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9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Apologies in advance for coming off as just a wee bit testy, but......

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This damn banner still has yet to give me anything. Between this and having to leave behind this same rate on Out of Gallia, I'm internally seething right now.

At any rate, I'm probably just going to cut my losses with this banner and leave it behind after (and a big if) I break this rate. Just, ugh.

Ooof sorry about this rate, there's still time to break it potentially~

2 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

Did a bunch of quests to get up to 30 orbs. Another shot at Alm.

  1. 5* L!Alm: Thank Mila for that. And he's got a decent asset/flaw with +Def/-HP. He'll come in handy from now on, I'm sure of it.
  2. 4* Lilina: Meh.
  3. 4* Caeda: Fortify Fliers.
  4. 3* Cherche: Pivot.
  5. 3* Titania: Bleh.

Disappointment on the remaining orbs, but I can finally leave this banner alone. Now to spend the CYL-2 ticket.

  1. 4* Serra: Worthless.

Nice to finally get Alm after so many orbs spent.

Congrats on Alm!

2 hours ago, mcsilas said:


FINALLY free from an 11% pity rate. Did some Blessed Gardens (RIP easy orbs) to get back to 20. Colourless sniping is hell, especially when they seem to disappear when you want them. I wanted anyone of the colourless, even if I get another Winter Eirika since she can be Dazzling Staff fodder..

There was 1 colourless and it was a +Res/-Spd Winter Eirika. Already had a +Spd/-HP one from last year with skills inherited. Was hoping for Wrathful Staff fodder but +Res is a lot better than +Spd so I'm sort of leading to a merge.

Decided to finish the circle because of that high rate, even if there were no colourless left (2 red, 2 blue). Any of the dragon killers would be nice, and Nailah would be cool as well.

Only got 1 other 5 star out of it at least, +Def/-Spd Legendary Marth. He's new at least so the session wasn't a waste, too bad about the bane but his weapon gives him +3 Spd.

No pair up units for me this round but that's okay, at least I got out with 5 stars (so many orbs drained).


Also on my last Hero Fest 1 ticket in my main account, I picked blue looking for Lucina but got a +Res/-Atk Ylgr. Which is funny since when I summoned her yesterday I randomly joined her VG team since I had no one left. 

Still need to break pity on the legendary on my main, with a 10.50% so I hope I get a dragon slayer/any colourless soon.


Sorry, it was Normal Marth, was on CYL I Banner~ Congrats on your pulls! That's a good IV for your new Eirika, so a merge will be great~ Also congrats on your Daddy Marth! Sorry about the Bane, but he can work around it~ Also nice, Ylgr!

Good luck on your main account!

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Today's orbs (and some stratum missions) brought me to 13 orbs again. So I tried for the last Roy merge and got ... another Saber

I shouldn't complain, since I got a lot of 5* within relatively few orbs. But now the 4 Roys I got out if this banner are looking at 1 Siegbert, 1 Lethe (new), 1 Owain, 2 Lukes and 2 Sabers (new). *sigh*

Edited by mampfoid
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25 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Today's orbs (and some stratum missions) brought me to 13 orbs again. So I tried for the last Roy merge and got ... another Saber

I shouldn't complain, since I got a lot of 5* within relatively few orbs. But now the 4 Roys I got out if this banner are looking at 1 Siegbert, 1 Lethe (new), 1 Owain, 2 Lukes and 2 Sabers (new). *sigh*

I feel you, I seem to always complain here, even though I don't want to and am quite lucky with sheer numbers, but then one looks at the result and cannot deny that lingering feeling of disappointment, especially in your case; so close, yet so far. Gacha is truly devious. Even when one is lucky, happiness doesn't necessarily set in.

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On 03/05/2019 at 4:32 PM, Lanko said:

Saved 351 orbs for Alm and spent all but 5 orbs today... but I did get him near the end with an above 12,5% hero rate!

Before that I got:

- Legendary Roy (-SPD+RES)

- Winter Eirika (Neutral - and can S Support her with Brave Ephraim for good effect. Absolutely disgusting!)

- Leanne (-DEF+RES)

- Sue (-DEF+RES)

- Brave Lyn (-ATK+HP)

And Legendary Alm himself with +DEF-RES.


Some 4*s I like with good IVs, including a Mordecai which I didn't even know was demoted. Can make a full team with Lethe, Mordecai, Velouria and Leanne.


Probably except for Leanne super crapstatic IVs, but since I'm not really aiming for the top of the top PVP, it probably won't really matter as they seem crazy powerful anyways.

