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@Vaximillian Oooh congrats! Green hell has been very kind to you this time!

I never got Sonya because I thought doing her map would recruit her. Silly me.

Such a nice boon as well!

@mampfoid Probably not gonna merge, I'm not really a merge person (well except for Masked Marth because she's useless for fodder). I did merge 2 copies as 4 stars early on in the game while waiting for the good nature.

I really wanted -Def and either Spd boon or Atk boon. I had -HP but since she's colourless she doesn't have WTA so I valued the extra HP a bit more. 

Maybe if I get +Atk I might merge but Spd is good for me.

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30 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, Alm got definitely one of the best refinements. Double 62 ATK is hard to stop (33 + 3 ATK boon + 1 merge + 16 Falchion + 6 Death Blow 3 + 3 ATK+3 seal). 

I'm also completely Ryoma-less, even if I tried on the legendary banner.

He's fantastic for sure. I remember being a bit upset when I first got him last year, since he pity broke me on the summer banner hunting for S Robin. But he turned out to be a great Falchion healer at the time for TT/CC modes so I warmed up to him, and then IS went and made him a god with the refine.

37 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Atk/Res, which is nice! She obviously came to personally thank me for picking her in my current SoV playthrough.

Three 5★s from the same banner, and at such a low rate too boot! Even if it’s not Grima, I can’t be upset at all.

Nice! Mine's +atk too and I still like using in AA when I can. She's a fun unit, especially if you put her in an Infantry Pulse team for giga special nuke memes.


And I decided I'd really like to get dancing Xander if I can to complete Xander emblem, or even Micaiah since she looks fun to have. Honestly, I just need an excuse to pull red/colorless for merges and fodder. 25 orbs got me no dancers this time, but one of the two colorless orbs I managed to find gave me..


Maribelle! A bit triggered by yet another -spd unit, but I guess +atk is something. Perhaps the game feels bad I got to 5% before and failed to get her off the other banner, only getting Olivia. I'm glad if I was going to get a random colorless it was her! Today has been pretty wild, since I haven't seen 5*s pop out at low % for me in a long while. Can you just help my IV luck a bit as well, IS?

I already have a +spd -hp Elise, so maybe I should just make Maribelle a Pain user due to that bane? Even if she's not great in combat, at least the Staff Valor makes her worthwhile to have around on its own.

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@mampfoid: Yeah, and now I only need Genny and Saber to complete Celica’s team. Sonya’s quite cool, and she also allows me to do this:

@mcsilas: And yet I’m still to get my eleventh Cecilia. I curse that day when I sent home seven three-star Cecilias… What a noob I was back then.

@Alkaid: Sounds like a fun idea to give her QP and one of her teammates IP! This reminds me of the Marisa I still have to build. Sounds marvellous already.

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@mcsilas That's great fortune for you! I might have that nature, but I'm pretty sure I was waiting on a +ATK/-DEF one or something like that.

Only one colorless stone from the Threaten SPD banner because duh right? It gave me a Sothe. Probably one of the best things I could have gotten so I'm content. Haven't pulled him in a while now. +RES/-HP so he's likely to be Life and Death 3 fodder which is cool too. Heck I could make a unit eat a Hana and Barst and give then LND3 and Spur ATK/SPD at the same time. That would be pretty sick. I never actually use my Sothe for that boost.

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@Alkaid Oooh nice pulls! Maribelle is great no matter what the nature, I have the opposite +Spd/-Atk and she's still better than Elise- and the Staff Valour is just useful overall. Maybe do a double Razzle Dazzle combo with Gravity Elise and Pain Maribelle?

Speaking of other game's gacha luck, I managed to get a 5 star from a daily free summon on the final day for Bleach Battle Souls, although unfortunately it wasn't the character I wanted. At least we get to choose the colours we summon in FEH, so we have some control over 5 stars/pitybreakers.

@Vaximillian Subaki is crying in a corner. But hey nice colour balance!

