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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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It wasn't long before we reached


and we can start with some city faffing about


That would be putting off the Gym a fair bit, but I kinda like this idea, as it gets me a lot of interesting encounters along the way.


Hoenn really has some interesting fantasy city ideas in it.


This sounds about as genuine as all the over the top claims about hot springs in Lavaridge town.


I wonder if this kid was messing with the same setting @Saint Rubenio was to get his evolution


That sounds kinda unpleasant to deal with in your own home...


Its nice to see more of this environmental sentimentality in this game.


This really is Evil Teams are misguided the city then...


Think it was a Legendary (or as this hack would make it, an Unown)?


Wow, did this game just insult my character for not getting a shower? Maybe I should go back to those hotsprings for another dip...


I missed an image of it, but a Wingull does run out of the room to run that errand...


The game is really hyping up the Not Champion, but I guess he kinda earned it.


This is so random. As far as I can tell you just have to brute force the answer to three identical questions like this.


But we do get the Hidden Power TM for our trouble, and unfortunately this is the generation before we have access to a Hidden Power checker, so I either have to do tedious calculations, or its just a crapshoot whether it will be useful.


That is an interesting option. This gives me access to some classic rest-talk strats, but who I do not know who I would want to give it to yet.


Oh, an ingame trade I could actually do...I think I will grab my next encounter before really considering this...plus I have no idea if the ingame trades were changed in this hack.


Alas the Gym is blocked off to us, even if we wanted to do it now.


The other options here were Plusle and Kecleon, and if I got the Kecleon I might have tested the trade, as after missing the Voltorb, this is the only Electric type I am going to get.


@AnonymousSpeed has been among the Tee Hees on some occasions, and naming the only Electric type after speed seems really fitting.


Not really, I mean didn't we have a talk just last update?


Ah yes, those unknown invisible things we keep finding. I guess I could face the Gym after this, but I kinda want to get down and grab some more encounters first.


This is such a polite little moment, and I do take the opportunity to heal up before


We face the Unown that the hack transformed all the static encounters to. A bit of an improvement really, as Kecleon is annoying to fight thanks to its ability.


Not sure how he would know, as I don't think he ever saw my Pokemon fight in Dewford, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.


Why couldn't Scott be more like you Steven.


Yes, lets.


Now lets remove all these Kecle-unowns


This might come in handy latter in the run...


Oh My Acreus...this little fight happens on one of those all raining routes, so this is always going to hit


...Yikes, that is a not very effective hit, and it would have killed with a crit.


If I didn't have @Benice with me I might have wiped here. STAB Thunder that always hit from a fully evolved pokemon was not the kind of things my team can really take without that immunity


THIS F****** ALSO HAD THUNDER...I can't even switch to Benice to deal with that thanks to its Water Weather Ball. Funnily enough @TheRomHackist managed to live this due to taking only 5 in recoil, which means if it was Huge Power Maril it would have just killed itself. The only way I got out of that without losing someone is that this trainer just randomly using moves, as it tried a Water Pulse on the switch, which is always worse than weather ball...Lesson learned, I am looking up all the trainers on this awful route when I battle them, that way I know for certain when this horse-sh** is afoot. What is even worse, is the game tries to bait you into a double battle with these Thunder monsters with their placement, and even with Benice, that probably would have led to a wipe...


Now one of the random noboby trainer has FULL RESTORES to just throw around...route 120 is just a brutal place...


...I am sorry @FlyingKitsune, of the pokemon I had with me, I thought you had the best shot of being able to one shot this, and taking the self-destruct if you had to. I should have been looking ahead, not just at the battle I was in, because I needed someone that could one-shot a Koffing in the front, but instead...If only I had one of my Ghost types with me...


Ah this must be the fourth granddaughter. She isn't a trainer though, just an NPC that gives you free berries.


....WHY, oh why didn't I go back for that Ghost type. Another Self-Destruct, but this RomHackist  has proven surprisingly tanky (or more likely is that Baltoy is just that much worse than Koffing).


This is one of the most deserved evolutions of all time. He took a lot of punishment to get here.


Sorry about that @FlyingKitsune, I will name another pokemon after you later in the run (depending on how far it lets me go before forcing me to face Winona it might be as soon as next update...) Well this gives me an opportunity to grab that ghost type, and continue on to the next encounter


...Meh, I kinda think this is the least interesting option of the route, but I rather like Gen 2 (as the others were Stantler and Girafarig).


Well @TheChoZenOne, you have been Chozen to be a Delcatty on this run.


