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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Currently Ys 9!

I thought Seven was still the most recent one, chronologically!
Whoops! My mistake, haha!

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Adol be like



16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Becasue Ys actually changes systems every few games and evolves

Would be hilarious if it was still Bumper Cars, the game, though. XD

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ys 9  😞


16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That's the usual case in most Ys games.

That is also very true! And I very much applaud this decision!

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Young Roo-ling!

Ayy! XD

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I unironically like their designs better than a good chunk of the playable characters. They're so fucking cool, all of them.

That, I can agree with!

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I like her too. I mean, I used her in my Birthright run.


16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But yes, as you said, she wasn't going to see any use in this run anyway. None of them were. In fact, they've all hit the bench already except Gunter, and Gunter will go next chapter, because I've already nabbed a cavalier from Zola's troops.

Nice! May that cavalier serve you well!
Though in this route, Gunter may as well be a generic, seeing how he has no supports with anyone.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahaha... Well, you win some, you lose some. At some point I have to encounter a gimmick that's tolerable.

... Yeah... maybe? XD
I mean, Corrin and worst FE character ever will be your only Dragon Vein users, right? I can already warn you that some later maps may prove rather... painful. This route railroads you very hard into using the royals if you want to finish the maps quicker.
Which is exactly what I don't like about it, because anything that can use Dragon Veins can go die in a fire for all I care.

16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaga Ruben did it first.

Well... dangit! XD

11 minutes ago, Benice said:

Maybe I can play Ys someday, since it seems rather different than Trails, meaning that it wouldn't take me 32 hours to get to the 1/3rd mark of the game.

Ys, 1, 2, 5, and 6 take like eight hours each... and there is an achievement for finishing Oath in Felghana (the remake of Ys 3) in under three hours. So... you can actually finish several games in that timeframe!
Just not Ys 8. That one takes longer.
The one I'm playing currently, namely Memories of Celceta, that I think I might be able to finish today, is at the 20 hour mark.

Edited by DragonFlames
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

you should be able to atleast finish 2 classic Ys games in that time....


2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And i am still confused on how you aren't atleast at chapter 3 after 30 hours FC xD

I think that I spent a good ~10 hours in that misty valley trying to find a monster for a bracer quest, and I also fairly consistently walk halfway back to Rolent by accident instead of going up to that place where we first see the red-haired bloke who dislikes Cassius. I also randomly went to a tower and got a reward from the bracer guild despite never starting a quest for it, so that was pretty nice.

Also, this professor bloke is an extremely sussy baka, as the youth  of today say.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:


Umu umu

Ys 9 is oldest Adoroo yet!

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Would be hilarious if it was still Bumper Cars, the game, though. XD


3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


It's a major common complaint about Ys 9among Ys fans.

''This game is too much Trails''

or as someone said ''Ys 8 is good side of Trailsfication, Ys 9 is bad side''


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I like how the game designers tried to bribe the player with items. They were like "okay look, we know this map is terrible, but look at all the items we're giving you for free! Surely you can give us a pass?"

I dunno, man. I appreciate the opportunity to train Kenshi easily, but... Perhaps you could've waited until I had more than one fighter and one healer to train?

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Nice! May that cavalier serve you well!
Though in this route, Gunter may as well be a generic, seeing how he has no supports with anyone.

Yeah... Problem is, he's a hilariously bad generic. Kenshi has gotten a handful of levels and he already runs laps around the old man. He's been a decent Jeigan for three maps, but... it's time for him to retire.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I mean, Corrin and worst FE character ever will be your only Dragon Vein users, right?

'Fraid so.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I can already warn you that some later maps may prove rather... painful. This route railroads you very hard into using the royals if you want to finish the maps quicker.
Which is exactly what I don't like about it, because anything that can use Dragon Veins can go die in a fire for all I care.

Oof... Well, I get two users. Surely that'll be enough. Surely.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


you doing Rev is almost making me think i should give BR a real try


I mean, I already said I enjoyed BR. It's not as good as Conquest, but it's still good and above a good chunk of the series, in my humble opinion.

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ys, 1, 2, 5, and 6 take like eight hours each...

Hey, my completed playthrough of Dark Souls 1 is apparently 30 hours less than what it takes most people, so maybe I could actually beat them quickly!

My ponderous pace might only be limited to JRPGs...

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Oh my fucking God.

The final two mages with Zola could've killed Protagonist, but their AI screwed up, valuing safety over victory, and didn't try to attack stance her ass from melee range.

