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Can I get one of the girls?

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Effie (Certainly not interested. +Res/-HP), 4* Cordelia (Ugh. +HP/-Def), 4* Fir (Again, ugh. +Def/-Res)

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9 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Yaaaay congrats on the +10!! I hope it didn't eat all of Almlica's Orbs~

Thanks Landy!

He took almost all of them, but I still believe I have a lot of time until Almica... Unless another amazing Hero appears on the way.

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It took some TT orbs and one more bought orb pack, but...


They FINALLY showed up. I had nearly a 6% pity rate. Now I still have every Palla! She's awesome. ^^

+HP, -Res, btw. Not great, but not detrimental. I'll take it.

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I tried for more Lancinas, after 20orbs I finally +10 my Reyson. Then I remembered Naesala still only has ss2 and Ishtar is on focus, hmm. Let's yolo!

Got Hector. Hmmm...


Btw, I haven't been able to clear my atrachment space. Sth changed? How do I clear it?

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So my free pull was a +4 Y!Marth but he was +RES/-ATK which sucked so I kind of wanted to keep pulling at red and green until I got a better one. Dumped around 50 or so orbs over a period of time in constant pools of saturated colorless and blue with one red or green or one of both until I hit 9 orbs, then naturally it was a pool of 4 reds because of course, right?

Picked one of the reds and-


This is actually fine. Could have been a Caeda but my goal was pretty much reached. Annoyingly this Marth was also +RES/-ATK but since I can just merge him I'll take the superboon in RES at the very least. Caeda could have been in one of the two reds I couldn't pull which is annoying but with a reset rate and a fresh unit to grind in TT I'm pretty much content.

27 orbs left to get from the tempest, orbs coming from the BHB and other sources will give me a steady supply to restock for coming banners so I think I'll be alright.

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Ooo congrats on the Marth @Zeo!

so haven't really getting luck in the last few days. Freebie was a Cain, which is always welcome at least, but i'm still waiting on orb stash to grow even if Marth/Caeda is tempting. 

As for the BHB banner, managed to nab a +Atk/-Def Hinoka for my main! My 3rd one which is awesome, already have +Atk/-Res one so either a merge...but Hone Fliers is also valuable lol. Great to get freebies of my favourite Hoshido royal at least 🙂

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Oh look a banner with all Gen 1 units.

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green]

4* Hana (Definitely not what I wanted to see here. +Atk/-Res)

Let's try again for Caeda and the Whitewings (Sounds like a band name)

3 Red, 2 Colourless

4* A!Tiki (It is Bonfire. +Res/-HP), 3* Henry (Caw caw. +Res/-HP), 3* Soleil (Absolutely not like her namesake. +HP/-Def)


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My freebie on the kids banner was some 3* trash (I think it was a Cain or M!Corrin). 

I need to replace Eirika from my arena core because she just doesn't work in that mode anymore, so I went ahead to see how many Baby Marths I'll be able to get. So far only 1 at 4* and he is +Hp -Spd...ugh. 

Oh yeah, I also got a Baby Caeda (+Def -Res). I trained her on TT+ for a bit, and boy she gets ridiculous pretty fast with proper support. She's basically Altina, baby FE1 edition which means put B!Lucina in there and give her either Fierce Stance or a Brazen seal and watch her go to town.

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I finally got one Lucy merge and Lancina is now +6 so goal partly achieved?  I'm still pissed with how much it physically cost but, hey can't complain about how amazing it was to get all those pity breakers, right?


Still I'll hold out and see if we get a resplendent version of Lucy...who knows maybe the FEH pass was worth the purchase...so for now I'll save for the inevitable Grima banner, with 14 orbs in the bank to start.


Oh and I got nothing worthwhile on the BHB banner for the free pull.

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And the free pull on the BHB banner is...

  1. 3* Palla: Meh.

Now let's see if I can get Palla in her younger form. Time to start sniping blues on The Start of It All. 32 orbs on hand.

  1. 3* Fir: No.

It would help if there were blues, or at least greens. 27 orbs left.

  1. 4* Altena: Feathers.

No greens there either. 22 orbs left.

  1. 3* Shanna: Good.
  2. 3* Shigure: Bleh.

One more try. 13 orbs left.

  1. 4* Ross: Meh.

And that's it for now. Time to grind the TT some more.

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Built up to 20 again.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Effie (It's depressing how irrelevant Gen 1 units are these days. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Y!Marth (I mean, it's a merge, but it's also Chill Def. +Atk/-Res, even have that boon already.)

1 hour ago, Endriu said:

Wtf? So I kept yoloeing. Think I did 4 summons and while still at 6% I got 4 blues and 1 red. ISHTAR!

Crazy luck recently. My Naesala is complete!

Was it the Atk Wave? Yeah, I get you.

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43 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Built up to 20 again.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

3* Effie (It's depressing how irrelevant Gen 1 units are these days. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Y!Marth (I mean, it's a merge, but it's also Chill Def. +Atk/-Res, even have that boon already.)

Was it the Atk Wave? Yeah, I get you.

Atk wave? Ss3!

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1 hour ago, Endriu said:

Atk wave? Ss3!

Ah, so building to it. Because sadly for her she was out before it-

Wait, this was dancing Ishtar. I'm going to shut up now.

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Ah, so building to it. Because sadly for her she was out before it-

Wait, this was dancing Ishtar. I'm going to shut up now.

Altho, odd atk would make perfect sense on him. Not gonna pull for it but will see... thx for the inspiration


Edit: wait bartre has that skill - awesome

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Dropped 111 orbs into the anniversary banner but alas, did not get a single Focus unit -- not even a 4* Young Marth, despite getting a good amount of reds. Pretty much a good sign to not bother any further with that banner (111 orbs could've gotten me 2-3 young Marths but I got zilch).

Got a +Atk Kjelle (new to me) and a +Spd Siegbert as off-focus pitybreakers. The only silver lining is that I finally pulled a +Atk Ares, allowing me to finally finish my +10 Ares merge project.

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Well my hunt for Duo!Hector has net me on D!Ishtar so far.  I am going to keep trying until the banner ends, I really hope I can get them since they are the only Hector and Lillina versions I am missing and I love the art.

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It finally happened.  Best Daughter is 10+ after the most lengthy journey in Heroes I'm sure.  Less than a year I went from no Lucy to 10+.  I am very happy.  She came in ten orbs, those were 10 orbs well spent on her banner.  I may now save for the Grima merges XD



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Back up again.

I'd still assume nothing.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Don't give me hope.)

4* Silas (It's Reposition. +HP/-Spd), 4* L'Arachel (Crap, I mean it's Renewal but... +HP/-Spd), 4* Fir (I am sick of this kid studying the blade. +Spd/-Def), 4* Henry (Also him. +HP/-Spd)


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So Solo banner, i forgot there was a new banner today.

In saving mode, but there were 3 red orbs screaming at me on my second account.

1st was Adult Tiki (yay Bonfire), 2nd was Eliwood and the 3rd?

+Atk/-HP Mareeta!!!

Awesommmmeeee, now I can fodder the +Res/-Def one for her B skill! Tempted to give it to Lon'qu for favouritism

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