOURLESS IS TRASH. +HP/-Atk, what nature's good for her?)

Meanwhile, angery gang rises up. But it's getting tokens, so I'm going to only pull once now.

2 each Red. Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Fell!Julia (AW SHIT A FREE 5*, it's been ages. +Spd/-Def, I've seen worse.), 4* Tharja (Nope, please stop. +HP/-Spd), 4* Est (Also stop. Neutral), 3* Shigure (I mean, there's units I've never seen before. They'd be nice. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green

£* Raven (No thanks then. +Res/-Atk), 4* Rody (It's a shame he's not much anymore. +Def/-HP), 4* Bantu (It's him again! Neutral), 3* Fir (To the fire. +Def/-Spd), 3* M!Corrin (WRONG CORRIN! +Spd/-Atk)

3.25%, that's the start I supposed.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Got Ike on my second summon! +Spd/-HP, which seems quite good.

Still got some more tickets to pick up before I start doing my own sessions, though. I still want Lyon, and now that I have one of the red units, my current plan is to hold off on pulling more red orbs until I get around 10 summons in. I do want Julia, but not enough to want to go for red at this rate until I'm closer to the spark.

Kept going and got Igrene, a second Ike, Lysithea, and finally Lyon! I'm at 27/40 summons, so I could push for Julia as well, but I'm not doing that yet, want to make sure I can get Fjorm later this month first. Quite a haul for just 99 orbs (and the free summons).

Lyon is +Spd/-Atk, which is awful, but I'm sure he'll do great regardless. Igrene is +Spd/-Atk, which is a bit awkward. Ike #2 is +Def/-Res, which seems worse than the original, might use him for Breath+Repel fodder. Lysithea is +Res/-Def.

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My luck....it lives!



+Res/-Spd though, as there always has to be a catch. However, I’ll just be glad it took next to nothing just to get him.

Then, in the very next set:



Why thank you, Loki, for volunteering to donate your dual Balm+ to Forrest.

That said, I might let her stick around for a little bit due to a certain thing that I know is coming up soon.


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29 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

My luck....it lives!

  Hide contents


+Res/-Spd though, as there always has to be a catch. However, I’ll just be glad it took next to nothing just to get him.

Then, in the very next set:

  Hide contents


Why thank you, Loki, for volunteering to donate your dual Balm+ to Forrest.

That said, I might let her stick around for a little bit due to a certain thing that I know is coming up soon.



2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Well, nothing on the Fallen banner, time for the ticket aaaand....

Karla. Again. Wtf. That's the the fourth 5* I've pulled from these tickets and two of them are Karlas.


3 hours ago, mcsilas said:


Wanted greens for Lyon. Got a +Def/-Atk PegaNino on my main on the second ticket, which is neat since I didn't have her. Unfortunate bane but at least I have her.

Then on my last ticket I got +HP/-Def Fallen Ike!

Opened like 8 orbs worth of greens but at least I got some free 5 stars lol. None on my second but I got Reposition with Barst so till great! Good session overall.

Congrats on your 5*s, guise!

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Made my 40 pulls.

  • FallenMaleCorrin
  • FallenIke
  • FallenLyon
  • 2x FallenLysithea

Got Lyon with my 40th pull.

I really wanted Julia, but I had to pick Ike as free pull to get rid of his attack bane and become supergood with his speed superboon.

Funnily both Ike and Corrin are +spd / -atk which I totally can take since both have a superboon and are as quick as Speedy Gonzales.

Anyways the first two 40 pulls banners have been absurdly good for me so far in terms of 5*.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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First things first, two more Picnic tickets.

  1. 3* Soleil: Feathers.
  2. 4* Seliph: Meh.

And now for the main event, red-sniping for Julia and Ike. Only two tickets so far, but 125 orbs on hand without doing the story. Free pull first.

  1. 4* Barst: Reposition fodder is good.

Not exactly great, but still useful. Now Ticket 1.

  1. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder.

Only one red? Ticket 2 now.

