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Posts posted by Frosty

  1. 1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

    @Frosty It's amazing how much Lilina can do even without merges! Those Forblaze blasts are destructive with Savage Blow! Kind of like a meteor!

    She's trying to pull off the same stuff that Arvis did.


    2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Frosty There is nothing a good Lilina can't fry. :-) 

    Would she have killed Seliph in one go with Death Blow equipped? 

    Nothing can survive a Forblaze BBQ party.

    I don't have DB fodder at the moment sadly.

  2. Smashed the entire GHB with Lilina and three dancers for Hard and Lunatic. Infernal fell down to my Flier Emblem units consisting of Cherche, NY!Azura, S!Corrin and Elincia. Easy GHB with pretty crazy awesome rewards.

    Also, I've decided to build up my Linus fast after clearing all difficulties. He's lacking Desperation at this point.


  3. @BANRYU Here's the specs of my Bladetome Canas build


    29 SPD for me is "Darting Blow" tier, which I also did to my +SPD/-RES Cecilia. You can replace Moonbow with Glimmer as it scales damage with the Bladetome bonuses. SPD and RES Ploy are there to ruin someone's day because Canas; while similar to Raigh is better at ploying stuff at base.

    Canas shines in a Tactic buff team given it replicates the absurdity attained by Emblem buffs; assuming he gets all four Tactic buffs, that's a +30 boost to his damage. If he initiates with full Tactic buffs, you are looking at 76/41 offenses. Add +5 to SPD if he's attacking a SPD Ploy victim or +5 ATK if he's taking down a RES Ploy victim. Assist can be either Draw Back or Reposition.

    You can replace the seal with +3 SPD if you want additional speed or replace SPD Ploy with another C-passive if you wish it.

  4. Takumi

    Best described as the powercreeped archer who used to be the king of archers until the likes of Bridelia, B!Lyn, Halloween Jakob, V!Roy, Innes and Leon came. 33/32 offensive spread at neutral isn't bad; but there are better choices. While Close Counter looks nice; I'd say he works better with Fury/Life and Death with Desperation; and preferably with either Slaying Bow+/Firesweep Bow+ or a +SPD forged Fujin Yumi (if you're running on a budget). Threaten SPD 3 is good to prevent doubles and to make him get doubles. Sadly his defenses are kinda "eh" and his RES is awful as heck.

    While there are better archers out there; if you don't have any of them then consider investing in Takumi especially that some are seasonals or locked behind 5* rarity (that means his only direct competition for most players is Leon). While powercreeped; he's still okay if you are lacking in choices for an archer.


    Note: Takumi's rating is based on the fact that most players can now obtain him as a free unit if they start out playing FEH.


    She has a somewhat similar stat spread to Serra but with more magical bulk and less punch and speed. She has a decent kit for support; Fear for debuffs and Physic so she can heal at a distance. The good parts end there because Sakura's well-rounded stats means while she can take on any role that's meant for a healer; she isn't going to be as remarkable as the more min-maxed ones such as Elise or Lucius for offense, or Azama when it comes to tanking.

    Best set for her is either debuffing with Fear+ or... go crazy with Dazzling Pain+ with Savage blow.


  5. Stahl

    His statline at neutral screams Jack of all Trades with a defensive inclination; except for SPD which is mediocre but with a superboon. Innate Ruby Sword means Greens hate him and Blues will kill him easy if they sneeze on him. Despite of his middling statline; he's still a Cavalry unit and can benefit from them.

    As said by the poster above me; he will benefit the most from a Slaying Edge+ with a DEF forge or Safeguard+ with DEF forge if you want total facetanking, but I prefer mine with Brazen ATK/DEF 3 for a bit more punch. Pair that with Swordbreaker 3 + Quick Riposte 3 seal or Close DEF 3 seal and he'll be okay since that means he can now even facetank the faster sword units. Your pick though; QR3 seal allows him to even take on faster green units or CD3 seal will make non-blue or non-magic hits feel like tickles.

    Because I'm having fun with the one I'm building right now, I'd give him a...



    Lon'qu is the fastest male unit in the game during launch with a crazy speed base of 39. Although he has a middling 29 base ATK and meh defensive stats with 22 DEF and RES despite of sporting a high 45 HP at neutral.

    As of now, the best set for him is a Firesweep Sword+ with LaD/Swift Sparrow and Swordbreaker because he wants to double everything on sight and KO stuff; and avoid getting killed. He'll fail to kill things with Glimmer so you'll need to replace that with Luna.

    High HP pool means he can utilize Panic Ploy so he can mess up Bladetome units; but still... don't make him tank those things!

    While outclassed by other swords, I think he's still usable with the right set.

    My rating for him is...


  6. On 5/27/2018 at 9:08 PM, NegativeExponents- said:

    @Frosty This happened yesterday but I forgot to post it. Is this you?

