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I would like to shout out this artist, who made all of the works above! They even make art of FE characters few people care about!

It is kind of funny how you can see the artist having a bit of a degenerate streak for about a month in 2021, though.

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Sorry for being such a downer earlier. 😅

I appreciate the concern though.


A couple things I've noticed after playing some more RF5.

I was never asked to name my farm, and nobody comes to take the items from the storage box in the morning.

Small things, but odd changes nonetheless.

Also, completed the first "dungeon." Very much like the first one from 4, though the boss was a pushover compared to 4's first boss.

Maybe I was better leveled or something, idk. Not complaining, bc difficulty isn't something I care about for a game like RF.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but performance really does drag on the game when you're not in enclosed spaces. I'm not a graphics/performance junkie, but the game just looks kinda bad and runs bad too. Unfortunate, but what can you do, I guess. At least the character models look pretty nice.

It's also really easy to accidentally destroy your crops with a hammer when the rocks are close to the plants. The delay between using the tool and it actually registering is long enough that it's really easy to press it too many times and do something you didn't mean to do. Not sure why it's not more snappy. Maybe the lag is also due to the performance? Idk.

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I just watched The Truman Show, probably the best horror movie I've ever seen, interesting and sickening in equal parts. Jim Carrey was robbed, deserved an Oscar.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Based Jan, making Johtochildren seethe since 2016

4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

That's a real hot take

I just have my sanity intact


And remember, this is supposed to be the postgame!

4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Also Lillie 😛


4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Hotter than your Trails ones, even xD

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

I thought 06’s Trails’ opinions were the common ones? Well, other than “Joshua should have been protag”.

My takes are pretty normal. It's just that this place is a den of skyboomers

1 hour ago, Benice said:

I would like to shout out this artist, who made all of the works above! They even make art of FE characters few people care about!

It is kind of funny how you can see the artist having a bit of a degenerate streak for about a month in 2021, though.

Thank you, they're all beautiful. I liked that you gave the exact date when the artist posted lewds.

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51 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I liked that you gave the exact date when the artist posted lewds.

Hey now, lewd implies NSFW! It's more like Risqué than anything else.

...Unless there was NSFW stuff and I just didn't see 'em.

51 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Based Jan, making Johtochildren seethe since 2016

He's doing a review of one of my favorite Youtuber's nuzlocke soon, and I'm quite nervous and excited about it.

...Jan's Twitter is an absolute fever dream, though. St. Elimine...

51 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Thank you, they're all beautiful.

Aye, I saw 'em and felt like sharing!

I literally found 'em, like, two hours ago, but I already forgot where I got 'em from. I know I visited Saucenao after I found the Corrin+Kana one so I could share it here, which led me to all the other art; I can't remember where the Corrin one came from. Guhhh...

51 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

And remember, this is supposed to be the postgame!

Eh? Couldn't you just use any Steel type and sweep the entire gym?


Well, Lost Judgment's trial period is nearly over, and I've put a exactly 10 hours, one minute and thirty seconds into the game, and I just got to the start of chapter 5. I've been efficient, for once!

Part of the game takes the setting of a high school, where you, an accomplished detective trying to solve a mystery, become the supervisor for a bunch of people who are nerds for mystery novels. However, unlike any other high school simulator, you get to beat the students up.*

This game is 10/10.

*Okay, there's more context to it than going around and pummelling people for no reason, but still.

...In all seriousness, though, the game's great. The plot's pacing is good, the combat is kino (if not a little easy), music is catchy and fits well, cast is good, and the story's just now thickening a ton. I don't know when exactly I'll get kicked out of the game, but damn, I am thoroughly impressed by this one. It's taking the dark subjects quite seriously, but doesn't feel oppressively edgy as I'd feared the Judgment series would; the humour and vibrant spark RGG puts into their games is woven cleanly into the story and don't bleed into the serious parts- Rather, they all feel like contrasting parts of the same narrative. RGG does occasionally have problems with this, (Toylets in Kiwami 2 could not have had much worse timing, and LAD's tonal consistency is a bit...Sussy towards the late-game.) but given the topics handled, I'm glad to see they've done it well. In my opinion, at least. In addition to the well-handled subjects, the themes are developing nicely too. It's setting itself up extremely well without being front-loaded with exposition.

