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The joy of playing FEH (or: more money, more problems)


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Hi everybody,

since i could profit from the great knowledge of this community several times, i wanted to share some thoughts about FEH in general and when it is/was most fun for me. Sorry in advance for my far from perfect English.

I became a FEH-player in March being completely new to Fire Emblem at all. The whole franchise was unknown to me until I stumbled over this new APP. Therefore I have no special connection to any of the characters (or their story for that matter), which is a pity, but perhaps I can play some of the newer games in the future.

Of course I started playing the story maps, without pulling very often. I liked the game modes and discovering the big variety of characters has been a lot of fun. Only trying the hard and lunatic modes I noticed it was easier with some better units. My first 5* pull has been Kagero, who became very fast my main Killer in that time. Only in retro perspective I understood that I’ve been lucky with my pulls, considering I got Kagero, Ephraim, Hinoka, Ninian and S!Camilla with my first handful or so of 5* pulls and ever since I only pulled two 5* units twice (Alm and Spring Xander). I pulled the spring units accidentally, not understanding the meaning of choosing a banner. Getting Hinoka and Ninian has been a big “wow” to me and Hinoka is still the core of my flier team.

Pulling a new unit meant to discover new ways to play the game, to build new teams and to approach threats. With skill inheritance that became possible in even greater Varity, but with SI came the fear to do something irreversibly wrong as well. Therefore grew my need to get more information via forums, wikis and so on. Even without external information I understood that Takumi and Ryoma where powerful units, hence I pulled on the Hero Fest banner and purchased for the first time a small amount of orbs (~40). Takumi and Ryoma never came to me, but I was happy with my new Jeorge, Azura and later Hector (-ATK), because I always did full pulls (5 units with 20 orbs).

I tried all new units I got and leveled most of them up. That’s why TT and Squad Assault where no big deal but a nice variety to me. With the time I got units for nearly every possible use, with the big exception of a powerful red mage. Because of that I changed my pulling behavior and pulled (nearly) exclusive red units on the Hone ATK banner for Sanaki. I never got her and now I’m pulling for S!Corrin with the same lack of success. My guess is: pulling for a specific unit reduces the fun in pulling and the lack of positive surprises in pulling reduces the overall fun in playing FEH.

I’m aware of the fact that I can’t go back to my naïve first days in FEH, since gathering and exchanging information became a part of playing the game, but I think I will never ever “snipe” again for one unit. That’s a too frustrating and expensive process, while pulls of non-focus 5* units tend to be under appreciated.

Surely I can’t speak for people who spend a lot of money in pulling units, but perhaps some of you had a similar impression while playing FEH in the last months?

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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

pulling for a specific unit reduces the fun in pulling and the lack of positive surprises in pulling reduces the overall fun in playing FEH.

Ha no

I pulled for Delthea and got a +Atk Lukas instead

Kept pulling and still didn't get Delthea

Lesson: take what you have

Other than that, pulling for specific units has always gotten me what I wanted (well out of the 5 times, 2 times I got bamboozled). I pulled reds for Celica, got her. I pulled blues for Effie, got her. I pulled blues for Azura, got her.

I pulled a 5 star Fae and lost my percentages once. I was SUPER happy! It was my first Fae and I needed the renewal fodder (yes I sacrificed a 5 star Fae for fodder, bite me).

Pulling for specific colors isn't technically the mst economic way to spend your orbs, but it does get you results. Sometimes you just don't have the power of the percentages on your side. Which is why I make animal sacrifices :P Full pulls are for when you LITERALLY have no units. Like right at the beginning of the game. Builds you roster faster! I will always go specific colors from now on though.

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42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

perhaps some of you had a similar impression while playing FEH in the last months?

My experience has been VERY similar to yours--Heroes was my first exposure to the series, for the first month or so I didn't understand banners at ALL (let alone that there were several running at once & you could choose among them...), and since I've become more familiar with the game, pulling on a banner & sniping have gotten me some great units, but never the one I was specifically gunning for. 

My initial luck with pulling heroes was actually really BAD. I just didn't realize it at the time. I didn't have a five star for weeks & then the first one I got was, I think, a -ATK Faye? Either that or a -ATK Clair. Those were my first two, in any case. 

Eventually I got a few really good units, but the last month has mostly been a bummer--maybe because, as you say, sniping can be dispiriting.

That being said, it's a really fun game. It's cute and it's got a lot of depth for something that fits on my phone screen. I'm really enjoying it. 



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22 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

My guess is: pulling for a specific unit reduces the fun in pulling and the lack of positive surprises in pulling reduces the overall fun in playing FEH.

