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August’s Legendary Hero - Marth: Hero-King (August 28 ~ )


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I have a sneaking suspicion I'll still be able to one-hit kill him with my old-school Triangle Adept Nowi.

Either way, they did a great job with his exclusive skills. Exalted Falchion's effect is great (and pairs well with Veronica). Binding Shield is okay in that it's awesome against dragons, but completely dead weight against anything else. It would've been nice to add a Renewal effect or something on it (even through it's the Falchion that gives that effect in the source material). Fire Emblem is only a bit stronger than your average 2-charge Special skill, assuming Marth's Spd is good (which I assume it is), but the buff effect is pretty nifty. I'm glad they're thinking outside of the box for these skills.


As for colors, I'm definitely focusing on red for Marth and Lene (Reinhardt is simply a bonus), and I might make a few pulls of green for some extra Gunnthras and Hectors, but I'll stop as soon as I max out Gunnthra. I probably won't try for a +10 Marth this time around due to the CYL banner, but I'll see how far I can get on my budget.

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Green is the color I'd be avoiding this time around as Gunnthra isn't too interesting and I'm biased against her due to my lack of luck in pulling her and that Legend Lyn exists, I already have a +Atk Valentines Hector, and Spring Alfonse isn't extremely interesting aside from his being Def Smoke fodder.

Blue's OK; I don't find myself using Brave Lucina often but I'd welcome a Fjorm merge and Nephenee as either fodder or for antiarmor unit (depending on IVs).

Colorless is fairly meh: I could get a Faye to give somebody Firesweep though my Brave Lyn already has it. Not too interested in Grima and Spring Kagero, while sexy, isn't too interesting of a unit despite being the only dagger flier in the game.

Red is easily the most interesting color to me this time; Marth looks to be an amazing dragonslayer thanks to Exalted Falchion and Binding Shield, Lene is one of the dancers I'm actually missing, and sword Reinhardt is a solid sword cavalier - who knows? He might come home due to me owning a 5*+10 blue Reinhardt.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Thankful at least that the two best colours here coincide with the two 3-4* units I need most, Lilina and Nino. One of each, or hell, even just either of them out of this banner would make me happy.

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19 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

L!Marth has some really nice skills and the art is amazing. One of his animations has him perform Dancing Blade. 

Nah, that's just his quadruple-stab-of-death. He does that when he kills people in Fates too. And in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. with the Rapier.

4 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

Nice, finally Marth gets to shine. Anyways, will they replace the old brave units with the new batch in the next legendary banner?

I doubt they'll replace the old Braves completely, but hopefully they'll add in the new Braves starting with September's Legendary Banner.

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Honestly, I would definitely pull from this banner at any other time of year, but the brave heroes banner exists. MAYBE I will pull on green, because I still don't have a gunthra, and my LA hector is -def+spd(aka, literaly the worst nature possible), but I just got a good ephraim. All the brave heroes have skill fodder I want, and would be great on my team  (although some of them would require specific IVs to be worth it)

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3 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Nah, that's just his quadruple-stab-of-death. He does that when he kills people in Fates too. And in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. with the Rapier.

Said stabs were literally taken/inspired by the 3rd finishing combo of dancing blade though. Maybe not an exact carbon copy of it since the actual move had 5(?), but it's there

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...This sucks a lot. This banner may be crap for most of you but I need something from each color.

RED: I don't have a single one of these units and I haven't pulled a busted sword unit since Ayra on the very first legs day banner.

BLUE: Lucina is the only CYL1 hero I never pulled and also WRATH FODDER. Fjorm is decent fodder as well.

GREEN: I want Vector so bad but I already have Gunnthra and Alfonse so... That's no good.

COLORLESS: I've pulled two Fayes and two F!Grimas.. I've never on the other hand, pulled an S!Kagero.

I only have 20 orbs... Between this, CYL2 and the dancer banner... This is looking bad...

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Wooow, Marth looks amazing. They certainly did justice to the original FE Lord.

Not pulling Blues. I have all three.

Skipping Greens too. Only missing Bunfonse but don't care much for him.

Colorless... only missing Grima who for some reason never wants to show up. But getting pity broken by Faye or Kagerrot wouldn't be too bad, I guess.

Red is obviously the main dish. Missing King Marth (obviously) and Lene, and wouldn't mind a better Swordhart.

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So my thoughts on the colors.

Red: Very strong for me. Marth is definitely someone I want to add to my collection. It also helps that I’m in dire need of Fire blessings as well. I never got Reinhardt before so he’s welcome, though preferably only once. My current Lene has IVs so I’d like to get an optimal one, and worse case scenario I can pass off her Safeguard sword. 

Blue: Hands down my most coveted color. I really want more Fjorm merges. Nephenee is great for Wrath so she’s fine too. Lucina isn’t someone I care for too much, but she’s got Aether... though I’ll most likely merge her since I got a surprising amount of copies of her.

Green: A little weak for me. Hector is amazing and I’d love more DC fodder. Not as thrilled with the other two. Gunthra has meh fodder overall and I don’t really use her much, but I guess I wouldn’t mind the blessings. I never got Spring Alfonse, but unless he’s got great IVs he’ll be Defense smoke fodder. 

Colorless: I’m not touching this one lol. As much as I’d like a Grima who doesn’t have shit IVs, Faye and Kagero really ruin it for me. The former because I’m not in need of a Firesweep bow at the moment, and the latter for her overall underwhelming fodder and limited usage. 

So it’s Blue>Red>Green>>>>>>Colorless for me. I’ll be at 180ish orbs, so I’m feeling lucky.

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I'll barely have enough for three pulls (assuming I get off my lazy bum and grab all the available orbs).

