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Maybe I can turn into a saint this time.

Fffuur28 o

I have to say, a female ruler with the big three is overrated

11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alternatively, unless you're in another Society and want to stay it, you can join a Monastic Order and take the Vow of Celibacy.

I did this, but you have to rank up first before making a vow of celibacy and my wife got pregnant before I could. Fortunately, my ruler had high intrigue and he found out that the real father was a Duke in Wales.

I've never been so happy to be a cuckold.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I've been thinking of getting Crusader Kings 2 or 3 at some point, I'm not as into medieval history as later histories but it still looks fun.

With me it's the opposite, I think history gets more and more dull as we get closer to the present day.

11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

See what you should really be doing is turn the country into a matriarchy.

No fucking way, I got a Genius + Strong heir and a Strong spare this time.

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8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I have to say, a female ruler with the big three is overrated

This reminds me how in my playthrough for my mega-campaign, I finally got an heir with the big three traits, a girl too, but just as the playthrough was over. Like, I reached 1453AD and she was still 15 years old. When I was also Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture, so no issues for succession.

Still, it means my EU IV playthrough if off to a good start once she inherits.

8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I did this, but you have to rank up first before making a vow of celibacy and my wife got pregnant before I could. Fortunately, my ruler had high intrigue and he found out that the real father was a Duke in Wales.

I've never been so happy to be a cuckold.

Only in CK2, folks. lol

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Time for a bit more of my Blue Kaizo Nuzlocke


And we open on the Cerulean Rival fight


Somehow we are, although a bit of bad luck could end this run at any moment...


And he opens with my favorite pokemon Dratini....


And I open with a Gen 1 miss with earthquake, against a beast that has Dragon Rage, and none of my team as above 80 HP.


Yee gads, it wouldn't have killed anyway. The potion saved @joevar for now, but...this is a bit of a long shot but


If @GuardianSing can put it too sleep before the AI stops playing with its food and realizes how much Dragon Rage evaporates my team


Having Gurad.Sing crippled like that bodes ill


But at least it got us past the Dratini...


Oh boy. I need a switch here, and while I am tempted to go with Benice, I end up going with @Lightcosmo


At least it wasted its free turn on Kinesis


In retrospect paralyszing it before it could do the same to me might have been a mistake...sigh I am just going to have to risk the crit


Huh, that was a bit lucky


But now we have another of these Dragon Rage pokemon to deal with, and with what I have left, I think confuse ray is my best bet




I am sorry @Benice, but I get the funny feeling you will have some company shortly


Time for longshot number 2, but if @Saint Rubenio can flinch it enough times


... At least he still out speeds, so as long as he has enough HP to take a


Then at least we made it past the Dragonair, which brings back in the Kadabra


There are certainly worse things TeeHee could do with the free switch turn


Why...that let him Paralyze me in return, and with switching recovering the decreased speed from its own paralysis.


Then it gets the 10% confusion chance from Psybeam just to add further insult to the injury


Oh the humanity.


At least he managed something before the end...RIP LightCosmo


...I don't think @Interdimensional Observer has the stats to really pull this off, but this is the best option I have left.


Luck is with us though, and it gets fully paralyzed, and goes for Kinesis


And we pull through with some Leech Life hits, getting all the way to his final pokemon...his starter...


This might be the end


Huh...HE LIVES....



...so very close. Although even if I got off the toxic


We just didn't have enough health left in us to stall it out with toxic. Alas @Sooks is the sole survivor of the wipe, seeing our doom from the safety of the box.


Tee Hee is just too good for us...well kinda. For funsies I did another attempt of the fight as the team was and


We managed to make it out with only Saint Rubenio having to make a noble sacrifice to toxic the Mew at the end for the win. The big differences were that Joevar didn't get the gen 1 miss, and managed to deal with Dratini on his own, then Benice took down the Kadabra with some Confuse Ray powers, and even risked his life to cripple the Dragonair with it as well, which let Saint Rubenio finish it off, with his ensuring the win with his noble sacrifice use of Toxic, with IntrDimObs stalling it out with leech life, some switches, and some luck.

A sad end to the run, but not that surprising given the game, and a wild ride while it lasted...

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, that was an ending to die for.


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Will get the actual Truth ending now.




7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And it's done. I've beaten the game.


Well, part of it at least. Will likely play something else first before diving into

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Hikkikomori Route.

But for now, Oyasumi, Omori!

Well done.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Looking forward to it. Earliest I could possibly go is the two weeks between the end of the spring semester and the start of the summer. If I don't do it then idk but we'll see.

Hopefully you are able to take your trip, and enjoy it when you do!

