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Posts posted by Reddazrael

  1. It's the exact same process for Fates as Awakening. You can use a Fates tutorial for this and it will work.

    I'm only familiar with HANS, so that's the only process I can walk you through. If you are using HANS, you will need the following three things:

    1. Braindump
    2. RomFS Extractor
    3. RomFS Rebuilder

    Place the braindump files on your 3DS' SD card, in the 3ds folder that should be on the root of the card. Use braindump to dump your game. Make sure you have at least 2GB of free space on your SD card, and plug in your 3DS, because it's a bit of a slog for it to dump (go make lunch or something). After it's done, shut down your 3DS and take out the card. You'll now have a folder on your card with a name made of up of a 16-digit number string that will be one of the following, depending on region:



    Drag the folder to your desktop (or wherever) and delete the original from your SD card. Inside that folder will be two files: romfs.bin and exefs.bin. At this point, you'll want to use RomFS Extractor and direct it to extract romfs.bin. Once it's done, you will have a new folder named romfs_. This is the folder that contains all the files you need to overwrite.

    At this point, drag and drop all of the Gay Awakening files that pertain to your regional version into the _romfs folder. Overwrite everything.

    Now, create a folder on the root of your SD card called hans.

    Now use RomFS Builder. Select the _romfs folder and click 'Go' to let it run. It will prompt you to save. Save the file in your new hans folder as either 000a0500.romfs (NA) or 0009F100.romfs (PAL) depending on your region. Make sure you write in the extension as well, or it won't save in the proper format.

    Put your SD card back into the 3DS. Boot into the Homebrew menu and run HANS.  Navigate down to the NO beside "Romfs -> SD" and press right on the d-pad to change it to YES. Navigate down to OK and press A.

    Voilà. You can now play Gay Awakening.

  2. 6 hours ago, Dayni said:

    Holy fuck, I want a sequel with that fucking magnificent bastard as lord now.

    "In the name of my father's Feroxi brown arse" would probably be the best introducing line in the series.

    I like to imagine the scene as someone riding in on a massive warhorse, slaughtering their way through enemy ranks, and no matter what dialogue is written on the screen, that's the positively roared-out voice clip.

    And it's also one of their crit lines.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

    Omg YES. This would have been amazing and plus their kid would be a spitfire. Somebody with art skill please make designs for male and female of said kid. Leaning toward female myself because Basilio in a "Daddy's little girl" and then "Daughter who thinks her dad is embarrassing and lame but deep down inside she's still his little girl" scenario would be gold.

    I've decided that their daughter is the mysterious unused Tracie from the game files. Probably no truth to it, but I'm going to run with it.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Bloom said:

    I think the child character in the ending could have been fine, just because they have a child doesn't mean they need to be recruitable... like what if the child is only born if Grima is defeated. Which didn't happen in the other children's timelines.

    Very true, especially considering what happened to Basilio in the bad future, but let me dream. Can you imagine a Basilio&Flavia kid? The sheer sass potential.

  5. So I was digging through Awakening's Endings file (エンディング.bin.lz) when I came across something that took me off-guard.

    Married ending data for Basilio and Flavia.


    MEID_その後_バジーリオ_フラヴィア: Basilio returned home and threw\nhimself into two new endeavors:\ndeposing his wife from the Feroxi\nthrone and rearing their newborn\nchild. This led to the liveliest―and\nloudest―royal household in memory.

    Basilio returned home and threw himself into two new endeavors: deposing his wife from the Feroxi throne and rearing their newborn child. This led to the liveliest―and loudest―royal household in memory.

    Now, I will admit to having done some (okay, a lot of) hacking, including new writing, so I thought I'd accidentally transposed this clearly altered ending file with the original somehow. I knew I hadn't written it myself, but I'd downloaded other people's edits in the past to use as examples while I was first learning and thought I might have mixed something up. In fact, here's my exact note to myself upon finding it: "I didn't write this Basilio/Flavia ending, but I fucking love it."

    But then it occurred to me that I'd taken this file directly from my original braindump. I was pretty sure I had, anyway. So I went into my braindump folder and grabbed the original, unaltered file. I unpacked it, and yep, there it was. The married ending. I checked the original file's 'Date Modified' and it was identical to every other file in the braindump. So it clearly had not been altered.

    I started looking around online. Even if it was real, there is no freaking way I was the only person to find this. The game has been out for YEARS. It's been hacked for years. Lots of people have gone through this game's code. The only reason I'm able to do it myself is because people have built tools for hacking this specific game.

    But there was nothing, or at least I found nothing. Not even in the Trivia sections of the wikis or on The Cutting Room Floor, nor on Serene Forest's own 'Unused Content' section for Awakening. And while I've never heard of any unused content for a Basilio/Flavia pairing, I have heard a lot of people express consternation at the lack of S Support for them, and I feel like a discovered unused married ending would have caused even more lamenting.

