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That- and stuff like, just happens just to happen, its like the old Pokemon anime where they have a destination, but never actually get there till 40 episodes later.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

It's more about the expectation i suppose. But even then, if it's different than what you expected, but still enjoyed it, then it shouldn't be a "good x but bad y".

I do understand the view that the dungeons were underwhelming in BotW. To me, the dungeons are the least interesting part of BotW, the only other Zelda game to come close to that is Majora's Mask and even those dungeons were pretty good, so at least in that sense I can somewhat understand it.

Doesn't make it any less of a Zelda game though.

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

That- and stuff like, just happens just to happen, its like the old Pokemon anime where they have a destination, but never actually get there till 40 episodes later.

Xenoblade 1 falls off a big cliff after 7 reveal.


Well, Shulk does literally fall into a beach lol


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy said:

Xenoblade 1 falls off a big cliff after 7 reveal.

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Well, Shulk does literally fall into a beach lol




Imo once Fiora came back their direction just took a 360 and they had no bigger plan. I could be wrong but the messy dialouge kinda gives me that impression.

Ofc the project is huge compared to XS Ep III so maybe it was just alot of testing the waters.


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Finishing gathering missed powerups, I've 100% on the tiny Elun area and 50% in Ferenia. Everywhere else, I'm 1 or 2 items from 100%. And what keeps me from those items? With one exception, Speed Booster blocks every, single, time. Really, like there is nothing else that the developer can think to do with Samus's arsenal that's challenging other than the Shinespark? The abhorrent technique is stifling creativity. 

Thus, it's fair to say I'll never have perfect completion with Dread (it eludes me in practically every Metroid). I'll finish the game off in my next play session, unless the final boss ends up being too difficult.

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It's not a resolution to every problem, but it looks like one of the issues my mom was dealing with has a simple fix, so that's somewhat of a relief.
Her physical therapist was very helpful, it seems, thankfully.

Thanks for the well wishes.^^

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A longer vid.

This is a perfect song for the other one.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

It's not a resolution to every problem, but it looks like one of the issues my mom was dealing with has a simple fix, so that's somewhat of a relief.
Her physical therapist was very helpful, it seems, thankfully.

Thanks for the well wishes.^^

Looking positive so far, good news for your mam.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Gonna assume this means you got all the Korok Seeds too.

I never even finished Breath of the Wild, let alone got 100%.

But yes, I did try to get all the Korok Seeds. I gave up somewhere around 100-200, I think. They’re the one Zelda collectible that are just boring to get, and there’s 900 of them!

5 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Well, mom's going in for physical therapy today.

Here's hoping that's successful and that her medical issues (non-life threatening, thankfully) can finally be resolved.

It's been wearing on her so long that she just needs some resolution.

I also hope that everything is successful and her medical issues can be resolved!

5 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Here's hoping. I've been waiting on surgery to remove this huge block of mucus that solidified in my sinuses myself. Mind you for a good while we thought it was cancer, so it turning out to be mucus kind of was good news.

And I hope your surgery is successful too!

3 hours ago, Shrimpy said:


A wish? Is he talking about the goddess tower? This is so random.

37 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

It's not a resolution to every problem, but it looks like one of the issues my mom was dealing with has a simple fix, so that's somewhat of a relief.
Her physical therapist was very helpful, it seems, thankfully.

Thanks for the well wishes.^^

I’m glad that one of the issues has a simple fix! I hope that goes well!

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5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I do understand the view that the dungeons were underwhelming in BotW.

I wonder if a lot of it has to do with how samey they are. Like i understand there's 120+the four Divine Beasts so similar assets was a way to reduce the workload but still...

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Really, like there is nothing else that the developer can think to do with Samus's arsenal that's challenging other than the Shinespark? The abhorrent technique is stifling creativity. 

Damn and here was me actually liking Shinespark puzzles for the first time ever.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll finish the game off in my next play session, unless the final boss ends up being too difficult.

Tip: the big sun attack in the third phase is neutralized by Power Bombs.

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

It's not a resolution to every problem, but it looks like one of the issues my mom was dealing with has a simple fix, so that's somewhat of a relief.
Her physical therapist was very helpful, it seems, thankfully.

Thanks for the well wishes.^^

Good to hear man.

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

They’re the one Zelda collectible that are just boring to get, and there’s 900 of them!

I don't even know why, they stop mattering after the 400th i think.....which is still too many.

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wonder if a lot of it has to do with how samey they are. Like i understand there's 120+the four Divine Beasts so similar assets was a way to reduce the workload but still...

Atmosphere plays a big part of it definitely. The Sheikah aesthetic gets old after your first 5 shrines and so the Divine Beasts end up being forgettable, especially since the bosses are all the same thing with different attacks.