I don't feel that way, and I think that'll be up to the individual. If I could go back in time I'd do the opposite and tell myself TO snipe more than I used to. I usually want who I want, so most surprises are not welcome. Like I would not appreciate pulling something like Leon when I was trying to get Sonya because I was rolling all colors instead of sniping. Sure you could get something else that you would like, but who I'm actually pulling for is the priority.

I used to always roll all 20 orbs in a summon and wouldn't often get who I wanted with 5*'s I didn't care much about and extra junk, so I got tired of that. I get trolled by off-banner 5*'s enough as it is just while sniping. (Please Roderick, why did you show up instead of Summer Corrin?) Even when I fail to get who I snipe for I think I feel better knowing I tried and it was the RNG rather than my choice to roll more colors that failed me. But of course it's dispiriting to not get who you want regardless.

Very early on in the game, sure, you need to build up your barracks to cover your bases to clear content and quests so it makes more sense to roll everything and be happy with what you get. Otherwise, I think it's personal preference if you care more about a better chance at who you're pulling for you want to maximize the total units pulled for fodder and such. Not everyone's as particular about what they get, but I usually want specific units.

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55 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I tried all new units I got and leveled most of them up. That’s why TT and Squad Assault where no big deal but a nice variety to me. With the time I got units for nearly every possible use, with the big exception of a powerful red mage. Because of that I changed my pulling behavior and pulled (nearly) exclusive red units on the Hone ATK banner for Sanaki. I never got her and now I’m pulling for S!Corrin with the same lack of success. My guess is: pulling for a specific unit reduces the fun in pulling and the lack of positive surprises in pulling reduces the overall fun in playing FEH.

I’m aware of the fact that I can’t go back to my naïve first days in FEH, since gathering and exchanging information became a part of playing the game, but I think I will never ever “snipe” again for one unit. That’s a too frustrating and expensive process, while pulls of non-focus 5* units tend to be under appreciated.

Surely I can’t speak for people who spend a lot of money in pulling units, but perhaps some of you had a similar impression while playing FEH in the last months?

Luck is luck. Athena was the only unit I cared about in a banner with three reds, and I got her very quickly. I sniped for Delthea and got her in 70ish orbs, without Mathilda killing my pity rate. Likewise, I got Summer Elise in 60 orbs without Xander showing up. 

However, I'm in the same boat as you with Summer Corrin. 200ish orbs and 2 off-focus blues to show for it.  Way back in June, 150 orbs for Ike and nothing. It's fine to snipe for someone, but as with anything gambling related, getting what you want is always a happy surprise. 

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1 hour ago, Oboro! said:

I pulled for Delthea and got a +Atk Lukas instead

Kept pulling and still didn't get Delthea

I got a +spd -def Delthea on my very first blue summon for the banner.


Meanwhile when Ike was the focus banner I spent 200 orbs on it and got 3 or 4 non focus 5* reds, plus I reset my increased odds once when there were no red orbs because the 1 green I pulled before backing out ended up being a Soren.

I later got Ike as a non focus pull so it all eventually evens out. Even though you might not get what you set out to get, you might just find that those "undesired" units become key contributors for you later on.

When we had the mage banner, I was pulling for Linde and Julia. I never got either; I ended up getting 2 Nowis, both -Atk. I was really mad at first, but then I decided to promote a +Atk 4* Nowi I had to merge with the other two and Nowi has quickly become one of my MVPs. After 4 more promotions, I now have a +6 Nowi.

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I normally do full pulls for fodder.

I only snipe units that are limited and/or powerful. I have sniped for BB!Cordelia, Reinhardt, Delthea, and NS!Corrin so far. I would have sniped for SF!Camilla as well, but that was when I still had self control over my spending habits. I also sniped a couple of Olwens to merge her later. I do semi sniping with the Quick Riposte banner where I pull every color except greens.

After I get NS!Corrin to +10, I will do full pulls on that banner to get more fodder and other limited units.

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@mampfoid You said you don't have particular relationship toward characters as you are new to Fire Emblem. That's by all means alright, but then there is many people (or I would like believe) who are here for sake of characters they likes. So yeah getting soon available CYL Lyn is my priority over getting some random nice surprise. I sniped  for Summer!Corrin too because I like her design and because she  fit perfectly in my flyer team (after some work). So I find much better snipe for units I like/need over ... well these I don't.  

For newbies it's better build up pool of course by going full session, but after you became self-sufficient, there is no really point in full sessions imho.

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I'm quite the opposite and only find joy in pulling exactly the guy I want.

But welcome to FE. Hope this has been a pleasant experience for you and please do remember to support the main series! :lol:

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Hey great observations OP.

I think the fact that someone who has never played FE and has no attachments to the characters and can still enjoy the game and appreciate the characters tells a lot about the quality of the game.  