...The last story game I played was Edge of Eternity, though, and that game's tonality is a disaster in the first minute alone. It's a true miracle at how bad it is. Thusly, it is possible that LJ's tone isn't that fantastic, and it only feels that way when compared to a trainwreck- I just don't think that that is the case. All the same, it has been a phenomenal experience to play LJ. It is so nice to be back in the land of well-written games where plot twists are incredibly predictable, and I am so excited to eventually get to play the whole thing. A shame I spoiled OG Judgment for myself, though.


St. Elimine, I did not realize my grammar was this bad if I don't go to sleep. Good evening, all!

Edited by Benice
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11 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


Now let's get another one of her looking like this.


9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I'm actually surprised that SRW J is story-heavy. I thought the story was supposed to be just background like in FE.

I can confirm that it starts with somewhere between 45 minutes and a full hour of text. Then there's a battle that lasts five minutes, and it's back to the text. It's incredibly story-heavy.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I took on Sylvis's personal mission. Much like Kramer's in concept, and Ruby's to a lesser extent. Looked very easy, but Larentia did need some RNG to survive.

Actually, Larentia can kinda break this map. For you see, units can run through fliers, but they can't stand beneath them... And in order to trigger the escape point, you need to stand on it, even if you're an enemy. See where I'm going?

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Berwick Saga has given a weight and specialness to promotion FE usually doesn't. Sure there is no lightning or flash of light, nor slightly epic music, and the number increases are much smaller. But, as each promotion isn't from a holding special item, but instead a boon granted by society upon the deserved, it feels more earned and more glorious in its own way. Nobody cares if Geese promoted to Berserker, an entire guild does that Dean did. (Roswick & Lebough finally got the upper hand against Volcens for once too.) 

Similarly, the mercenary system and two layers of recruitment has something special in it. On the one hand, like FE most of the time, the initial recruitment is easy, and you don't know much about the people you're getting. For some characters, the second recruitment is also easy. And admittedly, if you were to play totally blind -unlike myself- you wouldn't realize Knights of Sinon enlistment is necessary to keep the characters into the final battles. At the least however, each knighting has some form of gravitas behind it. Marcel's is cheeriness with formal ceremony, Axel's and Sylvis's have some sadness by contrast, and Esteban's... feels pretty rough. It's a variety of circumstances for a variety of people.

Yes, these are two of the things I love the most about Berwick Saga, in comparison with FE and just in general. It gives a certain weight to things that one had never seen as anything but a simple game mechanic. Great stuff.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I brought Faye to the ship battle to get her a little more EXP, I thought I might as well given she'll be forced in the finale, and the map appeared simple enough. I was surprised to see it was enough happiness to get early access to her mission. I'll go for it next. Sounds like reinforcements will show up, but the enemy count looks fairly low to start at least. Poison swamps are usually diabolical, but they neither impede movement enough, nor cover so much of the map that they look like cruelty in this case. Dark mages are present, but the choice to give a bunch of them maces instead of magic keeps this from bringing back bad memories from FEs 3-5 and TRS. Compared to Kaga's last poison swampass chapter (aka warpskip), it seems he actually learned something.

Much like desert maps, Kaga managed to make a fun swamp map in Berwick Saga - and unlike the snow map, there's no cringe swamp equivalent to undermine this accomplishment.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm feeling the urge to destroy those obelisks too, the Raze priests are reallllllllly tempting me by telling me not to.

You do kinda wanna break those things. They boost the enemy!

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not really.😅 It was the big brain moment after too much trial & ERROR! of trying to kill him. Thank Mother Veria he doesn't drop anything. Maybe that, and the fact Grauve has:

  • Absurdly high Def
  • A bulky shield that can 33% chance recoil on you with Shieldfaire for a 102% activation rate.
  • Freakin' Magicbane (I didn't pay attention when I started the map😆, thought he'd be another Pallas Riana victim.)
  • Robust
  • Counter
  • And a weapon that can OHKO all but the bulkiest units

...is all to suggest the possibility of rushing to the engineer instead of fighting?