Seems team Aqua is planning their assault on team Magma at Mt. Pyre, but at least they let me pass, so I can reach


The Safari Zone. Catching pokemon in these things is entirely down to luck, but lets do th-


Thanks for the warning, but I think this hack simplified the Safari encounters so I don't have to worry about that nonse-


...You really aren't going to let me through without this Pokeblock case thing...


Sorry for ending this update off on such a tease, but I need a break from the game itself messing with me. Next update, I will see if I can get to Lilycove, and get access to this thing, assuming .

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55 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Not relevant to what your saying, but Xenosaga's story was planned the entire way through, right? 

Yes it was. And then it got changed. And then they had to can it halfway through. 


Takahashi did learn his lesson the hard way.

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Why am I a Delcatty? LMAO The "least interesting option" apparently..... I deserve to be an epic mon if anything!! I am the Chosen One after all 😶😶😶😶 

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It wasn't long before we reached


and we can start with some city faffing about


That would be putting off the Gym a fair bit, but I kinda like this idea, as it gets me a lot of interesting encounters along the way.


Hoenn really has some interesting fantasy city ideas in it.


This sounds about as genuine as all the over the top claims about hot springs in Lavaridge town.


I wonder if this kid was messing with the same setting @Saint Rubenio was to get his evolution


That sounds kinda unpleasant to deal with in your own home...


Its nice to see more of this environmental sentimentality in this game.


This really is Evil Teams are misguided the city then...


Think it was a Legendary (or as this hack would make it, an Unown)?


Wow, did this game just insult my character for not getting a shower? Maybe I should go back to those hotsprings for another dip...


I missed an image of it, but a Wingull does run out of the room to run that errand...


The game is really hyping up the Not Champion, but I guess he kinda earned it.


This is so random. As far as I can tell you just have to brute force the answer to three identical questions like this.


But we do get the Hidden Power TM for our trouble, and unfortunately this is the generation before we have access to a Hidden Power checker, so I either have to do tedious calculations, or its just a crapshoot whether it will be useful.


That is an interesting option. This gives me access to some classic rest-talk strats, but who I do not know who I would want to give it to yet.


Oh, an ingame trade I could actually do...I think I will grab my next encounter before really considering this...plus I have no idea if the ingame trades were changed in this hack.


Alas the Gym is blocked off to us, even if we wanted to do it now.


The other options here were Plusle and Kecleon, and if I got the Kecleon I might have tested the trade, as after missing the Voltorb, this is the only Electric type I am going to get.


@AnonymousSpeed has been among the Tee Hees on some occasions, and naming the only Electric type after speed seems really fitting.


Not really, I mean didn't we have a talk just last update?


Ah yes, those unknown invisible things we keep finding. I guess I could face the Gym after this, but I kinda want to get down and grab some more encounters first.


This is such a polite little moment, and I do take the opportunity to heal up before


We face the Unown that the hack transformed all the static encounters to. A bit of an improvement really, as Kecleon is annoying to fight thanks to its ability.


Not sure how he would know, as I don't think he ever saw my Pokemon fight in Dewford, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.


Why couldn't Scott be more like you Steven.


Yes, lets.


Now lets remove all these Kecle-unowns


This might come in handy latter in the run...


Oh My Acreus...this little fight happens on one of those all raining routes, so this is always going to hit


...Yikes, that is a not very effective hit, and it would have killed with a crit.


If I didn't have @Benice with me I might have wiped here. STAB Thunder that always hit from a fully evolved pokemon was not the kind of things my team can really take without that immunity


THIS F****** ALSO HAD THUNDER...I can't even switch to Benice to deal with that thanks to its Water Weather Ball. Funnily enough @TheRomHackist managed to live this due to taking only 5 in recoil, which means if it was Huge Power Maril it would have just killed itself. The only way I got out of that without losing someone is that this trainer just randomly using moves, as it tried a Water Pulse on the switch, which is always worse than weather ball...Lesson learned, I am looking up all the trainers on this awful route when I battle them, that way I know for certain when this horse-sh** is afoot. What is even worse, is the game tries to bait you into a double battle with these Thunder monsters with their placement, and even with Benice, that probably would have led to a wipe...


Now one of the random noboby trainer has FULL RESTORES to just throw around...route 120 is just a brutal place...


...I am sorry @FlyingKitsune, of the pokemon I had with me, I thought you had the best shot of being able to one shot this, and taking the self-destruct if you had to. I should have been looking ahead, not just at the battle I was in, because I needed someone that could one-shot a Koffing in the front, but instead...If only I had one of my Ghost types with me...


Ah this must be the fourth granddaughter. She isn't a trainer though, just an NPC that gives you free berries.


....WHY, oh why didn't I go back for that Ghost type. Another Self-Destruct, but this RomHackist  has proven surprisingly tanky (or more likely is that Baltoy is just that much worse than Koffing).


