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59 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Yeah, trust me, a lot of us are hurting for greens now that Arena Assault is out. Heroes just really needs to release more and better greens. Try to make harsh calls in your next run. If you don't need a green, don't field one. Or if all their blues are fliers, field an archer instead. A monocolor blue team can be hell if you're low on green units. Narcian and Arthur are also favorites of mine. Both have similar stats and built in lancebreaker to emphasize their role as a blue eraser. Good to have in your back pocket for an AA run.

Grey units in general you don't have to be too hung up on. Archers can struggle to pull their weight unless you can get them in range of fliers. Healers aren't well suited to Arena unless you have a plan based on tanking. And dagger users seem largely unproven to work unless it's Kagero or Jaffar thanks to their weapon.

It doesn't help that 5 of 15(?) of the greens are seasonals too. :/ At least 4 are GHB. That really means only 6 have been/will be permanently added to the summoning pull though which is kind of pathetic considering the amount of post-release characters there are.

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4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

more and better greens

I think we have plenty of good green units: SF!Camilla, Cecilia, NS!Elise, Julia, Nino, Sonya, Soren.

4 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Archers can struggle to pull their weight unless you can get them in range of fliers.

I think archers pull their weight very well, especially with a Brave Bow. They kill most common mages with no problem and I do not have to worry about the color triangle when I use them. 

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I think m!Corrin is determined to make me like him or something. The first m!Corrin I summoned was a 5-star with +atk -HP, which is good enough for me and I don't even have to spend feathers on him. Earlier today, I summoned a 4-star m!Corrin with subpar nature ... but I needed his defense+3 for Donnel for a GHB strategy. Well, turns out that I really did need him because I had to give my spare Stahl to Olivia to teach HER defense+3.


Edited by Sunwoo
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6 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I am trying to figure out how to build him. I don't have fodder for him yet though D:

Imagine Minerva or Legion and put the exact build on him

....okay maybe not. cross out Brave Lance and Fury because LnD is phire

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So I've been playing around with calculations of using Close Counter, Quick Riposte and Poison Dagger+ and it looks like +Spd Summer Frederick is the best enemy phase user of the build, just barely edging out Gaius.

Assuming everyone has Poison Dagger+, Close Counter, Quick Riposte, Attack +1 Seal and Reprisal (enemy phase build because why not and just to compare with Kagero who has PD and Reprisal naturally)

+Spd/-Def Summer Frederick-  108 wins, 6 losses, 50 draws (100 wins, if no Reprisal)

+Atk/-HP Summer Frederick- 109 wins, 17 losses, 38 draws (100 wins if no Reprisal) (most advantages in exchange for more losses against Gaius)

+Atk/-Res Summer Frederick (with HP+3 Sacred Seal instead)- 109 wins, 13 losses, 55 draws (99 wins if no Reprisal)

Compared to:

+Atk/-Res Gaius- 107 wins, 7 losses, 50 draws (100 wins, if no Reprisal)

+Atk/-Res Kagero- 109 wins, 31 losses, 24 draws (103 wins if no Reprisal)

Interesting to see that if using Attack+1 seal, Frederick gets the least losses with +Spd/-Def, only sacrificing 1 win if he wasn't +Atk in exchange for more survivability. In particular, 1 more win and 1 less loss against Gaius is pretty impressive. Kagero of course has the most wins naturally but loses to a lot more units during enemy phase.

That said, if we're also looking at Player Phase, then Gaius gets more wins when initiating battle. Still, it's pretty impressive for Summer Frederick.


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Anyway, checking interesting units for good natures, and I found my +Atk Gordin, Cherche and Cecilia for potential use. Gordin's -Res, while the other two are -HP.

I can tell there's fun to be had (even though Cherche and Cecilia are 3*, and I doubt the latter will get Gronnblade before another green tome cavalry comes out).

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Wow I'm almost reaching 100K on TT for first time. It has been so good having Tempest around for training, far better than the tower. I'm currently raging at my 4% on SS banner and Idk but I have less orbs nowadays that we've had a bunch of daily orb bonus in comparison to last month which I had an influx of them.

Also, got 20K and promoted my +Spd -Res Leon and merged him whoo!

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17 hours ago, Poimagic said:

I have 20k feathers and I don't know what to use them for. I don't know whether to a) use them on my Nino and sacrifice her to my Celicia for the blade tome+, b) use them on my raven and give his brave axe to either Legion or Titania, c) Promote my Legion, or d) promote my Valter. What should I do with those feathers?

Do what I did and promote Henry out of boredom and actual sinister plans behind it.

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I promoted Anna. Feels super boring because I don't have a *4 Shanna to give her Desperation and I don't have Fury Fodder so I have literally base *5 Anna.

But, eh. Oh well. Saving the next 20k feathers just in case of TT bonus units.

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Everyone talking about how they're hurting for greens, but I'm probably the only one who could use some new reds.

I haven't intentionally pulled a red orb since like May. Every new unit I've wanted has kept me away from red orbs, so I've been glued to blues/greens (and colorless on the Bride banner) for months now. I did want Celica on her more recent banners, but priorities were Sonya > Delthea > Celica, and I only had enough orbs to secure Sonya...

I'm hoping CYL has a red unit I want since I'm still dying for red fodder units too. Cain and Hinata, both of which I've never pulled, would be a big help to get some of. CYL might keep the blue/green train going though if Lucina and Ike are blue and green like people have speculated, though.

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15 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Valter is a weirdo. He can just ... I don't know, stand in the corner and talk to his own reflection while the rest of my units stay the fuck away from him.

^^^ How I feel about Niles.

With the addition of Summer Xander and Elise, I feel like I have a lot of greens.  Maybe too many? I'm hurting for some 5* blues, since I really only have Ephraim and Reinhardt (hence the reluctant need for Valter).  Clive and Berkut are on the way.

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1 hour ago, JaeD53 said:

Shanna is common until you need her.

I have 2 *3's, but Desperation isn't as important as Fury (or LnD) to a general build and burning 2k feathers for it isn't worth it. I have quite a few different skills (except Fury) that are locked behind 2k feathers. Hone ATK 3, Draconic Aura, Moonbow, Desperation, Hone Speed 3. Those are just off the top of my head.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

How is that boring? I literally left who I'd promote up to random chance because I really didn't have a preference at that point in time.

Still not making a case.

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4 hours ago, Alkaid said:

I'm hoping CYL has a red unit I want since I'm still dying for red fodder units too. Cain and Hinata, both of which I've never pulled, would be a big help to get some of. CYL might keep the blue/green train going though if Lucina and Ike are blue and green like people have speculated, though.

I'm assuming CYL will have all colors for the top four winners. Seems reasonable to me.

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