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I am also alternatively considering Spain since I learned one of my younger cousins is studying aboard there and if I had a nickel for every cousin of mine that moved to Spain, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, it's just weird it's happened twice (the older cousin permanently lives there). So maybe I'd head to Spain and surprise them both (and also jumpscare @Saint Rubenio while I'm at it /s).

You wouldn't dare.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh my god Partitio’s 2nd chapter boss. Lmao.

Hilarious, isn't it.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

Maybe I can turn into a saint this time.

Do it, it's fun.

5 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

A sad end to the run, but not that surprising given the game, and a wild ride while it lasted...

Everyone died except for me.


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22 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:



23 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

am sorry @Benice, but I get the funny feeling you will have some company shortly

To be fair, I earned it by deciding to chill instead of attacking

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45 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Delivering a cocky one-liner after brutally murdering six people. Truly a Fateswakening character if I ever saw one. A great representative for TeeHeedom.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

The other two being Greece and Japan.

Japan is top destination for me as well. Greece should hopefully be doavle soon. Dad liked Greece as a vacation/pleasure place, but as a place ro do some Business in... xD

I also wanna visit some places in the new world, but that's kinds far off for now xD

Hopefully during the world cup in 2026!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

See all the historical stuff for me, mkay?😛

London too big to see all of that in the few days i am staying here xD.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

ell that narrows it down.😜 Rome, Florence, Venice? Milan, Naples, Palermo? Too many places. Too much good food too.


Milan would be a good first step. And Venice i really really wanna visit, although i think it's too coupely so might wait on thst for a bit xD

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

e being the museum-loving history nerd I am, you could drop me off at the British Museum first thing in the morning, and come back for me when it closes.

Man, i think if you ever come to Berlin you might stay forever in the museum island. Too big!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And the hassle of getting to the destination and back deters me greatly.

It's worth it!

I usually have problems during take off and landing, causes me headaches and stuff. And generally airports are a pain in the ass in more ways thsn one.

Once you arrive at the destination tho *chef's kiss*

Wether adventuring, history, culture, etc. there's too much exciting stuff out there just waiting to be seen and experienced!

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And Venice i really really wanna visit

I misread this as my name

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Hopefully during the world cup in 2026!

I hope you do get to visit Canada at some point! I've never been to the East Coast, but there are some really cool things out west. I hear Whistler and Squamish (Each close to Vancouver) are super pretty if you decide to come out to Vancouver for the World Cup, and if you go out further, I am convinced that Canmore, Banff and the Spray Lakes are the best Canada has to offer in terms of places to visit. I do have a pretty narrow worldview, though...

Hopefully I'll have been living in Vancouver for a few years by 2026, so maybe I can give you some good recommendations for places to visit.

Edited by Benice
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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Wether adventuring, history, culture, etc. there's too much exciting stuff out there just waiting to be seen and experienced!

This is an amazing way of viewing it, truly!

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6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

We just didn't have enough health left in us to stall it out with toxic. Alas @Sooks is the sole survivor of the wipe, seeing our doom from the safety of the box.

Nice, I win by doing absolutely nothing.

And uh, being benched.

Edited by Sooks
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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

The other two being Greece and Japan.

These may or may not have been influenced by my childhood.

Nothing wrong with that. I'm the same, I think we're all the same here, slight Japanophiles made so via their video games.🎮❤️🇯🇵😆

I feel like with Japan I'd be really dependent on tourist guides for where to visit. I mean every tourist should look up places to see, but being sooo foreign from a Western perspective, I'd be extra unsure of where to go. To say "Tokyo" is too vague, as would it be to say Kyoto/Osaka/Nagoya.

in your case, they do have the Lucky Dragon (Daigo Fukuryu Maru) preserved. From what I read, it's a very small building, pretty plain. Nonetheless, it is the irradiated boat whose unfortunate fate contributed to the birth of 'zilla.

I'd personally want to stop at the small shrine dedicated to Taira no Masakado's head in Tokyo. Shin Megami Tensei has made me well aware of Tokyo's guardian deity.😄 I'd really want to find a good Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine as well, and history museums. Although I wouldn't want to neglect the modern day either! Akihabara and walking through an old video game shop might be good for that. Outside of Tokyo, 2033 is the year of the next rebuilding of the Ise Grand Shrine, dedicated to Amaterasu, the reconstruction happens every 20 years and ought to be extra auspicious for a visit. Mt. Fuji... sacred, but I'm not one for hiking. The Civilization franchise has also made me aware of Himeji Castle and Kotoku-in (big Buddha statue) as two other wonderful sites.


6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

London too big to see all of that in the few days i am staying here xD.