  1. 3* Bantu: Ugh.
  2. 3* Olivia: Really?
  3. 4* Raigh: Wrong dark child.

That was lousy. I'll make one more pull for fun. 117 orbs left.

  1. 4* Stahl: Feathers.

Other than two copies of Reposition that was a complete waste of time. I'll come back when I've got the other two tickets.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Kept going and got Igrene, a second Ike, Lysithea, and finally Lyon! I'm at 27/40 summons, so I could push for Julia as well, but I'm not doing that yet, want to make sure I can get Fjorm later this month first. Quite a haul for just 99 orbs (and the free summons).

Lyon is +Spd/-Atk, which is awful, but I'm sure he'll do great regardless. Igrene is +Spd/-Atk, which is a bit awkward. Ike #2 is +Def/-Res, which seems worse than the original, might use him for Breath+Repel fodder. Lysithea is +Res/-Def.

Ended up topping off my summon counter, which took 57 orbs since I stuck to red and blue. No other interesting random summons, but I did claim my free Julia!

Hopefully this won't cause any problems with getting Fjorm. If I can avoid spending any more orbs until she shows up I should have at least 450 orbs when she does, which is pretty solid odds, and it'll run for a couple weeks. My original plan was to save up even more, but. Lyon called.

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I had a bit of a pity rate going, so I was like "I wanna break this now, preferably with another Ike of course." Especially since I now have a job again and one I think I'll actually keep and pays me good, so I can spend a bit more.


Though the slightly unfortunate part is that this one is +Spd and now I have to decide between that and +Atk. lol But either way I'll have a +3 Fallen Ike! I'll try to grab at least a couple more copies to get him halfway to +10 another time. Hopefully he's gonna serve me well in AR in Astra week too. So neat that I'll be using an Ike in both seasons now. ^^ (Since I use Brave Ike in Light season.)

I'm glad this time I didn't have much trouble getting the unit I wanted despite color sharing though, I typically have the worst luck there, and my luck with getting Ikes in general has been all over the place. It took me forever to get OG Ike when he first came out, then I got several of my Brave Ike merges for free, but then the rest came with difficulty. GD Ike I got pretty quick and with a freakin' perfect +Spd, -HP spread to boot, but then legendary Ike took forever. lol And THEN merging up OG Ike and GD Ike I got insanely lucky with and RD Ike merges aren't coming easy! Now Fallen Ike is a thing and he's being pretty cooperative. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I got the other two tickets and the story orbs. Back to pulling with 132 orbs. Ticket 3...

  1. 4* Shigure: Bleh.

Again no reds. What is this? Ticket 4...

  1. 3* Fir: Feathers.

Two red focus units and I'm getting this few red orbs? Anyway, now to actually dip into my stock.

  1. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder.

Nice, but still only one red. 127 orbs left.

  1. 3* Bantu: Again?
  2. 4* Caeda: Meh.

At least there was more than one red this time. 118 orbs left.

  1. 4* Henry: Worthless.

I guess I spoke too soon. 113 orbs left.

  1. 4* Rath: -Atk again, so another manual for when I finally get him with a good asset.

This is ridiculous. 108 orbs left.

  1. 5* Sirius: Seems that I've been given something to appease me. +Atk/-Def is good, on top of him being a powerful unit to begin with.

A pleasant surprise, but I'm here for Ike and Julia. 103 orbs left.

  1. 4* Chrom: Nope.
  2. 4* M!Morgan: Another merge for my boy.
  3. 3* Sophia: Similar design, but not exactly Julia.

Moving on. 90 orbs left.

  1. 3* Seth: Eh.
  2. 4* Eirika: Fitting.
  3. 3* Tharja: Meh.
  4. 3* Ogma: Feathers.
  5. 3* Florina: This is what I get for trying to save an orb or two.

That was complete garbage. 70 orbs left.

  1. 4* Echidna: Good SI fodder.

And we're back to zero reds. Great. 65 orbs left.

