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Special Heroes - 2017 (Feb 1 ~) & 2018 (Feb 8 ~) Free Summoning Event! Which colour will you choose?


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13 minutes ago, Nanima said:

I have a -Spd one too. She is normally pretty speedy, so this hurts her, but I've gotten a lot of use out of her anyway. Flier buffs help a lot. But if you have S!Tana, you will probably prefer her.

Oof. Well, I'll make use of her anyway, since one can never have too many mage fliers.

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5 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy it was the same for me. Only worse since there was literally every color except colorless. Sometimes this game just gives you a big middle finger, Literally worst case scenario.

Got Winter Robin, guess it could have been worse.

Could have been Spring Xander.

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5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Could have been Spring Xander.

Meanwhile, I was over in my corner kinda hoping to get him just so I could have every alt of each Nohr royal. I can at least say I did get a blue bunny.

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@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster

Darn not having the colours you want is so annoying. Yeah I wanted colourless on my second account (Bridelia pls) but somehow got 4 greens and 1 red instead -___-. The one time you don't want greens (and I already have Tharja anyway so red is meh)

And the green was Summer Tiki who I already had...but somehow with a worse +Res/-Atk (my original one is +Def/-Spd). I don't particularly use her too often (mostly for Axe Valour and some AA matches), so the +3 Spd isn't that important.

I guess I could fodder Melon Crusher (does anyone want that these days) or Close Def?

As for my main, I at least got 2 colourless (Jakob pls). Got NY Takumi instead which...is at least new (and thankfully not another Sakura). +Atk/-Spd though so a bit mixed. Can't even fix the bane because the banner rerun just ended but oh well, he's new.


Hoping for colourless for the second round for flying Mia so I can skip her legendary banner. Might go red for Micaiah if no colourless.

Edited by mcsilas
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This was pretty much my expression when I pulled green only to see S!Camilla greet me.



And once again I am denied PA!Azura because you know there is no such thing as having too much Camilla in Fire Emblem Heroes right?

Edited by NSSKG151
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34 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Meanwhile, I was over in my corner kinda hoping to get him just so I could have every alt of each Nohr royal. I can at least say I did get a blue bunny.


3 minutes ago, Grandosco said:

Sure could have. Siiiigh. At least the bunny prince is a new unit for me. Gotta catch ‘em all?

You two should kiss.

16 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@SatsumaFSoysoy @Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster

Darn not having the colours you want is so annoying. Yeah I wanted colourless on my second account (Bridelia pls) but somehow got 4 greens and 1 red instead -___-. The one time you don't want greens (and I already have Tharja anyway so red is meh)

And the green was Summer Tiki who I already had...but somehow with a worse +Res/-Atk (my original one is +Def/-Spd). I don't particularly use her too often (mostly for Axe Valour and some AA matches), so the +3 Spd isn't that important.

I guess I could fodder Melon Crusher (does anyone want that these days) or Close Def?

As for my main, I at least got 2 colourless (Jakob pls). Got NY Takumi instead which...is at least new (and thankfully not another Sakura). +Atk/-Spd though so a bit mixed. Can't even fix the bane because the banner rerun just ended but oh well, he's new.


Hoping for colourless for the second round for flying Mia so I can skip her legendary banner. Might go red for Micaiah if no colourless.

I'm hoping for Mia as well.

Melon Crusher is a pretty good weapon. I'd think of something with that.

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Unfortunately I didn't get Chrissa out of the first one.

Hopefully I can pull Red next time, I have next to none of the red units from that year and were looking for most of them at the time.

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I got four colorless and one red orbs, meaning no green that I wanted (so many greens that I wanted), so I pulled a colorless.  Halloween Jakob.  Literally the only one that I already had and did not want.  Here's hoping I can get a red orb next week (doubt it).

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So I was thinking. Green has most of the good options for me, and it doesn't have any units that I'd feel bad if I open them. Red and blue is risky for that, and while Colorless have good options, I'll just wait for the rerun on H!Mia.

Green for good on Y2.

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Ugh. Wanted green, but just got red and colorless orbs. Pulled red, hoping for either Leo or Camilla, or at least a duplicate Tharja since she has good fodder. Got a duplicate Nowi instead, the worst option. There's a time when I would have at least appreciated the Hone Fliers fodder, but it isn't rare anymore!

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@mcsilas @SatsumaFSoysoy Ouch sorry to hear that. Everyone wants Bridelia (I already got a good one) or other colorless units. 

I wouldn't mind Jakob, NY!Takumi or Halloween Sakura. Or Lyn for fodder. 

Ok, I even get colorless. Bet who hides behind that? 


Oh no ...


Didn't want to steal your Cordys ...

She is -ATK and my other Cordy (+SPD) doesn't need a merge. 

So no new unit for me. :-/


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For year one I wanted either blue or colorless. Blue for Charlotte(merge) or Shigure and Colorless for Lyn(merge) or Jakob or Olivia.

There was no colorless but luckily there was a single blue so that narrowed my choices down. As to who I got:



Shigure!! I wanted the extra merge for Charlotte more but I’m not complaining.

I got scared as soon as I noticed he wasn’t neutral because I didn’t think natures would be involved but I guess being a random unit wasn’t enough of a caveat for IS (¬_¬)

Luckily, Shigure was +atk/-hp which is perfect so I guess not being neutral locked worked in my benefit this time around.

Wasn’t my priority Charlotte but at least I got my close second choice and didn’t get spooked by Robin or Corrin which I severely dislike and don’t even have good fodder.

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Tried to go for the jackpot pulling green.



+Hp/-Res.  I came up quite short from the mark, unfortunately.  Aside from a dupe S!Camilla, Elise is probably the one I wanted least.  I have no intention of building her, and while she's the only unit with G Tome Valor, I have no particular need for it.  Hopefully the 2018 pool gives me something better.     


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As I said, I only had Frederick and Takumi out of Colorless Year 1, so any other one would have been fine. I got Bride Lyn, which is great, but +Res -Spd is unfortunate. Still, happy I got one more unit for Emblemdex.

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Wanted colorless hoping for a fix for my NY Takumi, there actually was a colorless orb, got +Atk/-Def PA Olivia from it.  She's new, a dancer, and I like her art, so I'm good, I guess.  

God I really hope I'm not noped on colorless on banner 2.

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Went with red since I only had 1/4.

Got an Halloween Nowi which makes me SO HAPPY! I missed my chance to get her two year in a row, so this is the best possible result. 

The second choice will be trickier to make since I have units of each color, but I think my priority will be Blue>Colorless>Green>Red

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Pulled red on the first one and got Christmas Tharja, just the most wanted out of them. Atk-/Res+
Really happy about her. I got so unlucky on her first banner and now she still got to me somehow. I see that I will make use of her.

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