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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian i think that's only for story maps. Laslow doesn't actually have a Rally when you summon him (he has Noontime, Hone Speed and Axebreaker)

Right, I derped. He has Rally Spd in 2-5, and this somehow made me think he comes with it.

1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Why did Tailtiu get Blarblade and not Thoron?

Maybe to represent her being able to do MASSIVE damage with Thoron and Wrath. People didn’t seem to appreciate Soren coming with only Tornado+ instead of something less generic. I am still so very much salty they didn’t give her a personal variation of Thoron with innate Wrath. It’s all but her personal weapon and skill in her game!

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Of course they do!

They both share being some of, if not the, crummiest units in their respective weapon types!

Touche. Gamepedia's tier list does have the both of them among the losers in Tier B.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:




I miss back when they had a rationale for the skills a unit had, like everybody who had Dragon Fang or Draconic Aura had Draconic Blood somehow.  Now, the skills are mostly just min-maxed for the meta without any real story behind them.  Why did Tailtiu get Blarblade and not Thoron?

Yeah, and moonbow given out to tons of units just so you can save on SP and SI. Since the vast majority of added units are 5 star locked, SP gains are always a concern, so maybe that's why they gave out so many good to great skills. And the only skills that have lore-focused rationale are the skills that aren't inheritable like Warp Powder and the numerous personal weapons.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Right, I derped. He has Rally Spd in 2-5, and this somehow made me think he comes with it.

Maybe to represent her being able to do MASSIVE damage with Thoron and Wrath. People didn’t seem to appreciate Soren coming with only Tornado+ instead of something less generic. I am still so very much salty they didn’t give her a personal variation of Thoron with innate Wrath. It’s all but her personal weapon and skill in her game!

I love Soren, but didn't mind him getting a generic tome; I run Blade or Raven on 90% of my mages, anyway.

 If anything, I think they've been a bit too loosey goosey with giving everyone personal weapons lately, and think they should be doing more generics, reserving the personal weapons for characters who actually get them in their game.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I miss back when they had a rationale for the skills a unit had, like everybody who had Dragon Fang or Draconic Aura had Draconic Blood somehow.  Now, the skills are mostly just min-maxed for the meta without any real story behind them.  Why did Tailtiu get Blarblade and not Thoron?

(I'm guessing here) Tailtiu promotes into Mage Fighter, where she gets to use swords. Blárblade has swords that attack the enemy. As for Dragon Fang, the people that have it are mCorrin, Sophia, Julia, Summer Corrin, and Siegbert. All of Which have a relationship with dragons. It's mostly the seasonal characters that have some of the best skills.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Is Lissa really that bad? I find her one of the bulkier healers so she serves her purpose well.

Lissa's bulk, imo, is fairly average, and her speed doesn't let her avoid being doubled often enough for it to matter. Her attack is also not that great, so even with Wrathful Staff and Attack+3 she's only hitting about 40ish attack, but without the speed that Bride Lyn has.

Other healers tend to be a little higher in one defensive stat to let them specialize in tanking those kind of hits, like Wrys and Azama, or have the offensive stats to be dangerous Dazzling Wrath AoE damage dealers (or in one case having full jeopardy of natural access to Dazzling Staff 3). Lissa is kinda... under performing in one, not amazing in the other?

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Hmm, my refusal to use blessings is going to kick my ass if the legendary heroes-only mode forces you to deploy four heroes. I only have Fjorm and vanguard Ike's probably going to win, so that's 2/4. Someone mentioned that Gunnthra's going to be recruitable soon, but who knows when that will be and hell if I'm going to be able to get any legendary hero in the upcoming banners. Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena becoming legendary heroes soon? Please? Virion being one would be hilarious and awesome too.


Legendary Hero of Wind, Virion: Archest Archer
Ally boost: +3 HP/Spd

47 HP, 33 Atk, 33 Spd, 28 Def, 13 Res

Bowest Bow: "14 Mt. Effective against fliers. Grants HP+5. At start of turn, bonuses become penalties on all foes in cardinal directions with HP 1 or more lower than unit through foe's next action."

