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Rate the Unit, Day 39: Vaida

Thor Odinson

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Rate the Unit, Day 39: Vaida


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Scores (in ascending order)

Wallace: 1.12

Nino: 1.65

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Karel: 4.01

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Louise: 5.52

Guy: 5.71

Farina: 5.95

Erk: 6.01

Jaffar: 6.03

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Geitz: 6.50

Legault: 6.55

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Oswin: 6.98

Hawkeye: 7.21

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Harken: 8.03

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Pent: 8.60

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Okay so I was playing FE7 for the first time 2 years ago, and I neglected to train any of the fliers. Which is... quite stupid on my part, but I was pretty new at FE then. So comes CoD, and Vaida appears with those amazing defensive bases. I immediately thought to myself, "she's in."

So yeah Vaida's a flying tank with flying tanky bases. As this is HHM, her physical defense parameters starts off as 47HP/22DEF. That's pretty fucking awesome, especially if you consider that not only she has 8 move, but she FLIES. Arrows? No problem. Throw her a Delphi Shield and she'll be tanking them, too. And it's not like she's gonna die if a bow hits her, I mean it's only x2 effective and she has a crapton of defense. Heath needs to be 20/2 or the equivalent to match the HP, which is quite doable at the time of CoD, but he doesn't even REACH that defense at 20/20. There are only one other person who can have more than 22 defense on average at that point, and that's if you slowed down and used Oswin after that point in which movement suddenly became a lot more important. And guess what Oswin doesn't have? 8 move flying~

Vaida's main issue is her speed, 14 doesn't double a hell lot of things at that point. But there's a good amount of speedwings at that point (you do get one in 28x) , and I consider her to be an worthy investment of one, because 16 AS happen to actually DO double a hell lot of things. Her con is pretty great, at 12 (highest of all females in GBAFE IIRC), which means most lances that matter with no AS loss, although due to IS's shitty mount rescue formula which hurts female fliers that have actual con, it brings her Aid down to 8. Which is a pity but... hey, you can just get another flier to do the rescuing and her to do combat~ She does die to magic, but she joins when you probably have cleared out most of CoD, and that's the magic heaviest of chapters. With what little chapters she has left, should you choose to field her, her contributions are still pretty useful with high strength, doubling with a wing, and tank on wings. Oh yeah that video of Horace soloing 31 with Vaida is pretty cool

7+.5 because I like her as a character. 7.5/10

Edit: Lowered to 7.5 because I do realise she doesn't have a lot of chapters left and 8 does feel a bit high even considering .5 of that is favoritism vote.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Vaida. Hmmm. Shes this burly ass Bern chick with a wyvern and a manly scar. She protects Zephiel and stuff.



Good bases.

Nice lance and sword rank.

Decent defense.


Aid isnt that hot. In fact it seems worse than Florina's.

Res? What res?

Joins rather late.

I havent used her a whole lot unless im doing flier spam. She seems to be a pretty decent filler unit though and has good utility what with being a flier. So shes ok if you got a spare spot on the team.

6.5/10. Biased rank 8/10 because i like wings. And shes manly in a womanly way.

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Vaida is a Wyvern Knight who has great stats (well, good stats) but isn't really all that useful. She's there for like, 3 chapters? Maybe a little more, I've been playing too much Eliwood mode recently. ANYWAYS, unlike someone like Pent who's fantastic to make up for his late joining time, Vaida's just good. Yes, she's a flyer, but she also carries the dubious honor of being the worst flyer in the whole game.


And shes manly in a womanly way.

?? Do you mean something like...this?

Edited by Refa
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vaida is meh all around comes late,stats. two good that nice spear and she is a flyer 4.5/10

She doesn't come with the Uber Spear, just you know, an average run of the mill spear. I guess it's more powerful than javelins, which could be useful for the final chapter. It's just not quite as good as the Uber Spear.

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I don't know...she just comes SO late that I don't see the need to use her (or if I use her to replace my flier, it doesn't amount to anything). I've already got a solid team by now for sure, and she doesn't fill any niche.

4/10 -- she's got decent bases, but I'm hardly a fan. Tbh, I honestly see her like I see Nino; square pegs in a game filled with round holes.

At least she's sexy

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Reason por favor?

Aid isnt that hot. In fact it seems worse than Florina's.

Well yeah everyone's aid is worse than Florina's except like Heath, Eliwood, and Rath and those foot units who have massive con but can't cantodrop anyway

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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vaida is meh all around comes late,stats. two good that nice spear and she is a flyer 4.5/10

She has 22 def at base.

Also, she has high str.

Of course, her low base speed and lolres stops her from soloing late game maps.

Now, change her head with any of fe7s other female units, and she'd be hot!

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She's one of those characters that I only use if I'm desperate for a flyer. Of course, that never happens because Florina, but sometimes it's still nice to have one that's amazingly tanky right outta the box.

