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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

So I'm gonna have 200 Divine Dews very soon, and I wanna use them. I have an idea of what I wanna do with my Divine Dews, but I kinda wanna run it by the populace first...

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Alm [+Spd -Def] > Falchion (Gaiden): The Special Refine would be amazing to have, as I'm always down to have more Dragon killing tools, and Alm would make a great one. But up to now, I've been able to do fine with what I have available to me, so it might not be all that necessary...

Lyn [+Spd -Res] > Sol Katti: The effect would be nice to have, but I already don't use Lyn... at all.

Lucina [+Spd -Atk] > Falchion (Awakening): I'd probably give her the Sealed Falchion since it'd synergize with Desperation and a Brazen skill well, as well as Lucina not being a defensive unit like Chrom is.

Masked Marth > Falchion (Awakening): Same as above.

Male Corrin [+Atk -HP] > Yato: I'm torn between the Support option or going with the Speed forge, as I have plans involving Corrin's Support refine, but it'll take two full Divine Dew upgrades to achieve (Support Yato and a lot of spurs being given to a defensive Chrom)

Eldigan [+Spd -Atk] > Mystletainn: I don't use Eldigan much already, and I'm not even sure if this refine would fix that.

Lilina [+Atk -Spd] > Forblaze: A strong contender for two reasons: One is that I have a much better [+Atk -Def] Lilina waiting for a promotion, and two is that I'm well aware of how good the promotion is. I just have always had higher priorities...

Leo [+Atk -Spd] > Brynhildr: I'm gonna give the special refine most definitely.

Ephraim [Neutral] > Siegmund: He still needs the refine, and I'm willing to go through with it to upgrade his supporting ability.

Clair [+Res -Spd] > Rhomphaia: I have two better Clairs, one [+Atk -HP] and the other [+Spd -Def], in waiting for a promotion. Which one I'll go for, probably +Atk, but either way...

Hinoka [+Def -Spd] > Hinoka's Spear: Infantry/Flier Guidance upgrade.

Linde [+Atk -Def] > Aura: The upgrade I'm considering most besides Lilina's. The +6 to adjacent Magic and Staff users is just too strong to ignore. I'd go for the Special refine, but even one of the normal refines would be fine if it meant getting so strong an effect.

Soren [+Spd -Def]> Wind's Brand: Owltome effect.

Takumi [+Res -HP]> Fujin Yumi: I know that this bow is not combat oriented, but it'd be a fun refine more than anything. Yes, I do not recommend you take this one seriously.

Felicia [+Atk -Def] > Felicia's Plate: Special Refine is strong.

All the below are 4* and require promotion

Chrom [+Atk -Res] > Falchion (Awakening): Spectrum Bond refine, going in tandem with the above mentioned Yato Refine. +10 to all stats just from hanging near Corrin, in addition to +5 Atk and Def from Atk/Def bond, and any additional Spurs, will make for one bulky Chrom.

Camilla [+Spd -HP] > Camilla's Axe: I'm not too sure about this one, since I've yet to even get the damn axe, but it seems a pretty good effect.

Anything anyone has to say, I'm open ears, but I'm weighing between Lilina and Linde for this refine...

Between Lilina and Linde, I would go for Lilina since she is more flexible with team composition and she is not dependent on positioning.


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I pulled a +HP/-Def Leif, and I'm quite unsure of how to build him since he wasn't really on my radar back in the Thracia banner.

I know he's good for PvE with S drink so I gave him Reciprocal Aid. Also gave him a Wo Dao and Moonbow from an Athena for a special, since his Def is a superbane at 26.

What should I give him as a B slot? Maybe QR, but I'm not sure if that's good with his -Def? Any other suggestions? Not sure if he's a player-phase or mixed-phase unit.

Unless I give him Fury and Desperation?

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15 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I pulled a +HP/-Def Leif, and I'm quite unsure of how to build him since he wasn't really on my radar back in the Thracia banner.