    So, finally, I redumped my entire game cart. I wanted to make absolutely sure I hadn't made a mistake in this and was looking at an altered file. I dumped my game, I ran RomFS Extractor, I found the file, and I unpacked it. And there it was. In the original, unaltered, freshly-extracted game data, there was proof that at some point there were plans for Basilio and Flavia to have an S Support until all our dreams were prematurely dashed.

    If this has been discussed before, I apologize for the post. Even right now I'm convinced I'm not the first person to notice this. And I'm super nervous about posting because of it. But I even did a search with the ending text and nothing came up. I searched "basilio flavia married ending fire emblem" and other phrases like it and came up with zilch. I even searched this forum and didn't see a result about it. So, uh. Here, have some information.

  6. "Keep an eye on your enemies' HP. They might use Vantage to turn the tables!"

    They warned us about the dangers of Vantage. I decided to take that warning to heart. Ares, slaughter everyone in a single turn for me, okay? Thanks. YOU SCOUNDREL

    [ SKILLS ]
    Ares: Dark Mystletainn, Draconic Aura, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Def Smoke 3, Attack +3
    NY!Hríd: Geishun+, Hone Atk 4
    L!Azura: Prayer Wheel, Gray Waves
    Robin: Yelling tactical advice such as "Murder everything!"

    (Thank you, @Flying Shogi!)

  7. 18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If you have a few copies of Sothe lying around, it might be worth trying out Life and Death before committing to Brazen Atk/Spd since Life and Death is easier to come by. The penalty to Def will only cost you 2 damage on Bonfire (compared to Brazen Atk/Spd, 6 damage compared to Brazen Atk/Def), so it's probably not too much of a loss.

    I also just noticed Reciprocal Aid, which would solve the first round of combat issue and get you out of needing Quick Riposte, though you do still need someone else to take the damage to take advantage of it.

    All right, I'll try that. I've got a few spare Sothes that I won't mind scrapping. Additionally, with LnD3 + SPD+3 Seal, I can get Chrom's base Spd up to 40, which makes Desperation more viable, especially once buffs start stacking.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The biggest problem I can see with that build is that Chrom still doesn't have the Spd to actually double much with only 37 Spd before buffs, and his first round of combat is going to be abysmal unless you can do something like stand next to an enemy Surtr or attack something really slow.


    Thank you so much for all your input! I don't have W!Robin, although Linus is certainly obtainable (albeit expensive to raise up just to fodder). I am very fond of Life and Death, although I wonder how badly that would impact Bonfire on Chrom. I'll probably take your suggestion of Brazen Atk/Spd, as I would like to start using Chrom more than I have been. I'll run any debuffing skills on another unit, as suggested. Again, thank you!

  9. Hi, there! It's been a while since I was here, but I was wondering if anyone would mind offering some feedback on this potential BK!Chrom build. For the record, he's +10. I kept pulling him when all I wanted was M!Morgan.



    Sealed Falchion
    ☗ Reciprocal Aid [OR] Ardent Sacrifice For lowering health to meet skill thresholds, not sure which to go with; to activate all in set, he'd need 33 HP if my math is correct, so just one use of Ardent Sacrifice would be enough for Brazen and Falchion, but not Desperation.
    ▶ Bonfire
    A: Brazen Atk/Def 3
    B: Desperation 3 Not sure how useful this will be with only 32 SPD, but hoping C Skill will help shore it up.
             [ Alternate B: Vantage 3 Wondering if this is a better option, even without Distant Counter on him. ]
    C: Threaten Spd 3 [OR] Spd Smoke 3
    S: Atk/Def 2
    IV: +DEF / -RES
    Stats: 45/59/32/43/17

    Thanks so kindly!

  10. 130 orbs, let's do this. I am hoping for: Ephraim, Lyn, Shigure, Henry, Inigo, Jakob. I would not say no to Ike, Celica, Eirika, Micaiah, or Genny. I do not want Robin, because I already have spare copies of her and there's nothing really on her for me to fodder off. Let's go!

