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13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

4* Clarine (I'll just check against my first one: She's +HP/-Def, could be worse), 5* Elise (I KNOW I SIDED WITH HER AFTER THE SEMIS BUT SHE TOOK MY 5* CHANCE! DAMMIT! First 5* Colourless though, though +Def/-Res isn't doing any favours), 3* Beruka (...........), 4* Seliph (A non-dupe! +HP/-Def, kinda eh), 4* Mae (True, not the Blue mage I was looking for, but not complaining! +Def/-Res sucks though)

So, that second pull was neat, bunch of not dupes and an Elise.

Elise is on my list.  I'm not exactly interested in her either, but I would be grateful to have her.  She is by far the greatest combat healer for horse emblems.  +def/-res is not a bad nature.  You still have 29 res which is enough to tank a hit and you now have 22 def which can also tank hits (still dead to brave bow).  Even attack healer's main point is to stay alive.  

Edited by Lushen
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5 hours ago, Jave said:

Tonight I'll be posting my shenanigans on the two new Echoes banners. I still need to process what just happened, but you'll have to see it for yourself to believe. It'll be one of the most memorable posts in this thread, I promise.

The suspense literally killed me. You took too long.

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OK, time to post my pulls from the Echoes banners, and as I promised, this is going to be memorable.

I swear, you guys would never believe this without screenshots. THIS IS SOME SERIOUSLY FREAKY SHIT.


First, I go for Delthea. First set of orbs, no blues. Of course. I pull on a single red in hope of getting Gray. What happens?



Eh. Hana. I have like five of these. Oh well.

Another set of orbs, and again, no blues. Another single red pull hoping for Gray. What happens now?




Huh. That's pretty cool to get a 5* this early. Still going for Delthea. Third set of orbs. NO BLUES. AGAIN. Decide to pull on another red. Maybe a second Gray?



Nah, just a Roy. But hey, T. Adept fodder!

Next set of orbs. Finally one blue. I do the single pull and pray for Delthea. Who shows up?




Heeey... not the blue I was hoping for but sure, I'll take her.

You know what? I'm not pushing my luck anymore in this banner. Time to change lanes. Pulling for Sonya now. Next set of orbs, one green. Time for another single pull.



THE FUCK. Where did YOU come from? Certainly not the green I was expecting, but he's very welcome since I finally have an Hector!

Also, I took the screenshot for the orb set a bit late, but Hector was the only pull in that set. See for yourself.

Next set of orbs. Four grays and one red. Of course. I'm just going to pull one gray and do a different set of orbs and...




WOAH. I... certainly didn't expect THAT to happen. Like, what kind of lucky streak is this? Okay, one more set. Only one green, so maybe now I can start building the % for Sonya and...





That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking done. Not pulling any more at least until Micaiah shows up but I'm keeping this streak of luck for as long as I can. A total of seven characters pulled, FIVE of them are 5*, all of which are new, and four of them in a row. I'm never getting this lucky again, but hey, who's complaining?

As for the natures:

Gray: +Atk/-Spd
Mathilda: +Spd/-Def
Hector: +Atk/-Def
Leon: +Res/-Atk
Sonya: +Atk/-Spd









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Got a 5* Boey on the summer banner. Only been dumping orbs into it and still have not gotten a focus unit. Might start pulling colorless again since I want Clarine for a horse team. But that's gonna have to wait until I get Lance Valor and Axe Valor. At least I got another Sheena out of it. 

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46 minutes ago, Jave said:

OK, time to post my pulls from the Echoes banners, and as I promised, this is going to be memorable.

I swear, you guys would never believe this without screenshots. THIS IS SOME SERIOUSLY FREAKY SHIT.

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First, I go for Delthea. First set of orbs, no blues. Of course. I pull on a single red in hope of getting Gray. What happens?

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Eh. Hana. I have like five of these. Oh well.

Another set of orbs, and again, no blues. Another single red pull hoping for Gray. What happens now?

  Hide contents



Huh. That's pretty cool to get a 5* this early. Still going for Delthea. Third set of orbs. NO BLUES. AGAIN. Decide to pull on another red. Maybe a second Gray?

