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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Units like Chang, Tizoc, Brian have to be armored units due to their sheer size. Chizuru as a staff is actually genius. Mai would probably be a Red Tome, Dagger is a good alt though.

SamSho and LB would be great but sadly yes, it would be a swordfest. Seriously though. Haoumaru, Nakoruru and Hibiki are all you need.

W-wait, KoF and Heroes?  WHERE?!

I can totally see Kula as a blue mage, and Maxima's chest cannon as an archer. :P:

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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Because knocking stuff silly in a single hit is better than debuffing then attacking with another unit?

I'd believe that if we were talking about a Thief who needs to attack before the debuffs are applied, but we are talking about triggering Ploy skills on the enemy, which trigger at the beginning of player turn. It's not hard either.

Arvis does not lose his turn, other units inflict stronger attacks (the largest impact being from Brave users), and Arvis can still use his turn to either attack or position someone to safety or pseudo heal or whatever the hell it is you have for his Assist. And if he needs to attack, it's not like he's weak or slow. He's average.

Besides, if Red is the worst color in the game but I know I might regret not taking a Red, and Eirika's role as a buffer can be fulfilled with a bunch of Hones and Fortifies, I'd want to take the Red who can at least support their team with a role that literally no other unit can fulfill.

...no other unit that I have I should clarify. I don't care who the best Def Ploy user is, because I clearly don't have them. Also defense debuffs on the enemy in addition to Hone Attack boosts are a thing.

Edited by Xenomata
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46 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Which are the skills and suggested nature for Bladehardt?

Well, the whole reason you go -blade on Reinhardt is either:

A, To mess up the people trying to mess with your Dire Thunder build, a silly Deflect Magic does nothing if you OHKO. TA-3 ranged units do nothing if Rein suddenly picks up +16 speed and starts doubling THEM.

B, To fuck up literally everyone with a CC Vantage build, because fire emblem is about Vantage and OHKOs.


For both builds Rein wants +Atk, the -Nature slightly changes, though.

An offensive (no CC) Rein would want -Res, -Def, or -Hp in that order. (That is, -Res is a better bane than -Def, which is better than -Hp).

For the CC Vantage build -Spd is preferred if you can reliably get OHKOs, otherwise any bane is fine.


For A:

Reinhardt just needs to carry either DB3 or L&D 3---L&D3 is for cheesey, anti-anti-Reinhardt purposes, doubling people who think they can double and kill a Reinhardt with +16 speed (+5 from dropping Dire Thunder, +6 from Buffs, +5 again from L&D) but DB3 is cheap (because Rein probably already carries one), and nearly the same performance (because Rein OHKOs a lot).

B-slot is whatever (Swordbreaker if you really hate Sigurd, Renewal if you want to make Felicia Cry, Lance Breaker for general purpose coverage, etc. etc.).

C-slot is a horse buff, no exception. (-blade Rein is a buff heavy build, he needs to both give and take buffs for the team to work out, otherwise you need to be running a *really* self sufficient pair of horses to support him---or, I guess, a )

S-Slot is also flexible, like B-slot. Can't go wrong with +Atk 3, but honestly, a lot of things work here.


For B:

A-slot is CC.

B-slot is Vantage.

C-slot is horse buffs or a smoke effect. (Depending on how 'greedy' your Rein is, if he's a 4th Rein in a team of this build, go horse buffs, if he's your Vantage Sweeper, and the point of the team was to watch Rein Vantage sweep, you can go smoke. A -Res Smoke (currently not in game) or a Savage Blow is very good at softening people up for the OHKO).

Mind, a horse buff is cheaper and more generally relevant, so I'd honestly recommend that over 'selfish' stuff like smokes.

S-Slot is Atk +3.

Rein gets 35 (+Atk Nature) + 13 (-blade MT) + 30 (Horse buffs) + 3 (Seal) Atk, which is 81 base damage, neatly OHKOing everything that doesn't have color advantage. Sheena, the magically bulkiest unit in the game, has 78 magical bulk. 