I know he's good for PvE with S drink so I gave him Reciprocal Aid. Also gave him a Wo Dao and Moonbow from an Athena for a special, since his Def is a superbane at 26.

What should I give him as a B slot? Maybe QR, but I'm not sure if that's good with his -Def? Any other suggestions? Not sure if he's a player-phase or mixed-phase unit.

Unless I give him Fury and Desperation?

If I were you, I will stick with his S Drink and give him a refine Slaying Edge+ and Quicken Pulse seal combine with 4 cooldown special like Dragon Fang or AOE special then add one more Infantry Pulse support so he can one shot anyone on first turn.

But yeah, bad luck with that +HP on him, you need a higher HP Infantry Pulse support.

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1 hour ago, Ginko said:

If I were you, I will stick with his S Drink and give him a refine Slaying Edge+ and Quicken Pulse seal combine with 4 cooldown special like Dragon Fang or AOE special then add one more Infantry Pulse support so he can one shot anyone on first turn.

But yeah, bad luck with that +HP on him, you need a higher HP Infantry Pulse support.

Oh that's an interesting thought, I never thought about Slaying Edge. Don't have the fodder for that right now but I can wait.

I guess I can run Lector's new C skill as an alternate cooldown support. Didn't think about Dragon Fang, that'll be useful for TTs as well.

Also general question, is L!Ike's superbane in HP enough to bring him down in score? Just wondering if I should use that or neutral as a base if I cared about arena scoring more

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28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also general question, is L!Ike's superbane in HP enough to bring him down in score? Just wondering if I should use that or neutral as a base if I cared about arena scoring more

Not sure about this but I would prefer his HP bane to benefit with Wrath build. Currently, I have +Atk -Res copy.

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54 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also general question, is L!Ike's superbane in HP enough to bring him down in score? Just wondering if I should use that or neutral as a base if I cared about arena scoring more

L!Ike is at least 162 BST. A super bane only drops score if the BST is divisible by 5.

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16 hours ago, Integrity said:

death blow 6 lilina is hilarious and i recommend that everyone has one

I would.... If I had a +Atk Lilina. And fewer red mages.

So, I have some quick fodder questions for everyone:

-How should I prioritise fodder like Pain+? Who should get it first ahead of others etc.

-What units really benefit using Galeforce that don't have it by default?

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I would.... If I had a +Atk Lilina. And fewer red mages.

So, I have some quick fodder questions for everyone:

-How should I prioritise fodder like Pain+? Who should get it first ahead of others etc.

-What units really benefit using Galeforce that don't have it by default?

Horse healers really benefit from pain because of their massive range. Nanna and Clarine are the best IMO, but Priscilla is more like a debuffer because of her massive res so she could use a debuff staff with ploys. We don't talk about Elise because she isn't worth pulling for. As for infantry healers: anyone with decent attack like Lachesis or good bulk making them annoying to kill like Azama. A good build I see come up is wrathful refined pain with CC and vantage. The rest is savage blow and miracle

For Galeforce I'd say Lephraim, Bold Fighter armors, anyone who has to high attack to use Heavy Blade like Soleil or Cherche. Infantry brave weapon users with infantry pulse and QP

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54 minutes ago, Dayni said:

-How should I prioritise fodder like Pain+? Who should get it first ahead of others etc.

Every staff user does well with Pain+. Priority should go to whoever you use most. Ties should be broken by whoever has lower Atk.


55 minutes ago, Dayni said:

-What units really benefit using Galeforce that don't have it by default?

Anyone with a skill set and stat spread that allows it to activate after the first round of combat.

It's more a matter of play style than anything else, though.

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5 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

IV question for V!Lyn: +Atk -Def or +Def -HP? Going with a Blarowl+ Close Counter build, and +Def means getting a lot more mileage out of that Close Counter.