Oh thank the Lord, I don't think I could've done this crap twice.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I already said I enjoyed BR. It's not as good as Conquest, but it's still good and above a good chunk of the series, in my humble opinion.


I will give it a real try then.

One day...

First i wanna see if i cun run Tears to Tiara 2. If not i will do BR

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Zola takes Sakura hostage.

Suzume in the background: "If she dies, she dies."

And then Izana died a dumb, anticlimatic, needless, pointless, stupid death that I absolutely hate the devs for. Why?! What was the need...!? We don't need Takumi, he can go!

Sigh... Oh, well. Wolfgang the fighter and Virgil the cavalier join us. I was going to grab a knight or a mage, but Zola's fighters were surprisingly good. Seriously, they had the same speed as the mercs and higher strength. Amazing. As for Virgil... he's straight up better than Gunter in every stat except HP and skill. Soooo yeah. Bye old timer.

I won't do next map right now, because I have to go get vaccinated, but from what I can see, it contains prepromotes... Though, it also contains real Orochi, so I doubt I'll be able to get them. I will try to nab an unpromoted ninja and an archer, though. No other troops strike me as particularly interesting. There's also some shrine maidens here, but... Hilariously enough, they are weaker than Suzume was at base back at the Wind Tribe. What's up with that?

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


I will give it a real try then.

One day...

First i wanna see if i cun run Tears to Tiara 2. If not i will do BR

Fair enough. I hope you have fun with whichever you decide to play!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Also in Memories of Celceta, there is a Roo that will tell you the characters' "Roo names", which gives us gems such as Adoroo, Caroorooca and Frooda. XD
So that got me thinking, and, being the silly goose that I am, I came up with "Roo names" for some of us.
@Sooks would be Rooks
@Shrimperor would be Shroomperooroo
@Armagon would be Aroomagon
@Saint Rubenio would be Saint Roobenio, or just Rooben
@Interdimensional Observer would be Interoodimensionaroo Obserooveroo
@WraithReborn would be WrooithRooboroon
@twilitfalchion would be twirooitfaroochion
I would be DroogonFroomes, or just Drooggy

I'm not on your list? 

*neps internally*

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Marry them. Sure, everyone will be miserable and Sophie will be awful, but you can get Nichol earlier.

But Silas and the bench have such good chemistry!


Meanwhile me: "Hey Shrimpy I just lost 7 of our units because I made a single mistake."

so what you’re saying is I’m better than you because I survived mine

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I see.

Good joke, Revelation. Very funny. I got pranked, haha. Ahh...

So where's the real map.

I mean, c'mon, this can't be the real map, can it? Just... bashing ice for turns on end?

Can it...?

We tried to warn you.

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

@Sooks would be Rooks

Wow, that’s really creative.

If only I still had that Rook pfp. Would have been perfect.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


I will give it a real try then.

One day...

First i wanna see if i cun run Tears to Tiara 2. If not i will do BR

It’s like a simpler Conquest. It’s still pretty good with Fates mechanics, but every map is rout or kill boss and the dragon veins usually do simpler things like “remove trap” or “make healing area”. It’s still a fun game though, even if it’s not as good as Conquest, and the difficulty does pick up at the end.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All right, shot got! Don't feel much of anything, but well, it's been two minutes haha. I'm just glad to finally, finally have it.

I hope everything goes okay, with this one and the next one!

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I always forget when playing a Fragmentary Passage that EXP 0 is in Config, and not an ability! XD


Oh and if anyone's curious, while this game might only be roughly four hours long: I would choose to play it over KH III any day of the year.

First: Aqua>Sora any day

second: you actually have to apply effort into attacking (not counting DLC)

Edit: i'll (trash KH III) comment more on better things about it later.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Man, I ate well. Time for some Rev, then. Next up is the obligatory Kotaro map. Still find it kinda weird that Shura only ever gets to confront Kotaro in Conquest. Another reason why it's the best route. This will be Wolfgang and Virgil's debut - wish them luck!

Oh, and I believe I am now able to go without proper units and Logbook Orochi. Kid gloves are off. Still four units below the max deployment limit, but I think we can manage.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

But Silas and the bench have such good chemistry!

C'mon, man. Silas and Elise have such good chemistry. Like Silas and his speed growth. Or Elise and Siegfried. Great chemistry, great chemistry.


so what you’re saying is I’m better than you because I survived mine

Shut up.