Everything that's OHKOd is basically a dead unit walking, and don't need to be considered for the enemy phase, which is what makes this build strong---Rein can charge in, soften the one unit that survives the OHKO, and then everyone suicides on him. And he doesn't have to do that, he can do classic hit & run tactic and stand & bait tactics like other people, he just has this additional, 'I can Vantage Sweep everyone' option on the table.

It's kind of like how Axe!Azura has both dance and +3 buff to all stats on the table, even if one of the options isn't needed at a particular moment.

Edited by DehNutCase
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9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

W-wait, KoF and Heroes?  WHERE?!

I can totally see Kula as a blue mage, and Maxima's chest cannon as an archer. :P:

Kula as a blue tome was so unbelievably obvious I couldn't even bother mentioning her. Plus she'd steal the spot from Kensou and we can't have that. Naaaaah, Maxima is totally a CC Armor mage.

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I don’t want Julius, he will remind me of the fact that I’ve never got Julia or Deirdre. I want Ishtar instead. We (and by that I mean me) need more infantry blue mages with glorious thighs.

Even with Hero Fest Julia slipped your account? Saddening...

16 minutes ago, May B. said:

Hello :D

A couple days ago I said that I had a problem bc I bought orbs but didn't receive them, so I contact apple and I will get a refund :D It's a relief rly

Thank you @Rezzy @Nosmur and @Quintessence for helping me here


I am kinda scared to buy orbs again lol but f2p life is not for me

You're welcome!

9 minutes ago, eclipse said:

W-wait, KoF and Heroes?  WHERE?!

I can totally see Kula as a blue mage, and Maxima's chest cannon as an archer. :P:

What's KoF? Also hi clipsey? How're you doing on Mobius? I recently got Amalthea! But don't have enough crystals lol.

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21 minutes ago, May B. said:

Hello :D

A couple days ago I said that I had a problem bc I bought orbs but didn't receive them, so I contact apple and I will get a refund :D It's a relief rly

Thank you @Rezzy @Nosmur and @Quintessence for helping me here


I am kinda scared to buy orbs again lol but f2p life is not for me

Glad it worked out.  I wonder if you got my friend to help you.

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10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


I didn't even get my Julia from Hero Fest, I got her COMPLETELY AT RANDOM.




R00d :P:

Worst part is that I got a dupe while searching for inigo.

5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Hero Fest was at the same time as Celica’s tempest. Obvious to tell what I was focused on.

Request Celica to GRANT YOU STRENGTH on these mourning times.

Edited by Quintessence
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12 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

What's KoF? Also hi clipsey? How're you doing on Mobius? I recently got Amalthea! But don't have enough crystals lol.

KoF = King of Fighters, a fighting game that wouldn't translate well to Heroes.  But I like it, so :P:

And yo~!  Been busy with other stuff, and my pulls have been awful.  Like, "on par with a full 3* pull in Heroes" bad.

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

just that he is underrated and overlooked in favor of a meta that is slowly expiring.

If that's what you think

He isn't overlooked, because we all know exactly where he belongs. All the way at the bottom of your promote list when you're done raising everyone else that is more important :]

Also, in this meta, red mages kinda suck in the first place. So you're saying, a red mage, that doesn't kill much on his own, but debuffs instead, is underrated compared to the other red mages that can actually put in work by themselves? Well alright then


53 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You have to realize that using Blade tomes is the only strategy Arc knows

You're just jealous cause you can't pull a good Nino :smug:

36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Silly one-trick robot.


Do you actually want to fight?

20 minutes ago, May B. said:

f2p life is not for me

We've lost another one

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

KoF = King of Fighters, a fighting game that wouldn't translate well to Heroes.  But I like it, so :P:

Isn't King of Fighters the one with the dude that goes "BURN KNUCKLE"?


6 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

R00d :P:

Worst part is that I got a dupe while searching for inigo.

I don't even remember if I was after any specific unit at the time, I just know that I didn't really care if I got her or not.

Actually wait, I think I posted about this in "Official Pull Topic"... hang on, I'm gonna search for it now...

Found it.


Crimeans Banner, click a Green orb...