And right outta the box, she has huge Str, Def, and HP, plus A-Rank in both of her weapons, meaning that she controls the Weapon Triangle with Silver weapons. She also comes with a Spear, which is only one of two you get in the game IIRC (The other one's from Eubans, I think?). She also has flying and 8 move, which is always nice. She also has enough Def to tank out most arrows, even though they're super effective. Plus, 12 Con means that she can use most weapons without a Spd loss.

That's a great thing, as her Spd starts out really crummy, and it doesn't have that good of a chance of getting better soon, unless you just let her solo the next few chapters or something (although apparantly, she has a better Spd growth than Jaffar, which I find funny). Also, because she's so heavy, her wyvern has a pitiful Aid of 8, which doesn't allow her to pick up much, removing what is IMO one of the best jobs of a flyer: unit mover. She also comes super late, meaning that as I said first, she probably won't see much use if you've already trained a flyer.

If she came a little earlier, and maybe with some more Spd, I'd rate her higher.


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Give her a body ring for NO as loss from steel lances

But that makes her Aid 6 and that's sadfais :<

I mean 8 can still carry some units around. Like Pent. 6 is...like 5 units that doesn't fly or horse already.

Steel lance sucks anyway, Iron works well with her high str, Killers are buyable on 26 en masse and that's like a Steel Lance except lighter with more crit and...1 more mt IIRC? and Silvers are pretty buyable too.

I like to spam as many fliers as I can on VoD since that map's pretty big and deployment's a nonissue, and Vaida's usually charged with killing the shits around Renault's house so other units can go and grab him back so I don't have to spare an entire team going the up route.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I don't know...she just comes SO late that I don't see the need to use her (or if I use her to replace my flier, it doesn't amount to anything). I've already got a solid team by now for sure, and she doesn't fill any niche.

seriously? huge durability, huge offensive parameters aren't an incentive to use her? a fifth flier isn't an incentive to use her?

wishes she were around as long as haar 4/10

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Hmmm. . .her personality's abrasive, her fashion sense needs work, and not being able to airlift one of my personal favorite units sucks. She's got just enough to ferry Jaffar, though, and that's who's responsible for my critblicking. Still, I think I'd rather have something that's better at dodging magic blasts.


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In fe7 RR drafts.

She's banned.

Flight is never a bad thing to have, even if you're Juno or Sigrun.

Vaida is Harken with less speed/res, and flight.

And a genderswap.

She's great when she exists.

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seriously? huge durability, huge offensive parameters aren't an incentive to use her? a fifth flier isn't an incentive to use her?

wishes she were around as long as haar 4/10

Combat's a dime a dozen in FE7. There are SO many characters that can claim good combat (at SOME point) in this game that it's not a big deal. She just comes so LATE and her aid is so BLAH that it's just...why bother unless you're desperate? She comes late in CoD, so it's hard to put her to great use there, and the only other map where flying would be notable for the rest of the game would be VoD (not really Value of Life or Sands of Time)...and, doesn't her 14 SPD have some issues doubling there (and don't tell me she's a good Speedwing candidate for ONE chapter's use...emo13.gif)? I thought it did for some reason, but I don't know of any enemy stats posted for the chapter.

But she is like Nino in the "If only you came earlier...I can't...find...a place for you..." category, although I guess you can say she's got "maybe...sorta...kinda deployable on VoD" instead of Nino's "Free Deployment in 28x & PITA on CoD for possible solid performance for...a few maps." She's kind of like if Haar came to you at third tier, but at the start of or halfway through the tower.

Plus, flying utility, while awesome, isn't as hot as it used to be when you're the fifth person to claim it and your AID sucks ass. Florina, Fiora, maybe even Heath? Fine. Farina? Stretching it. Vaida? Yay, I can ferry Guy/Rebecca/Serra for no real reason on a couple maps~ >.>

EDIT: You're right, Lumi, I forgot to apply HHM bonus for her by mistake. Fixed.

EDIT2: You'd never want to Speedwing her in S-rank runs, for obvious reasons -- the hit on the Funds rank isn't worth it at all. More of a case in efficiency, simply because enemies are slow enough that only the slowest of the slow need a Speedwing by the time you get that late one (so Hawkeye or Vaida, probably). But even with the investment, she's nothing spectacular -- certainly not for a "I'm only here for a short time and you fed me a stat booster" unit...like, you know, Athos (LUNA SAYS WHAT?!).

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I feel Vaida's a bit underrated considering foot units with swordlock are getting rated higher, but eh.

and, doesn't her 13 SPD have some issues doubling there (and don't tell me she's a good Speedwing candidate for ONE chapter's use...

This is HHM, so 14. And since there's a wing in 28x which is right before her join chapter, you're not wasting that wing's utility by giving it to her since she joins in 29. It's not like you're saving a wing from like, IDK, chapter 11-20 just for her. That would be silly. It's right there.

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There's not really any reason to use her unless you've been neglecting the four fliers the game has already handed you or you just really really frickin' love fliers. She's pretty tanky and is okay offensively as well, but there's barely any time left for her to really do anything, and in a lot of cases simply doesn't even exist, because she's often made obsolete by the fliers you already have. Poor Vaida.


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