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3 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

For Gunnthrá's  Chilling Seal, what happens when there are several units have equally low defense. Would only one have the debuff, or all of them?

All of them

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10 minutes ago, ShizuDrive said:

Hey there, I got 2 Winter Lissas from the winter banner, one of them is -Def/+Atk and the other one is -Res/+Def. Which one should I use? I am planning on either using the other as fodder or merging it into the one I want to use.

I would keep [+Atk, -Def]. She can smite merge +10 enemies with Brave Axe-Death Blow as if she were a Blade tome user. Just make sure to give her allies that can give her mobility so she can arrive to the battle on time.

As for the other one, merging or foddering are both decent options. I prefer merging my seasonal units, since I do not mind to waiting for skills to be released on a non-seasonal unit.

Edited by XRay
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17 minutes ago, XRay said:

I would keep [+Atk, -Def]. She can smite merge +10 enemies with Brave Axe-Death Blow as if she were a Blade tome user. Just make sure to give her allies that can give her mobility so she can arrive to the battle on time.

As for the other one, merging or foddering are both decent options. I prefer merging my seasonal units, since I do not mind to waiting for skills to be released on a non-seasonal unit.

I will use my +Atk Lissa then. For the other one, I will probably merge her. Thank you very much!

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18 minutes ago, Kaoxt said:

Is there any must have skills from the Christmas banner? Just wondering if I should grab  any units before banner ends. Thanks :)

Bold Fighter and Armor March. Vengeful Fighter is a bit more meh. Personally, I would wait for them to release those skills on non-seasonal units since I find foddering seasonal units a bit wasteful. And if you are not using an armor team, then I would not bother getting fodder at all.

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Just wondering if I merge a +3 merged heroes into a regular 40 unit (no merges). It would just become +1 again right? I am wanting a better IV Nowi, so was going to merge a +3 Nowi as I have plenty of spares, but it showerd it was going to turn into a +4 Nowi. I did not want to lose the better IV Nowi to.Game shows she will become +4.


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18 minutes ago, Kaoxt said:

Just wondering if I merge a +3 merged heroes into a regular 40 unit (no merges). It would just become +1 again right? <..> Game shows she will become +4.

The game doesn’t lie here. The merges are combined, and your Nowi will become +4.

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What the screenshot is showing is correct, you end up with a +4 with the IVs of the former +0 as the base. You can click on the portrait labelled "after" to confirm the stats if you wish. The final result should have +2 HP, Atk and Def, and +1 Spd and Res compared to the one you started with.

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I would say to run Infantry Pulse in the C slot and Panic Ploy as her Sacred Seal, if you can't or don't want to decide. But if you only want to run one, I'd pick Panic Ploy, since reversing buffs is really annoying when I go up against it, so with proper positioning it's probably pretty useful.

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25 minutes ago, Kaoxt said:

Alright sounds like a plan. Do you know if Panic Ploy affects infantry pulse by any chance?

Panic Ploy and Infantry Pulse are completely different skills that does different things.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Panic Ploy and Infantry Pulse are completely different skills that does different things.

Sorry I meant would Panic Ploy cause a negative if I had Infantry Pulse on and opponent had Panic Ploy on.

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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Slaying Axe+ refined for attack, Sturdy blow, bold fighter 3, and bonfire as a special.

I would use Brave Axe and Death Blow instead. Bold Fighter gives quadruple attacks which is too good to pass up. Give her Armor March for the C and a partner for Hone Armor and you’re set.

13 minutes ago, Kaoxt said:

Sorry I meant would Panic Ploy cause a negative if I had Infantry Pulse on and opponent had Panic Ploy on.

Panic Ploy turns positive out-of-combat buffs, which appear blue on the unit’s stats when selected, into debuffs of the same magnitude. It does not interact with any other skills that do not boost stats outside of combat.

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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Is this a good idea for a Winter Lissa biuld that is +atk, -hp?

Slaying Axe+ refined for attack, Sturdy blow, bold fighter 3, and bonfire as a special.

41 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I would use Brave Axe and Death Blow instead. Bold Fighter gives quadruple attacks which is too good to pass up. Give her Armor March for the C and a partner for Hone Armor and you’re set.

I second @MrSmokestack, although I would put Armor March on her partner instead and she can run Hone Armor/Fortify Armor.

If her partner is someone like TOD!Henry, TOD!Henry needs the buff more to operate well while WE!Lissa literally do not need buffs to have Blade mage level of performance with that build.

WE!Lissa +0 [+Atk, -HP]
Brave Axe, Ignis
Death Blow, Bold Fighter
Enemies +10
Player Phase 165:27:12
Player Phase [Attack +3 Sacred Seal] 175:24:5

Gunnthrá +10 [+Atk, -Res]
Gronnblade, Moonbow
Swift Sparrow, Guard
Enemies +10
Player Phase 172:11:21
Player Phase [Speed +3 Sacred Seal] 177:11:16

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Over the last few weeks I summoned a lot. Which while it does mean I've gotten a number of good units... it also means I kinda have some less than stellar 5* units as well. I'd like to ask about them. I'll be listing them in the order they appear in under the Sort: Favorite option, meaning these units have all had their hearts removed. I will also not be listing their natures unless noted.



