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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. All my plans this year went to hell because of COVID. About the only good thing that happened was I changed health insurance to a better plan that covers my meds better then my old one. I have had it better then some and I am grateful for that, but I don't know anyone that has had a good year this year and I personally will be very happy when it ends this week and will be celebrating.
  2. I hope it is Freyr and he is blue because I still want to get a L!Dimitri and Freyr sharing with him would be great for me. Of course I wouldn't say no to Ashera instead.
  3. OK Hilda's tickets were magic for me. I got a L!Lillina from the legendary banner, a duo!Marth and C!Ephraim all with the tickets! I am now a little scared to pull on the NY banner with all the luck today in getting the units I wanted with the tickets. I also gathered the last 20 orbs I needed for the 40 pulls to get harmonized!Altina as I pulled Sephiran and Hilda earlier and Bernie doesn't interest me I finished this years Holiday banner.
  4. 1) Elphin my absolute favorite FE character 2) Priam 3) Yashiro (TMS) 4) Ashe 5) Volug 6) Bastian 7) Pelleas 8. Glenn (FE 8 Cormag's brother) 9) Zeiss 10) Vaida 11) Balthus 12) Yuri 13) Heather 14) Hugh 15) Rodrigue 16) Wolf 17) Basilio 18) Flavia 19) Boyd 20) Lorenz (FE 11 Old armor dude)
  5. Sephinan I am pulling for I have wanted him in FEH for years. I am happy about Felix not being another infantry sword unit because I have more then enough good ones of those, while bow armors are not common and I will use him more.
  6. Felix will be +10ed since he is not a sword unit. Seals are good too. Hopefully Sephiran comes home quick so I can use him as a bonus.
  7. Well 10 of 20 since I count any version in FEH as being in game.
  8. I have no understanding how this mode works and I only play it to get the orbs. I don't think I was even able to get my reward feathers last time since I couldn't figure out how to get them once the mode was over. This mode is one where I would like it to go away and never come back.
  9. Free Knoll was the highlight for me. The summoning changes are nice not having a pity breaker reset my rate entirely is really helpful and it looks like sparking has been added seasonal banners which is great since those tend to have units I want more then the new heroes banners. All in all this was a pretty good channel at least for me.
  10. Cool. I picked up my 30th anniversary set yesterday and played a bit, but I have RL things to do here lately so I won't be playing it until late next week at the earliest.
  11. I haven't played it and am looking forward to Friday when I get my special edition preorder! I have played Shadow Dragon, but I want to play FE1 because it is FE1 and I am supporting the idea of hopefully getting FE4 and 5 like this.
  12. I liked the manga best and was lucky enough to be able to complete my set when my local library decided to sell their old set a couple years ago. I need to go back and watch all the anime versions now that I have read what started it all.
  13. I will be pulling colorless since I Missed Shinon on his debut banner and Corrin and Leif I don't have either. Green will be my backup, getting both girls out of the way makes me happy since I would like some more mythics from the mainline games for a change.
  14. Video game companies no, though I tend to only play Nintendo, Platinum and Atlus games since those are the games I like so I stay away from the game companies that do things that might make me mad anyway. As to other companies yes I do stop buying things from them if they do things that go against my personal code of ethics. CVS is a big one on my list and I had to choose between them and WalMart this summer for who I would be getting my insulin from, WalMart won that round hands down. Any company that spreads lies about type one diabetes or otherwise causes people to make fun of and or not help a type one when they have an emergency are companies I refuse to have anything to with, yes there are companies that have done this in the past and I have a list but it is long and I won't bother listing it all out. My choice is my choice and as long as I have free will I choose to only buy things from companies who don't make me mad.
  15. My granddad had a microwave that could cook meat and that is how he cooked most of his meals. Anyway I will be with my wonderful mom and my very annoying dad, as well as four dogs, one small black cat and one old gray horse. I will be cooking the turkey and everything this year since my mom doesn't want to do it anymore. The dogs and cat will get some turkey and the horse will get carrots.
  16. The problem with favorites is the disappointment of them not being on a banner. There is always next time for Elffin to be added and at least the longer I wait the better his stats will be when he is added in the game. I managed to pull a Guinivere and she is fun I am happy with her.
  17. Well I had to take some time to get over the ever present disappointment of no Elphin on the banner, but this is still nice. Galle is the one I am most happy about, even though he is a lance flyer and we have tons of those. I will pull blue with the tickets but I am skipping since I am low on orbs.
  18. Well this will be interesting I will have to think about who sounds like the best to use for a bit.
  19. I hope it is FE 6 and they finally give me my favorite FE character Elffin, as long as I get him in FEH I will be happy. I have been waiting 4 years I really hope my wait will finally be rewarded.
  20. I am hoping Binding Blade and I really hope Elphin is the demote. Gale GHB would make me very happy as well.
  21. @Othin and @NSSKG151 You guys have a point, I was just guessing but you both could be right since FE 1 has had 2 banners + Xane added to the game already this year. I was just making a lazy guess, but I won't be surprised if I am wrong.
  22. All this talk about new heroes banners reminds me of my thought that the early December new heroes banner has a good chance to be an FE 1 banner since the FE 1 remaster release comes out on December 4th and they will probably do something to promote it. I do agree with people saying that the next one could be FE 8, though.
  23. Well legendary Dimitri was a bust the only notables from the banner are F!M!Corrin, Thrasir and Ilyana all new. I will quit while I am ahead and hope Dimitri shows up next time he is on a banner.
  24. Well I finally get to dust off that +1 OG!Lyn I never use for this, I will team her up with Virion, Geese and Darros since they are closest to capping HM. Hopefully I get lucky on the banner, Navarre and Zihark are characters I really like. Seals are nice and I am glad they don't take a bunch of coins to upgrade since I still have a backlog.
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