    4★ Maria. No.
    5★ Legendary Robin. ...I'm full up on you, no. But I'll take the Earth Blessing I guess?
    4★ Sothe. Life and Death fodder, cool.
    5★ Performing Inigo. YES. +DEF / -RES, I'll take it.
    4★ Priscilla
    4★ Lon'qu
    3★ Niles
    4★ Olivia
    4★ Priscilla
    5★ Genny. Wrathful Staff fodder, good.
    4★ Sakura
    3★ Serra
    3★ F!Corrin
    5★ Performing Shigure, hell yes. +ATK / -RES, sounds good to me.
    4★ Nino
    5★ SM Eirika, never thought you'd come back to me after I sacrificed my first one of you to M!Morgan. +RES / -SPD, you might be Swift Sparrow fodder again. Either way, welcome!
    3★ Peri
    4★ Hana
    4★ Priscilla
    4★ Eirika
    3★ Florina
    5★ Legendary Lyn. YES! +RES / -HP, whatever. She's not -SPD or -ATK, I'm happy.
    3★ Priscilla
    5★ Legendary Lyn. Again, yes! +ATK / -SPD, my heart is conflicted.
    4★ Est
    4★ Gaius
    3★ Serra
    3★ Kagero
    5★ Legendary Ephraim. FINALLY. You have eluded me for so long. +ATK / -HP, excellent.
    3★ Gaius
    4★ Maria

    ...And with my very last orbs, we've come full circle with another Maria. Of the characters I want, I'm only missing Henry and Jakob.

    8/31 pulled units were 5★. That's roughly 25%, not bad at all!

    All in all, I'm really happy with this pull session. Going to save up more orbs and try again before this event is over.

  11. 14 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    @Zeo @mcsilas @Reddazrael Congratulations on your perfect Hinokas! +ATK and +SPD are a dream.

    Much appreciated! I am very pleased with her. She'll go straight onto my Flier Emblem team should I ever bloody finish it.

    11 hours ago, Usana said:

    @Zeo@mcsilas@Reddazrael@Ledrert@Alkaid Congrats all on your quick Hinokas!


    Thank you!

    I haven't managed to pull Shigure yet and I've used a lot of orbs just sniping blue. I'm tempted to give up, especially after having my 5.25% pity rate broken by Tailtiu. Well, let's keep trying. 3
    ★ Lukas, 4★ L'Arachel, 4★ Subaki, 3★ Shanna (Desperation fodder, I'll take it), 4★ Roderick, 4★ Donnel, 4★ Donnel, 4★ Donnel (AGAIN?), 4★ Tailtiu (ugh), 4★ Mae, 4★ Oboro... This is not going well. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me to quit, but I am really good at spectacularly bad ideas, also sunk cost fallacy etcetera. Keep trying, I guess. Next pull has two blue, two green, and a red. Hit the first blue...


    FINALLY. He's got neutral IVs, which is fine by me. I don't really care about Kana, but I'll do a YOLO pull on the rest, see what I get. Hector would be nice.


    ...Well, holy crap.


    Okay, I'm satisfied. Now to save for the Legendary banner.

  12. About 40 orbs in and Hinoka came home. Not bad!


    +SPD / -HP? Yes, please!

    About 20 orbs later, I get BH Lyn. Atk Smoke fodder is always welcome! 4★ Shanna shows up while pulling for Shigure; Desperation fodder is also welcome. Three more pulls end with no blue orbs, so I just pull the colourless; end up with 3★ Klein. Hey, Death Blow fodder works for me.

    And that's it, I'm out of orbs. I'll earn some more and try for Shigure again later. I don't care about Kana in the least, so I won't bother pulling any green (or red, since there are no focus units there).

  13. @silveraura25 @Humanoid @Xenomata @XRay

    Thank you all for your input and help! Xenomata, even if it wasn't often, you have helped me at least once in the past, and I wanted to thank you for the time you took to do that. :3 That's all.

    I'm still kind of waffling on what to build to give her since you've all given me a number of great suggestions. I think I may go with the following:

    ◉ Thani
    ☗ Reposition
    ▶ Iceberg
    A: Death Blow 3
    B: Bowbreaker
    C: Drive Atk 2
    S: Res Ploy 3

    XRay: Unfortunately, I don't have the fodder for Res Ploy for her C slot, although I'd love to give it to her.

  14. @silveraura25 Thanks very much!

    Now I have another question (sorry!): I have a +DEF/-SPD Micaiah. Which is a terrible IV set for her, but she's really been helpful in this TT+ and I've grown rather fond of her so I'd like to build her regardless. I'm considering this set:

    ◉ Thani
    ☗ Reposition
    ▶ Iceberg
    A: Darting Blow 3 / Death Blow 3
    B: Desperation 3
    C: Drive Atk 2
    S: Distant Def 3(?)

    If anyone has any opinions regarding this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks very much!

  15. 6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    I might add that the third level is locked behind 5*  rarity, but at least you get a higher chance of getting a spare copy for SI purposes. 

    Like @Vaximillian wrote, to make her refresh-able but also to not use her for support out of habit (I tend to do that).

    Uh, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck that they will make TT units return.

    I wouldn't mind extra copies of Marth (merges), Marissa (Infantry pulse), Joshua (Close Defense) and BK (Steady Stance/WoM) either. 

    That's fine; I have enough feathers to get her to 5★, so if I decide to go with RES Tactic for someone, it won't be too much of a hassle. Thanks for letting me know!

