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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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1 hour ago, 🔥YOLOSWAG🔥 said:

##Vote: Makaze

Long overdue IMO.


On 5/28/2024 at 10:39 PM, Iris said:




See the format below:

Voting: ##Vote: @Conqueror

Unvoting (if you are switching in the same post, you do not need to unvote): ##Unvote: @Conqueror

(The tag is not case sensitive nor does it require the bolding, but it does require the hashtags, key word, and the ping to actually ping the user -- will be in a special bubble to know if it's working).


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On 6/4/2024 at 9:34 PM, Shinori said:

Shoulda joined the game Yolo.  Woulda loved to have had beef with you again in thread.

I read along at parts and thought you may have been scum at parts, it would have been fun to trade walls :P:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

First off, thank you very much to everyone involved in this game -- really, from the bottom of my heart! From my co-host @Conqueror, to my checkers Disquieted and @Secondhand Revenant, as well as miscellaneous spectators like @riariadne, @Koneko, and @Grace... Finally to all the players and uninformed observers for keeping the hype. Let's hope it doesn't take 4 years for the next game to fill.


I probably had more thoughts here, but it's been almost a month since the game ended, so I don't remember too much, whoops!

Flavor: I want to apologize to mainly Prims + j00 because flavor was taking be a crazy long time and I feel like I could've done better for your Role PMs. But yeah, flavor was unrelated to roles, I didn't really want to make this a not!SFMM6 game since I don't consider myself very funny so I'd like to leave that up to someone else... But I did want to play homage to some of the great hits we've had over the past years...

On Redacted Flips -- I didn't want Town to be able to metagame what sorts of roles the Town had by flip (since the Killing JoAT strongly implied the existence of a protective role, tracker/watcher etc) -- btw, these roles are fully unredacted as of me finishing this post game (thought about reposting stuff, but that is a lot of effort, and this site's format is kind of uh, bad).

Setup: Honestly, the setup was what you saw. Action sheet can be found here. For the record, the original setup (made with Conqueror) had Vig as 2-shot Vig, but ahem, one of my checkers told me to change it to unlimited, and then we over corrected the backups + added a BPV in response to this. I think the original setup was probably more fair, since a 2-shot vig may not have shot N1, much less have risked it on Cam. Something something, never trust your checkers (thank you for checking + consulting for my game.. 😅 

Regarding SK, I usually love high powered games (no/low VT + ITP), but I wanted to host something simple for the first game back to hopefully not tilt players based off of the roles. Hence we got this game, which would be fairly low powered if the Vig was 2-shot like planned. For this reason, we didn't have an ITP too.... I do dream of the game where I just let Grace + Jaybee etc design the setup and we just see what happens... Anyways, the Role Design philosophy was mainly that we didn't want any roles that would immediately pub confirm someone as town (i.e. alignment cop) / town would have to at least work at scum hunting.

Gameplay / the Tragedy of the Rand: The rand was kind of tragic -- we were 1 coinflip away from seeing a Elieson/Rapier/Prims/Snike scum team and on the other hand, Doctor!charlie, Tracker!BBM, and Vig!Refa... Honestly, the scum team getting super demotivated + busy with IRL (well, mainly charlie/Refa -- did not help) -- it's probably a different game if they are somehow able to coordinate and lynch someone that isn't Refa...

MVPs - explained more in individual analysis:

Mafia MVP: @BBM

Town MVP: @Shinori

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Serenes Forest Mafia Elitists

Let's start with the VTs. Maybe in hindsight, I probably could have removed one of the weaker town PRs and added another VT? 


@Elieson Honestly, you weren't able to keep up with the activity at all... (which fair enough, there were WAY too many posts and I forgot to implement a post limit). You actually coming back at the end (due to a mod prod) was pretty good for the town, since you vote parked on Refa, which made BBM keep his vote, otherwise he may have switched it onto Weapons and we probably see a Rapier vig instead. So... good job?

@RADicate You did have a fairly easy time subbing into a somewhat townread slot (thanks to Elieson's last gambit) + getting pseudo cleared by Bluedoom's report. You made the game a bit fun to read, at least. 🤩Thank you again for subbing in!


 Dear Elieson,


You are Elieson the Idling Serial Killer, the Wolf. Legends speak of a Serial Killer who was hooked on Night 1 and then proceeded to shit his pants and idle for 3 nights (and then crosskilled with the mafia as soon as he started killing again).


You are Weak Watcher Survivor, Mafia Self-Watcher/Jack of all Trades. Despite how ridiculous this claim is, Elieson used it not once - but twice. The second time, he even changed it to Weak Watcher Survivor 2-shot Vigilante Rogue with a 1-shot safety net against his weak modifier. And he almost won with it, somehow. He did successfully screw over my scumteam though - thanks a lot for that, Eli.

You are SFMafia's Greatest Hits (2015).

This game is less notable for the actual gameplay that took place in it, but mostly for the great hits that it references. In fact, Elieson, you are the star of two of them! How could we forget the Weak Watcher Survivor claim of Choral Mafia V fame… Or the time you were SK and idled your factional kill three times in a row after being hooked on Night 1… and then crosskilling with the mafia… world’s most effective serial killer… What you make up for in night actions and role claims is your mafia spirit, and isn’t Mafia really about the friends we made along the way…?