I personally snipe for certain characters, because I do have personal attachments to many of the characters.  My one issue with the game as of late is that I've been too afraid to spend my orbs on regular new banners because there's a seasonal banner around the corner every other month.  Personally I think this game would be a lot better if they just stuck with one per season (4 specials) because as a F2P I prioritize the units I can only get once.

I've actually been fairly lucky with my orb/5* ratio but been pretty unlucky with the ratio of wants/don't wants 5*s I've recieved:

2 Jaffar

Didn't want:
Tobin (if you can count TT)
7 Fredericks


I've been getting a lot more nonfocus 5*s than I'd like and I haven't gotten a non 5* focus I want since Leo which was maybe my ~5th 5*.  Also a second Jaffar was kind of nice.

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I have pretty much all the units I want, so hunt summoning is far more effective for me. It got me the Leo and Xander I wanted from the latest banner (and a Fae and Rebecca I didn't particularly want but accept all the same). It only failed last banner, where all 5*'s vanished forever and ever. Leon really didn't wanna pull for me. Mostly, though, I've found it to be pretty successful. I do spend a fair bit of money, though, so that might be why. It's more fun to get a load of orbs and hunt summon a lot than to do it by the twenties, I find. 

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Thanks for the many replies so far. It seems i underestimated the waifu/favorite character -factor a great deal, most of you keep on sniping. :) As long as there are cool units of all colors i’m missing, I’ll try to pull as much as I can with my few orbs.

@Oboro! I learned that lesson as well. May the pulling luck stay with you!

@Personette Good to know somebody shares my experience. Better luck in the future to you with your 5-stars.

@Alkaid I think there are few units which are much less worthy than others to pull. Most of them are at least good SI fodder. Do you snipe for units you like and/or for units which are strong and useful for your teams?

@Eridras I hope we’ll get our flying beauty at last, there is still plenty of time.

@Hawk King I usually share that feeling (“so it all eventually evens out“), but those seasonal units give higher pressure to people who really want them, since you can’t get them later off-focus. I also try to make the most of my 5* units (and many of my 4* units as well). My surprise top-contributors came from the 4* ranks during the first TT (Palla, Olivia, Cherche, Lilina, M!Robin), but also Alm and some healers got my appreciation then.

@XRay That level of pulling is far beyond my financial capabilities. I’m quite happy with my +0 units, but playing your BB!Cordelia in the current Voting Gauntlet is a pure joy and honor (team NS!Corrin, if I’m not wrong?).

@Tenzen12 S!Corrin fits too good into my flier team as well and this is the team i’m currently building up and enjoying the most. Good luck with that Lyn, i still miss the original one.

@Okigen Thank you very much for the welcome. Is there a way to support the main series without buying hardware?

@Lushen Yes, there are a little too many banners. At least some of the units keep returning to other banners later. Thats a lot of 5* for f2p, congratulations! 7 Fredericks could form quite a strong brave-user, a pity he is none of your favorites. Did you miss Masked Marth from first TT?

@Cute Chao That’s what I will try to do in the future. Summer Xander would be welcome to me, since I have also the other two versions and I'm curious for that new skill he got.


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14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:


@Lushen Yes, there are a little too many banners. At least some of the units keep returning to other banners later. Thats a lot of 5* for f2p, congratulations! 7 Fredericks could form quite a strong brave-user, a pity he is none of your favorites. Did you miss Masked Marth from first TT?


They were summer Fredericks, not regular.  Dagger user.  

I did not get masked marth from the first TT because I was frustrated by the mechanics of the original TT and decided it wasn't worth doing for a unit completely identical to Lucina (excep that she can't be merged).

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@Lushen Ouch, that Frederick ...

Since I never got the original Lucina, I find the masked version quite useful as an anti-red/healer, much more than Tobin and probably Clive for that matter. But it was a loong way, that's true. 

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25 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I think there are few units which are much less worthy than others to pull. Most of them are at least good SI fodder. Do you snipe for units you like and/or for units which are strong and useful for your teams?

I primarily pull for the units I like, and/or ones that look fun to play with. Like for Summer Corrin, I don't really care about Corrin him/herself as a character, but as a flying blue mage? And with really nice art? You've got me sniping blues. (I love my Spring Camilla, so a blue version is too good to pass up)

I probably should have said before that as a new player to FE as a whole, it makes sense you don't mind so much who you get. And that's totally cool. It's nice you can appreciate more of the random units you happen to pull. Meanwhile for those who have played the main games, they're probably more inclined to hunt for favorite characters. So sniping the right colors is the most efficient way to increase the odds of getting them.

Also, from the perspective of somebody who's only spent a pretty small amount of money on the game: (just spent on 75 orbs for both Hero Fest 1 and then Bride banner) if I miss out on somebody I really want with free orbs, I'm not really able to just whale a lot for them before their banner goes away. So if I don't snipe, I lower my chance of succeeding and I might miss out on somebody I really wanted--possibly for good if it's a limited banner.