Red - HOLY.  Mar-mar being awesome aside (who I want because Daisuke Izuka), Lene is a dancer I'm missing, and who the hell is this Reinhardt guy?

Green - Would you look at that, three units I don't have. . .or at least I don't have that Hector?  I think?  Still, it's a good selection for me.

Blue - Three units I have in some way, shape, or form.  Though they wouldn't mind better boon/banes combos!

Colorless - Hey, three more units I don't have, one of which has a weapon I want to pass on!

So for me it's Red >> Green = Colorless >>> Blue

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Gender balance is broken but that's fine since we got Legendary Marth now. Kind of always expected Marth to get Exalted Falchion Also, for some reason I can't look at L!Marth's special being called 'Fire Emblem' and not think it sounds very narmy for some reason.

Anyways, while red looks like the best color to pull from and while I would actually like to get L!Marth since I am still missing a fire legendary hero I probably won't be spending too many orbs on red since I already have Reinhardt and I don't really need Lene.

Don't need or want any of the green units and blue is only mildly impressive but I wouldn't spend any orbs for them right now.

Colorless is still the go-to color for me. I still want L!Robin to complete my dragon emblem team plus the other two are fodder for me if I get them instead. If I get Faye her Firesweep Bow is going to Kinoka and if I get Kagero her Goad Fliers goes to one of my fliers.

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9 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

If I get Faye her Firesweep Bow is going to Kinoka and if I get Kagero her Goad Fliers goes to one of my fliers.

DO NOT DO THIS!!! Palla can easily give you Goad Fliers without the need of killing off a limited 5*. If you insist on using Kagero as fodder, then go for her bond skill or the Lethal Carrot. 

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2 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

DO NOT DO THIS!!! Palla can easily give you Goad Fliers without the need of killing off a limited 5*. If you insist on using Kagero as fodder, then go for her bond skill or the Lethal Carrot. 

But Palla is friend, not fodder! Though seriously, I have tons of fliers who want Goad Fliers and Palla doesn't show up that often for me. No one wants Lethal Carrot on my team since it has been several months since I last used a dagger unit and I am not sure who would want Spd/Res Bond.

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@Motendra It's happening! He's finally here!

Ahhhh, he looks so good! I love Daisuke Izuka. Does he have his earring? Izuka always gives him an earring.

And his skills!

All in for red, it's w-h-a-l-e timeeee!

Edited by Lau
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Bad timing for Marth showing up right now with the current appearance of CYL. The worse is that I have everyone of this banner already aside of Faye and Gunthraa. Latter would be nice for being an Askr unit, but LALilina fulfills her job as green mage knight to my full satisfaction already.

I will only do one full circle, that's it.

I have to prioritize for CYL banner.

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Congrats Marth. You and your fans definitely deserved this time to shine. That said, I find myself rolling my eyes at people claiming they "always knew" the gender pattern would be broken. We didn't know anything really and Intsys might well have decided to simply roll with it for a lot longer. I am happy they didn't, but this was far from predictable.

Anyway, on to the colours:

Red: Marth does look very appealing, although I'd have to fight myself to not give his bond skill to my Sakura. Other than his dragon effectiveness, he is still yet one more infantry sword competing for a slot on my teams, so I am unsure just how often I'd make use of him. I don't have fire hero yet though. Swordhardt is pretty awesome and Lene would mean I don't have to sacrifice my only copy of her once I start my Hinata merge project.

Blue: Looks to be the most underwhelming. Fjorm has only her bond skill that interests me. I would love Nephenee to give Wrath to someone, but Lucina is just underwhelming.

Green: Looks great. I still don't have Gunnthra. LA!Hector has DC and Alphonse would make for a great Axe cav.

Colourless: I really do not need another Grima. Spring!Kagero is a Hoshidan unit though, and the only flying dagger, so I kinda want her. Faye is also highly desireable, since I coukd give her Firesweep bow to my Tak-Tak.

That said, I don't really want to spent orbs at all, so this is all just free-pull speculation. I think I'll pick between red, green and colourless, depending on which colour is only there once so I don't second-guess myself.

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13 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

But Palla is friend, not fodder! Though seriously, I have tons of fliers who want Goad Fliers and Palla doesn't show up that often for me. No one wants Lethal Carrot on my team since it has been several months since I last used a dagger unit and I am not sure who would want Spd/Res Bond.

If nothing else, Spd/Res Bond could go to a staff unit who doesn’t have anything better in their A slot (like Atk+3 or Spd+3).

Anyways, bless you Marth for denying that ice prince the honor of being a legendary. While I’d be cool to get him, he’s not going to get me to drop money to do so like Lucina did last month.

Overall this lineup of units doesn’t particularly impress me, though I am also missing Lene so sniping reds wouldn’t be the worst idea. More merges for any of the three female lancers certainly wouldn’t hurt either.

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16 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

But Palla is friend, not fodder! Though seriously, I have tons of fliers who want Goad Fliers and Palla doesn't show up that often for me. No one wants Lethal Carrot on my team since it has been several months since I last used a dagger unit and I am not sure who would want Spd/Res Bond.

Masked Marth, sharena and soren are all f2p friendly units who synergise very well with bonds due to their refines. Granted, they often perfer atk/something bond, but any bond will work.

1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

If nothing else, Spd/Res Bond could go to a staff unit who doesn’t have anything better in their A slot (like Atk+3 or Spd+3).

like veronica, if you have her. SHe has a gaping hole instead of an A skill, and the best options are atk/spd push and atk/spd 2, neither of which are easy to get (although nephnee happens to show up on this banner with the later). THing is, veronica wants to be close to allies due to her staff effect anyway.


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