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Wow, my luck has been completely bonkers this month. Was looking for Hector and Ephraim in the remix banner, willing to spark if necessary, got Hector on my third pull and Ephraim on the 27th. Also got a second Duessel and my first Orochi on the way. Didn’t need to spark.

 Free pulled Igrene, had been wanting her for a while.

 And today on the Mythic banner, was looking mostly for Byleth and an Ótr, got:

- Zeke (new!), two Liefs, Claude, 4* special Nina (new!), Celica, three Ótrs (new!) and Byleth (new!)

 In under 300 orbs.

 Thank you gacha gods.

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Alright, time for some more pulls. Grey on the Archer VG banner.

  1. 5* Jeorge: Are you serious? Is this where my luck is going? +Res/-HP isn't even good.

Well, that happened. On to the Noontime banner. Red since I'm only missing Kris.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.

Green for the Mythic banner since Otr is the flagship character.

  1. 4* Echidna: No.

And back once again to the Scions banner with 50 orbs and a 4.75% pity rate.

  1. 4* Nanna: No.

45 orbs left.

  1. 4* Natasha: No.

40 orbs left.

  1. 4* Saizo: No.

35 orbs left.

  1. 4* Kagero: No.

30 orbs left.

  1. 5* Harmonic!Leif: Finally! It only took me 250-something orbs. Funnily he's +Res/-HP like Jeorge, which is fine. Now for the rest of the circle.
  2. 4* Chad: No.
  3. 4* Sothe: No.
  4. 4* Lon'qu: No.
  5. 3* Laslow: No.

Well, after spending 250-something orbs I finally got Harmonic!Leif. I didn't even get much else along the way, just a Fallen!Edelgard and a Exalted!Chrom and Takumi as 4* Specials. Nevertheless my Harmonic collection is once again complete.

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Urgh, I spent too many orbs not getting Legendary Ephraim. I hope I'll have enough to try for Shigure when his banner reruns on the 3rd. Currently, I don't even have 100 orbs, and that's after the latest bunch of October quests.

Edit: Aaaand I guess the banner's here now! I threw almost all of my orbs at it and...well, at least I got my first regular Tana. Blue nodes didn't want to show up much. I'll have to try to save up more orbs to keep at this banner and hopefully get a Singing Shigure so I can get that B Tome Valor.

Edited by Mercakete
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After that crappy Jeorge I got a Legendary Celica merge and Otr from the Mythic banner. I needed Otr because I never got Seiros, so that's cool. He's -Atk and I don't plan on using Trait Fruits on him as he's just a 7th slot bot so it still counts as a win. 

I also got F!Kana from the 4* special rate twice in a row for whatever reason. She went from +1 to +3 in a couple of minutes, which is pretty funny. 

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Experience skills... uh... interesting theme for a banner, especially considering one of the units is from Year 1 of the game, and another is a 4* pool unit, but... yeah, great theme...

...just in case anyone was wondering, Rhajat is NOT Lex. She was, however, the freebie 4* Special summon from the single green orb presented, as well as one of my units who's been hovering at +9 merge. Keyword, WAS.

So... yeah, interesting banner.

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YUS! I got Singing Shigure! He's even +spd! (-atk, though.) Okay, next one I'm aiming for is Legendary Ephraim!

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For the Performing Arts banner, grey for Olivia.

  1. 4* Klein: No.

Green for Weekly Revival 36 since I'm only missing Adrift!Femui.

  1. 4* Robin: No. All four of the other orbs were grey...

Red for the Exp. banner since I'm replaying Sacred Stones right now.

  1. 4* Sakura: No.

And red again for the TT banner.

  1. 4* Hana: No.

I can finally start stockpiling again since the Halloween banner doesn't interest me at all. Thank goodness I'm done with the Scion banner.

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MAN this reminds me of regular Ephraim's debut banner. I was on my last orbs and there wasn't much time left before the banner expired, and that was when I pulled him. Again, this time, I wouldn't be able to get any more orbs before the banner expired...and, on my last possible pull, I got Legendary Ephraim. This guy rewards guts. And I'm so happy; finally, my Ephraim collection is complete! (Including his child form with little Eirika.) X3

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This is funny, but my free summon on the Halloween banner was Kurthnaga. Just like his daddy last year.