For something modern, can you stroll through 30 St Mary Axe? (Aka "the Gherkin" b/c critics accused it of looking like a pickle.)

They do have a restaurant on one of the highest floors, if it's open and you're hungry, you ought to have a nice view.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And Venice i really really wanna visit

While it does look like they have a naval history museum, it seems like Venice hasn't quite preserved the Venetian Arsenal/made much of a tourist attraction out of it (Napoleon did ransack the city). The Venetian Arsenal was quite possibly Europe's largest, most concentrated, and professional industrial zone prior to the Industrial Revolution. Ships, ammo, weapons, were churned out at a blistering fast rate that left visitors in awe. Venice began its rise to prominence before the Arsenal was constructed, but its empire of trade -and a few Mediterranean conquests- couldn't have soared as high as it did without the Arsenal manufacturing the vessels of that boundless mercantile ambition.

You'd want to row over to the islands of Murano within the Venetian Lagoon while you're there. Murano is where Venice's glassblowing industry was centered. Venice's glass of such high quality that it literally banned all glassmakers from ever leaving Murano, can't let one of them go tell European rivals how to make glass as magnificent (and Venice was right -if inhumane- b/c eventually some escapees did leak the trade secrets!). Venice still has a proud tradition of glassmaking that endures to this day, maybe they'd sell something small and touristy you could bring back with you.

La Serenissima forever!😄

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Man, i think if you ever come to Berlin you might stay forever in the museum island. Too big!

I do have my limits believe it or not.😆 I don't understand why, but eventually the human "aesthetic response" to taking in museums or monumental structures gets drained. And if that doesn't, my feet! Having been to museum mile in Washington DC a few times, I think my limit there is 3 museums or the like in a day. That's all my soles can take, and all my soul can intellectually appreciate in one day.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I also wanna visit some places in the new world, but that's kinds far off for now xD

I don't truly know the cities b/c I only tourist them, but I have seen enough stuff in NYC, Philadelphia, and Washington DC to offer a few suggestions/advice. -When that time comes.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

can you stroll through 30 St Mary Axe?

Already walked near it took a picture of it 😄

Although i didn't enter it

I will try to go up the shard tho

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but eventually the human "aesthetic response" to taking in museums or monumental structures gets drained.

Yup. Really feeling that atm xD

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

my feet! 

That as well xD

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

*me* looks up info onto Trails into Reverie on Steam:


...what? I've played every Trails game to date! lmao

Plot twist: The message is literal. Trails into Reverie is a racing game.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think we're all the same here, slight Japanophiles made so via their video games.

Meanwhile I have to hold back the urge to make the same really crude joke every time one of their bad habits annoys me

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That as well xD

Having done 30 mins on the treadmill every day for the past two months should, I would hope, strengthen my legs. I don't think it's going to make any difference when the time comes.😆

Since you got me thinking about it earlier BTW, this is a map of Washington DC.:


Count how the number of things you'd want to visit in this screenshot.😛

Directly west over a bridge is Arlington National Cemetery. And as you'd cross that bridge, you would notice in the middle of the Potomac River is the sizable Theodore Roosevelt Island, where TR gets his memorial, befitting his reputation as a conservationist president.

And not too far south of DC is Mt. Vernon, George Washington's plantation-estate. While there, feel free to sit on his porch and partake of a lovely view of the Potomac.

DC is dense with the tourist sites. Which kinda makes sense, it was a capital city created for the sake of being a political capital, so the government could reserve a lot of undeveloped land for itself and national grandiosity. Unlike most cities where humans gather and live their ordinary lives, and then politicians have to squeeze in the monuments and government buildings later. 

Enjoy London! -You're just putting me in the mood to ramble a little about my own capital.😅


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile I have to hold back the urge to make the same really crude joke every time one of their bad habits annoys me

I knew I should've thrown a "most" in that statement!😅 Always gotta include the exclusions.

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Plot twist: The message is literal. Trails into Reverie is a racing game.

The real reason it's called Trails. It all lead up to this moment!

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Count how the number of things you'd want to visit in this screenshot.😛

I played Fallout 3, does that count?

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Spider-Verse really is one of the most influential movies of all time.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Man, i think if you ever come to Berlin you might stay forever in the museum island. Too big!

I looked this up and it actually is an island kinda. I thought it was just figurative.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

in your case, they do have the Lucky Dragon (Daigo Fukuryu Maru) preserved. From what I read, it's a very small building, pretty plain. Nonetheless, it is the irradiated boat whose unfortunate fate contributed to the birth of 'zilla.

There is also the Godzilla museum that I'd love to check out.


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