This is one of the most deserved evolutions of all time. He took a lot of punishment to get here.


Sorry about that @FlyingKitsune, I will name another pokemon after you later in the run (depending on how far it lets me go before forcing me to face Winona it might be as soon as next update...) Well this gives me an opportunity to grab that ghost type, and continue on to the next encounter


...Meh, I kinda think this is the least interesting option of the route, but I rather like Gen 2 (as the others were Stantler and Girafarig).


Well @TheChoZenOne, you have been Chozen to be a Delcatty on this run.


Seems team Aqua is planning their assault on team Magma at Mt. Pyre, but at least they let me pass, so I can reach


The Safari Zone. Catching pokemon in these things is entirely down to luck, but lets do th-


Thanks for the warning, but I think this hack simplified the Safari encounters so I don't have to worry about that nonse-


...You really aren't going to let me through without this Pokeblock case thing...


Sorry for ending this update off on such a tease, but I need a break from the game itself messing with me. Next update, I will see if I can get to Lilycove, and get access to this thing, assuming .


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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...I am sorry @FlyingKitsune, of the pokemon I had with me, I thought you had the best shot of being able to one shot this, and taking the self-destruct if you had to. I should have been looking ahead, not just at the battle I was in, because I needed someone that could one-shot a Koffing in the front, but instead...If only I had one of my Ghost types with me...

This isn't even the bloody Milotic.

120 is a real struggle of a route with the trainers.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


This is one of the most deserved evolutions of all time. He took a lot of punishment to get here.

The most anime of evolutions.

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11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

...Wouldn't it be Princessling?

I said "my favorite of the Nohrian princelings", with "princelings" referring to all the Nohrian children.

11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

In any case I'll continue being envious of that alternate universe that had a really well-written Camila that put focus on her mental illness and how she deals with it but I'll still appreciate her for the unintentional comedic relief she is now.

I mean, imagine an alternate universe in which Garon is well written.

I mean we've got Berwick Saga but Volcens really isn't all that similar aside from both being king that are a dick.

11 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Wait hold on, when Xander grows old, will he look like Garon? It's becoming apparent to me how little the siblings look like each other.

11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Makes sense, since they're only half-siblings. So they will ALL look like Garon when they become old.

The time has come.

Execute order Garon.


Man, the Camilla one took me ages... That woman has hair everywhere.

1 hour ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Why am I a Delcatty? LMAO The "least interesting option" apparently..... I deserve to be an epic mon if anything!! I am the Chosen One after all 😶😶😶😶 

Hey, look on the bright side. I was named after a pig.

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1 hour ago, TheChoZenOne said:

Why am I a Delcatty? LMAO The "least interesting option" apparently..... I deserve to be an epic mon if anything!! I am the Chosen One after all 😶😶😶😶 


This is the Pokemon Emerald Trashlocke hack, the point of it is that you can't catch any of the epic pokemon and have to rely on whatever is left over. Plus I could be completely wrong about my assessment, heck I spent a fair bit of the early game calling the Ledyba/Ledian I named after @Interdimensional Observer useless before he saved the run in the Wattson fight. Discovering the hidden value of Pokemon you think are useless is where this hack legitimately shines.

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9 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This is the Pokemon Emerald Trashlocke hack, the point of it is that you can't catch any of the epic pokemon and have to rely on whatever is left over. Plus I could be completely wrong about my assessment, heck I spent a fair bit of the early game calling the Ledyba/Ledian I named after @Interdimensional Observer useless before he saved the run in the Wattson fight. Discovering the hidden value of Pokemon you think are useless is where this hack legitimately shines.

Ooooooooo thats even better. Delcatty will be the Chosen One then!! It will save the run when you least expect it 👀👀👀👀 Go Delcatty!!

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10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This one looks so bad🤣. Admittedly the others turned out surprisingly well, Garon-Leo's beard looks a little off, but the other two are more believable than they have any right to be.


You can really tell which one I put effort into. The sideways face on Camilla came out so great that I decided to put actual effort into the edit.

As for Xander, that one was incredibly easy. Mostly because, when you look past the horrible beard and the gray skin, it's unreal how much Xander really looks like Garon . I was surprised by how well his face fit on Xander's head.

The other two don't matter. They don't deserve to look like Garon anyway.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Secondly, today is the feast of Saint Valentine. This day I could say much on the nature of betrayal, being taken for granted or how love is a salacious seductive serpent that can just as easily poison you instead of being a source for contentment, but I won’t. Instead I will take my bachelorhood, my freedom, and enjoy myself on this day for the first time in many a year instead of being shackled to the demands of a capricious relationship. My book awaits gentlemen and I feel the need to read it on this most damnable of days.