Well, in the spirit of Weak Watcher Survivor and Idling SK, I suppose you have no actions.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.


Dear RADicate,

You are Training Mafia Advanced 3.0 (2018).

You're a young un new to the SF Mafia lands, but you've proven your worth. Ignore that first game you subbed out of -- your team won, so all you, imo. In Training Mafia Advanced, you were the leader of the World Powers - the alignment cop - it would be super cool if you rolled a role like th--oh, you're just vanilla.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Prims honorable mention for best individual reads end of D1*- I think individually, you probably had the best reads post D1... It was really funny to see how you were continuing to post content even after telling us you were subbing out (b/c keeping up with this game was a pain, which, true)... Namely, this post, where you correctly identify Cam and charlie as Mafia. BBM may have escaped your radar then, but that's unsurprising consider he was the most hidden scum member. I feel that others heavily read into your post after the Refa scumflip (at least Shinori's vibes on killing Cam were also probably aided by this post as well. Wish you could have played longer, but I understand!

Oh. Fun fact, if you didn't sub out, Mafia would have found the Doctor on N1, as they were voyeur/watching you, but the Doc switched off bc you subbed out....! The real gambit.

@Ichigo Many thanks Dunn for subbing in. You also had the fortune of subbing into a highly townread role thanks to Prims' analysis of the Refa wagon and his overall play. You didn't slack, though (well, it was also very lucky that j00 had gifted you an 1x insomniac... you did a good job casing BBM at the end, since Shinori definitely changed his mind quite a bit at the end there.


Dear Prims,

You are the Choose You’re Own Role (2013-2014) series.

What the hell? This is funny because I always associated you as the father of CYOR on SF Mafia, but it looks like Elieson did it first? Well, I guess you can always be the father of CYOURE. And also EiMM, but we shouldn’t talk about evil.

CYOURE 1 was a huge banger, and I’m still sad III did not fill. I think my favorite CYOURE story is the tale of Elieson the idling Serial Killer… Or that time BBM tried to get an OP role with God, but you read right through him…

I wonder what you would do if someone submitted Vanilla Townie. While you host plenty of Role Mad games, you are also equally known for games with high amounts of VTs, which SF Mafia seems to be allergic to. Not sure if you’ve had a chance to play as  VT, but there’s always a first time for everything.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.


Dear Ichigo,

You are Arctic Mafia (2018).

Despite popular belief, you've actually played in a handful of games on SF mafia. You might be called Dunn, but you're Ichigo on here, since Ripple aka Chelsea aka Claire aka Mitsuru Kirijo abandoned you... but it's fine... One of the games you joined was Arctic Mafia, where you were a mafia goon and got lynched D1...

Goons that die D1 don't do anything...

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Rapier Hey, thanks for not flaking!!! You were pretty active, which is amazing considering the activity in this game. Unfortunately as one of the VTs and being scumread by some, it's not surprising that you eventually got Vigged. You did a good job at trying to pull the lynch off of you on D1 and overall would love to see more from you.

 Dear Rapier,

You are Twitch Plays Pokémon Mafia (2018).  

On 5/11/2018 at 1:08 PM, Rapier said:

Oh look, it's that time of the early phase where I have no idea what to do, so I just stare at the screen while casually drinking coffee and spouting random things that people will intentionally interpret in the worst possible meanings like mad literature teachers and turbolynch me D1. I know because it always happens.

It's called timezones, bro

You are the second Twitch Plays Pokémon themed mafia hosted on Serenes Forest, and the one where the Town actually won! You, Rapier, may not remember this game too well, as you may or may not have flaked and required a sub, which is impressive since some day phases actually had a limitation of 5 posts in this game… 

But let’s look past that, shall we? Really, what we should focus on is Maidens of the Kaleidoscope mafia expert (or rather, town expert) Conqueror subbed in for you. And it’s less about Conq subbing in, and how he dismantled the mafia and their most townread member SB… and more about how SB begged Iris to not sub in Conqueror (who was not an active SF player at this time). I don’t think SB has still forgiven Iris, actually… 😊To be honest, I actually have never seen both you and Conqueror in the same room. You both like Swordgirls… perhaps you’re actually the same person…? 

That being said, Mbappe, if you’re really that good, you won’t need any special help.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Snike Theatre Mafia post game please. Honestly, you did your best, but were unfortunately in the PoE too -- town did play a lot more sloppily after they had eliminated the first 3 scum in 2 days. While your reads may not have been the best, your role spec was actually quite good -- being the only one in thread to point out what the Mafia Killing JoAT abilities were to a T. And also, for the wrong reasoning, you figured out there was a Role Cop on the Consigliere Goon. Which is pretty funny, tbh.

 Dear Snike,

You are Theatre Mafia (2012). 

On 8/11/2013 at 9:01 AM, charlie_ said:

no please don't postgame

i don't need reminding of how terrible i used to be

Those who didn’t play in this game don’t really remember it well, but those who did mostly seemed to enjoy it (just don’t ask charlie or bluedoom).... Lieris and the Scumstoners never did come to a theatre near you…

Honestly, more people seem to remember this was the game that Iris would bump every few months to ask you (Snike) to do postgame. You never did postgame and for that reason, I am reminding you 12 years later to do post game in your Role PM. Never mind that Ria did a post game (but it wasn’t a full one, and you were the main host)...