By Naga's Blood I got Julia. +HP -Def. It's not exactly an IDEAL nature, but -Def on a ranged unit who you don't even want being attacked by physical units in the first place is... pretty nice actually. Plus this just confirms I am doomed to have my Heroes Avatar be surrounded by cute girls, two pretty cool guys, and one AWESOME guy (Frederick).




...and I can only further confirm it when I got 5* Nephenee, the unit I wanted most.

+Def -Spd isn't good, but holy hell that is pretty tanky for a Lance Infantry. But who cares, I got the unit I wanted.

Everything else sucked. Gaius who sucks, Eliwood who sucks, and Peri who sucks.

So based on this, I got Julia during one of my first summoning sessions at Crimeans banner 2 months ago... wow that's a long time ago.

Edited by Xenomata
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13 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


I didn't even get my Julia from Hero Fest, I got her COMPLETELY AT RANDOM.




Mine thought it'd be funny if she showed up in PA!Azura's place. I did eventually get PA!Azura, so Julia is spared from my wrath.

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@Zeo @mcsilas

Yeah, the nature of KoF's cast means that most characters are either obviously mage users, or physical attackers that would need to be given a weapon type of some kind. I like the idea of Kensou having a meat bun-themed Renewal skill instead of weapon, that definitely sounds possible. I think Elizabeth would make the most sense as a sword user since she actually has one, and then with a Special and possibly skills to match her attack effects. Kyo and Benimaru would easily be red and blue mages respectively, which makes me think that Daimon would probably be an axe user (possibly armored) to finish the triangle. Same deal with K', Kula, and Maxima most likely, with of course ice instead of lightning for Kula, and Maxima would definitely need Distant Counter (which his weapon could probably have built in). Green mage with Close Counter is also a possibility.

Chizuru makes perfect sense as a staff user, although a blue light mage could also be a possibility. Mai seems more like a dagger user to me, but with fire-related skills. Ooo, perhaps she could have a Firesweep Dagger? That might be fitting. Billy is an obvious lance user, and I could almost see him getting Distant Counter just because of how important his range is to his gameplay. Most of the bosses would probably end up being tanky units, with the possible exception of Orochi.

I'd be happy to have Samurai Shodown and Last Blade characters in, but honestly, I just want Haohmaru to show up so he can be compared to Ryoma.

19 minutes ago, eclipse said:

W-wait, KoF and Heroes?  WHERE?!

I can totally see Kula as a blue mage, and Maxima's chest cannon as an archer. :P:

All because @mcsilas made a small reference to KoF earlier. I hope you're happy with what you've unleashed, mcsilas.

1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

You're just jealous cause you can't pull a good Nino :smug:

Would it be upsetting if I told you that I've had an unpromoted +Spd/-Res Nino for months now? She's been doing her best to warm that bench~.

2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Isn't King of Fighters the one with the dude that goes "BURN KNUCKLE"?

Yes. You know the most important part of the series: Terry Bogard and his wonderful quotes. Though he's technically from Fatal Fury originally, but that's not too important.

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24 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Kula as a blue tome was so unbelievably obvious I couldn't even bother mentioning her. Plus she'd steal the spot from Kensou and we can't have that. Naaaaah, Maxima is totally a CC Armor mage.

Just make Kensou a blue breath user. Problem solved- he das have dragon powers!

@eclipse @DefaultBeep

But huh yeah armoured unit would definietly fit Maxima. I was gonna say Axe but with his Laser Cannon mage sounds more fun. Or Lance (his qcb+P would seam like a really heavy punch that would have strong thrusts)

As for Chizuru, she can probablt have some kind of sealing debuffing staff maybe Fear, Slow or Panic (too bad healers can't even learn Seal skills). Or maybe, Guard to deny specials and probably Drive Res for a C slot. Maybe Miracle as her special (so you have to hit twice when it's activated, kind of like breaking the mirror image).

edit: @DefaultBeep Yes I'm very happy that there are some pretty cool SF users. :P

I think Terry's "R U OK? BUSTAHHH WOLLFFF!" is pretty iconic though! haha

Edited by mcsilas
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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Why are we still having this red = suck shit because that was never actually true and i'm not totally saying that because i think Brave Roy is the best unit in the game

Because Red is a color closer to Blood than Blue, Green, and Grey.