Like father like son, I guess.

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My free pull was a Reyson (I have like 30 manuals of the guy now). I decided to use a few orbs because there was 2 green stones and I wouldn't mind getting Rhea. Got a neutral B!Micaiah instead. That's a cue to leave this banner and save my orbs. 

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Last night, I spent the last of my orbs to try for Scion Lewyn, still failing to get him even after putting in about 150.

This morning I get 5* Kurthnaga as my free summon.

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Well, I've gotten no focus units on the Halloween banner so far (not even Kurth) but have at least gotten some nice things:

M!Kris: Spurn fodder
Duessel: +Def/-Res, wmy previous +Res/-Def one was merged into this one
Feral F!Corrin: now at +5

The latter two pity broke me at 4%, which didn't feel too great but the gacha be like that sometimes.

And since I've once again been lazy with posting my pulls, here's a quick roundup of my spoils over the last month:

Legendary Micaiah's banner
Thrasir (New): +HP/-Spd
4* Special Nina: merge
Fallen F!Morgan: foddered (Atk/Def Solo 4, Atk/Def Menace) to my now +10 Lex

Scions of the Twelve
Scion Larcei (New): +HP/-Res
4* Scion Lewyn x2 (New): first one had bad IVs and is now a manual, second is +Res/-Def
4* Special Ryoma: merge
Scion Leif & Seliph (New): +Def/-Spd  

Reginn & More re-run
CYL Eirika: merge
CYL Dimitri: +Def, previous one was merged into this one
Perceval: I'm now sitting on three Perceval manuals

Abyss and Muspell
4* Special Green Olwen: merge (had the same asset/flaw as my first: +Spd/-Res)
Claude: +Spd, previous one was merged into this one
Yuri (New): +Spd/-Def
Constance (New): sparked pull
Fallen Mareeta: +Spd, previous one was merged into this one
Hapi (New): +Res/-Atk

Heroes with Fury
4* Special Nephenee: free pull, merge

To Stay Dreaming
4* Special Mia: now +5 and +Spd *cough cough* give Resplendent IS *cough cough*

Otr's Banner
Legendary Celica x2: yes, she was the one green I did already have (both were merges)

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UUUUUUUGH, why did I decide that I'd dip a little into my Halloween Grima funds to summon Duo Sothis...?
I got her, but uuuuuugh. At some point I stopped buying orbs in favor of winning them from unfinished Chain Challenges, cause that was just too many bought orbs going down the drain.

These sessions were... surprisingly not void of surprises.

  • Same session as Sothis came Halloween Male Grima as well.
  • Even more shocking though, both Sothis AND Grima has actually good assets and flaws, and they weren't even swapped like they usually are for me. Sothis came +Atk -Res, while Grima came +Def -Spd. Usually they're either both horrible or they'd have been good on the other unit summoned, so this is... shocking, to say the least.
  • I did also get Kurthnaga... but he was 5*, so not exactly making me all that happy. +Atk -Def.
  • Some pitybreakers in Apotheosis Anna and Dieck. Neither I appreciate at all, though Dieck might have his... uses...
  • A lot more 4* Special summons than usual. Ephraim, Tana, and Adrift FemCorrin were... not notable in the least slightest, though I guess had I not gotten her Resplendent form this would have been the copy of Tana to get her to +10...
  • Surprising, I snagged 2 copies of Ishtar to bring my current version of her to +9 merge. That's enough merges for her to be working at her fullest potential (before dragonflowers, which frankly I don't like to count given how many it takes...)
  • Even more shocking to me though, was getting the final copy needed to +10 merge my Azura. I just wanted a copy of Duo Sothis, not... well, frankly not any of this... I'm gonna have a much harder time getting those 3 copies of Halloween FemGrima, I can tell...

