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Folgore Rangers Mafia -- GAME OVER


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Is word of mouth not enough for our current state? We have nothing due to that roleblock that happened. We're going to go with an assumption, and we shouldn't be even thinking of voting a claimed doctor. And do you not think that we would have a counterclaim if Mancer is lying? What kind of game would exclude a doctor? I brought up the idea of it being a fakeclaim on Day 1, and it was pretty much said that a doctor fakeclaim would be idiotic. Yeah, Mancer was all over the place D1 but you can't simply discount the claim right?

I never said I was going to discount the claim. I only said I will address everything wrong I see within his posts no matter if he's the Doc or not. Also, I told you, I voted him because I was a derp, it wasn't intentional. I forgot he was the Doc for a moment, before remembering instantanelously after posting. Sue me. :/

I actually wouldn't be completely against a Rapier lynch. He's been pretty all over the place, posting things that express confusion and panic so early on into the phase, and then voting the claimed doctor. However, I still want to vote Lucina due to me not having a good feeling towards all of this. She is online and active elsewhere, so I doubt that she's too busy to participate in mafia.

Me, all over the place? My posts were only a few, you can ISO them and you'll find only 2 pages of posts, not counting those who are just one liners that serve as an addendum because I was a derp who pressed 'add reply' too soon. And lol "posting things that express confusion and panic". If that's all you have agaisnt me, I honestly hope you'll take a better stance later (with me being lynched or not), because this is simply bullshit (for a lack of another term, I don't want to offend).

I'll roleclaim, but I'm just a plain vanilla who can change his role title because that's my character's quirk. He's the blue ranger and he's depressive and I was told the only thing he does well is change names.

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We should give Lucina a chance to recover, but we can't do that indefinitely. I don't want to sound heartless, but at some point she's got to either post a bit more or sub out.

Usually I would, I mean I did before, however it's a bit of a fact that there's 20 minutes left in phase. She was online and active earlier..

This is still quite troubling me. However it looks as if Rapier's going to be today's lynch anyway, so we'll get to see what happens here in the future.

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Okay, I have no problems lynching a Vanilla claim. Mafia was probably given at least one of those for a fake.

Rapier, if you're town after all, is there anyone you would push tomorrow other than Shin, Baldrick, and Mancer, and why?

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Me, all over the place? My posts were only a few, you can ISO them and you'll find only 2 pages of posts, not counting those who are just one liners that serve as an addendum because I was a derp who pressed 'add reply' too soon. And lol "posting things that express confusion and panic". If that's all you have agaisnt me, I honestly hope you'll take a better stance later (with me being lynched or not), because this is simply bullshit (for a lack of another term, I don't want to offend).

I did ISO you. I'm not seeing consistency. You voted Sho, and then said "oh my reads were weak" on early day 2. Then you voted Shin, and later ((you didnt actually unvote him by the way even though you placed another vote after)) said "oh my read on him was weak". You also seem to be quite against Mancer for some reason. After Day 1 he's seemed better to me. Then again I can't be a hypocrite, that's my subjective opinion, you're entitled to have yours, but having what appears to be a bit of a hateon against the claimed doctor isn't winning you townie points. And you are acting confused a lot. You're posted about your "weak reads" a few times, and a lot of your posts seem to have a common theme around "I don't know" to them, or at least that's what I'm getting from them.

I'll roleclaim, but I'm just a plain vanilla who can change his role title because that's my character's quirk. He's the blue ranger and he's depressive and I was told the only thing he does well is change names.

that actually sums me up quite nicely

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also we have like 9 minutes sigh

at least I can get back to bio then

if i dont fall asleep

so tired

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D2 final votals

Rapier (5): BBM, Baldrick, JB, Shin, eclipse

JBCWK (1): Mancer

Shin (1): Scorri

Lucina (3): Elieson, Xinnidy, Darros

Baldrick (2): Shinori, Rapier

Kay (1): SB

(Have more Cam flavor.)

The day began with everyone wearily shaking off their exhaustion from fighting against the great evil of the previous night. One question was on everyone's minds, though. That question was "who could have done this?" At first, all eyes went to Baldrick, because, in the words of the almighty Shin (no one knows how his voice carried all the way from Britain), "His name is too similar to Balderdash! He must be a villain!"

It didn't take very long, however, before the finger of blame was pointed instead at the resident Brit. "He's too old," they cried, "and the villains always have British accents!"

"But I have too much groove to be banished!" he cried. Swayed by this logically sound argument, the group instead turned their attention on Rapier.

"It can't be me," he shouted, ripping off his disguise, "because I'm Folgore Blue!" The crowd gasped at this revelation. "I merely changed my name to disguise myself, so that I can better fight evil from the shadows!"

This threw the town into confusion, and they spun around wildly to try and make sense of this catastrophe. In the they were undeterred, however, and they petitioned the almighty Fruit Queen to banish the imposter.

"Don't... Fine. Guess I was useless after all, huh?" Rapier dejectedly changed into his costume. "Name change to BanishedOne, I guess..."

Rapier has been lynched! He was:

Dear Rapier,

You are Folgore Blue.


"But why me? Anybody could do it ... I'm nothing special ..."

You are the ordinary, peanut-headed Folgore Ranger. You have the power of name-changing, but technically everyone else can do that as well. You get depressed whenever someone brings up your ordinariness, but you always fight to the best of your abilities.

At any time, you may respond to your role PM with Phase X: Name Change to <NAME>, where <NAME> is anything of your choice. For the rest of the game (until you change it again), this will be your official character name. Additionally, if you are killed while your name is changed, the role PM shown will have the name "Folgore Blue" crossed out and replaced with the new name. This does not affect anything else.