I... can't say the possibility ever occured to me. I've always just killed him as well as I could. He's way too in the way.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although enough crit weapons, Daoud with a Battle Cry-stacked Pulverize, perhaps a shield-breaking axe or arrow if you have one, could bring Grauve down to something actually killable. I brought no such things, and when you've logged 90 turns into a map, you tend not to want to reset to fix your mistake. I suppose I could've rigged Kramer's Knock Back and followed it with a Steal to do one better and get the shield for myself. But then, I still would've had to go through the ordeal of actually killing him and having Thaddy dodge at least one OHKO and maybe another if not be Guarded through it, and I was not prepared for that.

Stealing his shield would be so funny though.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I suppose they didn't do that because his class is Hunter, and who hunts with a crossbow? Holmesteban got Knifes for a niche at least, 5 Str at a minimum is more than Czene can ever get. Highly inconsistent due to the 0-@ randomness, but maybe he can do something against high Def units if you really tried. It's flavorful for a hunter at least, gotta be able to skin your prey.

In theory, knives would be best on him. In practice, he'd rather just use a bow all the time. But yeah, it's nice flavor at least.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My crossbow criticism is why Sherlock can't crossbow while Christine can. They look good early on when basic bow accuracy is shoddy, and Sherlock alone (barring Faramir) doesn't get Aim either. But, setting aside the rarer crossbows, they do seem to fall off a little later once enough bow skill levels and Str are obtained.

Crossbows on Sherlock would've helped him a lot, yeah. Still, I disagree that they fall off later on. At least some of them remain good. I mean, one of them fires four times. That's not something that can fall off ever.

5 hours ago, Benice said:


I would like to shout out this artist, who made all of the works above! They even make art of FE characters few people care about!

It is kind of funny how you can see the artist having a bit of a degenerate streak for about a month in 2021, though.

You say that, and yet all I see are girls. Girls are not "few people care about"-ish!

Well, I did get a chuckle out of the single, random-ass old man with a beard in the middle of all the waifus. I have no idea who he even is. Someone from a different series, perhaps?

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My takes are pretty normal. It's just that this place is a den of skyboomers

Had to compensate somehow for housing the only person who does not like Trails in the history of mankind apparently

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10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Rean and Cold Steel still living rent free in your head, eh

*mumble mumble*

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You say that, and yet all I see are girls. Girls are not "few people care about"-ish!

As Crow puts it from CS I "no one cares what the guys look like!" True statement, right there.

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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not really.😅 It was the big brain moment after too much trial & ERROR! of trying to kill him. Thank Mother Veria he doesn't drop anything. Maybe that, and the fact Grauve has:

  • Absurdly high Def
  • A bulky shield that can 33% chance recoil on you with Shieldfaire for a 102% activation rate.
  • Freakin' Magicbane (I didn't pay attention when I started the map😆, thought he'd be another Pallas Riana victim.)
  • Robust
  • Counter
  • And a weapon that can OHKO all but the bulkiest units

...is all to suggest the possibility of rushing to the engineer instead of fighting?

The Black Shield's recoil only triggers at 0 range. So you can blast him with bows all day long.

It also requires a successful block to reflect the damage. Sure, Grauve has a 100% activation rate, but that can be circumvented by weapons that ignore shields altogether. Like Rapiers or War Picks.

If I recall correctly, it will also only reflect the damage the user would have otherwise taken. Considering Grauve's base defense and the defense of the shield itself, that's likely not gonna be a lot. Unless it's Daoud with Pulverize or something.
I've never even seen any Black Shield recoil on my first few runs, because those shields are so strong, they are likely to negate all damage anyway.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I did get a chuckle out of the single, random-ass old man with a beard in the middle of all the waifus. I have no idea who he even is. Someone from a different series, perhaps?

That's Reinhardt from Overwatch I believe.

Chapter 7 of Sky the 3rd, let's go:


Sure enough, the Lord of Phantasma is Rufina... or is she? From what I can tell, it seems the Lord of Phantasma is not the real Rufina, but a construct created by the Aureole as the incarnation of Kevin's self-loathing. Insert joke about wanting her to punish me here.