  Hide contents


Nah, just a Roy. But hey, T. Adept fodder!

Next set of orbs. Finally one blue. I do the single pull and pray for Delthea. Who shows up?

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Heeey... not the blue I was hoping for but sure, I'll take her.

You know what? I'm not pushing my luck anymore in this banner. Time to change lanes. Pulling for Sonya now. Next set of orbs, one green. Time for another single pull.

  Hide contents


THE FUCK. Where did YOU come from? Certainly not the green I was expecting, but he's very welcome since I finally have an Hector!

Also, I took the screenshot for the orb set a bit late, but Hector was the only pull in that set. See for yourself.

Next set of orbs. Four grays and one red. Of course. I'm just going to pull one gray and do a different set of orbs and...

  Hide contents



WOAH. I... certainly didn't expect THAT to happen. Like, what kind of lucky streak is this? Okay, one more set. Only one green, so maybe now I can start building the % for Sonya and...

  Hide contents




That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking done. Not pulling any more at least until Micaiah shows up but I'm keeping this streak of luck for as long as I can. A total of seven characters pulled, FIVE of them are 5*, all of which are new, and four of them in a row. I'm never getting this lucky again, but hey, who's complaining?

As for the natures:

Gray: +Atk/-Spd
Mathilda: +Spd/-Def
Hector: +Atk/-Def
Leon: +Res/-Atk
Sonya: +Atk/-Spd









Alright, this is even more ridiculous than my luck with the deliverance banner yesterday. Congrats!

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I. . .may have gone a bit nuts with pulls, thanks to orbs from various sources.  Now I'm up to 252 pulled units total.





First two were off of the Hone Atk banner, last one was from Alm's banner

And for boons/banes:


Stahl (+Def/-Res): That's perfect for passing Swap/Ruby Sword.  And I don't have to spend feathers for it, either~!
Matthew (+Def/-HP): While not the end of the world, I pulled a godly 4* Matthew earlier.  I know it's the Hone Atk banner, but SOMEONE'S gonna get Hone Spd.
Raigh (+Atk/-Spd): Raigh is the single most interesting unit in Heroes - unlike most other units, he can work with either variant of Spd or Atk.  In this case, this turns him into +Def/-Atk Lilina.  While the idea of a 35 base MT red magical unit amuses me, I have better options (like that Tharja I just pulled).
Selena (+HP/-Res): To complement Matthew's Hone Spd, I have Threaten Spd, too.
Klein (+Atk.-Res): OMG WHAT.  This is about as good as Klein can get!  The question now becomes "do I promote that +Atk Mae I just got, or Klein?".

Saizo (+Res/-Atk): Someone wants Poison Strike.  Yes, I will keep telling myself this!
Saizo (+Def/-Spd): He showed up twice, and neither were good boon/bane combos.
Jakob (+Atk/-Def): EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!  Gonna finish up learning stuff on the old Jakob and merge him into this one~!  This is so gonna rock!
Corrin (+HP/-Atk): Let it be known that I got Hone Atk fodder off of this banner.
Arthur (+Spd/-Atk): Swap/Lancebreaker is a legit thing to pass to bulky lance users.  Or axe/green tome guys.

Tharja (+Res/-Spd): That's neutral Mae's speed.  And I can make Mae work.
Raven (+HP/-Spd): Actually, this will work VERY well with Tharja or Mae.  Probably Tharja, since she'll hit 38 Spd, which is pretty scary with -blade and Desperation.
Cherche (+Atk/-Def): Acceptable.  I don't remember if I have a +Atk/-Res one.  If I don't, this one's getting a Brave Axe+ and another Klein's Death Blow!
Catria (+Res/-HP): Those are some pretty impressive off-tank stats.  I should swap out Armored Blow for Darting Blow or something.  I find it ironic that she showed up in Alm's banner.
Setsuna (+Def/-Res): And that's Bowbreaker fodder!  Or maybe Reciprocal Aid.

