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October Legendary Banner Expectations


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2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ok, thanks! 

Would be difficult to find an axe elegant enough for her though.

She'll get some votes from me, Veronica will be out of competition and Cordelia can spare some. 

If CYL3 will be like CYL2, there will be a notification in advance. 


thanks! :)

i see what this game is trying to do. bait me out of my orbs just like last month with PeggaNino as a featured unit. 
nope. nopers. noooooo game. I am waiting for Legendary this time.

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12 minutes ago, Troykv said:

That would be interesting. We still need a Green "Rapier" in FEH :p

Wolfbeil Hector when? 

I don't want a third Archanaen L!Hero within the first 16 batch of L!heroes. Right now there is a pattern where L!heroes cap out at two per continent. For balanced representation, they should stick to this. That's another reason why I don't want Hrid and don't want Caeda despite her being my favourite Archanae character. 

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51 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Dracos are not constricted to use Axes like in Heroes?

Dragon knights were restricted to lances and/or swords all the way through Path of Radiance, most commonly (but not always) with lances as the base weapon and swords added on promotion. In Radiant Dawn, they made axes the base weapon and lances added on promotion, and that appears to have stuck.

Valter's and Summer Innes's mounts are Magvel's wyverns, which are separate from the standard dragon mounts and used only lances (receiving Luna on promotion instead of swords).

As for the naming, all of the draconic mounts through Path of Radiance were referred to as "wyverns" in English (likely originally to differentiate them from transforming dragons) because the localization teams have some strange aversion to changing the names of classes for some reason. This leads to the weird case where Magvel's dragons and wyverns are both called "wyverns" in English despite being distinct in Japanese.

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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Valter's and Summer Innes's mounts are Magvel's wyverns, which are separate from the standard dragon mounts and used only lances (receiving Luna on promotion instead of swords).

 Are they stronger, faster or in any other way different from standard dragons? 

15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

In Radiant Dawn, they made axes the base weapon and lances added on promotion, and that appears to have stuck.


Now I remember that from Awakening. Don't know much about the really old FE titles with Caeda & co. though. 


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19 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Are they stronger, faster or in any other way different from standard dragons? 

They're a shared promotion for the dragon knight and pegasus knight unpromoted classes and are typically regarded as the best promotion for both.

According to their stat caps, wyvern knights are faster than falcon knights and have in-between raw attack (1 more Skill than dragons, 1 more Spd than falcons), but have lower defenses (same Def as falcons, same Res as dragons). Wyvern knight was also one of the few classes in the game with access to a unique skill, with their class skill being the rather powerful Luna (different name, but same effect) (so powerful, it could crash your game if battle animations were on).

Unlike the more recent games, characters in Sacred Stones have growth rates that don't change based on their class, but because it is feasible to cap all stats in the post-game, a class's stat caps end up mattering more in post-game content.

Edited by Ice Dragon
Numbers are difficult in the morning.
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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

 Are they stronger, faster or in any other way different from standard dragons?

Aside from the actual gameplay differences, the Magvel wyverns are actual wyverns, that is, they have two legs, two wings, no arms and a serpentine body, compared with the standard dragons in those games, which have four legs (or two legs and two arms, if you prefer), two wings, and a more lizard-like body.

I think Awakening was the first time the standard dragons were more wyvern-like (Awakening and Fates dragons have two legs, two wings, and a lizard-like body).

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Oh, for so long? I hope it's not just Fjorm all the time until then. 

We have Ephraim for October, Lucina for November, Fjorm for December and Tiki for January. October 31st we will know if Ephraim will return in February or not.

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@Ice Dragon @YotsuMaboroshi Thanks for the insights, I still have much to learn about class promotions and stuff. And FE Zoology :-)

1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

We have Ephraim for October, Lucina for November, Fjorm for December and Tiki for January. October 31st we will know if Ephraim will return in February or not.

Too bad, I'm not that much interested in Ephraim and Fjorm (and Tiki, because I already got a good nature). Lucina even more so. 

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@Ice Dragon @YotsuMaboroshi Thanks for the insights, I still have much to learn about class promotions and stuff. And FE Zoology :-)

The stuff I pointed out is more from English heraldry than FE.  FE localization only co-opted the term.

It's always kind of bugged me that the dragons are called wyverns when they aren't actually wyverns, though at least it fits better with the Awakening/Fates dragon mounts than the old dragon mounts.  Wyverns are a kind of dragon, but dragons are not always wyverns.

Edited by YotsuMaboroshi
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6 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

It's always kind of bugged me that the dragons are called wyverns when they aren't actually wyverns, though at least it fits better with the Awakening/Fates dragon mounts than the old dragon mounts.  Wyverns are a kind of dragon, but dragons are not always wyverns.