I'll admit that learning Kevin's full backstory made me emotional, especially how Ries is more upset about him suffering alone than him killing Rufina. I also wasn't expecting the circumstances behind Kevin's mother and Rufina's death. Kevin really can't get a break, can he?

This part of the game established that Kevin and Ries have a very sweet relationship; besides the above, Ries is willing to suffer in Kevin's place and Kevin abandons his self-punishment plan as soon as she's dragged in with him. I can't believe Ries was hiding a cute ponytail all this time. Something I don't see very often is that being overly self-sacrificial is presented as a bad thing, as Rufina only sacrificed herself because there was no other option.

Anyway, now Kevin and Ries are stuck together in the fiery pit of Gehenna, just like in the fourth book of The Heroes of Olympus, The House of Hades. Fighting against Kevin's tortured victims gives me an uncommon sense of uneasiness, like something out of a horror game. I'm guessing Weissmann will show up as a horrifying monstrosity as well. Even the chest messages are gone, so you know things are serious. Unfortunately this is just an illusion of Gehenna, so it's unlikely that Doomguy will show up to help us.


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20 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Kevin really can’t get a break, can he?

Such is the price of being best.

20 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:
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This part of the game established that Kevin and Ries have a very sweet relationship; besides the above, Ries is willing to suffer in Kevin's place and Kevin abandons his self-punishment plan as soon as she's dragged in with him. I can't believe Ries was hiding a cute ponytail all this time. Something I don't see very often is that being overly self-sacrificial is presented as a bad thing, as Rufina only sacrificed herself because there was no other option.


Yes, Ries good.

20 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Anyway, now Kevin and Ries are stuck together in the fiery pit of Gehenna, just like in the fourth book of The Heroes of Olympus, The House of Hades.

Heh, I’m glad I’m not the only one who immediately thought of this.

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8 hours ago, Benice said:

It is kind of funny how you can see the artist having a bit of a degenerate streak for about a month in 2021, though.

Nothing in that artist's page remotely counted as degenerate.

7 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Very much like the first one from 4, though the boss was a pushover compared to 4's first boss

I don't think any boss in 4 was particularly a challenge tbf.

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10 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Did you ever finish EP I?

I'm not quite sure what I was doing wrong, but the game became too rough for me during the Shion & Junior dungeon. I was running from almost every fight, not because I couldn't necessarily win, but if I did, I would've been heavily drained of EP and consumables. And then the subsequent boss I was dealing way too little damage against, that was the last straw. (Not helping was attack animations being slow and unskippable.) I opted to jump to YouTube to finish the story instead.

My small handful of final story comments are here.


10 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's been good yeah. I just had to put it down for a while because i did really get burned out.

I don't blame ya when you ran into it right after the first EF.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of burnout, i didn't end up doing my Dread run this month after all. I do think i got burned out at least for now.

Considering you went through Dread mode, I find no reason to fault you for this.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Stealing his shield would be so funny though.

I'm a little surprised the collector doesn't ask for it. He wants an Assassin's Dagger, like four dark orbs, a Dark Axe, a Mahakali Axe, and an Albatross that infects his mind. A Black Shield seems like it'd be right up his alley. Perhaps he is actually trying to create a multi-armed monster in the basemen of his mansion and is having you gather the arsenal his manmade evil deity shall use.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, Larentia can kinda break this map. For you see, units can run through fliers, but they can't stand beneath them... And in order to trigger the escape point, you need to stand on it, even if you're an enemy. See where I'm going?

I know Larentia can block escape points, I had her do that. Although two of the fleeing bandits pack throwing axes and will use them against her, so without perfect RNG, she'll need a Vulnerary or two to not die. That is a fairly small cost, but it's not 100% mindless.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Crossbows on Sherlock would've helped him a lot, yeah. Still, I disagree that they fall off later on. At least some of them remain good. I mean, one of them fires four times. That's not something that can fall off ever.

Hence the "setting aside the rarer crossbows" exception. But you're not going to be using them without putting some consideration into it.


1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

The Black Shield's recoil only triggers at 0 range. So you can blast him with bows all day long.

