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Got Fjorm on my free summon! Then finally took on the main bride banner and got Rafiel, Nailah, and Micaiah in 268 orbs. Also duplicates of Loki and Leanne.

An extra Leanne is useless to me, but Loki could really come in handy, for building someone like Virion for Arena. I don't actually have the copies on hand to merge any colorless infantry except Kagero right now, though, and I don't care about Kagero.

I also got my first copies of Forrest and Tania, meaning I now have a copy of every demote for the first time in about a year. Those two, Chad, and Echidna still don't have natures good enough for me to upgrade, but I did finally get a good Ferdinand, so I'll upgrade him.

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I would like Pulse smoke, ARD Spd/Def and a second Fjorm. 

I got on my first round: Lilith (Score! 300C skill fodder!) and Takumi (I am at the point I have too much CC fodder now.)

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Last year I got Groom Pent in my second circle. This year I got Bride Fjorm in my third! Super happy! I might go for B Sanaki in a few days... maybe...


She is neutral IVS btw 😄 

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On the one hand I'd like Groom Pent.

On the other hand legendary banner.

2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red (Fjorm merge then?)

3* Saizo (the disappointment I feel. *+Res/-HP)

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So, I wanted to save for the mythic banner originally, but ended up dumping all my orbs into the 3H banner because I wanted a second Claude. On my very last five pulls, I got +spd -res female Byleth and ...

... +atk -res Gerik

I think Edelgard has something against me guys, every time I summon green on a banner she's on, I get some other green 5-star. I also got +atk -spd Dorcas earlier here.

Oh well, got my free Claude.

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IS really should have notified us beforehand about the new hero revival in a way. I was really unprepared (like the previous banners). I thought I had plenty of time so I made bad uses of my orbs and tickets but I soon enough realised I didn't have much time, so by the looks of it I won't be able to do the 40 pulls which is a shame as I really wanted an Edelgard merge (she is +6 right now). I am at 19 summons and the total greens were I believe somewhere around 5 and all the rest were Red and Blue of course not a singe 5*. Had I noticed the time limit then I would have gone for full summons and maybe I could have gone to 30 at least now I don't think so. At least the mythic is a skip. 

Edited by SuperNova125
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4,039 total pulled units.


Silvia (+Res/-Def): Nope.

Brady (+Spd/-Def): I CAN LIVE WITH THIS!  Finally got a good one!

Lukas (+HP/-Atk): The other way around!

Robin (+Def/-Spd): Same applies to you!

Mathilda (+HP/-Def): Definitely no.

Thea (+Atk/-Def): Atta girl!

Peri (+Spd/-Res): I guess?

Jeorge (+HP/-Res): That's rather bad.
Leon (+Spd/-Atk): I'm tempted to build another one due to his PRF.

Leon (+Atk/-Def): VERY TEMPTING.
Setsuna (+Def/-HP): You still don't have your personal bow.
Wendy (+Def/-Spd): This is passable.

Well, that wasn't a total waste of orbs.


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With Mila being a thing, I decided to go back into Bridal Beloveds to get another copy of BB!Oboro so I can put Odd Pulse Tie on Mila when I get her. I still need another copy of Nils so I can put Even Pulse Tie on a second Mila. With double Isolation and double Special uncharging, I think that should be enough to unravel most Infantry Pulse teams more effortlessly.

Got pity broken 4 times before I got my second Oboro, so yeah, not exactly lucky. I got pity broken by 2 Shannans, 1 WOT!Reinhardt, and 1 A!Camilla. A!Camilla and WOT!Reinhardt are nice and I can merge them, so I guess I do not really mind being pity broken by those two. Shannon feels the most like a dud to me, although Steady Posture is pretty decent so I guess it is not completely bad, but I do not think I got any fast Distant Counter units with much higher Res than Def though. I guess Fjorm counts, but she cannot be Mythic Blessed. There is also Fae, but I have not even built her up much yet and I want to see what Refinement she will eventually get before I give her an A skill.