I remember seeing this image once, and not forgetting it:


I don't personally make a fuss over the naming schemes, but I suppose I'd consult something like this if I were creating a game or something, since others would be bothered by those kinds of fumbles.

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8 hours ago, Falter said:

You all ready for red bow Anna? ;)

Yes, I very much wish for this to be true even if the chances of it actually happening are kind of slim. If that wish that come true though I fear all of my orbs would disappear trying to get her.

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28 minutes ago, Johann said:

I remember seeing this image once, and not forgetting it:

I'd consider the image a bit more credible if it didn't have the Qilin and Eastern dragon on it, neither of which are related to Western dragons and both of which are technically chimeras by Western standards of mythological creatures.

I don't think there's much of a point to rigidly defining the designs of dragons other than the few that have relatively fixed designs based on heraldry (like the wyvern, amphiptere, and lindwurm), and even then, there are still decent reasons to be technically wrong, particularly when there is a need to differentiate types of dragons with similar physiology.

If our world had as much need to differentiate types of dragons as it did the need to differentiate breeds of dogs, we'd have better words to accurately describe types of dragons. However, we don't have that vocabulary (for obvious reasons; there are lots of dogs in this world, many visually distinct, and not many dragons), meaning it may be necessary to use inaccurate terminology in fictional settings where a distinction is important, but not for a feature that we distinguish for in our real-world language (as long as the writers don't want to make up gibberish words).

For example, in Monster Hunter, while the distinction between "reptilian" monsters is perhaps finer than what we have in English, the top-level distinction is coarser than what we have in English, simply being a distinction between monsters with 6 total limbs (with a few exceptions where limbs have become stubbed like with real-life snakes) and monsters with 4 total limbs ("limbs" includes arms, legs, and wings). Since English doesn't have a coarse enough distinction (we have a very coarse category, "dragon", and fine categories based on body type and number and types of limbs, but nothing in between), 6-limbed monsters are called "dragons" and 4-limbed monsters "wyverns", despite the fact that it means the label of "wyvern" ends up also applying to monsters with a T. rex-like body structure.

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2 hours ago, Johann said:

I remember seeing this image once, and not forgetting it:


I don't personally make a fuss over the naming schemes, but I suppose I'd consult something like this if I were creating a game or something, since others would be bothered by those kinds of fumbles.


Grima is basically designed from the Amphitere then. Having a serpentine body with wings, but no legs or hands. Possibly to refer that Grima is not to touch the ground, but to remain among the heavens, as he is a god.

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Whoever the new legendary hero is, part of me hopes it pisses off everyone. Not just a vocal minority, not just people being tired of another alt of characters with many alts, but everyone, or at least a massive, 75% to 90%, portion of the player base. It'd be an impossible task, but it would be amusing.

Otherwise, a red cavalry mage would be nice because it's not like there's only two in the game and they're 5* locked. At least this one will be guaranteed to show up every now and again. Even a red bow cavalry would be nice. I wonder if Alm ever took lessons on horseback riding and archery from Mycen. Watch it be Tobin because screw the notion of "legendary heroes". Brave Killer Bow anyone? Or an alternate version of Parthia that Jeorge eventually gets?

Edited by Kaden
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  • Legendary Eirika
  • Brave Roy Flying Olivia
  • Celica (tome) Summer Tana
  • Legendary Lyn
  • Fallen Robin (M)
  • Bridal Sanaki
  • Legendary Ephraim
  • Bridal Ninian
  • Sumia
  • Legendary Robin
  • Takumi Innes
  • Summer Noire Genny

Genny and Innes are pretty surprising to see here, I was super sure about them putting Noire in there. I definitely didn't expect two dancers either, but I think most people would agree that they're great to pull. I almost wonder if they put Tana and Innes on here to round it out as a Sacred Stones sort of banner.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Where is Roy? :-(

He will show up on March's legendary hero banner to go along with the new binding blade banner that month. We can always hope for November's legendary banner though.

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22 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

He will show up on March's legendary hero banner to go along with the new binding blade banner that month. We can always hope for November's legendary banner though.

It's a colorless Hero though.

On topic, and while I'm jumping the gun a bit, does anyone have any early predictions for which Blue units will be in the next banner? Thanks in advance!

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23 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

He will show up on March's legendary hero banner to go along with the new binding blade banner that month. We can always hope for November's legendary banner though.

Never mind, burned all orbs. 

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2 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

It's a colorless Hero though.

I was assuming he was talking about Brave Roy


2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Never mind, burned all orbs. 

Just saw your post on the official pull topic, sorry to hear about it.

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Hmmm...So apparently we are still getting Robin next month as a colorless legendary alongside Ryoma, Lucina and Gunnthra so we aren't getting a new legendary in November I guess? Not only that but Eirika will be coming back in January alongside Ike despite both of them being red units. I wonder what that all means?

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