An untrained Esteban was the only archer I had brought. It could've worked, but it would've been slow.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

It also requires a successful block to reflect the damage. Sure, Grauve has a 100% activation rate, but that can be circumvented by weapons that ignore shields altogether. Like Rapiers or War Picks.

Reese just so happened to have a Rapier on him. Ward would've been able to deal 6 damage per hit, on a man with 41 HP -a 7H/4RKO- and would've sooner or later popped his Concoction. I would've need crits, or I would've needed time. Ward would also be looking at potentially getting 2HKO'ed each turn. The process would've taken too long for me. Assuming Izerna spamming Mend could even supply sufficient healing per turn. What a waste of Mend and Rapier that would've been.


6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I just watched The Truman Show, probably the best horror movie I've ever seen, interesting and sickening in equal parts. Jim Carrey was robbed, deserved an Oscar.

I've heard of the film before. A boy has his entire life lived as a TV show, without him realizing it until sometime into the film.

Certainly a concept I can see being born in the country of sitcoms, but yeaaaaaaah, I don't think it would ever be my kind of film. (If I even watched movies.) You calling it a horror movie only pushes it yet further away from me.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

That's Reinhardt from Overwatch I believe.

Overwatch, eh.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

an Albatross that infects his mind.

That's still one of my favorite scenes in the entire game. Ward just deadass bull charges the guy and that's enough to exorcise the curse out of his body. Guess he must've taken notes from Father Karras.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Perhaps he is actually trying to create a multi-armed monster in the basemen of his mansion and is having you gather the arsenal his manmade evil deity shall use.

Pfffft... Okay, that's the best headcanon.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know Larentia can block escape points, I had her do that. Although two of the fleeing bandits pack throwing axes and will use them against her, so without perfect RNG, she'll need a Vulnerary or two to not die. That is a fairly small cost, but it's not 100% mindless.

Yes, this is true. You do have to do away with those two before Larentia can safely keep all the rewards contained in the map.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hence the "setting aside the rarer crossbows" exception

Oh... sorry, I missed that part.

To be fair, there are only two units in the game who can use crossbows. Sylvis really would rather use bows, but Christine only wants those to promote, and otherwise mains crossbows. So I wouldn't say they fall off that hard.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You say that, and yet all I see are girls. Girls are not "few people care about"-ish!

I've never seen anyone make fanart of Serra, though...

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nothing in that artist's page remotely counted as degenerate.

Maybe my standards are just too low.



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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You say that, and yet all I see are girls. Girls are not "few people care about"-ish!

Poor men, always needing to prove their worth to be loved, and poor women, always seen as nothing more than a cute thing for wondering eyes to undress.

Exactly why all should follow my example and abandon gender altogether.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

As Crow puts it from CS I "no one cares what the guys look like!" True statement, right there.

Male characters do often have the most boring designs in my eyes, usually just restricted to a simple top and trousers with short hair and a clean face.

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

That moment when I post art and start a political discussion...

Heh, sorry about that. It is very good art, you just tend to notice things after a while, art does imitate life.


Perfect for the blooming of Sakura Trees across the valley.

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2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Heh, sorry about that. It is very good art, you just tend to notice things after a while, art does imitate life.

Nah, didn't mean it as a criticism! It is a fair observation that the female form seems to be a muse more often than the male one.

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I've never seen anyone make fanart of Serra, though...

I've seen a few. Not too common, but she does get some. Not enough for being the best character of her game, but hey.

55 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Poor men, always needing to prove their worth to be loved, and poor women, always seen as nothing more than a cute thing for wondering eyes to undress.

Exactly why all should follow my example and abandon gender altogether.

In a perfect world. Alas, people don't like change.

55 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Male characters do often have the most boring designs in my eyes, usually just restricted to a simple top and trousers with short hair and a clean face.

Hence why I'm such a fan of beards! Facial hair allows for so much design variety when making a male character. The possibilities are quite broad, and yet, all too often they go for the most boring look imaginable.

24 minutes ago, Benice said:

That moment when I post art and start a political discussion...


10 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


You, too? Is there nobody here who would post fanart of Elise with Siegfried instead?!

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