I suppose it's a "cracking a few eggs to make an omelet" situation where most of the work was put into the open world and so we only got four mediocre dungeons.

Can't complain really, I don't really know what else they could've done in context of the story. 

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33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Damn and here was me actually liking Shinespark puzzles for the first time ever.

It's fine to have a differing opinion.😄

Shinesparking, IIRC, started as a mere trick in Super, started being used in puzzles in Fusion, went overboard IMO with its use in Zero Mission, and now I see Dread has continued with plenty of them. Though, TBF, it's been a long time since we've had a game with new Shinespark puzzles, so I'll forgive them for resurrecting it. Next 2D Metroid should try other things instead.

I just don't have the reflexes for any of this, only the most rudimentary of Speed Booster puzzles are within my capabilities. The controls feel imprecise to me, but it's probably my fault, minus the iffy choice to assign Speed Booster activation to L3.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

just don't have the reflexes for any of this, only the most rudimentary of Speed Booster puzzles are within my capabilities. The controls feel imprecise to me, but it's probably my fault, minus the iffy choice to assign Speed Booster activation to L3.

I think what helped me was knowing Shinesparking was a command now.


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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

went overboard IMO with its use in Zero Mission,

anyone can learn it with practice, dont give up on yourself so quickly!

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Okay, more stuff done. Like the next Thieves' Guild quest (though I have yet to turn it in, as I have other stuff left to do that will also be turned over at Riften), curing Farkas of lycanthropy, and finally finishing Arniel's questline.

... it's a miracle Arniel only managed to disappear himself, trying to replicate what the Dwemer did. I like the ambiguity of the situation, though. Did he actually went to the Dwemer? Someplace else? Or simply clocked out of reality altoguether? Who knows! Only a conjurable shade is left behind. That said, I found a bit unintentionally hilarious.

Arniel: *laments he doesn't have Sunder to do the experiment alongside Keening*

Me: *actually has Sunder thanks to Anniversary Edition* Awkward Look Monkey Puppet | Know Your Meme

Maybe things would've gone better for him... then again, he was already subbing the Heart of Lorkhan with a Warped Soul Gem, so...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Only 16 more days and it's armor dancer time. Maybe.

Admittedly some things I picked up about Vestaria Saga Gaiden over the years are so wild, it wouldn't surprise me if people are just making stuff up. ...or maybe I just literally dreamed about it and ended up thinking it's from somewhere else.

At least Bertoullia is real. That's the most important thing.


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tip: the big sun attack in the third phase is neutralized by Power Bombs.

Would have been nice to know when i was fighting it. Made it regardless, still would have been nice.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't even know why, they stop mattering after the 400th i think.....which is still too many.

I swore it was less than that!

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Only 16 more days and it's armor dancer time. Maybe.

Admittedly some things I picked up about Vestaria Saga Gaiden over the years are so wild, it wouldn't surprise me if people are just making stuff up. ...or maybe I just literally dreamed about it and ended up thinking it's from somewhere else.

Oh no, believe you me, this game is utterly insane. Don't be too quick to dismiss anything as "too mad to be true."


At least Bertoullia is real. That's the most important thing.


 The rest of this convo is so good. Barzelphen's female detector is confused by Bertoullia.

Y'know, and then she ravages him. But not in a way he'd like. Or at least I hope.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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It always surprises how active these forums are. I've looked around for some other forums of games I've been playing recently, and they're more dead than a doorknob... Mostly.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Y'know, and then she ravages him. But not in a way he'd like. Or at least I hope.

You say that like the idea of someone wanting to get roasted to a cinder by a dragon isn't the funniest possible desire. I kind of hope that's what he was looking for.

14 hours ago, Sooks said:

And I hope your surgery is successful too!

With luck... if the day ever comes. Because realistically waiting lists on non-urgent stuff here were kind of bad before Covid hit. As things stand I might be waiting a few years.

17 hours ago, Armagon said:

I will say the irony of this is that ten years ago people were very much asking for the latter. Not saying you were, i just mean generally.

Shame having both systems in place so everyone's happy isn't an option. But to be perfectly honest, ten years ago I was still operating off dial up due to a slightly removed location.
So I didn't really have an opinion ten years ago because the prospect of downloading anything was laughable at best. Does a bit to explain why I'm so fond of physical copies though. You live in a place where internet  providers kind of say "it's not worth putting a connection that way" and you end up being a bit like "yeah, I'm not trusting my net not to give out".

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2 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

You live in a place where internet  providers kind of say "it's not worth putting a connection that way" and you end up being a bit like "yeah, I'm not trusting my net not to give out".



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