Just wished I had gotten Alm sooner (he really appeared when I was below 20 orbs), because I also really wanted to try for Brave Veronica (got Lyn =\ ) and Nephenee.

Got 30 orbs, so decided to go for Veronica again and... actually got her! First summoning circle, 2 colorless and 3 red. Pulled Azama with the free ticket, then pulled the reds (wouldn't mind a Sword Celica either) and on the last orb, the colorless... Veronica!

Hell yes.

She comes with +RES-DEF.

What the hell is with those IVs I'm getting haha, every 5* that I pulled lately has been +RES or +DEF.

But whatever, got Veronica! Now I have 9 or 8 days to get more orbs and try for Nephenee. Then I can hoard for quite some time, as I doubt there will be banners I'll be crazy about. Too bad Armads Hector is on Alm's banner, as it's gonna end soon and I won't have enough to fish for fim and I wanted to recreate the FE7 trio.

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After the Flora failure I decided to focus on the CYL2 banner to try and get B!Celica. So far I just got up to a 6.25% pity rate which is annoying to say the least, it's funny how sniping red is just giving me a ton of trash (and a few non +Atk Eirikas).

On brighter news I got a B!Ike and F!Kana recently from the CYL1 tickets. B!Ike gets me 2 Steady Breath fodders for the future and Kana has a decent nature in +Res -Hp so I'll probably use her, after all I just couldn't bring myself to train Fae because of her art so I welcome a green infantry dragon.

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Well ... yesterday Saber in 9 orbs ... today with the last cyl1 ticket and 8 orbs I got horse Chrom (new, +SPD/-DEF) and Laegjarn (+ATK/-DEF, not new but I sacced my only copy once). 

That's perhaps the best 5* rate I ever got from a banner, but 9 off-banner 5* is a weird thing. 

7 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

I feel you, I seem to always complain here, even though I don't want to and am quite lucky with sheer numbers, but then one looks at the result and cannot deny that lingering feeling of disappointment, especially in your case; so close, yet so far. Gacha is truly devious. Even when one is lucky, happiness doesn't necessarily set in.

Yeah, I saw you had a good 5* rate as well this year. Hope you'll get some units you really wanted next time. 

Must say those units I got (except for Luke perhaps) are much better than getting Raighs, so complaining must seem whiny. 

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1,889 total pulled units.  I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot more of these in the near future.


Roy (+Def/-HP): FINALLY!  With that, I have every last unit on the first CYL banner.  Not ideal, but I'll take him!

Felicia (+Atk/-HP): Oh, now this is good!
Saizo (+Atk/-Res): This is good, too!

Shigure (+Atk/-Res): . . .really?  Four good units in a row?!  Be still, my heart!

I'll have one last shot at a better Veronica.  Wish me luck~!


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Now that I don't have to search for Alm anymore, one last CYL-1 ticket.

  1. 4* Lissa: One final failure.

Since log-in bonuses pushed me up to 23 orbs, time to return to the picnic banner to search for the twins.

  1. 5* Picnic!Felicia: Wow...I suppose luck is on my side once more. +Atk/-Res, so good asset and bad flaw. Would have preferred Flora, but there's no reds in the damn set. Might as well take the one grey and see if I get another Genny. Three blues, but Lukas is meh, so I don't care about looking for him.
  2. 4* Felicia: *snort* That's amusing, but +Def/-Res is terrible.

Happy days, I suppose.

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Last CYL1 ticket huh? Sad to see it go. Still, I only have one goal here, and it's to give Tiki the premium build she deserves. 3 blues, 2 greens, so it's straightforward.

3* Barst
5* Brave Ike +HP -Def

Phew, saved at the last minute, he's the only 5* I've gotten from the CYL1 banner after all the golden week tickets. Nature is irrelevant because I have my one +Def -Res copy that I never use anyway, so merging isn't something I'd consider. I could use more copies in future of course, but my two +10 tanks are now properly built and I don't have a third one coming up any time soon - I don't even know who it'd be.

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wooooo the last Roy arrived with the Blessed gardems orbs! 




Thats 5 Roys and 9 other units from this banner with an insane 5* rate. I just got three 5* units today in 17 orbs (and ticket). 



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@mampfoid I'm so happy you still managed to get that last Roy!!! And you got some really nice other 5* units out of it too :D

Meanwhile I got lucky today too:



Yes that -atk sucks but I'm used to that by now and +spd is his best IV so I will damn well take it!