I got three amazing pulls in Klein, Jakob, and Cherche.  That's literally one per round.  I can't complain~!


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I wish my second account moved its luck to my main account. 

In addition to the first roll 5 star summons of Delthea and Saber last night, I did a hunt pull in the Summer banner for Frederick and I received the rare Genny!

She's neutral, and thank goodness not -Atk/-Spd. (Also have a 4 star Lachesis before that, who is -Spd/+Res which is eh but she's a new unit!)

If I ever pull another Genny, it would be perfect since this account has a 5 star +Atk Maria waiting on the sidelines, and a 4 star +Atk Lissa that I use as my primary bulky healer.

Main account still yearns for an Echoes character though....


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That feeling when you pull a 4* Klein and think: Oh hey, my rein can get DB 3 now!

But it's perfect.

+Atk/-Hp, lul


I think I'll just sac my current 5* Klein to B!Cordelia (she's still using her budget ass Brave-Bow L&D 1 build) and promote this one up later---At least my old Klein only had reposition inherited.

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10 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

That feeling when you pull a 4* Klein and think: Oh hey, my rein can get DB 3 now!

But it's perfect.

+Atk/-Hp, lul


I think I'll just sac my current 5* Klein to B!Cordelia (she's still using her budget ass Brave-Bow L&D 1 build) and promote this one up later---At least my old Klein only had reposition inherited.

I'm in precisely the same position. 4 star Klein, +Atk/-HP, better nature than current 5 star Klein, planning to eventually give that klein's brave bow + to my bride cordelia. And a Reinhardt that's denied the coveted DB 3.

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Just now, Gustavos said:

I'm in precisely the same position. 4 star Klein, +Atk/-HP, better nature than current 5 star Klein, planning to eventually give that klein's brave bow + to my bride cordelia. And a Reinhardt that's denied the coveted DB 3.

B!Cordelia has very silly matchups with DB 3, Moonbow Pulse. I have 3 copies of Mathilda for AC, but I think it's best she keep WoM in B-Slot since she doesn't have Reinhardt's ridiculous mobility.

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My hand slipped and I used a bunch of orbs to try and get Summer!Frederick/Gray. Alas none of them.

First few batches had no colorless orbs at all...

Although, I did get a batch wqith 4 colorless orbs and 1 green orb. Colorless had nothing special, I was about to give up but that last green orb was bugging me and I already have the discouint for the orbs....and behold it was a Summer Tiki! I'll take it, she's +Def/-Spd but her Axe Valor came just in time for the weekend double SP event! Not the summer unit I wanted, but it works!

So within 2 days, my second account now has four 5 star units to train in time for the SP weekend! (Also have a -Def 4 star Lukas to add to the sudden Echoes party and to taunt my main account having none...)

My main account was very unsuccessful with summons as well- although I did get a +Spd Elise in the summer banner! I think either Def or Res was her bane, but it works, now I have more cavalry team units in my main! Looks like Sakura will have to retire as my main 5 star healer since the extra movement will be great for healing.

I don't want to lose too many orbs so I'll wait for the last day of the banners to do another summon.

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So pulling for Delthea

Got a stupid Lukas who ruined my rates

@Rezzy let's see what nature I would have had if Delthea was in place of Lukas eh?


He's +Atk -HP 

So I would have had a pretty amazing delthea.....

Also, ever since I started sacrificing to @Rezanator they've gotten me quite a few useful +Atk Units. My +Atk Lilina, Hana, Celica, and now this Lukas

Seems my sacrifices are working very well!


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I tried a yolo pull with 13 orbs. Got two colourless orbs.

Setsuna and Kagero, no clue of natures. No Leon.

I already have two other Kagero, one at 5*, so eh... I wish she was Klein xD

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My friend pulled a 4-star Reinhardt apparently not too long ago! He's +HP -res, which is fine because it's not -atk, and she only needs about 3000 more feathers before she can promote him so that's cool.

As for me? Uh ... nothing noteworthy other than Delthea (which I already mentioned).

