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I got Sylvain with some orbs. That's fine.

@mcsilas Congrats on your summons! Have fun with these units!

@Vicious Sal Eeeehh, let her be. She just has this need of sharing everything and complaining about everything that she gets. Maybe she thinks someone cares for what she pull? Meh, I don't think so.

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just yolo-ed another Duo Rhea-Byleth, i'm seriously thinking of +10-ing them, but it'll be kinda impossible without spending money

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First time I ever really pulled from a summer banner.

For 150 orbs got Igrene (new), 5* Sylvain and Mareeta.

Mixed feelings because the only focus unit has been the demote, but at least the two off focus pulls are excellent.

Sylvain and Igrene are neutral (have no idea if will seriously use them) and Mareeta is +spd which means my current one will have a new base.

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Yes! Free pull full Byleth and Rhea!

Cynthia will finally have a her tier 4 skill! I could even give her Ground orders if I have a spare attack push 3 unit to give.

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I'm probably at around 500 orbs into this now and I still only have those few Sylvain copies and a duo Byleth to show... 😕

...Well, and a pitybreaking Grima Robin, actually. He was instantly manual'd. I will never use him at all.

I'll continue another time, I need a break. I guess for now I'll use the 5 star Sylvain I got because nice IVs. And a +Spd one will come at some other time.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think I've pulled 5 3* red units in a row. Still trying to get Summer Joshua because I am not wasting that 4.25% pity rate. Then, hopefully, I'll be able to get a Sylvain from the other banner. He's a possible 4*, so that increases the odds, which is nice.

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I'm horrible at saving orbs in general, and I'm strictly F2P, so I had only about 80 for this 3H banner. Still, pleased with the results so far!

First full circle pull (including the free pull) produced nothing...

Second full circle pulled Surtr! +Spd -Def but still, finally got him. 

Third full circle pulled Sirius! +Atk -Spd but cool to have him nonetheless. 

Fourth full circle finally got me both OM!Byleth (+Atk -Def) AND another Sothe, which is good for me because he's now at +6 and so close to being my second or third +10 hero (Kronya being my first and only +10 currently and Mordecai just barely ahead of Sothe at +7). Works for me, my most wanted unit from this banner is still Dorothea so I'd like to keep pulling 'til I get 1 or 2 of her, but I guess the CYL winners are coming soon too, hmm...

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Grabbed enough orbs from the quests and chain battles together for one circle.

Pulled FlyingNino and Ingrid with resetted pityrate.

The irony is it was the very first blue I pulled just to increase the pityrate. 

She's +HP / -spd, so she'll be dinner for Ashnard if I don't pull another copy of her soon to fix this bane.

Nino is +atk, but I have no use for her since I have the forma version which is OP.

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And I get pitybroken by sword Reinhardt and fricken Petra instead of getting Ingrid...

Although on the good side of this, this Reinhardt is +Atk and now that means I have every single Reinhardt and with +Atk. Yes, dancer Reinhardt too. Holy crap.

I'm going to wait to do more pulls. I spent enough money for right now.

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I spent about 50 orbs on the TH summer banner but unfortunately did not get a focus unit (including Sylvain) or any Forrests who has been stuck at +5 for what feels like two months now

I did, however, get one new 5*:



IVs: +Atk/-Spd

I honestly wouldn’t have been upset if I never pulled vanilla Silque, but at least my orbs got me something here.

Plus, those IVs are fairly good as well.


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Well they tempted me with my Blue Lions so I had to dip into the CYL stash~ Good thing we got some Orb deals today~

 3 Strikes and I'm out, as much as I want Ingrid, I can't spend too much here~

Strike #1


Well, I never wanted to see this child but at least she has Spd Tactics~

Strike #2


I truly never wanted to see her since Reprisal Lance is free now but...okay, she wasn't at a rate at least and at least she wasn't Altena.

and for #3


And she is home! I don't know if I was lucky or unlucky to only get a single circle with no blues but because of that, no Sylvains to marry her to or feed to Elise. Maybe near the end of the Banner I'll try to get one but chances are, I'm taking Ingrid and running~ She's +Atk so the pain was worth it~

5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Was nice to have a skippable legendary. Did the first circle of relevant orbs at least. Got a free +Atk/-Spd Peony on my main account.