More importantly, I still managed to get him in only like 50 orbs and I thank the gods for that. And on the last 5x SP day too! :D I consider myself lucky as hell with this after seeing so many people needing hundreds of orbs to get him and ending up with a bunch of Leannes and Eirikas first.

So hereby I forgive all the shit luck I've had the past two months, it was 100% worth it to get both Alms now.

Edited by Mau
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@Mau Wow, a bit late but congratulations on finally getting Sword Alm, and good that you got the legendary version as well! +Spd is so awesome!

@mampfoid Congrats on getting the Brave Roy! What were the other 5* units in those 17 orbs?

Also I find it funny you have 2 Lukes and Sabers but hey, Saber's good with his refine so enjoy him! Owain is also fun, don't remember if you had him before but hey you had so many 5 stars it's impressive.

@daisy jane Yeah foddering is tempting but then my OCD goes...I want the Lantern, it's a waste to fodder her without the lantern...but then that leaves me with either Dazzling Staff 2 or Atk Opening 2? The lack of the final skill will bug me...and I really only wanted an extra one for Dazzling Staff fodder lol. Argh, I wish we have more inheritance slots for things like these!

@Alexmender Sorry to hear the lack of Celica of Flora, but congrats on Kana and B!Ike! Kana can be quite bulky with her speed so that'll be nice, and SB is always nice after the summoning pool change.


Well, I finally cleared my main account...from a staggering 11.50% rate. Did all possible Blessed Garden orbs, and even all but the 10th stratum quests (did a Chain Challenge for faster orbs).

Finally, my last sesion gave me 4 (!!) colourless orbs and 1 blue orb. Something must be here right?

And it was a +Atk/-Spd Winter Eirika!! Finally, I'm free, and with a perfect nature one as well! Having healers of all movement types makes my collector's heart happy, and hey even if I didn't get Alm or Leanne, at least Alm returns with Eir in a few months and Leanne is in the normal pool, while Eirika wouldn't come back until December, so it's great to get the seasonal one out of the way.

Rest of the pool was meh. Gaius, Leon, female Corrin, but a Klein was welcome at least. Sadly no red dragonslayer/pair up unit but again, they'll return in a few months.

No more 5 stars for CYL 1 banner but oh well. At least I had 5 stars (even if it weren't CYL units) in Kaden/Ylgr. Meanwhile, I hope the last CYL 2 ticket tomorrow gets me something at least...

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Well ... yesterday Saber in 9 orbs ... today with the last cyl1 ticket and 8 orbs I got horse Chrom (new, +SPD/-DEF) and Laegjarn (+ATK/-DEF, not new but I sacced my only copy once). 

That's perhaps the best 5* rate I ever got from a banner, but 9 off-banner 5* is a weird thing. 

Yeah, I saw you had a good 5* rate as well this year. Hope you'll get some units you really wanted next time. 

Must say those units I got (except for Luke perhaps) are much better than getting Raighs, so complaining must seem whiny. 

Heh, you really seem to have the same situation as I do, showered in random units you didn't even think about while the desire sensors keep that one goal away from you. Luckily, I did get target Lugh for my AR defense in recent summons, so for now, I'm not too whiny, but it does very much look that way when I complain. I'll try to focus on the brighter side of things, namely me getting a Shigure copy today, after quite some time (you'd think him being in the 3* pool would help me; it didn't yet). Only one copy left to get for my flier ball, but actually two if I want to swap out a unit, which I do in the long run. Still, this is progress.

And that bit about Raigh, that is definitely the reason I should really try to refrain from complaining about 5* acquisitions, except for Summer Leo earlier this year during anniversary. I will remain disappointed till the end of times with that outcome.

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No green for today's ticket. I pulled a red. No male Morgan either. But it's my birthday, I want to pull a bit more and see if the game gives me at least ONE thing that's good. There are a couple blues anyway. Silas needs merges. Poor dude hasn't been able to get one in forever and he's just at +2. I could at least try for him, though what are the chances, given that he's been strangely avoiding me for so--



Oh you've gotta be kidding me. XD It actually happened! Best Fates husband came to my birthday party! (figuratively, I don't really do parties lol) :D

I still want to try for male Morgan again on CYL2 later though, because damn it, pulling that boy on not just my birthday, but HIS as well to give him that final merge would be the best. (And I say CYL2 because Veronica.) Always did love that I share my birthday with best tactician boy! ^^

EDIT: He's +Def too! Just what I want for him. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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4 hours ago, Mau said:

I'm so happy you still managed to get that last Roy!!! And you got some really nice other 5* units out of it too :D

Meanwhile I got lucky today too:

Thanks, I'm happy too, also for you. Big congrats! You can't deny it, you luck definitely returned! 