Perfect Astra: "3 Cooldown. Boosts damage dealt by 50% of unit's Spd. (Skill cannot be inherited.)"

Brazen Spd/Res 3

Seal Atk/Spd 2

Infantry Pulse 3

Complete Xenologue X-X to have Virion: Archest Archer join your army. :p


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8 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Alfonse, Anna, and Sharena becoming legendary heroes soon? Please?


Sorry, I got carried away here. They need to get at least something already. Something at all.

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It's funny that Clarine is a focus unit for the TT banner, I was JUST about to consider upgrading a bad Clarine so I can give my +Atk Maria the Fear+ staff.

Of course I get a Wrys on my free summon (only 1 colorless orb). Can't really spare any orbs, I keep going below 20 orbs trying to summon Vector for my 2nd account. He'd go really well with Lyn in terms of colour balance.

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Hey, Ninian on a banner. After hitting pitybreakers on the beginner's banner, the HNY banner, and Summer Xander on the recent legendary banner, maybe I'll finally pull a dancer.


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12 hours ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas With Distant Def 3, Lukas is hitting 38 RES when attacked by mages and that's without things like Rallies, spurs, supports or of course, Matthew's influence. Plus Matt can more or less deal with them if he's running the seal himself. Rein's the only real issue which Nino can take care of with DD3. Nino/Chrom have to get the jump on green mages but in the worst case Matt can generally kill those too.

I'm at the point where merges have to matter. These are units I like and passion projects. I was never one for merges but the idea of making units you like the best units in your arsenal is one of the most appealing things in this game and IS knows it which is why Summoner Support is now a thing. If you're ever considering merging a unit, pick a favorite no matter who they are, and your desire to merge them will be vastly different to that of any other unit. That and your satisfaction level as you see that + value slowly go up over time.


It's too bad most of my favourites are 5 star locked, so +10 merges aren't really doable.

From the 3-4 star pool....I guess I really want to build an Odin once I get a proper nature but I feel he needs to be 5* +10 but he's such good fodder and I need some of those skills whenever I get to summon more of him.

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Hey guys, since B!Lyn was in the first Legendary Hero Banner, B!Roy was in the second and B!Lucina has been in the third, I think B!Ike should appear in the next one. With Guntrha confirmed to be in it too, which are the chances of Summer Tiki being the third one there? As this is probably the last time in a while to see B!Ike as a focus unit (although not with the best of the rates, tbh) I feel almost forced to pull (although this time I'll have half of the orbs I'd during Hero Fest with less focus %, 2.67 instead of 5) to get one more copy and get him to +5 (since he's my highest 5* merged unit atm at +4). Also, knowing how LHB works, I wouldn't mind to get my pity broken by Guntrha, as I don't have her, but what worries me is the third spot: it could be Summer Tiki (which would be nice, as you never have enough axe users), Summer Elise (which I don't have, but I feel is just a different looking Nino, so I don't need her) or Performing Arts Inigo (which I have and while a merge wouldn't be bad, is not something that would make a difference anyway). 


So, what do you think? Is there any other option that I may have forgotten? Also, could be known what could be the possibility of a green orb being a 5*? 

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16 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

After getting a bunch of F!Corrin's from the latest banner I'm going to 4*+10 her. Right now I've got 6. Now if I can only find a -hp +atk variant.

+Spd for that Dark Breath and Watersweep or Windsweep cheese, though. :p

With her targeting resistance and refined breaths targeting the weaker defensive stat of ranged units, I think 27 neutral attack should be fine. +Atk F!Corrin having 31/34 looks good, but so does +Spd F!Corrin having 27/37 offenses in consideration to what stat she targets.

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4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

+Spd for that Dark Breath and Watersweep or Windsweep cheese, though. :p

With her targeting resistance and refined breaths targeting the weaker defensive stat of ranged units, I think 27 neutral attack should be fine. +Atk F!Corrin having 31/34 looks good, but so does +Spd F!Corrin having 27/37 offenses in consideration to what stat she targets.