Legend says that Snike is still working on post game. Well actually, he probably has a lot more poetry to write first, though. Since you’re too busy writing, you probably don’t have time for night actions…

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Percivalé You did a good job at looking like town (you were considered at some point by Mafia as the factional kill on n1, and also were the Doc target N1 since Prims had subbed out. It's generally quite hard to get a mis-elimination on you for many reasons -- at least when you're town. You did get overly excited at the ability to prove your role (1x safeguard), which to be honest, I get, lol. Thank you for playing Percy, and I hope you had fun!

Setup comment: This was probably one of the 1xs that was not necessary for the town, and could have been removed ijn place of a VT -- it has a niche role of proving people's (namely scum's) claims as wrong.


dear percy,

you are choral mafia series (2010-2012).

in honor of you, i will be writing this role pm entirely in small caps. you are the best original flavor mafia game, and also the first. while sf mafia has experienced some banger flavors since the inception (oh dear god, this was not supposed to be a reference to inception mafia) of sf mafia, nothing beats the OG of original flavors, choral mafia. the characters were relatable, and made me actually want to be part of the silver singers!!! the first choral mafia was definitely a bit more roleplaying than forum mafia, but perhaps that’s what was its biggest charm… who needs kelsey green?

honestly ig we should talk about kelsey green. that skank messed up the very underrated cult leader graham’s (help i subbed into cult leader in my 2nd game) run in CM4… why was he allowed to recruit mafia??? there should be safeguards against that…

once, at night, you may reply to your role pm with: “night x - singing a song for <user>” your song will cause all non-killing actions on <user> to fail. this ability occurs during the roleblocking priority (see order of operations in the rules).

in short, you are the 1-shot safeguard.

you are a member of the sf mafia elitists. you win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@BT. Cute avatar! Also, I'd like to give you an Honorable Mention for best D1 play overall? It was hard between you and j00, you may have marginally eeked it out, but both should be commended. You stuck to your guns on the Refa scumread, and especially questioned whether Refa's role should coexist with yours -- this was before the mafia knew what the town roles were like, and the 1x Martyr was not a provided role to them... Anyways, you died before other things happened, but you had a very strong D1 play.

Setup Comment: This role probably should not have existed in this setup after the Vig got buffed to unlimited. We put this role in because of the Mafia Roleblocker, but also because back when the Vig was 2-shot, the intention was that the Hijacker could also redirect the Factional Kill -- and the Factional Kill could be redirected onto Mafia too!

Dear BT,

You are The iDOLM@STER Mafia (2013).

Wait, what do you mean this wasn’t hosted on Serenes Forest? It’s fiiine, Maidens of the Kaleidoscope/MotK is basically SF Mafia, right…?

I thought SF Mafia had its portion of poorly designed games, but iDOLM@STER takes this to a whole new level. You are a game hosted on the Maidens of the Kaleidoscope Touhou forum, and you almost filled up two whole threads. Apparently the ITP and the Mafia aligning because they couldn't kill the Town Bulletproof Jailkeeper that was eliminated via vote on Day 4? You, BT, may have died N1 during this game, but you were well aware of the bullshit in this setup.

Since you were only alive for 1 night, guess you only have 1 shot to do this right (UNLIKE THE HOST OF iDOLM@STER)… Once, at night, you may respond to your Role PM with: “Night X: Making sure <User1> visits <User2>”. If <User1> is performing night actions, they will be redirected to <User2>.

In short, you are the 1-shot Hijacker.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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  • Iris changed the title to (Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!
Posted (edited)


@Makaze First off, thank you very much for updating the ISO and Votals script. I'm honestly not sure what I should say here, since I know some people were hesitant to play with you because of how Not!SFMM5 went down -- I don't really want to be too hard here, since a lot of people already have gone over ways you can be more productive as a town member / most importantly, how to play in a way that makes the game not unenjoyable for other players? In some ways, less is more... and being on the receiving end of a tunnel can be especially demotivating -- I don't really have time to look for the quote, but I believe you yourself that you could be "right for the wrong reasons." I forget who, but another person said you kind of play like what if MU spectator chat was a player... That being said, I do look forward to watching you play, since while it might not be as enjoyable to play with you, it is fun to watch you on the outside looking in. In an unrelated note, I remember you having a few good cases, but these were largely ignored thanks to the uh, spam/high frequency of tunnely comments

Oh yeah, you probably shouldn't have used your Role so quickly that one night phase before everyoned talked, lol.

Setup comments: There's really not much to add about this role, it doesn't have too much town utility although it does pair nicely with Weapons' new backup, but that's a very niche use case.


 Dear Makaze,  

On 4/23/2018 at 4:51 PM, Makaze said:

I Have Solved the Game for the Seventh Time: A Makaze Story

You are I Don’t Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 (2018)!

IDNSFMM5 was probably the best of the knock-off SFMM5s with a banger setup (please ignore the overpowered ITP) and flavor. But all of this gets ignored due to being the longest game SF Mafia has ever produced by a large margin – 224 pages, which is probably only like, 4 Eurykins wall-posts, but still.

You, Makaze, were a great contributor to this. It’s hard work solving the game seventeen times! See, in any other game, Refa AKA Moses who parted the seas, would have been the main character. But we all know the real star was you (feat. YOLOSWAG) in the thunderdome. If you and YOLOSWAG are still trapped together, tell him I say hi, all right?