Hopefully, I get 2 Milas relatively soon when she comes tomorrow, preferably 3 or 4 in case any of them are -HP so I can get rid of that Flaw. UOT!Leif and SK!Alm will be very welcomed as well, although I do not want more than 2 of each copy right now since I really need to tighten my spending.

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I didn't get a Bride Fjorm from the Free Summon circle. That's fine.

2 hours ago, XRay said:

With Mila being a thing, I decided to go back into Bridal Beloveds to get another copy of BB!Oboro so I can put Odd Pulse Tie on Mila when I get her.

Hm... Do you plan to run HP+5 or HP/Def 2 on her? Or change her weapon to a inheritable one to get more Res and Def with refinement?

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... Do you plan to run HP+5 or HP/Def 2 on her? Or change her weapon to a inheritable one to get more Res and Def with refinement?

HP+5 on A slot and HP/Def on Sacred Seal on one of them, and the other one can run double HP+5.

I would like to have HP/Def on the A slot for both, but I do not have any available HP/Def fodder, and I rather not use Marisa nor any Grail units for fodder.

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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

HP+5 on A slot and HP/Def on Sacred Seal on one of them, and the other one can run double HP+5.

I would like to have HP/Def on the A slot for both, but I do not have any available HP/Def fodder, and I rather not use Marisa nor any Grail units for fodder.

Interesting. So you are going for 2 Milas. I hope you don't get a -HP or -Def one. Let us hope for two -Spd Milas.

If you already have Lance Valor, you can fodder the Summer Robin manual we will get next month. She has HP/Def 2. With this, one Mila can have HP/Def 2 A skill and HP+5 Seal, while the other Mila can have HP+5 A skill and HP/Def 2 seal.

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...this game sucks.

I decided to go for Bernadetta or Kiria, whoever appeared first. Seems innocent, right? I got Kiria... +Spd -Atk...

AFTER SO MANY FREAKING PULLS. How many? I dunno, but I can tell you that I got Lene, Midori, Adrift Camilla, Lyn, and Laevatein in the meantime!

And you know what that means? Laevatein at least? THAT MEANS I HAVE TO MAKE A VISIT TO THE 5* +10 THREAD NOW. All for a bad Kiria...

...except I had 18 orbs left while typing the above and decided fuck it I'm about done with this game, and then 4 summons later Bernie +HP -Res appeared.

...this game is a freaking tease. I am so glad I'm not anticipating any particular units anytime soon... pretty sure FEH alone took up most of my June gaming budget...

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Went all out for Dimitri in the Three Houses banner, but I didn't get a 5* unit on the initial 40. Imagine my surprise (and slight disgust) when I got one (Adrift Corrin) as my 41st pull.

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My luck with colorless units this year... First Brammimond appears as my free summon in their banner, Wedding Micaiah appeared relatively easily (with a bit of prodding, but hey I didn't even get pity broken by Rafiel), Bernadetta was summoned after so much pain...

Well, now Mila appeared as my free summon. +HP -Def isn't that great an asset/flaw for her in particular of course... but no one ever said anything about having a good natured free summon.

Edited by Xenomata
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Time to get started with Mila's banner. I'll take whatever comes to me. 90 orbs on hand.

  1. 5* L!Julia: Well, that's a fantastic opening pull! +Spd/-Res, so a merge copy. She's +4 now.
  2. 3* Raven: Feathers.
  3. 3* Raigh: More feathers.
  4. 4* Sophia: Even more feathers.
  5. 4* Eliwood: So close...

Getting Julia so quickly makes me very happy. Now to see if I can get Leif or Alm a merge. 75 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wrys: Meh.
  2. 3* Reinhardt: Ugh.
  3. 4* Mathilda: Feathers.
  4. 4* Henry: No thanks.
  5. 4* Echidna: SI fodder.

Continuing on...55 orbs left.

  1. 4* Norne: Finally she shows up again! +Res just like my first copy, so might as well merge her.
  2. 4* Nanna: Eh.
  3. 4* Silas: Reposition fodder.
  4. 4* Reyson: Feathers.
  5. 3* Sheena: Meh.

Some good fodder, but no 5*. 35 orbs left.