I was thinking of Lightning Breath, but Dark Breath could also work. Thanks for the advice.

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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Xander GHB elite quests almost killed me mentally. 18 stamina potions. At least I have 122 left.

Xander quests made me scratch my head but I managed to pull it off with a couple or three potions. Surprisingly infantry team was the easiest to pull while the others were pretty tough.

Infantry: Lyon, Micaiah, Sothe, Nohrzura

Lyon (Swordbreaker/Glimmer/TA) two rounded swd dude with azura, Sothe draws her back and Miccy positions herself. Green mage attacks lyon and gets healed by WoM cleric and the rest group themeselves. Miccy (+atk, spur atk/spd and Sothe S support) one shots Xander, Sothe two rounds lance dude and Lyon Glimmers green cav. Next phase, Lyon finishes off green mage and cleric.

Armored: Sheena (fort), Lyn, Hector (ward), BK (hone)

Lyn (atk/spd bond) one rounds swd fighter, BK stands next to her while Hector wards them below BK. Stuff happens (green mage atks lyn, green cav dies on BK, etc.). Hector attacks lance fighter, lyn finishes him off, sheena swaps her and BK goes up out of xander's panic ploy. Stuff happens.

Cavalry: Gunnthrá (hone), Sigurd (hone and double cd), Rein (fort), Clarine (ward)

Rein attacks xander and softens his hp, Sigurd repos him, clarine heals rein and Gunnthra draws back. My goodness, Sigurd LITERALLY tanked everything, like wtf. Xander hits him, gronnwolf hits him, lance fighter knocks him back, green mage hits him, and sword fighter hits him. Next phase Rein ends xander, gunnthra (fort and warded) kills swrd fighter, clarine heals sigurd and sigurd kills green cav. Next phase sigurd kills green mage, rein kills lance fighter etc. Praise the Holy Knight por favor.

Fliers: Elincia (drag back, goad), Airzura (hone, earth), Hinoka (hinoka's spear, hone), Spring Camilla (Raven TA Dragon Fang)

Spring Camilla goes left with a dance and blocks lance fighter. Elincia repos Azura and Hinoka swaps Azura. Lance dude and cleric attack Camilla and she tanks effectively, the rest approach. Honed Hinoka one rounds Xander and blocks sword dude, Elincia deletes green cav, drags back, Azura sings her going up and Elincia deletes green mage, Camilla dragon fangs lance dude. Sword fighter dies on Hinoka and Elincia ends the cleric.

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Don’t even get me started with Xander's Infernal GHB. I probably went through ten potions to do all the quests, and calvary in particular was a nightmare.

Also you know IS realized they screwed up a units skill kit when they completely redo it for Infernal mode. Panic Ploy on a 70 HP unit is just mean.

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35 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

@Kaden Which Dark Breath refinement should I get for Corrin as well as what seal works best on a windweep one?

I dunno. Probably speed refine because of Windsweep.

I've seen the build before and a friend runs it, but I don't actually know how well it works. I'm assuming it's good for what it does as it uses F!Corrin's speed, she's still the fastest dragon in the game with Ninian being second at 33 base and kid Tiki at 30 base to F!Corrin's 34 base, to safely inflict -7 Atk/Spd on her enemies with a refined Dark Breath+ and Windsweep on player phase. On enemy phase, her enemies will have to deal with -7 Atk/Spd, F!Corrin's high speed and defense, third highest defense at 34 base under adult Tiki's 35 and Myrrh's 36, and if she has Distant Counter, also her ability to target the weaker defensive stat of ranged units.

Phantom Spd 3 would be helpful for Windsweep, but you could give her Close or Distant Def depending in what you need and if and when Def or Res Smoke become seals, they could help out too depending on what your team needs.

I wonder if anyone here is knowledgeable or has experience using a Dark Breath, Windsweep F!Corrin?

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