As the main character of IDNSFMM5, you were recently elected governor. During the day, you may reply to your Role PM with: “Day X: You FOOLs, you must listen to me!” You will stop this day’s elimination, making it a No Elimination. This will not count towards the game’s quota of maximum No Eliminations before Universal Loss. This will also end the Day phase immediately.

In short, you are the 1-shot Governor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.


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Posted (edited)


@j00 I appreciate the hustle of you trying to ask if you could use all your abilities in a night... Also I appreciate you calling people out for poor mafia habits / behaviors. Tell them like it is j00! Like BT, you had a pretty strong D1 -- I'll give BT the slight edge (but honorable honorable mention since you played quite well), but it was very close between you two. Thanks to timezones, you also stuck with your guns re: Refa and were rewarded. Your role actions were all logical for who you targeted -- and very helpful, in Ichigo/Dunn's case thanks to Makaze ending the night early that one night. Shinori's paranoia might have suspected you briefly, which is in no way a slight against you. Honestly, we haven't played that much together and I had a pleasure watching you and enjoyed how you played.

Setup Comment: Respectfully disagree with -- I forget who it was -- said that this role was very unlikely to be mafia, since SF has a strong history of Mafia Neighborizers, Announcers, etc., and at some point, this was considered for the Goon Role!! But yeah, ultimately MU checkers didn't appreciate the power of NEIGHBORIZER and ranked the power of this role quite low, smh.


Dear j00,

You are Toonami Mafia (2013).

A classic Elieson game, your role was "Yu-Gi-Oh! MultiSeries: Lynchproof 3x Role Recharger Survivor" – yes, that was really your role – where you ended up scum-siding and winning with the Mafia. Could they have made you any less killable? This setup was pretty blatantly scumsided, but hey, at least you, j00 won, too. And honestly I respect an ITP that’s not just your traditional serial killer.

In your free time, you like to work on creative projects. Perhaps you can share them with the rest of the Town…?

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with “Giving <USER> <ITEM>. and select ONE of the following”. The person you target may receive the following items that they will be notified they can use during the next day/night phase.

  • 1x Network. This item allows <USER> to pick a <USER2> to be their Neighbor for the next night phase and day phase. They will be able to communicate in a shared Role PM.
  • 1x Courier: <USER> will be able to send a 200 character anonymous message to any alive player of their choice. This character limit does not include spaces.
  • 1x Insomniac: <USER> will be able to post during the next night phase.
  • 1x Announcer: <USER> will be able to send a 400 character anonymous announcement to the thread. This character limit does not include spaces.

You may self target yourself once per giving cycle. After you have sent out one of each item, you begin a new cycle.

In short, you are the Communications Inventor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@WeaponsofMassConstruction Thanks for playing even if it wasn't enjoyable that people were casing you/your play style leads to people FoSing you... Unfortunately Universal Backup is a scummy claim -- although the 1xs bit instead of a full-time role correctly signaled to the town that you may not be lying about this... I think you did your best Weapons, and thanks for playing, you are one of the OGs after all. 🫡

Setup comments: This was a role that got overcorrected on with the Vigilante to full-time changes - so I am glad it died before the other PRs. With the worry that the town was too strong after the upgrade when we were overcorrecting mafia backup/BPV thanks to the Vig upgrade, the role got downgraded into 1x Reporter (the even crappier Motion Detector), 1x Bodyguard, and 1x Activist Vigilante (need a NL to get your Bullet -- the Governor NL counts too). Originally it was just supposed to be 1x Follow 1x Bodyguard 1x Vig - not really sure, would have to look at the notes to be sure.

Dear WeaponsOfMassConstruction,

You are Mafia (2010).

No, that’s not your alignment. Or is it? You are the first Mafia game hosted on Serenes Forest in February 2010. You were actually Mafia though in the first game and you got hung on Day 1. Never lucky, to be honest. You are the last active member of the OLD GUARD – where the heck did Balcerzak and Ether go? That’s fine, you didn’t need them anyways. Never mind that SF Mafia is over 14 years old this year…

There’s honestly not too much to rave about old mafia. You were cool before they had all these fancy roles. That being said, if some of these fancy roles die, maybe you’ll take a page from their books…

You have no special abilities for now. You will gain 1x abilities when certain Town-aligned roles die, but you will not know in advance what these are.

In short, you are the Universal Backup.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Sunwoo I think taking a backseat is correct when you have a protective role, and you stayed cool when you were wagoned on D1 (successfully preventing the Doc turbo)...! Your Doc targets were logical, even if you never ended up saving anyone, except I probably agree with Dunn's logic that protecting the Tracker over the Vigilante was probably more optimal, since the Tracker can generate more clears due to the majority of the scum team being eliminated. That being said, it obviously didn't matter much at all, since the Town was heavily in the lead at this point anyways.

Setup comments: It was pretty non-negotiable by Conq to put in a full-time protective in this setup. We ended up deciding on a Doc pretty quickly because it's iconic.

 Dear Sunwoo,

You are Spellcard Mafia (2012).  

On 10/27/2016 at 3:32 AM, Refa said:

Well, of course it sucked.

I wasn't in it.