Ogma (Brave Sword+)

Alm (Windsweep 3)

Male Corrin

Soleil (x3, Firesweep Sword+)

Sigurd (Close Defense 3, Speed Smoke 3)

Brave Roy (Galeforce, Steady Blow 2)

Celica (Distant Defense 3)

Ephraim (x2)

Nephenee (Slaying Lance+, Wrath 3)

Shiro (x2. Steady Stance 3, Defense Tactic 3)

Clive (Silver Lance+)

Mathilda (Neutral, Ridersbane+, Cancel Affinity 3)

Oscar (x2, Sapphire Lance+, Rally Spd/Def, Spur Spd/Def 2)

Peri (Killer Lance+ > Slaying Lance+)

Clair (Silver Lance+)

Tana (Guidance 3)

Hinoka (+Def -Spd. Brave Lance+, Hone Fliers, probably not actually fodder but she has the heart removed so...)

Raven (x3, Brave Axe)

Winters Envoy Lissa (Handbell+, Bold Fighter 3)

Soren (Rexcalibur+, Watersweep 3)

Leon (Slaying Bow+, Guard 3)

Brave Lyn (Swift Sparrow 2, Attack Smoke 3)

Genny (Gravity+, Physic+, Wrathful Staff 3)

Mist (Slow+, Recover+, Spur Def/Res2

Sakura (Fear+, Physic+)


Generally speaking, I don't know what I could do with any of them. While some of them are technically units I don't have trained and could be an asset (Raven, Hinoka, Mathilda, and Ogma), the reason the REST of them are listed is because I already have them either trained or, at the bare minimum, Favorited because their nature is better, some examples being Brave Leon, Blade Soren, Savage Genny, and Reciprocal Alm.

I'd hate to waste them, but they're also taking up a decent amount of space, so... can anyone think of uses for these units? I only listed the skills I'm certain are 5* exclusive.

(I'm thinking I might do Close Defense 6 Slaying Lance +Def forge with Quick Riposte 3 on Hinoka if I choose to use her. On Enemy Phase, where the set would be used, with Flier Emblem + Goad Fliers, her W-L-D is 108-1-90, which becomes 97-5-97 with +10 merge override. Most of her losses come from bulky greens or greens who have some form of Triangle Adept 3, most draws are only because she can't counterattack, and losses where she is outright killed are... pretty much locked to Bows.

After another round of calcs, Distant Counter bumps her up to 183-1-15 (169-5-25 on +10 merge override), so I'd do that as soon as I could... well I dunno what to think, do you guys think the insane amount of investment would be worth it? I'd go for it myself because I like Hinoka as a character, but it could very easily not be worth the heavy amounts of investment.)

While I'm here, is there a better damage calc than Kagerochart right now? Preferably with Weapon Refinery?

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

While I'm here, is there a better damage calc than Kagerochart right now? Preferably with Weapon Refinery?

Arcticsilverfox's Calculator

Andu2's Calculator

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Ogma (Brave Sword+) Fodder

Alm (Windsweep 3) Tempest Trials/Fodder

Male Corrin Arena Assault

Soleil (x3, Firesweep Sword+) Fodder

Sigurd (Close Defense 3, Speed Smoke 3) Fodder

Brave Roy (Galeforce, Steady Blow 2) Fodder

Celica (Distant Defense 3) Merge/Fodder

Ephraim (x2) Merge

Nephenee (Slaying Lance+, Wrath 3) Fodder (Atk/Spd 2 for Elise) (Wrath for Lyn) (I do not recommend foddering Slaying Lance since Killer Lance is pretty common)

Shiro (x2. Steady Stance 3, Defense Tactic 3) Fodder (Defense Tactic 3)

Clive (Silver Lance+) Merge (I personally prefer to merge limited units rather than fodder them.)

Mathilda (Neutral, Ridersbane+, Cancel Affinity 3) Fodder (Cancel Affinity 3)

Oscar (x2, Sapphire Lance+, Rally Spd/Def, Spur Spd/Def 2) Fodder (Spur Spd/Def 2)

Peri (Killer Lance+ > Slaying Lance+) Fodder (Killer Lance+; Peri cannot pass Slaying Lance+ unless the target also has the regular Slaying Lance.)

Clair (Silver Lance+) Fodder (Hit and Run)

Tana (Guidance 3) Arena Assault (I do not think Guidance is worth foddering since there is a Sacred Seal for it.)

Hinoka (+Def -Spd. Brave Lance+, Hone Fliers, probably not actually fodder but she has the heart removed so...) Merge/Fodder

Raven (x3, Brave Axe) Fodder

Winters Envoy Lissa (Handbell+, Bold Fighter 3) Merge

Soren (Rexcalibur+, Watersweep 3) Merge

Leon (Slaying Bow+, Guard 3) Merge

Brave Lyn (Swift Sparrow 2, Attack Smoke 3) Merge

Genny (Gravity+, Physic+, Wrathful Staff 3) Merge/Fodder (Wrathful Staff 3)

Mist (Slow+, Recover+, Spur Def/Res2 Fodder

Sakura (Fear+, Physic+) Fodder

I do not recommend foddering units labelled with Arena Assault since they have absolutely no skill worth foddering in my opinion, so their next best use I can come up with is to send them into Arena Assault as counters. If you do not like to merge units, units labelled with merge can be used for fodder.

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

Arcticsilverfox's Calculator

Andu2's Calculator

I do not recommend foddering units labelled with Arena Assault since they have absolutely no skill worth foddering in my opinion, so their next best use I can come up with is to send them into Arena Assault as counters. If you do not like to merge units, units labelled with merge can be used for fodder.

the units you marked for AA I already have with better natures, so... merge.

Same with Alm.

Already put Wrath on Lyn and I don't have Elise yet.

Can't Peri pass on Killer Lance+ and let the receiver learn Slaying Lance+ via Weapon Forge?

I'm not sure I understand why one would fodder a 5* unit for a positioning skill...

I'm also still trying to debate Hinoka...

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