Post restriction: You must act dejected and depressed whenever possible.

You are allied with the Folgore Rangers. You win when all threats to the FRs are eliminated.

It is now N2. N2 ends on March 7, 6:00 PM MST.

Edited by Sangyul
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Manix has been subbed in for scorri.

Also, N2 will most likely not end early because I'm at classes or work until 5:30. Sorry.

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The night was rough, many people dealing with battles against foes far stronger than themselves. However, in the end, everybody arose safe and sound. The group gathered around, until they realized that there was a distinct lack of unhelpful sarcasm in the group... Who was missing?

The answer came when they went to Xinnidy's house, to find the smoking wreckage that was once Refa-5.

"No!" was the outcry, "who could have done this? Who could possibly want this yaranaika dead?"

But no answer forthcame (except maybe the wind from who knows where).

Xinnidy has died! She was:

Dear Xinnidy,

You are Refa-5


"Yaranaika! You weren't meant to see that. Why are you back so soon?"

An ally of the Folgores, you are always there when Eliedon calls for you. You often go on adventures with the Folgores, aiding them with your super strength, but that's about it. Despite being allied with the Folgores, sometimes you care more about yourself than everyone else.

Post restriction: You must act rude and unhelpful whenever possible.

You are allied with the Folgore Rangers. You win when all threats to the FRs are eliminated.

It is now Day 3! Phase ends at 5:15 MST on March 10, 2013.

i'll leave it to boron to do the timezone stuff

Edited by CT075
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oh that kill was interesting, I'll try and figure stuff around that later

anyway hi I am here with my fab hair~

first note: Yes I'm miller that point still is a thing.

okay so i haven't reread properly and I don't have time now (I'm at school) but while I was UIO I was pretty sure BBM is scum and I'm making a quick case now for it

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So roleclaim time for me. I'm the town Cop. Both nights I've investigated Lucina, but I got roleblocked Day 1 due to the massive hook thing. I investigated Lucina again last night, and a guilty verdict came up. I kind of had a hunch she was avoiding conversation last night.

##Vote: Lucina

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Xindofuus was lookin at the combines and permutes but was had assault by SCIENCE and OUTER SPACE when thinking so she had to duck.

The evil people knew Xidoofs had firewall system but it was coded in flash so it lagged because no trash collector

NO! said xinu "i new I sudn't have picked flash over java but oh well can't competent" and she was sad.

Butten she wanted to warn frends of commitment and kill but she cudn't move so turned wireless on off and told main computer to run

but time was short so only sent a video and xidoof ran out of cpu

xini ded

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oh and now there's a cop guilty

lucina should claim (even though that's not gonna do much considering something I'm about to mention in my post)

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first note: Yes I'm miller that point still is a thing.

okay so i haven't reread properly and I don't have time now (I'm at school) but while I

was UIO I was pretty sure BBM is scum

the quick summary is that BBM early on was self-conscious about what people thought of

him (town shouldn't care about that too much), didn't actually scumhunt too much early,

and has dubious logic regarding claims and lynches

[quote name=BBM' date='28 February 2013 - 03:07 PM' timestamp='1362024450'


Xinny, if you don't think that my actions are worth any long-term thought, why did you

vote for me?

self-conscious here

[quote name=BBM' date='28 February 2013 - 03:26 PM' timestamp='1362025561'


Wow, Scorri did actually have a vote on her (I should really remember who votes for


self conscious again (this looks like appeasement in a way? something is wrong with

this, that's for sure)

[quote name=BBM' date='28 February 2013 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1362028593'


You're awfully sure I'm scum off a few ED1 posts, Elie.

Why was this necessary to post? it looks really bad because you're like "oh someone is

suspicious of me that's nice" and just pushed it aside pretty much

[quote name=BBM' date='28 February 2013 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1362028593'


What does your point have to do with why I voted Baldrick/kept my vote on him?

etc etc you get my point about him being self conscious.

my point about bbm not really scumhunting early is kinda weak admittedly however that

said nothing stood out to me at all? like nothing really groundbreaking or anything. i

dunno about that.

If Mancer thought he wasn't able to get the lynch off him, I could still see him claiming Doc in an attempt to drag the real one down with him, especially since he thought that the phase was ending tonight.

10. There are a nonzero number of vanilla townies in this game. There may or may not be duplicate roles.

here let me help you with that bad logic

if mancer isn't doc then hopefully realdoc has shut the heck up because of this clause alone

also I'm surprised no one has figured out that claims mean practically nothing in this game because of said clause and just damn scumhunt (I wouldn't have lynched Rapier for putting suspicion on mancer because it was legit thoughts factoring in this clause)

Mancer probably won't die tonight unless the mafia has a Ninja anyways, so Mancer/SB/JB/etc are being unnecessarily angsty.

this is shitlogic. there's more than one way of killing a doc, and it could involve saccing a maf to a watcher then killing the watcher... if one exists.

also feels he might know more than town does so I'm suspicious.

Okay, I have no problems lynching a Vanilla claim. Mafia was probably given at least one of those for a fake.

three things: see above re claim logic

he seemed awfully eager to lynch a vanilla claim too (which is bad bad bad with the established clause)

and also he's letting off that he might know more than town does

so yeah. pretty sure BBM is scum and most people let him off the hook after ED1 which isn't good either

##Vote: Lucina because of cop guilty too though (i'm pretty confident that darros is town, he hasn't been scummy much at all)

and again, lucina should claim

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