I had a hard time finding this game because it’s not even CALLED Spellcard Mafia. It’s literally called Touhou NOCfia, shaking my head. Anyways, this game is fondly remembered by both Ria and Grace who told me I should include it, so here we are. While I didn’t get through the whole game, it seems like you played pretty decently (and perhaps, also, the town played pretty poorly in the first few phases) – you impressively survived all the way to the end, making it to Night 7 and killing the last Mafia.

See, Refa has the right idea – “I don’t remember this game/I wasn’t in this game” therefore it wasn’t good – congratulations on the Serial Killer win, though, that’s very impressive. I also see that many players have PTSD from this game.

Spellcard Mafia 2, when?

Can your spells prevent the Doctor from being turbo’d Day 1? I sure hope so!: At night, you may respond to your Role PM with: “Night X - Casting a Spell on <User>”. If <User> was targeted with a Killing action, you would protect them this night phase.

In short, you are the Doctor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Bluedoom You played well in my opinion; actions were logical, reads were generally fine. Ended up wagoned on D1, since like you said, I've never seen you not Wagoned after RVS especially as Town. Why does this keep happening? No clue -- something something, PLEASE TRUST ME JUST THIS ONCE. Luckily you were also a Town PR -- BBM (aka the whole scum team) had no idea you were the tracker, which helped a lot too.

Setup Comments: As mentioned earlier regarding design philosophy, we wanted investigative roles that would still encourage scumhunting. If we really wanted to take a page out of MU's book, Tracker would have disabled when there's only one scum alive lol. But we're not MU. The Town seemed sufficiently strong enough with a Vigilante which was why we didn't add in another investigative, although if we did, it would have been a 1x.

 Dear bluedoom,

You are Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 2 (2012).


“Disregarding this phantom voice as he wiped a mixture of tears and blood from his eyes, Marth began the long walk back to his home.”

Let’s ignore the fact that they call you Marth here–you change your username for SIX MONTHS and the whole community won’t stop calling you Marth (so sorry)!

The second of the SFMM series, you are what I like to say is the greatest SF Mafia game of all time (in terms of role madness without being too insane in power). This is a feat closely matched by SFMM4, which occurred a few years later.

You, bluedoom, probably remember this game as well as I do, because Haze flamed the hell out of the Town despite us winning, and also in spite of the fact that we never killed a town via vote and we still almost lost? Sheesh, and I thought Asian parents were never happy. You had a pretty poetic end, being the sole survivor of the Town Lovers turned Serial Killer Arson spree, and got to bask in our very deserved Town victory.

You deserve a pat on the back. But a scum hunter’s job is never done. At night, you may reply to your Role PM with: “Night X - Feeling out <User>”. You will receive a report of who <User> visited that night phase.

In short, you are the Tracker.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@Shinori I don't think I need to explain why you were Town MVP -- D1 aside (where you had a commanding presence even if your reads weren't necessarily correct) -- but not enough where you'd get shot for this -- you successfully shot 2 scum (we'll ignore all the townies along the way). Perhaps you would have been more conservative if it was a x-shot vig, and it would have been curious to see if you would have just shot Rapier if Weapons ended up being lynched (or vice versa), but that is another universe. Good work Shino!

Setup comments: This role shouldn't have been full-time, but I listened to the checkers, smh. Never again. 😒We ended up over-correcting 3 other roles last minute because of the worry the Vig could just carry the game on their own (which almost happened -- imagine if you had just shot BBM like you had originally thought about)!

 Dear Shinori,

You are Kemono Friends Mafia (2017).


 I don't particularly have many great stats or impressive accolades. I once in a game as a town leader had my vig shoot a bomb. They both claimed those exact roles to me. That was funny. 

^ Banger quote from our champion.

You are mostly Kemono Friends Mafia because I couldn’t find the game where you were Town Leader and had Vig shoot bomb. If I had a nickel for every time you were Town Leader as Town and Mafia won, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

We are in the era of Town-nori. No one can stop you, especially not the Counting Alliance and an all-newbie scum team (thank goodness for non-rigged rands). Kemono Friends was pretty funny having a whole friend group of zoomers sign up and all newbies wind up being the scum team, but no whippersnapper is going to outwit you!

Your confidence from smashing newbies has only swelled your ego, and you’re ready to beat up the scum. 

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with: “Night X - Stomping on <User>”. You will kill <User> that night phase.

In short, you are the Night Vigilante.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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Off-Site Mafia Traitors

The flavor for this was pretty funny. At first it was just to be communities that SFers had abandoned SF for -- i.e. MU, Smogon, EiMM; but I needed a 4th, and epicmafia seemed funnier than MotK (the latter is SF's greatest NOC allies, anyways)...

Regarding scum chat, it is unfortunately very difficult to port because we made it a group chat (shoutout to BBM who made the group Discord chat before everyone read their roles and spoiled Scum alignment/rand to them, RIP).  Upon request in the Discord SF Mafia, I will try to post excerpts, but there really isn't an easy way to release chat at this time.

These were the following safe claims provided - I suppose I was a bit confused at what they had mashed up as Refa's claim; a 1-shot Alignment Cop or even just VT would have been safer. In hindsight I probably would have changed town to have more VTs, and somehow acknowledged that a good safe claim would just be... VT. But hey, it be like that.