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Congrats on getting the Brave Roy! What were the other 5* units in those 17 orbs?

Thanks! Overall 5 Roys, 1 Lethe, 2 Lukes, 1 Owain, 2 Sabers, 1 horse Chrom, 1 Laegjarn, 1 Siegbert. 

3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Also I find it funny you have 2 Lukes and Sabers but hey, Saber's good with his refine so enjoy him! Owain is also fun, don't remember if you had him before but hey you had so many 5 stars it's impressive.

I had Owain with -SPD, so this neutral copy is an improvement. Not sure if I'll give Saber his refinement, there are so many DC swords ... 

Yeah, the 5* rate was out of this world. The last days I practically pulled 1-3 5* units every day only from the orbs and tickets the game gave us. 

Congrats to your Eirikia, she is one of the units I still miss. Have fun with her. 

2 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Heh, you really seem to have the same situation as I do, showered in random units you didn't even think about while the desire sensors keep that one goal away from you. Luckily, I did get target Lugh for my AR defense in recent summons, so for now, I'm not too whiny, but it does very much look that way when I complain. I'll try to focus on the brighter side of things, namely me getting a Shigure copy today, after quite some time (you'd think him being in the 3* pool would help me; it didn't yet). Only one copy left to get for my flier ball, but actually two if I want to swap out a unit, which I do in the long run. Still, this is progress.

And that bit about Raigh, that is definitely the reason I should really try to refrain from complaining about 5* acquisitions, except for Summer Leo earlier this year during anniversary. I will remain disappointed till the end of times with that outcome.

Congrats to your Shigure! I'm looking forward seeing him in his final form. 

Remaining positive helps having fun. ;-)


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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Congrats to your Shigure! I'm looking forward seeing him in his final form. 

Remaining positive helps having fun. ;-)

Oh, he is already dead, I need Ward Fliers, and now Aversa has it. He won't be a gem on my team if that's what you thought. I can see how that would make sense as well. :P

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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Oh, he is already dead, I need Ward Fliers, and now Aversa has it. He won't be a gem on my team if that's what you thought. I can see how that would make sense as well. :P

Haha, fodder is a reason as good as any other. Aversa seems like a good recipient. 

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5 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@daisy jane Yeah foddering is tempting but then my OCD goes...I want the Lantern, it's a waste to fodder her without the lantern...but then that leaves me with either Dazzling Staff 2 or Atk Opening 2? The lack of the final skill will bug me...and I really only wanted an extra one for Dazzling Staff fodder lol. Argh, I wish we have more inheritance slots for things like these!

Well, I finally cleared my main account...from a staggering 11.50% rate. Did all possible Blessed Garden orbs, and even all but the 10th stratum quests (did a Chain Challenge for faster orbs).

Finally, my last sesion gave me 4 (!!) colourless orbs and 1 blue orb. Something must be here right?

And it was a +Atk/-Spd Winter Eirika!! Finally, I'm free, and with a perfect nature one as well! Having healers of all movement types makes my collector's heart happy, and hey even if I didn't get Alm or Leanne, at least Alm returns with Eir in a few months and Leanne is in the normal pool, while Eirika wouldn't come back until December, so it's great to get the seasonal one out of the way.

Rest of the pool was meh. Gaius, Leon, female Corrin, but a Klein was welcome at least. Sadly no red dragonslayer/pair up unit but again, they'll return in a few months.

No more 5 stars for CYL 1 banner but oh well. At least I had 5 stars (even if it weren't CYL units) in Kaden/Ylgr. Meanwhile, I hope the last CYL 2 ticket tomorrow gets me something at least...

YES. +atk/-spd Eirika wooooo!
and I get what you mean. that's why (as much as i like Leanne) I wish my Leannes were Eirikas. (or hectors because GOD I need Distant counter so badly).  because it's the unfinished skill tree.  i know the argument is "healers don't /shouldn't get damage so who cares if it' W/D 2, get the Balm + or the Staff, or have level 1 of the staf... but i just feel it makes them incomplete. (it bugs me that Myrrh still has QR 2 and I have to literally spend feathers to get QR3 on her, because sometimes that little threshold does make a difference. the Openings aren't healer exclusive so i get why they are 3 tier, but i truthfully feel wrathful/dazzle should be a 1 tier 300 level skill. healers already need SO much to make them good, 


anyhoo. yay again! LOL and congrats everyone else on their stuff!!