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


It's weird how well the Camilla one worked (I presume another bit of artwork here to get that angle) and Xander working as well as it does makes sense, loyal son that he is.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Leorn looks like he got the cocaine.

Taking his dragon power for a test drive with this pose too

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Puppet Vomit GIF - Puppet Vomit Puke GIFs

"Your editor was so preoccupied with whether you could, you didn't stop to think if you should."

1 minute ago, WraithReborn said:

My book awaits gentlemen and I feel the need to read it on this most damnable of days.

Which is the especial book on this day?

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(I presume another bit of artwork here to get that angle)

No, actually. It was this pose from his Heroes iteration. I just cut half of his face and tweaked it until it looked tolerable.

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Xander working as well as it does makes sense, loyal son that he is.

It's mind blowing. He actually does look the part of Garon's first-born. It's just difficult to see because Garon looks so ridiculous that it's distracting.

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Leorn looks like he got the cocaine.

Taking his dragon power for a test drive with this pose too

Leorn be like "Forrest come here Daddy's going to show you how he feels about you."

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Puppet Vomit GIF - Puppet Vomit Puke GIFs

"Your editor was so preoccupied with whether you could, you didn't stop to think if you should."

Everyone's so fixated on Garise. It's the FE6 LP Wrys portrait all over again lol.

2 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Destiny’s Brother by Michael Moorcock.




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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, actually. It was this pose from his Heroes iteration. I just cut half of his face and tweaked it until it looked tolerable.

It is separate from any Fates artwork in that it's a different artist.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Everyone's so fixated on Garise. It's the FE6 LP Wrys portrait all over again lol.

Can you blame me?


6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Leorn be like "Forrest come here Daddy's going to show you how he feels about you."

I could buy Garon responding like that sadly.

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So I was talking with @TheChoZenOne on Discord, and this led to that, and I ended up theorizing that Garon is actually a good guy. He was playing the part of the bad guy so that heroes would rise up in revolt and ruin Anankos's plans. That's why he was so obviously, ridiculously evil. His children were complete idiots, so he had to ham up the act more and more in hopes that they'd finally get the hint. Cho proposed the "Garons of increasing discomfort" were actually him trying to hold back the tears and stick to the role, as his daughter's beautiful performance had moved him so much. He finally succeeded in his plans when he t-posed on top of his throne and ranted about wanting to burn both Nohr and Hoshido, finally making his sons understand. Unfortunately, Anankos realized his plans and ate his screentime for breakfast. That's why he only has two scenes in Rev.

It was at around this point that we realized, that's just Rudolf. Garon is Rudolf confirmed. But that's just a theory--

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

It is separate from any Fates artwork in that it's a different artist.

It's not just a different artist, it's the best artist.

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Can you blame me?



Oh God, the memories. What the heck was I thinking? How did I ever think this was remotely acceptable...?

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I could buy Garon responding like that sadly.

I mean, let's not kid ourselves here - Garon's reaction to his son crossdressing would make Mr. "you are a disgrace" look like the most supportive dad in the world.

...Or maybe he would accept it. I mean, his daughter walks around in her panties and he doesn't seem to mind. Maybe Garon is actually a really progressive and understanding man, underneath the gray skin, the horrible beard and the cartoonishly evil demeanor.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I was talking with @TheChoZenOne on Discord, and this led to that, and I ended up theorizing that Garon is actually a good guy. He was playing the part of the bad guy so that heroes would rise up in revolt and ruin Anankos's plans. That's why he was so obviously, ridiculously evil. His children were complete idiots, so he had to ham up the act more and more in hopes that they'd finally get the hint. Cho proposed the "Garons of increasing discomfort" were actually him trying to hold back the tears and stick to the role, as his daughter's beautiful performance had moved him so much. He finally succeeded in his plans when he t-posed on top of his throne and ranted about wanting to burn both Nohr and Hoshido, finally making his sons understand. Unfortunately, Anankos realized his plans and ate his screentime for breakfast. That's why he only has two scenes in Rev.

It was at around this point that we realized, that's just Rudolf. Garon is Rudolf confirmed. But that's just a theory--

Rubenio, it’s alright nobody here is judging you.

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13 hours ago, Armagon said:

Because female Xeno protags are always older than the male protags.

Look at that, LOOK AT THAT!

This is always an inevitability. Yeah i was off by a few years but Mio is the older one, that's what counts.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Execute order Garon.


Man, the Camilla one took me ages... That woman has hair everywhere.

You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could that you didn't stop to ask if you should.

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