  • 1-shot Alignment Cop
  • 2-shot Empowerer
  • 1-shot Question Asker
  • BPV
  • Oracle
  • Vanilla Townie (w/ the option to claim this multiple times, to hint that there were multiple VTs)
  • Hunter (originally mistyped as Vengeful because I thought the two were the same)
  • Voyeur 
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@CT075 SO SORRY CAM that you rolled scum instead of Town for an easy coast. But you did your best, even if your Weapons vote was scummy af (would have looked a bit better if the wagon switched to Weapons organically -- was hard for BBM to predict that Percy was going to vote for Weapons though, and Elie coming back at the end messed things up). I appreciate you were one of the more motivated scum members (which I suppose was not hard).

Setup comments: This role was made sort of to mirror town (weak) backup, but be a slightly stronger version without being Roleblocker Electric Boogaloo 2. It also changed pretty heavily thanks to the Full-time Vig (ugh, the real bane of this setup), since there was a high chance a good Mafia PR would be eliminated early, so this role would scale based on when / where other partners died, so the mafia wouldn't be mech-locked into a loss because of all the Town PRs alive.

The role name was changed because we didn't want people to autoclear Weapons for their claim of backup, since the initial role name was Backup Goon. Which was not technically correct as it got some abilities that were not quite backup (i.e. a rolecop shot for each un-used JoAT ability), and was supposed to get a x-shots of the RB + WatcherVoyeur on partner's death.


 Dear Camtech075,

You are Naruto Mafia (2012). 

On 10/20/2012 at 3:27 PM, eclipse said:


Congratulations on being modkilled in a game that you didn’t even play in! Reminder: You voted in a game as an observer, you silly goose. Marth/bluedoom wasn’t even mafia! I would have done more research into your games, but you were a last minute sub, but I’m sure you have some bangers out there.

You haven’t been involved in the SF Mafia community recently, but against your better judgment, you’re back at it.

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Epicmafia.

What’s better than SF mafia turbo voting a doctor N1? Why being able to turbo vote a Doctor in a span of 10 seconds! Epicmafia was a charming, low-budget mafia experience (sorry Town of Salem, but you could never be what Epicmafia was…)

Well. Too bad it’s dead now. Look no further than Epicmafia. Although thanks to writing this Role PM, I’ve recently discovered that they restored partial access to the website even if there are no active game lobbies and that historical game records/user profiles are preserved. With some effort, we might be able to find the SF Mafia lobby.

Because Epicmafia is inferior to forum Mafia and has a shittier system, you start off with no special abilities.

In short, you are the Backup Goon.

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.\



Well fuck. You weren't expecting that to happen that early. You're supposed to be the deadbeat scum buddy/the useless shit that gets carried, not the one that has to carry others!!! EiMM was like your big brother (because both your names start with E lmao). With the death of Big Brother EiMM, you've gained access to the following ability (with a use for each unused ability by your buddy). 

[THREE] COPS: You were able to salvage EiMM's guns, but they're unfortunately unloaded so you won't be able to use them for killing, but there may be other uses... For this ability, you may respond once per day/night cycle with: "Day/Night X - Inspecting <USER> with my  <MODIFIER> Gun" to receive <USER>'s Role PM with some caveats.

- "Ninja": This Cop ability is quicker than a ninja. They can't catch you if you investigate someone's role at Instant speed! This ability can be submitted during the day phase or night phase, and cannot be caught on Investigations.
- "Strong"(willed): It's pretty scarring to hear that "Strong HP Cop" is in EiMM now, and it's not what you think it is. This ability cannot fail.
- "Janitor" (Jealous): You're a pacifist, but it would be kind of RUDE if you have to share your investigative time with any other user. You will get this user's Role PM, but other investigations on this user will fail.

While you have access to your 3-shot Rolecop, you are still a Consigliere Goon and may obtain other abilities upon the deaths of your buddies.

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@Refa Refa... 😭 I wish you came back at the end of the N1, but unfortunate that phase end time coincided with your commute and you were generally having a bad day IRL that day for other reasons as well. I don't think you would have been lynched if it was a 48 hr D1, but unfortunately scum malaise was real and they got you. Your claim probably would have been better if you ended up claiming VT or just stuck with 1x alignment cop, as the additional parts made some on your wagon double down. It also didn't help that a lot of people on your wagon had earlier timezones and had to bail out early... overall, thank you for playing boss, but it was rough to watch the scum malaise (charlie's words)... Might've just been better to sack your slot D1 and claim something like Doc etc, or just straight up claim full-time alignment cop and dare people to Elim you so you could get that Strongman off.

Setup Comments: The inclusion of the BPV change was to hint to the mafia that the Town either had a Vigilante or that there was a SK. The role in general hinted at a Tracker (since the Mafia had a Watcher), and of course, a Protective Role. We wanted the Mafia to be generally aware what they had to look out for without confirming it. You all logically deduced pretty quickly what you were dealing with.


 Dear Refa,


You are Thiefgame (20XX?).


Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Why is it spelled Thiefgame (one word) and not Thief Game? This game has been on the queue for over six years now (and if you check, it’s the only game still on the queue)! I have no idea what sort of mechanics would be present in this game, but apparently you and SB have been working on it forever. One day SB and Refa will return from the war… It even gets mentioned at least once a year by THE Koneko aka “Kitty is my real name”, so she single-handedly carrying this game… Or is she mentioning it because she was the thief in thiefgame all along…?🤔

Regardless, it sounds like you’re more likely to host Sonic & NOCcles in the future… and you don’t even host NOC games! You know what’s more cringe than hosting NOC games? Hosting EiMM games.