      Hide contents



    For reference, the Henry has a blade tome, draw back, and iceberg. Everyone else was pretty vanilla except for Effie who was running a standard Brave Lance set.


    That's not me... I specialize in Cavalry and Flier units.

  7. I've been bullied merely for the fact that I'm one of those IQ-inclined types of people in my younger days. In my parts before, intellectually-focused folks get the unfortunate stigma of being branded as insane or manic. Unfortunately, my experience with bullying left a rather nasty mark on me, the non-stop bullying resulted in me becoming unforgiving and harsh, developing an extreme thirst for vengeance and a really glaring perfectionist nature. The last side-effect coincides with various expectations from other people.

    If anyone's wondering how long I've been bullied, from elementary up to the end of my high school days. This is why I feel sketchy on the concept of making friends because I also had my share of false friends who are also subtly bullying me before.

  8. Sully

    Best described as a melee-version of Olwen in terms of statline and also a natural anti-Red button due to innate Sapphire Lance. If you are to make her good; you gotta hope you get an +ATK because of that superboon and she'll be serviceable. One more thing, she has at least access to Cavalry buffs. If I were to recommend a set for Sully, it's either a Slaying Lance+ with Fury set or a Firesweeper build with Life and Death/Swift Sparrow.

    Still, her statline is not too remarkable and you gotta be crazy enough to experiment with her.



    35/35 neutral offenses is just nuts and the fact that she's a Flier means she's the ideal candidate for a Firesweep Lance. She is rather squishy though on both physical and magical sides.


  9. Raigh

    He seems to be meant to be a Jack of all Trades  Red Mage; but loses out to dedicated Offensive mages (Tharja, Sanaki, Lilina and Katarina) and Magic tanks (Sophia, Katarina and Sanaki). On the other hand, if you do get a +SPD IV one; he can make use of a Bladetome and Darting Blow combo. If not, he can be a Wolf-tome nuke.



    Bulky mage that has decent ATK, DEF and RES. Her downfall is just crappy SPD. Give her TA, a Raventome and a breaker or even Quick Riposte and she's good to go! If not going the Raven-tome route then Close Counter+Owl Tome can make use of that.


  10. Gwendolyn

    Best described as "Blue Sheena" because she has mixed bulk. Pair that with Berkut's Lance+ and DC; she can be hard to KO even with mages and even be a threat to said mages. Also, Hone Armors is nice if you're running someone like LA!Lyn or Halloween Henry running a Bladetome set. She's the worst among the armors but she's still solid.



    My favorite Pegasus Knight!... and she's more than just Desperation fodder.

    To be quite honest, I had the most fun raising Shanna because she's useful right out of the bat. Desperation, Killer Weapon which can be upgraded to a Slaying Lance+, Iceberg and Threaten SPD is a decent starting kit for her. This means that you'll only need to give her an A-slot; preferably Fury (which goes well with Desperation) with and an assist skill such as Reposition or Draw Back. If one wants to change her C-slot; she can run a Flier buff. Mine is using Goad Fliers... or since she has a good RES stat; especially with Fury, she can run ploys, preferably a combo of SPD Ploy and DEF Ploy seal.

    Other good option for her is the Firesweep Lance+ set; although I'm already happy with her default Killer weapon since this means I can even utilize Glacies which runs off from her good RES stat.

    Her only downfall is that her ATK stat is lower compared to Shigure, Est, Tana and Cordelia and her RES is lower than that of Est for Ploy shenanigans; but still she's usable. By the way if you manage to get an +ATK boon Shanna; you're all set to turn her into a flying terror if you wish to use her.

    I'll give her a...


  11. Palla

    She was a decent flier before because Elincia and NY!Camilla weren't around and Caeda hits like a wet noodle. However, ever since the former two appeared and Caeda gets a Wing Sword, Palla has been outclassed. On the other hand, balanced statline which means she'll not die easily to things not named blues or archers and Goad Fliers is easy to obtain. To bring out the best in her, she'll need to be backed up by Flier buddies which I also run, so I'll rate her...



    Roy also has a balanced statline for a unit and may not have anything interesting to offer until one can take a look at his Binding Blade which can be refined to have Quick Riposte 4. Combine that with Dragonslaying attribute. Roy can facetank most Dragons; being the only threat to him is Swordbreaker Nowi. His RES is also decent for a melee unit so if you would slap on Distant Counter on him; he can tackle Mages and with an okay DEF stat; he can handle enemy melee attackers. However, again he has a balanced statline which means he'll not perform as well as the more min-maxed units, I'll rate him with...