    Yeah, I feel your pain about the lack of TT unit merges. The lack of IVs is frustrating, too.

    General Question:

    I just pulled Mia in my quest for Arya, and this Mia is +SPD/-RES. The thing is, I already have a Mia who's +ATK/-DEF. I know that -DEF is a superbane and her Flashing Blade relies on SPD, so I'm leaning toward +SPD, but I'd like a second opinion. Thanks!

  16. 13 hours ago, Grandosco said:


    All of them had sub-par/terrible IVs compared to my present units, so I'm pondering merging Ike, and wondering who would like Fierce Stance the most...

    I've found Fierce Stance to be brutal on my M!Grima. Just saying.

    Pull Session:

    I was pulling for BH!Lyn by sniping colourless orbs, because I only needed one more merge to +10 her. I was pity-broken by Genny, which isn't so bad because now I have Wrathful Staff fodder. 27 non-5★ units later, and BH!Lyn appears! She had terrible IVs, too, so I felt no sadness merging her in. Woo!

    Since then I've been sniping green and red, because I have one Sonya but I want more of her for merges and better IVs, and Arya because both of the ones I have are -SPD which is less than ideal. I was pity-broken by a +ATK/-DEF Mia (I already have a +SPD/-RES Mia, so one of them is now Flashing Blade fodder) and Fallen Celica (who may either be merged or used for Chill Spd fodder).

    None of my pity breakers have been bad, so I'm not disappointed in my pulls overall thus far. I really want Sonya above all, so I may start sniping green alone. In summary:

    1. Genny
    2. BH Lyn
    3. Mia
    4. FH Celica

    Not bad.

  17. 3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Yeah, tactic skills are still rare. At least RES tactics is available on a 4* unit (L'Arachel). 

    Yeah, Ninian makes sense. First I thought of the blue LA units, but having two versions of one person on one team could lead to confusion (especially when couples are involved ^^). When grinding SP for Ninian, better unequip her Assist, that already helps. TA helps her to get some kills too.

    Oh, I didn't know that about RES Tactic. I think I might make use of that. Thank you!

    Why unequip her assist? I'm just curious. I didn't think about TA -- thank you, I'll give her that. And I'm still bitter that I missed out on LA Eliwood. I took a break from Heroes for a bit and came back just in time to pull both LA Hector and LA Lilina on an extremely lucky first session, but didn't have enough time left to earn the points for LA Eliwood. I'm really, really hoping they bring him back somehow.

  18. 5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Hey, that looks really cool (especially Eliwood), congratulations for finishing them. 

    If you don't run a 3rd cavalry unit, you could give 1 or 2 of them Tactic skills. If it wasn't for arena, who would be the fourth permanent member? 

    Thanks very much! I'd love to put Tactic skills on them, and technically I could, but I only have one copy of Shiro and I don't want to sacrifice him. I also don't have Siegbert, and while I do have one copy of LA Lilina, Hector would murder me for killing his daughter I don't want to sacrifice my only copy of her either (especially since she's a limited unit). I may in the future, but for now I just can't make myself do it.

    If it wasn't for the arena, I would likely put Ninian on the team. I'm lacking a blue unit currently, and the Ninian I have (+ATK / -RES) is about half-built and already has +SPD Lightning Breath+ and Wings of Mercy 3, so she's pretty useful even without other skills. (I just wish it wasn't so darn annoying grinding SP for her.) She's a good unit and I'd love to use her on this team, so I hope that at least one of these units becomes a bonus arena unit sometime soon so I can have an excuse to shove her on for a while.

  19. @mampfoid You mentioned a while back that you were looking forward to seeing my Blazing Sword team, and I never really followed up on that. So, without further ado, here it is:



    I called the team "Blazing Trio" because I am a loser. Hector and Eliwood are S-Ranked, and Lyn is always matched up with whomever ends up in the fourth slot. Slot #4 is for an Arena/TT+ bonus unit, which is currently WT Reinhardt:



    Hector, by the by, is an absolute beast. Most things that end up trying to assault him become very, very dead. I'm also hoping to pull a BH Lyn from the current banner so I can finally +10 her.

    EDIT: Holy crap I got her.

  20. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to the people here who spend so much time and effort answering questions about team-building and unit-building and whatnot. Your efforts are super appreciated and you're all very helpful and kind. So, ah, thank you.

    I want to thank @mampfoid @XRay @Ice Dragon @Humanoid @Xenomata @Arcanite @Usana @Poimagic @Chrom-ulent especially as people who have been kind enough to help me specifically -- and some of you many, many times over -- with my dumb questions.

    Is that okay to post here? I hope that's okay to post. I feel a little embarrassed now. Sorry. But I am very grateful.

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