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Everyone is Mafia Mafia (EiMM).

You were created by Edible, an unsuspecting Maidens of the Kaleidoscope (MotK) user, in 2009. You were then ported over to Serenes Forest in 2014 by another unsuspecting MotK user, Prims. Thanks to some of the most dedicated NOC hosts becoming addicted to EiMM hosting, this community has expanded massively, eclipsing its progenitor communities in popularity and becoming a true melting pot of… culture (citation needed?). You’ve caused friendships to fall apart, as well as family members’ relationships. Mechanically, it’s a very good game, but some people take their Internet trophies very seriously, after all.

Also, EiMM won the Mafia Universe championships last year. It’s not even a NOC community! Clearly SF can just take credit for the win as SF originated EiMM…

As a full-time mafia member (literally, why the hell would you want a Day phase?) – you are probably the most adept at killing compared to your comrades. You are also used to performing many different roles.

At night, in place of the Factional Kill, you may respond to your Role PM to attach the following Kill Modifiers:

  • 1x Janitor: “Night X - Toss <User> into the Graveyard”. You will grab <User>’s Role PM and keep it for yourself, hiding it from the thread. If you die, though, you’ll probably drop your alias/role sheet, and it will flip with your death.
  • 1x Ninja: “Night X - Checking that “Ninja” tab on <User>’s spreadsheet”. You will not be considered as Visiting to Investigation roles this night.
  • 1x Strongman: “Night X - High Prio Shoot <User>”. You will (most likely) ensure the death of <User>; please refer to the Order of Operations in rules to understand when Strongman Killing occurs.

These abilities may only be used once, each.

Since you like items as well (thiefgame broken???), you also have a Bullet Proof Vest (BPV). This will protect you from the first attempt on your life, and you will be informed if this breaks.

In short, you are Bulletproof Killing Modifier Jack of All Trades.

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@charlie_ RIP the scum rand malaise got you hard; I think you know what made your slot so scummy, but I probably would not have subbed out in your position just because it seemed a bit doomed for the next person in although at this time, you wouldn't have known Cam was going to get vigged... if only your slot got vigged to put you out of your misery. I am sorry you can't stop randing scum in all your recent games, which is quite rough. Also sorry you didn't win your EiMM game. With you + Refa getting FoSed so early, it makes me wonder if it's less optimal for scum to even participate in RVS -- or at least ghost those first 12 hours of the day, as much of the town showed up far later in the day -- like 18 hours+ and got more of a pass. You were a good sport even though I teased you in like 3 other Role PMs. 😅 I don't really think I need to go in what went wrong in why people scumread you, scum demotivation is real, but the last minute Makaze vote park probably didn't help the D1 EoD in getting the vote off of Refa (probably leaving the vote on Weapons or Rapier was more optimal, as people were more willing to lynch those two at the time).

@Duskfall98 I am so sorry you subbed into this game, since I really didn't want to sub charlie's slot as I figured they would just get insta bodied which they did. Some people were rude to you and really didn't let you play, which was crazy, especially as you hadn't even been confirmed by a report but just by your slot's previous scummy play...? Wild, I guess. This game doesn't count as a loss for you, imo imo. Thank you very much for being a good sport and subbing in. I don't think a JK claim would have worked; instead of laying down and dying, maybe the most optimal strat was to claim Doc and let someone CC you -- I was surprised you hadn't done that, but I think timezones / the hope you could fight your way out existed...? I know BBM entertained it briefly. You get an honorable mention for Mafia MVP, since you tried your dang hardest.

Setup comments: I felt pretty strongly Mafia needed a full-time roleblocker as the Town had some pretty strong roles that needed to be blocked. Not really any comments here.


  Dear charlie,

You are Antihero Anonydraft Mafia (2018).  

On 1/16/2018 at 10:48 PM, Prims said:

I dunno if town was that bad this game besides cutting Beast way too much slack. I feel like scum just outplayed us completely. SB and Iris had really good scum games.

On 1/16/2018 at 10:48 PM, Prims said:


You are quite possibly the most tragic scum game I’ve seen on SF Mafia. After the (anti)-heroes known as Kokichi Ouma and Rick Sanchez pocketed the town, the latter died to the Serial Killer (Reborn’s least trusted citizen Titania Andersen), and the SK was also murdered by the mafia due to them fearing they would be killed for being “Town.” A series of unfortunate events unfolded, and it was Kokichi Ouma versus the world (dragging along dead slot The Beast)... Don't let Town victory distract you from the fact they mislynched 4 times in a row and only lynched 1 scum! I’m certain you haven’t forgotten.

Let’s pretend we’re in the universe where we didn’t get shitty draft numbers and were able to secure a Roleblocker. Sorry but, guess you’re still Mafia!

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Smogon.

You are the Pokémon community to SF’s Fire Emblem community, and you have a niche but loyal Mafia following. Many moons ago, you were a shadow of SF Mafia, where you were its OC mafia cousin, but everyone flocked to SF for NOC games. Nowadays, the most addicted of NOCcers (you know who you are) have fled to Smogon to play or even host their madness…

You are also the reason for the infamous Martyr vs Decoy vs Reverse Martyr vs Reverse Decoy scrum debate between Serenes Forest and Smogon. This is your fault, without questions.