  12. Maria

    Oh boy, where to begin; she's fast and has good RES. Physic staff is nice although her ATK stat is a bit shaky. Panic is good for screwing over Emblem teams. Since I mentioned she has good RES means it opens up Ploy Shenanigans. Nothing's funnier than a cute little Cleric ploying her opponents and Razzle Dazzling them to their doom.

    Takes a lot of love to make her work but hey, she's not bad.



    All he has is high RES and mediocre to poor in everything else. He's handy for Ploys and Magic tanking though.


  13. 6 hours ago, mcsilas said:

    @Frosty Congrats on the clear! I've heard to the +Spd Slaying Axe build from before and it's great to see it in action! Very unique and props to you!

    I guess -Def means Bonfire isn't as damaging as Luna huh?

    Well, she still has 32 DEF with Fury even if -DEF; but still I'd rather have Luna since I tend to bump into rather bulky enemies; this GHB is one such instance.

    Thanks, I was glad that even +SPD Cherche is still usable.

    Oh, and here's the Clive & Mathilda clear of the same GHB; this spotlights my "Horse Emblem Ephraim-clone" Clive and "Firesweep War Goddess" Mathilda, Clive did the tanking and killing the Bow Knight, everyone else became Mathilda's victims. Olivia and Azura tagged along because of WoM shenanigans since Fury 3 is involved again. Tagging you @mampfoid@Rezzy@XRay@bottlegnomes@Zeo@Vaximillian


  14. 3 hours ago, bottlegnomes said:

    @Frosty Nice! WoM shenanigans are always fun, and seeing a fast Cherche was sweet.

    2 hours ago, Zeo said:

    @Frosty Never considered building a +SPD Cherche. Was neat to see. I actually was getting a bit concerned near the end. I wasn't sure how you were going to avoid a unit dying, then I saw that the green mage was blocked by forest tiles. Smart stuff.

    2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Frosty That was nice, I never saw a speedy Cherche in action until now (only on Michalis map I gave mine a killer Axe once). Azura survived only by 1 HP, pretty close call. Looking forward to the picnic of doom

    It's not often you'll see a Cherche not running Brave Axe+, I've decided to build her this way because she has salvageable SPD if she has a speed boon (it's also a superboon) and she can go really fast in a Fliers team. She can hit 65/48 offenses with a Goad+Hone Fliers which is surprising.

    Also I got her during Minerva and Maria's Bound Hero Battle banner; I was aiming for Minerva but the game just gave me a +SPD/-DEF Cherche and I was like "You're not Minerva so I'm going to turn you into one!"

    The part of making Azura take a hit was a case of AI manipulation; the green units went up north instead of going into Cherche's direction; and getting the said Green Mage blocked by Forest tiles.

  15. 10 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Nice. I used Wings of Mercy to clear this map too, although I used it on Hector. I gave up trying to figure out a way to make a Player Phase team work as none of my nukes can handle a beating.


    ... oh and if the Red Mage wasn't packing Axebreaker, Cherche could have solo'd the entire map.

  16. @mcsilas@Zeo@Rezzy@bottlegnomes@Cute Chao@XRay@mampfoid@Vaximillian

    More details in the video's description... I went for something rather insane and wondered if my +SPD/-DEF Cherche can lay down the smackdown on this GHB. I intentionally made her tank an archer hit so I can get her to low HP fast for Wings of Mercy shenanigans. Azura was a case of AI manipulation because my previous attempts had the Green units going up north if I place her on the Defensive tile.

    P.S This Cherche is running a Slaying Axe+ speedy attacker set.

    I am going to post the Mathilda and Clive version of this GHB when it's uploaded. "Clive and Mathilda's Lovely Picnic of Doom" at Berkut Grand Hero Battle.


  17. 6 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

    I'm sorry but what is it exactly that you're displeased about? I'm no artist, but they look fine to me? Could you elaborate?

    Lack of feedback so I can keep a check if I'm done fine or if I need to work on something... and lately, the large influx of NSFW is bugging me to the point of being drowned out to obscurity by said content.

    In other words, unless I decide to be a sell-out; regardless of improving/honing the art style, consider myself as automatic shit tier. I can get jealous in a rather creepy and raging way.

    On 4/21/2018 at 2:32 AM, Charmeleonbrah said:

    What about Twitter?  Lots of FE fans on there.

    8 hours ago, shintarouee said:

    I second Twitter! I think it's a better place to get exposure compared to Tumblr and deviantART. I feel Tumblr is much more harder to gain an audience on.

    6 hours ago, Czarpy said:

    Twitter and Reddit man.

    FB is good too if you can get into a good fanbase group, but don't count on it.

    Twitter, I might think of breathing back life into my Twitter account; still a slow crawl though.

    FB, sadly; I don't want to get my real-life identity exposed for very good reasons. Let the face behind the icy mask remain a mystery.

    I find Reddit a little confusing if you ask me.

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