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Rate the Unit: Day XLVIV


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Rules (Borrowed from whomever made them first with modifications)

- Ratings to be assumed from when a unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted - incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Turban/10", etc.

- Personality / Appearance may be taken into account, but only +/- 1 point at the most.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it, please!

- Make votes easily visible, please and thank you!

- Every ranking phase will end on the next day at approximately 19:00 BST! Take that, Americans!

-Second Generation Note: Assume that Substitutes are done on a Subs-only run. Any "not ________" will not be accepted.

Units and Ranking (Least to Greatest):

First Generation

Diadora: 1.19

Ardan: 1.39

Tiltyu: 2.00

Briggid: 3.71

Claude: 4.42

Azel: 4.63

Jamka: 5.25

Midir: 5.47

Dew: 5.68

Holyn: 5.90

Lachesis: 6.13

Noish: 6.15

Alec: 6.17

Beowulf: 6.40

Aideen: 6.57

Ayra: 6.79

Levin: 7.87

Fin (First Generation): 7.88

Fury: 8.25

Cuan: 8.41

Lex: 8.83

Ethlin: 9.15

Sylvia: 9.50

Sigurd: 9.96

Second Generation

Roddlevan: 3.33

Radney: 3.44

Daisy: 3.65

Johalva: 3.93

Patty: 4.31

Amid: 4.85

Dimna: 4.89

Mana: 4.98

Tristan: 5.00

Johan: 5.08

Skasaher: 6.00

Lakche: 6.35

Femina: 6.50

Lester: 6.59

Julia: 7.12

Fin: 7.82

Lana: 8.24

Delmud: 8.45

Shanan: 8.56

Oifaye: 8.58

Arthur: 8.67

Fee: 8.86

Leaf: 9.45

Celice: 9.54

Fin got slightly worse over 17 years, go figure.


Mounted healer is nice, but C rank staves are not! Claude!Nanna could get B, but that's just silly. She can fight a little bit but Lachesis passes down literally no skill/speed. Still, she can return which is nifty, and kinda fight... ooh! Pony!


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8+1 bias =9/10

Mounted healer is always nice. Staff rank is kinda annoying and her magic isn't the best. She still has a horse though, which usually means that she will be the one who is practically healing all the horse users. Nanna also has the benefit of being able to actually fight and do damage before promotion, unlike Rana and Corple. Plus, charismabot on a pony. And she gets a bias because Leaf/Nanna is my favorite G2 couple.

Edited by Bee
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Mounted healer is nice, but C rank staves are not! Claude!Nanna could get B, but that's just silly. She can fight a little bit but Lachesis passes down literally no skill/speed. Still, she can return which is nifty, and kinda fight... ooh! Pony!


Let's second this one.

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A mounted Charismabot who can heal? Granted, she only has C staves and her MAG is pretty lacking unless you do something like Azel/Lachesis or Claude/Lachesis, but it's hard to pass up that prospect. With Beowulf, Dew, or Fin for a father, she can fight pretty effectively too, and she can use any non-holy sword even unpromoted, which is a huge bonus. Her start is a bit weak, but she's definitely strong when she gets going.

8/10 + 0.5 for Leaf/Nanna's d'awwness = 8.5/10

Edited by Cosmic_Harold
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Nanna is awesome, straight up. She's mounted, meaning she'll be part of your main cavalry squad, her Charisma skill bolsters units around her, she can heal just fine with any father (seriously, just toss her a Relive staff), and her combat and sword rank are actually good. Not to mention that she can easily score a sweet inheritance from her mother. Aside from holy weapon users, she usually ends up as one of my best and most useful units.

8 + 1 bias point = 9/10!

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Mounted healer with charisma. I always have Fin be her father and by doing so get a bonus. Any who yeah I like charisma. probably will have the earth, prayer, and thief sword.


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