@Zeo Oooh nice! Congrats on the Sothe! Yeah I always do the Hana combo (LaD2 and Rally Attack) when using the rare Sothes for fodder, since Sothe can also give Glimmer or that rare double spur (even if it's not complete as a 4 star). Barst is a good option, too but since they are getting rarer for me, someone like Ogma or Marth works.

+Atk might be good as well, but I'll just try +Spd out since she can deny follow ups. If worse comes to worse there's always a Seal to emulate +Atk if I need a boost for PvE or something.

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4* Niles +Spd -Def, already have two with the same nature so just Iceberg. 5 more chances to get a 5* freebie, chances are not looking great.


Itching to complete my first 5*+10 but none of the candidates have been co-operative at the moment. Nino would cap at +9, Lilina, Tiki and Nowi (and soon Marthed Mask) at +8. No Pallas for months either, and I have two new fliers wanting Goad Fliers so that's a doomed project.

Of projects I could start, Cordelia can get to 7, Olivia to 6, Oscar to, uh, 3. Cherche to +7 but not as keen on green. I could get Reinhardt to 9 and Tailtiu to 8, but I'm not too keen on either. Crazy that I've probably gotten more lifetime Tailtius than Tharjas though.

There is one shining candidate that I could get to +10 with ease. And that's Cecilia. Sorry Vax. Y'know what, if the next legendary hero is Fire, I'll dedicate the entire month of September to +10ing Cecilia. I have a 4*+10 and a standalone 5* bow counter one, and 10 more on top.

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Hey guess what? +Res/-Atk when my first is +Def/-Atk. Though on the other hand, Elincia merges are actually meaningful to me unlike Jaffar or Takumi.

So with this Elincia arriving two days early, I tried to see if I could get lightning to strike twice and snipe her other version and...of course couldn’t (damn you both, Arthur and Cecilia). This banner at least gave me a 5* M!Morgan (neutral) yesterday to replace my +HP/-Atk one, but no new dancers for me yet in the early going.



I also have enough L’Arachel copies to +10 her now with that one there, which is also quite nice.


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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Why does everyone get Cecilias, but not me?

Two words: desire sensor. I know it took longer than necessary for me to get enough Cordelia copies for that +10 project of mine, even after her drop to a 3*-4* pull.

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Aiming for Shanna on the daily banner since Wynaut.

  1. 4* Hinata: Of course there aren't any blues or greys. Still, Fury fodder is useful.

And with 26 orbs thanks to Tap Battle, another dive for Elincia.

  1. 4* Libra: Again?

I'm looking for a woman, Libra. Are you sure you haven't gotten yourself confused now? 21 orbs left.

  1. 3* Lon'qu: Feathers.

Naturally the set with no green focus unit gets 3 green orbs, while the 2 sets that do have one get a single green orb between them.

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Yesterday was a disappointment, what with pulling an off-focus Jaffar instead of a dancer. Now Jaffar's a focus unit on today's banner. I feel like screaming.


3* Setsuna (Could be worse fodder. +Atk/-Res, could be more balanced than -Def?)

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6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

I never did get my Winged Olivia and I didn’t have a chance to get Miaciah. My luck has always been Pooh so my free pulls have been more repeats of whom I have. Until yesterday 


This makes up for it  does Regular Miaciah dance?



Nice!!! Congrats on the free pull HS!Micaiah. What IV's does she have?

As for OG Micaiah, she doesn't come with Dance (She has Sacrifice, which supports team mates Heal/Buff potential wise). She's a Blue Tome Armoured/Cavalry counter unit as well, though her weapon has slightly different effects overall. They both have a similar stat line when it comes to Attack & Resistance but.


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2 hours ago, Alkaid said:


Oh cool, congratulations! I think you got the highest ATK Cav healer with that boon, right?

Good luck getting Xander, the banner still runs a bit. 