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Well I am up to four Cecilia's trying to get Sonya. I am really starting to get reeeealy sick of her. Especially since she doesn't really have anything to pass on. I mean I'm sure Escape Rout would be fun to use on someone but I am at a loss as to who.

Better parts of my pull were a second 4* Chrom who is not +res this time, and a 4* Lon'qu. Nice that I won't have to promote one of my 3*'s the next time I need vantage for someone. 

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My percentage rates are almost at max for the summer banner (I just pulled my fifth 3* Azama, a 4* Jeorge and a 4* Severa).  Any minute now, I swear imma pull another 5* healer that will crush my dreams once again...AAHAAHAHAHAHAHA...

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Um, I randomly got a second 5-star Fae on Celica's team's banner. She's +atk/-spd, but I already have one that's +atk/-HP and she's basically perfect, so ... I guess I can give renewal to someone?

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36 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Um, I randomly got a second 5-star Fae on Celica's team's banner. She's +atk/-spd, but I already have one that's +atk/-HP and she's basically perfect, so ... I guess I can give renewal to someone?

I'd merge instead, unless you never plan on building that perfect Fae, since 4* Fae already gives Renewal 3.

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While trying to get Sonya, I ended up getting a +Atk Leon instead, who I wanted the least out of all the characters. He's pretty good though and I'm having a lot of fun leveling him up! I'm definitely incorporating him into one of my more frequently used teams.

It' seems like whenever I say "I hope I don't get <name>," I get said character anyway(I currently have three 5 star Clairs and one 4 star that are just sitting there lol).

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Screenshots are allowed ~. I just recently finish all the builds for SOV units. Some those i like, i build them with premium sets, some get budget sets instead. 

Personal overall rankings : Delthea > sonya>Gray > Saber >Mathida>Leon

I would like to know how are you guys build your character. If you have any comment about my builds or suggestion, please let me know. Any inputs are welcome. 


PS: at the moment i am making Delthea ~

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On 7/14/2017 at 0:52 AM, Jave said:

OK, time to post my pulls from the Echoes banners, and as I promised, this is going to be memorable.

I swear, you guys would never believe this without screenshots. THIS IS SOME SERIOUSLY FREAKY SHIT.

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First, I go for Delthea. First set of orbs, no blues. Of course. I pull on a single red in hope of getting Gray. What happens?

  Hide contents


Eh. Hana. I have like five of these. Oh well.

Another set of orbs, and again, no blues. Another single red pull hoping for Gray. What happens now?

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Huh. That's pretty cool to get a 5* this early. Still going for Delthea. Third set of orbs. NO BLUES. AGAIN. Decide to pull on another red. Maybe a second Gray?

  Hide contents


Nah, just a Roy. But hey, T. Adept fodder!

Next set of orbs. Finally one blue. I do the single pull and pray for Delthea. Who shows up?

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Heeey... not the blue I was hoping for but sure, I'll take her.

You know what? I'm not pushing my luck anymore in this banner. Time to change lanes. Pulling for Sonya now. Next set of orbs, one green. Time for another single pull.

  Hide contents


THE FUCK. Where did YOU come from? Certainly not the green I was expecting, but he's very welcome since I finally have an Hector!

Also, I took the screenshot for the orb set a bit late, but Hector was the only pull in that set. See for yourself.

Next set of orbs. Four grays and one red. Of course. I'm just going to pull one gray and do a different set of orbs and...

  Hide contents



WOAH. I... certainly didn't expect THAT to happen. Like, what kind of lucky streak is this? Okay, one more set. Only one green, so maybe now I can start building the % for Sonya and...

  Hide contents




That's it. I'm done. I'm fucking done. Not pulling any more at least until Micaiah shows up but I'm keeping this streak of luck for as long as I can. A total of seven characters pulled, FIVE of them are 5*, all of which are new, and four of them in a row. I'm never getting this lucky again, but hey, who's complaining?

As for the natures:

Gray: +Atk/-Spd
Mathilda: +Spd/-Def
Hector: +Atk/-Def
Leon: +Res/-Atk
Sonya: +Atk/-Spd









*switches language to spanish thinking it will bring me luck

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