This isn't actually that amazing compared to the 11 5* units I got, but I also finally got a copy of Benny with +Def. Up til now it's mostly been... frankly bad assets or +Res. He's been on my +10 radar since his release, so I'm glad to finally have a base copy of him to work off of. That would be where Dieck comes in, being able to make my Benny into a potent Near Save tank... if I ever get another copy of Near Save anyway.

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No interest in the Halloween banner, so I'll just try blue for Duo!Sothis.

  1. 4* Sheena: No.

Oh well. Red for the New Power banner obviously.

  1. 3* Legault: Not a single red.

Utterly absurd. Red for Weekly Revival 27.

  1. 3* Olivia: No.
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Today I summoned Inigo, completing my Performing Arts quartet! I’ve been looking forward to this banner’s return all year. On my seventh summon, I gained Shigure! Later I summoned Azura. I summoned Olivia a couple summons after Azura, and summoned Inigo seven summons after Olivia.

I saved up over 200 Orbs anticipating this banner, and I’m relieved I had relatively good luck with summoning all four characters. I still have 157 Orbs left for the next New Heroes banner. I’d be surprised if it didn’t feature Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn or Awakening, and any of those games’ casts I’d be excited for.

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...UGH saving orbs for last years Dragon Harvest banner is IMPOSSIBLE. Now I need to summon Gustav if I want Benny to have the most "ideal" Near Save skill... which actually came fairly easy. 12 total summons (pretty much all of them were in separate sessions...), and 4 of them were Young Tana, 2 different Wedding Catrias, and Gustav himself.

...for a person who is a favorites spoiler first, top tier aimer like dead last, maybe keeping Gustav would be better overall... but on the other hand, I'd much prefer to have the best version of Benny possible, even if the only advantage Benny has over Gustav is being easier to merge (ironically I can't even fully merge Benny right now). I am at least doing better with making sure I have every unit fully recorded in the Catalog...

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@Magenta Fantasies

Grats! I got my first Singing Shigure this year, too! =D Just finished training him to 40. Though it would be nice to have Inigo too, he's not my highest priority, so I'll have to let him slip by this year.


Merc: I'm going to try to get Kurthnaga, and maybe Halloween M!Byleth Sothis and Halloween Fallen M!Robin, too!

Double Special Banner: Hey, you don't have Valentine's Gustav. Or Young L'Arachel for that matter. But yeah, Gustav. He's here. Not in your barracks.

Merc: ... Guess the costumed dragons will have to wait.

Grats on getting Gustav @Xenomata! I'll aim to get him, too.

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Since the Halloween 2021 banner still isn't playing nice (up to 3.75% after getting pity broken at 4%, still no Kurth either), I think I'll migrate over to the Double Special Heroes banner instead for a while:



Tiny Tana: +Res/-Spd (just the fourth pull on the banner overall and the first blue pull)

Let's just say I made a good call.


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I told myself that I'd try to pull Gustav when he came back, he was the only one I missed on that banner earlier this year. So I pulled colorless and green for a few wheels. Was going to stop whenever I got a 5-star that broke my pity rate. Good thing that Gustav showed up early, so I still have about half of my orbs left. Wouldn't have been upset with Bride Catria either, but for now I'm good and I have everyone from that Askr Valentine's banner.

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Woo, got another Gustav, and the best part is that he's +Spd -Res!

...wait that makes no sense without context. I wanted a fodder copy of Gustav so that I could give Def/Res Near Save to Benny, but the original copy of Gustav i summoned was +Res -Hp. Not bad, but was it truly fodder-worthy? I chose to keep summoning off the banner to see what else i could get, and behold the results of my luck! Took only 2 summons to get.

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I was originally going to pull only one blue orb for my free summon on the Rein banner. But something told me to pull the second blue that showed up on the first wheel too, after free summon gave me Oboro. Really glad I did, because the second orb had +spd -HP Erinys. A lot better than my previous -atk one.

EDIT: Apparently the game forgot what a "focus unit" is, because from the Archanea banner I've gotten Brave Alm and Osian ... and my freebie summon on the wave banner was Fallen Dimitri. And no, the game hasn't given me a single Roshea either.

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