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As someone who does have favorites. . .who cares?  Perhaps I'll gain another favorite by using a different character.  Regardless, I am in desperate need of certain types of fodder, so full pulls make sense for me.

Besides, I think the game is a lot more fun when I try to make do with what I have.

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18 minutes ago, eclipse said:

As someone who does have favorites. . .who cares?  Perhaps I'll gain another favorite by using a different character.  Regardless, I am in desperate need of certain types of fodder, so full pulls make sense for me.

Besides, I think the game is a lot more fun when I try to make do with what I have.

These are exactly my sentiments. I also had very little knowledge of the casts outside of Binding Blade and Awakening, and I've grown to really like certain characters I knew nothing about (many becoming core units for me).

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1 minute ago, Johann said:

These are exactly my sentiments. I also had very little knowledge of the casts outside of Binding Blade and Awakening, and I've grown to really like certain characters I knew nothing about (many becoming core units for me).

If nothing else, do some research on Blazing Sword's cast.  It can be a bit hit-or-miss (see: Jaffar), but they're one of my favorite groups of characters.  There's also a fair number of people from Blazing Sword, so they'll seem familiar, right down to Lucius' hips.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

If nothing else, do some research on Blazing Sword's cast.  It can be a bit hit-or-miss (see: Jaffar), but they're one of my favorite groups of characters.  There's also a fair number of people from Blazing Sword, so they'll seem familiar, right down to Lucius' hips.

Oh, I've looked at them since starting Heroes, and I can definitely see how some of them got a bad deal in Heroes (particularly art-wise) despite being otherwise decent or good characters. I'll probably play it sometime when I'm low on things to do. Ursula is part of my main team, and many others are either part of my extra teams, or at least on my radar if I ever manage to roll them.

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As someone with clear favoritism for certain characters Eirika is best girl and I'll fite you if you disagree I only tend to snipe if the character is really unique/broken or is one I absolutely want even if it is not the best in the roster, if not I prefer to do full summon sessions to get some fooder and maybe get pleasantly surprised by some off-focus 5*.

I was really happy when I got a 5* Minerva, Hinoka and Y!Tiki while pulling from a random banner that didn't feature them but I prefer the feeling of getting exactly what I want even if it takes longer or is more expensive (in terms of orbs, I'm still f2p) and while it hurts to not get what I want or anything at all Sonya why do you hate me! that's part of this type of games so I still enjoy my time playing Heroes.

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I've only sniped twice; for Leo, and Summer Leo. 

I did get Leo, after $200CAD and a 5* drop rate of about 8% (8% in each 5* rate, totaling at 16%). I was super worried though, because I could've gotten a 5* Henry at the time. Best $200 ever spent. 

No luck on the Summer Leo though. Haven't bought orbs yet. Probably wont.


I am, at heart, a collector. I'm aiming to eventually have 1 of every hero. But it doesn't stop me from appreciating what I have (in fact, I see if I can even make units with bad IV's viable).

Ultimately, it is up to you how you play the game. I wish you the best of luck. Until next time.

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I have had too much good luck with heroes to complain, I tend to snipe for heroes that I want, when erika was released I decided to try to pull for her and I got seliph, needless to say I was pissed, I later got an off banner Erika which was immediately added to my team, I even got bride lyn and cordelia in the same attempt, not to mention when I got delthea in only two tries and managed to pull an off banner celica when I was going for a faye. managing to get Ninnian and in a later banner Y!Tiki. I was blessed with many characters who I want and the game also loves screwing with me at the same time, I later got another 5* seliph and a 4* seliph, and the greatest prank of all was the fact that I managed to get every version of lucina, that would be fine and dandy, too bad I hate lucina.

I still really want mist, but the game refuses to give me a good banner to pull from, war of the clerics block b was the worst and I had no orbs because there were no quests or daily orbs and I'm FtP. I will likely try for Ike in the CYL banner, but I do hope that they give us a good way to get the CYL heroes because if they are using their primary weapons we are looking at a .75% likelihood for getting anything specific. debating on summer corrin though, I never got spring camilla and a tome flier would be nice.

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I used to always do full pulls, but now that I'm always at max barracks capacity, I've started only Pulling from colors with Focus characters I want.

I've been pretty lucky with getting 5*s, but they tend to be -Atk half the time, I'm not jesting.

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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

That level of pulling is far beyond my financial capabilities. I’m quite happy with my +0 units, but playing your BB!Cordelia in the current Voting Gauntlet is a pure joy and honor (team NS!Corrin, if I’m not wrong?).

Yeah, I went ultimately went with Corrin since she looks cuter than Robin. I figured it might be easier to get a better score with Corrin before switching to Robin.

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