As everybody knows, we are all vampires who repress our urges to drink by playing Gachapon games based off Nintendo-owned properties (Intelligent Systems, but whatever)

Red reminds us of our desire to suck.

Therefore, Red sucks... just as we suck...

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7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Would it be upsetting if I told you that I've had an unpromoted +Spd/-Res Nino for months now? She's been doing her best to warm that bench~.

I would feel so bad. For you.

Enlightenment awaits you, and yet you avert your gaze. Why can’t you see the light...?

7 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Yes. You know the most important part of the series: Terry Bogard and his wonderful quotes. Though he's technically from Fatal Fury originally, but that's not too important.

I would love Terry Bogard in Heroes.

4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

As everybody knows, we are all vampires who repress our urges to drink by playing Gachapon games based off Nintendo-owned properties (Intelligent Systems, but whatever)

Red reminds us of our desire to suck.

Therefore, Red sucks... just as we suck...

Umm...Reinhardt, maybe?

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10 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Why are we still having this red = suck shit because that was never actually true and i'm not totally saying that because i think Brave Roy is the best unit in the game

Because Brave Roy doesn't exist in my barracks. :(:

Which is a shame, because I like his kit.

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10 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Why are we still having this red = suck shit because that was never actually true and i'm not totally saying that because i think Brave Roy is the best unit in the game

I couldn't get BRoy but someone on my Friend List had him duting VG with Fury/Desp set and he stomped everything, without Cav buffs.

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10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Yes I'm very happy that there are some pretty cool SF users. :P

I think Terry's "R U OK? BUSTAHHH WOLLFFF!" is pretty iconic though! haha

I always enjoy talking about KoF, so I am pretty happy that you brought this up, haha.

Good ol' Busta Wolf is definitely a classic. I always loved how he says "Geeeeeeese!" in the prefight quote as well. Terry and Athena are definitely the king and queen of KoF quotes to me, especially since I use them and hear their quotes so often.

6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I would feel so bad. For you.

Enlightenment awaits you, and yet you avert your gaze. Why can’t you see the light...?

I would love Terry Bogard in Heroes.

Who needs enlightenment when I've got Tailtiu? :P I hope the next banner gives me an excuse to pull on blues, so I can try to get a +Spd Tailtiu.

I would hope that all of Terry's written dialogue is just as bad as his translated dialogue in the older games. I just looked up his Fatal Fury Special quotes, and... wow.

"It's been quite a while since my last fight. I'm ready to maul!!"

"Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly." (Vs. Geese)

"Master Tan. I ask for the honor to bash your face in." (Vs.Tung)

"Don't come round here no more, no more. Doo wah." (Vs. Geese)

That's the kind of writing that Heroes needs.

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1 hour ago, May B. said:

Hello :D

A couple days ago I said that I had a problem bc I bought orbs but didn't receive them, so I contact apple and I will get a refund :D It's a relief rly

Thank you @Rezzy @Nosmur and @Quintessence for helping me here


I am kinda scared to buy orbs again lol but f2p life is not for me

Oooooohhhhhh it's nice to read that :D i'm so happy that you get your refund :P


Just continue playing, this game is awesome, i've never paid and well... Here I am ehehehe.

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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Who needs enlightenment when I've got Tailtiu? :P I hope the next banner gives me an excuse to pull on blues, so I can try to get a +Spd Tailtiu.

Easy, now. I’m on your side. But Nino is the original Cinnamon Roll. That’s a title that Tailtiu can’t take, as adorable as she is.

2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I would hope that all of Terry's written dialogue is just as bad as his translated dialogue in the older games. I just looked up his Fatal Fury Special quotes, and... wow.

"It's been quite a while since my last fight. I'm ready to maul!!"

"Oooh. You make me so angry, ya big silly." (Vs. Geese)

"Master Tan. I ask for the honor to bash your face in." (Vs.Tung)

"Don't come round here no more, no more. Doo wah." (Vs. Geese)

That's the kind of writing that Heroes needs.

I’m trying to imagine how those lines would fit on the screen during a special proc. There goes my sides, good job.

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