If she is in a Ward Armor team, I would go with [+Atk, -Def]. She will generally have two allies next to her and will at least have two stacks of Ward Armor on top of her. If you are still worried about Def, you can give her Close Def Sacred Seal. She is pretty fast with two allies next to her, so it is not like she will get doubled a lot either.

LA!Lyn +Def, -HP
Blárowl [Atk][2 Ally], Moonbow
Close Counter, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 142:9:113

LA!Lyn +Atk, -HP
Blárowl [Spd][2 Ally], Moonbow
Close Counter, Quick Riposte
Close Def
Enemies +5, +Spd, Moonbow, Fury
Enemy Phase 165:9:90

If you have Vengeful Fighter, she can go with Iceberg instead.

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I got a -atk/+res Charlotte a while back and I would like to build her but I don’t really know what to do with her.

I was initially hoping for at least +def since I was thinking of going with an enemy phase build with her but I don’t know if that’s worth it now.

She’s still only has her vanilla kit except for that Luna that I gave her.

What build/builds would be the best for her?

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@NegativeExponents- I almost want to say to go memey and give her Berkut's Lance for that +Res? I think that's 33 effective Res which is....okay-ish? 

Or maybe give her a super specific niche with an anti-X weapon? Either Ridersbane or Slaying Spear, hopefully the effective damage makes up for the lower Atk?

Otherwise Life and Death plus either Slaying Lance (Spd) with Luna or Harmonic Lance (Spd) with Moonbow seems to give good enough results, just pretend the Spd refine is a Spd boon.

@Chrom-ulent Thanks for that info. As for VLyn, I think the +Atk boon seems to be the way to go, go wild with that Atk boon and her nice Spd.

@Dayni Pain+ works on any healer, but horse healers are the most effective. Or if you're going with low Atk healers like Azama or Wrys, then Pain+ is their main way of damage.

As for Galeforce, Siegbert works really well with it as well with his prf weapon, just slap Heavy Blade and sweep. Otherwise, any high Atk unit with high mobility will do (Elincia is a good flier GF user as well). Raven also works with Basilikos but he is not as mobile so it might not be as effective.

Speaking of Lilina, I finally bit the bullet and promoted the +Atk/-Spd one instead of the -Def, to train with her father. I hope the extra Def is worth it in clutch situations (maybe PvE archers or something), since her Spd is bad anyway (although I do miss using my Spd superboon one)

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Well after many orbs I finally got Hardin. Thankfully I didn't need anything from the Legendary banner because I am wiped out completely. Tana might be a pipe dream as well at his point. BUT I got Bold Fighter to throw around for finally after how many ever months since it was introduced.

Problem? I got it on a nice Hardin and now I have to decide if I want +DEF/-SPD or the new +RES/-SPD. My current one's inheritance isn't so expensive that I would worry overly much about lose of inheritance resources. My current one gets hammered by mages so It would be nice to pump that up.  Just not sure. It looks like if you use a Breath that it doesn't matter much. Just swap the breath out for the opposite stat, so +DEF gets warding and vice versa. However, with his native Brazen skill and a fortify it seems RES is nice. Even with fortify and breaths it seems like you just want to use opposite. Exception seems to be Ignis if you can get enough stats under your belt. At which point you slightly out perform. But since it seems in general that with breath you just want to use the stat that wasn't a boon and that with Brazen RES has an edge, well sounds like I should swtich to +RES? I doubt I'll ever have enough merges of him to really make use of the big end game with Steady Breath Ignis. Then again the differences in counts were all pretty small baring a few outilers that I ran. So maybe I am agonizing over this way too much. And that is why I come to ya'all. Stop me from agonizing over minor differences!

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6 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Does Marth (+Atk-Res) want Moonbow or Glimmer? With the upcoming voting gauntlet, I'm looking back at my Marth.

Mine ran Luna because Moonbow feels lacking. Mine is Spd/HP, though.

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@Usana For general purpose, most DC units need Res stat to dealing with mage. I recommend to lean toward with +Res with current meta of dragons.