We tried to warn you.

Eh, to be honest, I kinda enjoyed it more than Fuga's Mild Ride (not my joke, I found it on the internet). In the latter I just... sort of did my best to skip half the map because I cared nothing for any of my units. In this one I had Kenshi's training to keep me going. It was something.


If only I still had that Rook pfp. Would have been perfect.

Get a Ludin one instead


It’s like a simpler Conquest. It’s still pretty good with Fates mechanics, but every map is rout or kill boss and the dragon veins usually do simpler things like “remove trap” or “make healing area”. It’s still a fun game though, even if it’s not as good as Conquest, and the difficulty does pick up at the end.

Yes, this is how I'd describe it too.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I hope everything goes okay, with this one and the next one!

Thanks! I still feel nothing. Well, nothing more than a full tummy, but that's because we went to eat at this restaurant.

57 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Eh, good morning.

Gasp A newcomer!

...I wish I could say I was just joking, but I didn't realize until I read your rank, haha.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When I saw that it was a different Izumo map than just Izumo keep I was kinda hyped. Then this shit happened lol.

  See that emotion?

Just assume Rev will kill it half the time.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the game designers tried to bribe the player with items. They were like "okay look, we know this map is terrible, but look at all the items we're giving you for free! Surely you can give us a pass?"

I dunno, man. I appreciate the opportunity to train Kenshi easily, but... Perhaps you could've waited until I had more than one fighter and one healer to train?

Me, I just ask why so few slots?

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And then Izana died a dumb, anticlimatic, needless, pointless, stupid death that I absolutely hate the devs for. Why?! What was the need...!? We don't need Takumi, he can go!

Sigh... Oh, well. Wolfgang the fighter and Virgil the cavalier join us. I was going to grab a knight or a mage, but Zola's fighters were surprisingly good. Seriously, they had the same speed as the mercs and higher strength. Amazing. As for Virgil... he's straight up better than Gunter in every stat except HP and skill. Soooo yeah. Bye old timer.

Dropping Izana sucks from a sandbox perspective.

I am curious to see if the generics will hold.

55 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Eh, good morning.

Hello ghost!

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

C'mon, man. Silas and Elise have such good chemistry. Like Silas and his speed growth. Or Elise and Siegfried. Great chemistry, great chemistry.

>Remembers his Silas hit 30 Spd as part of his 30 Str/Spd/Def in BR.

I guess I don't get the joke.

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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Becasue Ys actually changes systems every few games and evolves

And right now its evolving worryingly towards Crossbell you said. You're also a bit wee bit concerned about the difficulty.

Change is good if it works out well, but failure is always an option with humanity. And when change is bad- franchise = dead, with little to no faith in a possible resurrection.

Dragon Quest has made subtle changes with each game, but I can't disagree that it stays quite conservative with its core gameplay. It's the hill it chooses to die on, not without some justifiable logic. Whereas its corporate sibling Final Fantasy has been opting for more radical change with every game since like VIII or X, to mixed reception.

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Orochi dies instantly to the ninja next to her.

Like, literally, instantly. She gets one-rounded, with a 98% accuracy, on turn 1 enemy phase. I have to kill that guy or else she dies.

You know, the one character that I need to get.


2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I am curious to see if the generics will hold.

Kenshi is pretty good already. Remains to be seen for the rest. I probably will pick up a few prepromotes from future chapters, but I'm hoping I'll have at least a few growth generics in the main team.

1 minute ago, Dayni said:

I guess I don't get the joke.

I am envious. I've never, ever had a good Silas. Every single time, his speed has remained in the single digits forever and I've had to drop him.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or Elise and Siegfried. Great chemistry, great chemistry.

You had to make a joke about Xander putting his big sword through his little sister, didn't you?

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gasp A newcomer!

...I wish I could say I was just joking, but I didn't realize until I read your rank, haha.

Some people stay as newcomers throuout their entire lives...

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Hello ghost!

Hello dayni!

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am envious. I've never, ever had a good Silas. Every single time, his speed has remained in the single digits forever and I've had to drop him.

You just had to change classes, bro.


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Orochi and Kenshi missed a high 70% and an 80% and then Orochi died.

My luck is great.

1 minute ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You had to make a joke about Xander putting his big sword through his little sister, didn't you?

No I meant Siegfried from The Last Promise.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You just had to change classes, bro.

Pff. Implying I care enough about that guy.

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