  1. 3* Klein: Death Blow fodder.
  2. 4* Tanya: Feathers.
  3. 4* Eliwood: Again?
  4. 4* Stahl: Swap fodder.
  5. 3* Python: Moonbow fodder.

Probably should have just considered myself lucky to get Julia and called it a day there. I guess I'll have to come back to this banner.

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Alright, approximately 200 orbs and I'm prepared to drain them since this month is probably the best legendary line-up for the foreseeable future. Customary full first round, then grey into red. The dream remains a +Atk Leif of course, with secondary targets being Mila and Eliwood (one will do).

3* Clair
4* Soren
4* Kaze
3* Cherche
4* Raven

3* Cain
3* Mercedes

3* Niles
3* Rebecca
3* Setsuna
3* Wrys
3* Nino

3* Lissa
4* Marth
3* Henry

4* Gaius
3* M Morgan
4* Ares

4* Tethys
4* Athena
4* Athena

10%, a very disappointing start, including a remarkable run of 3-stars.

3* Norne
3* Stahl
3* Lon'qu
4* Selena

3* Jeorge
4* Wrys

5* Legendary Leif +Atk -Res - And there he is. The 5* rate might have been awful but primary target acquired.
4* Selena
3* Shigure
4* Peri
3* Saizo

4* Lilina
3* Eirika

4* Jakob
4* Marth
4* Eliwood
4* Draug
4* Python

4* Athena
5* Mila +Atk -Def - Unfortunate bane, I'll still look to +1 her as I like to do with most units.
3* Gaius
4* Gwendolyn
3* Tailtiu

4* Azama
4* Cain

3* Azama
3* Mercedes
4* Eirika

4* Legault
4* Clarine


Welp, two 5-stars for ~220 orbs is pretty poor in anyone's book, but at least this time the two units are actually good. I'll probably keep spending the orb income over the coming week into the banner, at least until one more 5-star arrives. This puts paid to any notion of getting the sparked 5-star from the next banner but so be it.

Meanwhile Leif goes to +3 and changes boon from +Res to +Atk. He's had some trouble trying to get through the inflated bulk of units especially in Mjolnir's Strike so the increase in Atk from 49 to 53 is rather a big deal.

Edited by Humanoid
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Well. My free pull was a +res Legendary Leif (my first Legendary Leif.) I was hoping for Mila, but I think that's still good.

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First circle gave me +atk -spd Legendary Eliwood and +spd -def Legendary Julia.

That's pretty good! Although I think I will go back in, since -spd isn't the best for Eliwood and I would still like Lif and Leif.

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Absolutely insane luck on this banner. I got ten 5 stars with about 250 orbs. +Atk merge for Leif, + Spd Merge for Alm, and I didn't have most of the other characters. The game seemingly wanted to balance my good luck with a +Spd-Def Mila, but I got a +Atk-Spd one soon after.

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Three greys on the Mythic. No Alm or Mila (For fodder). 


Back to Bridal Belongings, still need Sigrun for ARD Spd/Def and Pent for Pulse Smoke. 

Got a Sigrun, Tana and SOV!Catria Merge. Tana is new, so 6k feathers which is great. Sigrun is nice fodder for Eliwood and Catria is now +1. So far so good. Hopefully my weekly orbs will yolo me a pent. Since I am at 5 now. Just Pent to finish my Brunnya. Afterthat i can save for Nailah and Miccy's return.

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I had some nice luck on this one! 200ish orbs got me:

Lucina (and she has pretty much perfect IVs)
Ephraim (YAY)
Mila (Yay!)

And in just a few more pulls on the Bridal Belonging banner, I finally got my hands on Bride Fjorm! She can help in AR defense, I believe. I've periodically seen her on those teams. Only question now is whether I give her a Dark or Anima blessing, but that'll be answered in due time.

I'm also going to merge Leif, but I think I'll fodder Julia since she has Sturdy Impact and I've got a few folks who'd like that, I think. Lilina is probably my best candidate, but I don't use her very often... So I'm not entirely sure who's going to get it yet.

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