Then Draconic Aura banner came. Guess I'll hunt Keaton.

Main account gave me my luckiest first summon circle:


+HP/-Def Elincia as a freebie while +Res/-HP Nah for 4 orbs. Ironic since I wanted a red Brave user, and if it was a blue I wanted an Awakening kid...which Nah technically is lol.

Then I used about 80 orbs in my alt to finally get a Keaton, with +Res/-HP.

Then came summer 3H. I wanted Sylvain, and had 109 and 80 orbs respectively.

It took me about 50 orbs and got a +Atk/-HP S!Sylvain at 4 star for my alt. 

On my main, it took me a nice 17 orbs to get a 4 star +Spd/-Def S!Sylvain! Then I opened the rest of the circle, got nothing. Tempted to try another session to remove superbane, got no greens so I pick colourless and out comes +HP/-Atk S!Dorothea! Bane is unfortunate but hey, dancers are always welcome!

Think I'll stop there and wait for the next trailers to try and save again. It'll be tough but I shouldn't summon on Desert Mercenaries straight away...

Oooh that's a lot of nice goodies, I'm jealous, Keaton didn't want to show up for me~ And Nah, you're stealing all my favorites~ Congrats on all your pulls!

2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I got Sylvain with some orbs. That's fine.

Congrats on Sylvain, Dio!~

4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I spent about 50 orbs on the TH summer banner but unfortunately did not get a focus unit (including Sylvain) or any Forrests who has been stuck at +5 for what feels like two months now

I did, however, get one new 5*:

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IVs: +Atk/-Spd

I honestly wouldn’t have been upset if I never pulled vanilla Silque, but at least my orbs got me something here.

Plus, those IVs are fairly good as well.


Ayye congrats on Silque, is she a snack for Forrest?

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33 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Ayye congrats on Silque, is she a snack for Forrest?

Nah, he’s already been fed four 5* exclusive units so Silque can stay.

I’m pretty content with what he has (minus the fact that I’m currently cursed to never pull him again, of course):



Congratulations yourself on that Ingrid, by the way. She’s the one I want to get the most myself before the banner ends.

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I spent... 350 orbs? Not the most impressed... I hardly got ANY greens or reds, and I really want to +10 Sylvain while shooting for one copy of the Duo.

I have a +3 Sylvain by the end of it, one of them was a 5*, but I did get a +Spd boon at that. 

I also walked away with my first OG Mareeta and Nagi, as well as a dupe Lysithea, Fallen Lyon and Eyvel. 

Pity breaker wise, I never mind new units. Mareeta came at +HP -Res which isn’t the worst, but Nagi was sadly +Res -Atk... meh. They’re new so I’m not too upset, could be a lot worse... Rhajat anyone?

The Lysithea AND F Lyon are both +Atk -Def... except both of my first copies have perfect IVs as it is! LOL I think Lysithea is +Atk -Res? And Lyon is +Atk -Spd. I will probably merge them both because I adore both of their characters.


Eyvel... well... lol. She came in at -Atk +Spd and I already have a +Spd -HP one so... who event wants Guard Sword?? I’m not opposed to merging, just feel indifferent. The only meh thing that came out of this session, but im still kinda upset I HARDLY got any greens... and the few reds I DID get were off focus 5*s


I just stuck to blue for the most part

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7 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I spent... 350 orbs? Not the most impressed... I hardly got ANY greens or reds, and I really want to +10 Sylvain while shooting for one copy of the Duo.

I have a +3 Sylvain by the end of it, one of them was a 5*, but I did get a +Spd boon at that. 

I also walked away with my first OG Mareeta and Nagi, as well as a dupe Lysithea, Fallen Lyon and Eyvel. 

Pity breaker wise, I never mind new units. Mareeta came at +HP -Res which isn’t the worst, but Nagi was sadly +Res -Atk... meh. They’re new so I’m not too upset, could be a lot worse... Rhajat anyone?

The Lysithea AND F Lyon are both +Atk -Def... except both of my first copies have perfect IVs as it is! LOL I think Lysithea is +Atk -Res? And Lyon is +Atk -Spd. I will probably merge them both because I adore both of their characters.