There are not many DC user that come out with high Res. Hardin is unique with this stat so , why not?

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11 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

I got a -atk/+res Charlotte a while back and I would like to build her but I don’t really know what to do with her.

I was initially hoping for at least +def since I was thinking of going with an enemy phase build with her but I don’t know if that’s worth it now.

She’s still only has her vanilla kit except for that Luna that I gave her.

What build/builds would be the best for her?

I second @mcsilas. If you are only using her for Arena Assault and are going the Slaying Spear route, you may also want to consider giving her Glimmer-Triangle Adept-Swordbreaker to shut down Bold Fighter red armor units.

If you want something even cheaper for Arena Assault, then just Glimmer/Moonbow-Swordbreaker/Quick Riposte should shut most swords down.

3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Does Marth (+Atk-Res) want Moonbow or Glimmer? With the upcoming voting gauntlet, I'm looking back at my Marth.

Yes I know Aether is THE preferred. :P

Glimmer falls short against bulkier units, so I would go with Moonbow. Unless you are a using Triangle Adept and/or effective Weapons, Moonbow is generally better. If you are a Blade mage, Glimmer is better in most cases, but if you are facing super bulky units, you still want to go with Moonbow.

3 hours ago, Usana said:

My current one gets hammered by mages so It would be nice to pump that up.

Did you give him a mixed phase build? I have an Enemy Phase Distant Counter Effie with Slaying Lance and she does not have a problem with mages. I run her in a Ward Armor team so that also helps a lot. You can also try patching up his Res with Distant Def Sacred Seal.

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56 minutes ago, XRay said:

I second @mcsilas. If you are only using her for Arena Assault and are going the Slaying Spear route, you may also want to consider giving her Glimmer-Triangle Adept-Swordbreaker to shut down Bold Fighter red armor units.


Swordbreaker is probably overkill with Triangle Adept, but you'd want to run the numbers on it. I'd vote for Lancebreaker instead if the goal is to specialize against armors since that gives you more options.

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Don’t know if this has been asked, but I’m at 999 refining stones, and I’m unsure if this is the cap, or if I just happened to have ended up with 999.

Does anyone else know, or is this just my hoarding showing itself?

EDIT: I played more GC to test it myself and the cap isn’t 999. I just happened to have that much. I thought that since crystals capped at 999,999, refining stones might have a limit as well. Guess I was worried for nothing. If there is a limit, it isn’t something I’ll be reaching anytime soon.

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25 minutes ago, Fruity Insanity said:

Don’t know if this has been asked, but I’m at 999 refining stones, and I’m unsure if this is the cap, or if I just happened to have ended up with 999.

Does anyone else know, or is this just my hoarding showing itself?

I have 1,478.

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Death Blow 6 get, thanks @Ginko, @Integrity, and @XRay .

I'll be getting Linde's refine next, since I feel confident in my current Dragon-killing abilities enough to not need Alm's refine yet. Besides, I just cannot keep my eyes away from her... you know...

...really big...

Boo...st to magic and staves. I don't know what I was going for there, they don't even look that big SHUT UP I TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY I WAS GIVEN.

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@Ice Dragon @XRay @mcsilas

Thanks for your help! An anti-armor build sounds really useful. It helps that I currently don’t have anyone outside of Caeda and Micaiah for that job so more are definitely welcome.

14 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I almost want to say to go memey and give her Berkut's Lance for that +Res? I think that's 33 effective Res which is....okay-ish? 

That was my first thought when I saw her +res too but I don’t like sacrificing limited units (with a few exceptions) and even if I did I don’t think she’ll be receiving DC anytime soon (there’s quite a few units I want to give it to more than her) so it’ll be pretty underwhelming to just take hits but not being able to counterattack.

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50 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I'll be getting Linde's refine next, since I feel confident in my current Dragon-killing abilities enough to not need Alm's refine yet. Besides, I just cannot keep my eyes away from her... you know...

They get bigger.



Sage Linde with Starlight when?

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