I am praying for a Hail Mary here, and hoping to free pull Flying Olivia (great ivs please) or a Maribelle. with my last two tickets. 

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Mamp inspired me to not let my rate on the CYL Banner go to waste~


+Atk, -Spd Boy finally! I've been wanting the Pony Boy for so long so I'm glad he came home~

I should also post a backlog of some things I've pulled lately that I've been sitting on~


The Legendary Banner was very cruel to me~ I wanted at least one copy of Eirika for fodder but I ended up with 7 birds~


Along with 4 Eirikas before I finally got



He was +Atk, -Spd~ I checked the last Orb to see if it would be another one to fix the bane but of course it was another Leanne~

An all Green circle in the middle gave me the Holiday Deer~


And she's Neutral~

Some of you may have seen the latter two in my recent Abyssal Clears~ Here's the full haul:


Still hurts to look at~

I got the precious sheep the day the Banner dropped and I still need to go back for another one


-Atk, +Res

I'm also desperate for Shards so I did the only righteous thing to do and grab Springmilla for her Green Egg and Live for Bounty before that Banner ended.


I got 2 more Chroms, Hector, another Dorcas, and this extra Buncina while trying for her.

To complete my Miwabe Sakura Emblem, I had to go for the last of the collection that I was missing~


+Atk, -Def

On the way I got Ms. Maribelle~


Could have been an Elise, but okay~

And that's all, as far as I remember~ Now I just need to wait for Brides~

7 hours ago, Mau said:

@mampfoid I'm so happy you still managed to get that last Roy!!! And you got some really nice other 5* units out of it too :D

Meanwhile I got lucky today too:

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Yes that -atk sucks but I'm used to that by now and +spd is his best IV so I will damn well take it!

More importantly, I still managed to get him in only like 50 orbs and I thank the gods for that. And on the last 5x SP day too! :D I consider myself lucky as hell with this after seeing so many people needing hundreds of orbs to get him and ending up with a bunch of Leannes and Eirikas first.

So hereby I forgive all the shit luck I've had the past two months, it was 100% worth it to get both Alms now.

I'm so happy you got him in so few Orbs!! Congrats Mau!!! Sorry about that -Atk~ We always seem to get the opposite IVs~

Hmmm, is this shade at me with the Leannes and Eirikas~


6 hours ago, mcsilas said:


Finally, my last sesion gave me 4 (!!) colourless orbs and 1 blue orb. Something must be here right?

And it was a +Atk/-Spd Winter Eirika!! Finally, I'm free, and with a perfect nature one as well! Having healers of all movement types makes my collector's heart happy, and hey even if I didn't get Alm or Leanne, at least Alm returns with Eir in a few months and Leanne is in the normal pool, while Eirika wouldn't come back until December, so it's great to get the seasonal one out of the way.

Rest of the pool was meh. Gaius, Leon, female Corrin, but a Klein was welcome at least. Sadly no red dragonslayer/pair up unit but again, they'll return in a few months.

No more 5 stars for CYL 1 banner but oh well. At least I had 5 stars (even if it weren't CYL units) in Kaden/Ylgr. Meanwhile, I hope the last CYL 2 ticket tomorrow gets me something at least...

Congrats on Winter Eirika!! And perfect IVs, too! Awesome!  Good luck on your last ticket~

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Well got up to 20 orbs again and decided to take a chance for L!Alm.  No luck on getting him, but I did manage to finally get L!Marth who I have been wanting for a long time.  Too bad his IVs had to be -def,+res but I will still use him.  I might do a yolo pull for Alm tomorrow with the arena orbs.  

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With one of the golden tickets I got Brave Hector! I was hoping for him but didn't expect to actually get him!

1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Here's the full haul:


Even if you weren't going for Leanne I admit I'm kind of jealous of all those copies! Leanne is one of my favourite characters, it would be a blessing for me! I didn't get any extra copy from the legendary though...

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Okay, now that I've gotten back home from my birthday outing/lunch, let's use a few more orbs on CYL2...

*pulls lone colorless first*



Again. +Atk, -Res too! Where's this sudden luck coming from? XD But THANK YOU GAME! Most helpful birthday present I could ask for right now! MY FTP WOES ARE OVER AT LAST!! I have to level her up asap while the 5x SP and Exp. event is still going! And I haven't even spent money yet! Not since I got legendary Alm anyway.

There were two reds in this session as well, but sadly male Morgan still eludes me, so I've only solved one of my problems right now. But he has to come at some point! Only a matter of time with him being a 3-4 star pull now.


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