What really encapsulates the Smogon community is one of its most recent games: Multifaction Recruitment Mafia – An OC multi-faction game with over 60 players, the host first accused all the EiMM players of cheating (note: there was no cheating) – and also publicly revealed some Role PMs in retribution. To add onto this, this host got banned less than half way through the game for something extremely dodgy and then a dead player had to take over to finish the game to completion. Boy, and I thought SF Mafia was a mess! Guess we really are sister Mafia communities.

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X: Drop the ban hammer on <USER>!" You will prevent <USER> from completing any night actions.

In short, you are the Roleblocker. 

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.


 Dear Duskfall98,

You are Danganronpa V3 Mafia (2019).

On 1/28/2019 at 7:31 PM, ULTRA PRODIGY NUXL said:

shoutouts to my d1 townbloc

and @Duskfall98 and @hal for joining me on this off site escapade... SMOGOn... now we have to rock our invitational

You had a brief stint on SF Mafia where you joined your buddies Ultra Prodigy Nuxl and Smogon Leader Hal Jin in STOMPING the SF Mafia NOCcers (never mind that most of the mafia were also off-siters) as town. It was a clean game; a clean sweep, and we should do it again some time!

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Smogon.

Wait, shit, now you're actually from Smogon. This wasn't supposed to be the case!

You are the Pokémon community to SF’s Fire Emblem community, and you have a niche but loyal Mafia following. Many moons ago, you were a shadow of SF Mafia, where you were its OC mafia cousin, but everyone flocked to SF for NOC games. Nowadays, the most addicted of NOCcers (you know who you are) have fled to Smogon to play or even host their madness…

You are also the reason for the infamous Martyr vs Decoy vs Reverse Martyr vs Reverse Decoy scrum debate between Serenes Forest and Smogon. This is your fault, without questions.

What really encapsulates the Smogon community is one of its most recent games: Multifaction Recruitment Mafia – An OC multi-faction game with over 60 players, the host first accused all the EiMM players of cheating (note: there was no cheating) – and also publicly revealed some Role PMs in retribution. To add onto this, this host got banned less than half way through the game for something extremely dodgy and then a dead player had to take over to finish the game to completion. Boy, and I thought SF Mafia was a mess! Guess we really are sister Mafia communities.

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X: Drop the ban hammer on <USER>!" You will prevent <USER> from completing any night actions.

In short, you are the Roleblocker. 

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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@BBM You were the Mafia MVP for obvious reasons (which includes being not affected by scum malaise, of course).... you NEVER GAVE UP, even when the going got tough, and you were able to get tons of misvigs and miseliminations in the process, even though it was doomed. I really wish Shinori shot you N2 to put you out of your misery, though. Thanks for playing BBM, you're a good sport.

Setup Comments: The Mafia info role, except we didn't want to be GENERIC and give scum a Role Cop to start with -- we wanted you to use your SUPERIOR INTELLECT to deduce the doc picks, etc. A starting Role Cop would be more helpful, though, especially with the 1x roles. This is the weakest scum role, though, and very unlucky this was the last one alive.

Dear BBM,

You are Cuphead Mafia (2018).

You are a classic anonymous game hosted by Prims that unfortunately can’t be reread easily due to how SF’s anonymous game system works. I hope you enjoy the Waifu mafia reskin as you reminisce!

You, BBM, may think of Cuphead Mafia as your greatest failure in SF Mafia history, mislynching town in MYLO, but the greats (aka just me, SB, and Refa) remember this game and you as Orange Islands BBM. It truly is the heroic Greek tragedy of Ash “BBM” Ketchum almost winning his first title, but the stubborn Charizard (sorry eclipse!) from the Indigo league preventing his victory…

Oh well. At least you got a nice photograph out of it.




Thanks to your impending depression about this game, you have decided being town sucks, and if you can’t beat them, join them.

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Mafia Universe.

You are a conglomerate of forum Mafia communities that successfully came together rescuing refugees from dying communities who still want to play mafia. Your history is intertwined with Serenes Forest; One of your Administrators literally comes from SF, with another basically coming from here as well (Smogon isn’t real if you ignore it). You also are the host of the Annual Mafia Championship (11+ years and counting) where. Nothing beats traumatizing our fellow community by democratically voting them in to play in the Mafia Chumps (affectionate term).

(Jokes aside, we are very thankful we were invited to this year’s Mafia Championship despite our lack of games in 4+ years – ignore any connections we may have pulled to get there!).

With your history of open setups (SF mafia’s role-mad setups could never), and your all-seeing eye amongst many communities, you will have all the information you need.

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with "Night X: Download <USER>’s records!" You will learn of all players that successfully targeted <USER> that night. Additionally, you will learn what type of night actions were performed on <USER>. If multiple people target <USER>, you will learn the aforementioned information, but you will not learn who performed which night action.

In short, you are the Watcher + Voyeur.

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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And that's a wrap! Told you all it would be done before the end of the month (thank you Hawaii Standard Time). :tangerineglasses:

Thank you to all the players/subs/spectators/checkers/co-host.... love you all, we should do this again some time, and don't forget:

Mafia sucks.

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ty for the postgame iris

I was considering joining bbm's game but I'm not sure I have the juice in me

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