1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, and now I only need Genny and Saber to complete Celica’s team. Sonya’s quite cool, and she also allows me to do this:

Themed teams are fun.

Who is Saber? I'm missing Faye, plus one for foddering reasons. Also a not -ATK Genny would be nice. 

1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Hey guess what? +Res/-Atk

Ouch, again? Anyway congrats on the merges for Elincia and L'Arachel plus better Morgan. Good luck getting a dancer!

38 minutes ago, Ginko said:

Dagger Gaius

Oh, interesting. Did you ever feature him in a clear with that skill? 


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Man, I’ve barely had any luck with the one-off banners aside from a Lene on the bladetome banner, but even then she had a crappy nature. Guess I should be happy I was able to pull a free *5 at all. 

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Today's banner was what the alt needed.

Pulling colorless got me a Setsuna, who was immediately promoted and taught Cecilia Bowbreaker, and Takumi, who was not better than neutral IVs, and was therefore free to give Close Counter to my +Def -Atk Halloween Henry. That one skill completely salvaged him, and with the Black Knight being a reward coming soon, I have a viable armor team. This is a true free-to-play account, I won't even buy the pack.

I needed one more Setsuna for M!Robin, no dice.

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5 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Why does everyone get Cecilias, but not me?

I would very much love to trade you the 10 Cecilias I've pulled within the past month trying for Legendary Banner's Lissa and Lilina

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47 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I would very much love to trade you the 10 Cecilias I've pulled within the past month trying for Legendary Banner's Lissa and Lilina

Right?!  Someone mentioned they wanted a Lon’qu and a Hinata and I had sooo many.  

5 hours ago, D4RTH said:

Nice!!! Congrats on the free pull HS!Micaiah. What IV's does she have?

As for OG Micaiah, she doesn't come with Dance (She has Sacrifice, which supports team mates Heal/Buff potential wise). She's a Blue Tome Armoured/Cavalry counter unit as well, though her weapon has slightly different effects overall. They both have a similar stat line when it comes to Attack & Resistance but.


I’m not quite sure of her stats (I don’t know how to check what they are minus/plus in ingenerall just see who I have! ?.  Today’s free pull gave me Sakura which was nice.  All these healers and not one of them can attack

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If the game is going to constantly give me not Macaiah, can I at least get Alm, FFS -_- Not that I'm mad with Ike but OTL

55 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Right?!  Someone mentioned they wanted a Lon’qu and a Hinata and I had sooo many. 

I was probably the one wanting the Lon'qu, I have literally pulled one in my entire lifetime adsfdhhfk. 

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@mampfoid Yep, it seems that she is. If not for the -spd she really did powercreep Elise. Even with the -spd though, I'm happy to have her and that staff valor is great to have available. I think I'm just missing green and blue tome valors now, since I missed S Elise and PA Shigure.

@mcsilas I might do that and try out Pain. It's still a tough pick between the weapons, since if I give her Gravity from a Lissa promote I can also grab Rehabilitate+ at the same time, which seems like it'd be better than Martyr on a unit that shouldn't be getting damaged.

And congrats for the Bleach pull(even if it's not what you wanted). For the second day in a row I just got another free pull 5* in SO:A, so I don't know what the hell is going on but I hope it keeps up.

@Vaximillian He's right about the desire sensor. I can't get any copies of the merge or skill fodder I'm looking for lately. Somewhere, somebody is dying for Seth merges and I'm the one who's taking them all instead of getting more Soleils and Tharjas.

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I mentioned that I got a Celica on my free pull while going for Dancing Micaiah. Well I gathered up 9 orbs and opened the two reds in todays session. Today I got a Saber*. It is going to be one of those banners, isn't it?



*Saber is new to me so I was not too upset even though he isn't someone I'll use a lot. Then I saw he was -SPD. Apparently the game wanted to make sure I only used him to fill space. I suppose I could level him to get his convo and then brutally murder him for HP/SPD.

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