Eyvel... well... lol. She came in at -Atk +Spd and I already have a +Spd -HP one so... who event wants Guard Sword?? I’m not opposed to merging, just feel indifferent. The only meh thing that came out of this session, but im still kinda upset I HARDLY got any greens... and the few reds I DID get were off focus 5*s


I just stuck to blue for the most part

well there's also atk/def form. (which could be interesting to play with). 
Guard Sword could go on Olivia/Silvia (if you are building them, and it will present galeforce from proccing. 



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10 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

I spent... 350 orbs? Not the most impressed... I hardly got ANY greens or reds, and I really want to +10 Sylvain while shooting for one copy of the Duo.

I'm having similarly shitty luck. Except in my case, I'm getting hardly any greens or blues, and I still want at least ONE damn Ingrid. I've even gone several sessions in a row with no blue...

I'm also getting pitybroken constantly now like I was on the Elincia revival banner. My last 5 star units pulled were Rhajat, Sword Reinhardt, and Petra.

At least I have a +5 Sylvain. Though I still lack a Spd boon here. Instead I have to use +Atk for now...

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Yeah... I noticed that you are not having good luck in this banner... With 500 orbs, I already had a +10 Young Marth. Some of my friends even did it with between 300-400 orbs. And you reached +5 with that amount. I hope it doesn't end to be that expensive for you.

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Well my FGO luck pre-empted my luck here. Bought the orb packs, plus a $20 pack and only got Bikinileth and Brave Ephraim. I guess Ephraim didn't get the memo that I didn't need him anymore, even if his Brave self is now +2. It could have been a Sylvain with +Spd/-Def instead.

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Used up 80 saved orbs and very first sessions gives me a Laevatein (She’s getting merged), and near the end I get a 4* Sylvain and Ingrid (+Atk -HP!) I was pulling all colors on this banner so this was a nice haul. No Dorothea sadly, but I’ll wait until I save some more orbs before deciding if I go for her. 

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36 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

well there's also atk/def form. (which could be interesting to play with). 
Guard Sword could go on Olivia/Silvia (if you are building them, and it will present galeforce from proccing. 



Hmm yeah! I kinda ignored the form skill, but I’ll probably have more use giving it to someone than straight away merging her... we’ll see! She will chill for now. I’d like to use her more than I currently do in modes like AA, but I have so many red swords who can do her job and better by this point lol


37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm having similarly shitty luck. Except in my case, I'm getting hardly any greens or blues, and I still want at least ONE damn Ingrid. I've even gone several sessions in a row with no blue...

I'm also getting pitybroken constantly now like I was on the Elincia revival banner. My last 5 star units pulled were Rhajat, Sword Reinhardt, and Petra.

At least I have a +5 Sylvain. Though I still lack a Spd boon here. Instead I have to use +Atk for now...

Ahh I hope our luck turns around! I would give you my blues if I could! I keep getting entirely blue and colorless circles, or one red and no greens, or one green and no reds.

Petra is nice unit, but I’m sorry about Tharja lite and Swordhardt... 😕 

Halfway there! At least Atk is more than good enough of a backup too. TT starts tonight, best of luck to both of us! (although I also wanna save up for the Duo Ephraim revival on the 11th... RIP)

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37 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:


Yeah... I noticed that you are not having good luck in this banner... With 500 orbs, I already had a +10 Young Marth. Some of my friends even did it with between 300-400 orbs. And you reached +5 with that amount. I hope it doesn't end to be that expensive for you.

Yeah, I really did destroy any luck I could've had here on that Elincia revival...

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Okay...450 orbs later, my overall haul is:

1 Byleth Duo (-Atk/+Res)

1 Ingrid (-Atk/+Def)

1 F!Julia (Nature is moot since I have a good one already)

1 F!Mareeta (New, but not that exciting. I can do another Dream Corrin merge instead of keeping it for NFU)

1 Brave Ephraim (+Spd, ick)

1 Dorothea (+Atk/-Spd, also ick for that bane)

1 Queen Camilla (-Atk/+Spd. I think I see a pattern here...)

1 Phina (Neutral. Brings her to...+2? +3?)

Aaaand...6 SYLVAIN! Which only brings him to +5. I agree with @Anacybele, Sylvain's rate on this sucks compared to other 4* Focus characters. 2 of these Sylvain were 5*.

I don't think I'll be doing as much for CYL as I had hoped...

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