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Rate the Unit 49: Delmud


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Rules (adapted from Integrity's)

- Ratings are for Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a unit above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A character being inferior relative to another character does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- Characters do not get credit for recruiting others or allowing access to side quests.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Characters do not get credit for bringing items.

- I reserve the right to ignore any votes which are not well-supported.

- You may allow a character to use scrolls (and adjust their rating appropriately) so long as it is reasonable (you may debate what constitutes "reasonable" if you feel people may disagree with you). You cannot arbitrarily increase a unit's score by arguing that they may exclusively use half a dozen scrolls for themself. In general, scrolls will probably not add more than +1 to a character's overall rating.

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Shanam: 0.89

Miranda: 1.13

Robert: 2.33

Ronan: 2.42

Alva: 2.5

Xavier: 2.64

Marty: 2.89

Kein: 3.5

Tanya: 3.82

Conomore: 4.04

Misha: 4.10

Eda: 4.29

Dalsin: 4.38

Trude: 4.69

Evayl: 5.02

Ralph: 5.28

Selphina: 5.37

Glade: 5.75

Hicks: 5.89

Fred: 6.00

Amalda: 6.05

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Olwen: 7.05

Mareeta: 7.13

Linoan: 7.24

Halvan: 7.35

Carrion: 7.54

Dagda: 7.54

Homer: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Eyrios: 8.20

Shiva: 8.26

Salem: 8.30

Karin: 8.50

Pahn: 8.66

Dean: 8.70

Felgus: 8.79

Sleuf: 8.84

Othin: 8.86

Tina: 8.90

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Sara: 9.11

Nanna: 9.13

Safy: 9.48

Asvel: 9.58

A bit of a strange character: His base stats are pretty inadequate, mostly inferior to Amalda or Conomore who joined a couple of chapters earlier. He has some things to help make up for it though, mainly through his 5 PCC and the Beo Sword, which is a fairly powerful weapon that gives the Ambush and Wrath skills (which, unfortunately, do not stack with each other making it largely superfluous). However, Fergus can also use the weapon, so it may be preferable to give it to him. He also has the Charisma skill, which can make him useful simply by being fielded. Despite the fact that Delmud is mounted, it is pretty useless seeing as there are only 2 outdoor chapters left in the entire game, one of which is the Reinhardt chapter in which he will probably not see any action due to the strength of the enemies (but could potentially be fielded for Charisma which helps offset their ridiculous leadership). Basically, he's usable, but will probably be fielded for Charisma more than anything else. 5/10

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Another lategame filler, and he's rather decent as well. 36 HP/9 Defense is pretty much like Amalda, while 12 Speed is barely better than Conomore, but he does have a few things over either of them. First and foremost, the Charisma skill gives more hit/avoid than a leadership star, though he has to be in range. This should be typically easy with his 7/10 movement however. Then, he joins with the Beo Sword. While it can also be used by Fergus, keep in mind that Fergus is probably killing shit with Iron, so he doesn't mind leaving all sixty uses of it to Delmud so he gets better. Then there's his 5 PCC, which is great if Delmud's Speed manages to keep up.

Fortunately, he joins in a chapter with an arena and, because of his 5 PCC, makes an excellent use out of it, even gaining bonus experience if he fights on foot. The Speed Ring in chapter 19 could be good on him if you still have it, though if you don't, the Sety scroll is a good help to his somewhat low base. Dain is also fairly helpful to make his Defense a bit better.

Great endgame filler with Charisma and very salvageable combat with a semi-personal sword.


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Ugh, I don't see the appeal of Delmud besides Charisma. He has pretty good offense with 5 pcc, but his durability isn't so good (Amalda can get away with it because of great staff utility) and he can't survive many rounds. He won't double much things with Beosword besides armors possiby mage knights, and the maps where his great movement matters, one has several ballistae, the other has Cyas, Reinhardt, and random bishop guy with leader stars, giving him one non-screwed outdoor map. He's usable indoors, but again, he'll need a decent amount of exp to stop being weighed down by Beo Sword and start doubling shit. I used him once, and had to great take caution with him as he was pretty fragile. Amazing in Fe4 though.

4/10, mainly for charisma, -.5 for being Beowolf's son = 3.5/10

Edited by Davinatorman
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It's that super mellow guy from FE4!

You know, he's like one of the best children you get!

Oh... this is FE5?

5 PCC, charisma, pony, beo sword.

Oh and bias.


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His astounding growths, PCC, etc along with his Beo Sword makes him great to use above Fergus. Plus he has Charisma and is a great moneymaker in the arena. But his late joining time hurts him in the long run.


Edited by アイネ
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