  1. 4* Laslow: Feathers.
  2. 4* Draug: More feathers.
  3. 4* Henry: Go away.
  4. 3* Roy: Ugh.
  5. 4* Tailtiu: Nope.

So much for that circle. 45 orbs left.

  1. 3* Palla: Meh.
  2. 5* Fallen!Julia: Finally! And of course she's +Def/-Atk, possibly the worst combination she could have. Still, I have her!

At least Julia'll be +1 at the end of this. 36 orbs left.

  1. 3* Echidna: Again?

No reds again. 31 orbs left.

  1. 4* Marth: Meh.

Running low on orbs. 26 left.

  1. 4* Cain: Meh.

One more circle. 21 orbs left.

  1. 4* Hana: Feathers.

Figures. Two red focus units and I still get half a dozen circles with literally zero reds in them. Still, Sirius and Julia means I haven't done too badly on the 5* front. Still 6 units left to pull until I can get my freebie.

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So I decided to go for the free summon star. I didn't do a full summoning session each time at first, which was stupid of me. But at least at the end I got Ike from the free pool. Also got Julia relatively quickly. Along the journey I also found new friends Keaton, Nils, and the Hinoka with a bow. Lol I had no idea Nils was even in the game. I completely forgot. Anyways, I have like no orbs left now. But I figured it'd be all right to spend that much since I'm at least guaranteed a character at the end, so I couldn't convince myself to stop halfway. I just wish it hadn't taken so long to get Legendary Edelgard. I'd have had so many more orbs.

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.... I don't think I have ever had this much good luck from a banner. In 160 orbs I got:

Fallen Ike
Fallen Lyon
Fallen Lyon
Fallen M!Corrin
Fallen Julia
Fallen Ike

That means I got all 4 focus heroes in their debut banner and got multiples of 2 of them. I have never had that happen before.

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7 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Wanted greens for Lyon. Got a +Def/-Atk PegaNino on my main on the second ticket, which is neat since I didn't have her. Unfortunate bane but at least I have her.

Then on my last ticket I got +HP/-Def Fallen Ike!

Opened like 8 orbs worth of greens but at least I got some free 5 stars lol. None on my second but I got Reposition with Barst so till great! Good session overall.

Congrats on your Nino and Ike. No the best IVs for both, but still... 

3 hours ago, Lemmy said:

40 summons and I got

+Res Juliá


+Spd Ike


Congrats! Since you did 40 summons, what is your free pick, since both Julia and Ike have IVs so it was none of these two?

3 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Made my 40 pulls.

  • FallenMaleCorrin
  • FallenIke
  • FallenLyon
  • 2x FallenLysithea

Got Lyon with my 40th pull.

I really wanted Julia, but I had to pick Ike as free pull to get rid of his attack bane and become supergood with his speed superboon.

Funnily both Ike and Corrin are +spd / -atk which I totally can take since both have a superboon and are as quick as Speedy Gonzales.

Anyways the first two 40 pulls banners have been absurdly good for me so far in terms of 5*.

That was pretty good! Too back you didn't get the one you wanted, but you got some pretty strong heroes!

19 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

.... I don't think I have ever had this much good luck from a banner. In 160 orbs I got:

Fallen Ike
Fallen Lyon
Fallen Lyon
Fallen M!Corrin
Fallen Julia
Fallen Ike

That means I got all 4 focus heroes in their debut banner and got multiples of 2 of them. I have never had that happen before.

Wow! Congrats! Getting all focus units in a banner in it's debut is pretty awesome! For me, it happened 3 times: the first NY Banner (Azura, Camilla and Takumi), the first Valentines (Hector, Lilina, Roy and Lyn), and the 30th Anniversary banner (Marth, Caeda, Merric and Trio Duo Palla). I could consider CYL 1 as well, but Lyn was my free pick and not a summon in that banner.

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21 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Congrats! Since you did 40 summons, what is your free pick, since both Julia and Ike have IVs so it was none of these two?

It was Ike, I’ll probably +10 him on a future banner.

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