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Annoyed by today's Reward Map. It's Robin, but only three of him? Not six? Has Fire Emblem Heroes come to the side of those degenerates that find male and female robin to be two separate characters?

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6 hours ago, ShadowAlchemist said:

He sings??? I need him even more now! :D 

Dooooo iiiiiiit :D

Funnily enough, hearing him singing for Fates is what catapulted Matt Mercer to the top of my 'fave voice actor' list.

3 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I hope you can get a new unit! Kind of sucks that we're not getting Kaze at 5 stars...but some form of Kaze is better than no Kaze. I'm glad I don't have to pull for him. There aren't many Fates units I like, but he was on the list. I'll have to finish merging Lucius before I can promote him though.... I really wanna promote Saias too. Too many people. lol 

I did it! Got Ephraim and a lovely dupe PA!Shigure to round my total to 200 heroes when Kaze and Kana come into it ^.^

Not much feather fodder, though. Most of the units I pulled were pretty good fodder - got a fair few Subakis, Niles, Robins and even an Oscar and Abel to help me along :)

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It's official. I have brain damage. Started out with a free summon, then thought one more couldn't hurt. Ended up spending all my 450+orbs

@Glennstavos look closely. It says Robin M reward map

Edited by silveraura25
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3 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

It's official. I have brain damage. Started out with a free summon, then thought one more couldn't hurt. Ended up spending all my 450+orbs

No sympathy for you. Legendary banners are sham, scam, and scum, and you knew it in advance.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

No sympathy for you. Legendary banners are sham, scam, and scum, and you knew it.

Yeah yeah. I literally just don't know what overcame me. Oh well. Lesson learned. Probably never summoning on those banners ever again. The scars will forever ache whenever I think about doing more than a free summon. I already have scars from spending money on the game so these ones should sway me as well

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Just now, silverserpent said:

Got Grlyn, but of the only nature I could've done without. +HP/-SPD

Just brave bow her

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8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Yeah yeah. I literally just don't know what overcame me. Oh well. Lesson learned. Probably never summoning on those banners ever again. The scars will forever ache whenever I think about doing more than a free summon. I already have scars from spending money on the game so these ones should sway me as well

We've all been there, before >.<

That being said, if you want the legendary heroes, you have to summon. Maybe put a hard cap on it, though? That's why I told myself to do this time round - either until I get the hero I want or I get 3 5* heroes was my rule.

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

We've all been there, before >.<

That being said, if you want the legendary heroes, you have to summon. Maybe put a hard cap on it, though? That's why I told myself to do this time round - either until I get the hero I want or I get 3 5* heroes was my rule.

It was like "oh man, my pityrate is so high". Even though I just watched a bunch of "don't spend your orbs" videos

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14 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

It's official. I have brain damage. Started out with a free summon, then thought one more couldn't hurt. Ended up spending all my 450+orbs

@Glennstavos look closely. It says Robin M reward map


I nabbed NotCanon!Eirika. Hrm...Rina Chan? She still around? Small world. 

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13 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

It was like "oh man, my pityrate is so high". Even though I just watched a bunch of "don't spend your orbs" videos

Urgh, I hate that.

It took me 200 orbs to get a single 5* this time round (which, after all my recent luck, felt ridiculously high). However, that 5* did end up being the one I wanted... although I spent over 400 orbs to get him last time with no luck.

Did you at least get the people you were looking for?

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Just now, Cute Chao said:

Urgh, I hate that.

It took me 200 orbs to get a single 5* this time round (which, after all my recent luck, felt ridiculously high). However, that 5* did end up being the one I wanted... although I spent over 400 orbs to get him last time with no luck.

Did you at least get the people you were looking for?

i just went in trying to get any focus I could.. i got a couple awesome units so it wasn't that bad

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:



Hundred for Hundred. I don't know when or if I'll ever achieve this again. So here it is, documented and immortalized. @mampfoid @mcsilas

That's a lot of quest rewards that you need to take :P

Any more orbs in there?

Speaking of 100..my orb supply is now just a bit over that. It's a good think i built up a stash and got most of who I wanted...but 150 orbs disappeared pretty fast. Also had enough of seeing Clarines, Lachesis and normal Jakobs.... I did get a lot of Azamas too but Pain is always nice...although I have to upgrade the staff to really make the Pain+ staff work.

Now I'm just being indecisive on who to fodder off to make room in my barracks. I even had to spend an orb to expand it during my hunt....but argh why am I so indecisive. 

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"a wise man once told me that Heroes do not choose to be Heroes - that the era demands, they become Heroes"


Ok, i know this is an official translation, and like FE5 translation is usually inaccurate

But i actually prefer that one since simply saying "Heroes are not born, they are made" is much more impactful

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45 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

"a wise man once told me that Heroes do not choose to be Heroes - that the era demands, they become Heroes"


Ok, i know this is an official translation, and like FE5 translation is usually inaccurate

But i actually prefer that one since simply saying "Heroes are not born, they are made" is much more impactful

I have to disagree. I actually prefer this, though to be fair the line of heroes not being born but made is pretty common, which does dent its impact a bit.

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20 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I have to disagree. I actually prefer this, though to be fair the line of heroes not being born but made is pretty common, which does dent its impact a bit.

I kinda like the heroes are made one due to how its said in FE5 itself. August is specifically being "cryptic" to set up Chapter 21, so simply saying "the era demands it" isn't as effective imo

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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

I kinda like the heroes are made one due to how its said in FE5 itself. August is specifically being "cryptic" to set up Chapter 21, so simply saying "the era demands it" isn't as effective imo

See, my issue is more not recalling the context from Thracia. It does make more sense in the conversation, but we'll see if that's what it comes out as if it ever gets localised.

Like I said, that line is cliche to me at this point, that's not the translation's fault. 

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3 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

When LegLyn is summoned she says

Did Lyn even call herself "Lyndis" in FE7?

She introduces herself as Lyn. But her parents and those that know her lineage called her Lyndis. From Chapter 1:



“What? Did you know my mother?”

“I’m sorry to say that I never met her directly, but I saw her portraits in Castle Caelin.”

“To the rest of my tribe, I was always Lyn. But when I was with my parents… When it was just the three of us, I was Lyndis. It’s all so strange. I was all alone in the world, and now I have a grandfather. Lyndis… I never thought I would hear that name again.”


“Wait! That bandit! He called me Lyndis, too!”

“What? How could he have–“

“He was a henchman of Lord Lundgren, wasn’t he?”


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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

See, my issue is more not recalling the context from Thracia. It does make more sense in the conversation, but we'll see if that's what it comes out as if it ever gets localised.

Like I said, that line is cliche to me at this point, that's not the translation's fault. 


although honestly the translation had  a lot of fault


Leif being not recognized as Sage King is one of them

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So, since I had no more copies of the units that are my current merge projects and neither the units I need to upgrade for SI for them (and keeping the feathers isn't an option), I decided to give this to my long run friend:


He's +Spd/-Def, from the first TT mini banner (free summon). I've been using him since then when Xander reached max HM, with his default kit, but since I had this week more than enough Divine Dew, I decided to finally give him Blazing Durandal...and last night, I gave him Galeforce. He just deserved something better than his base kit, even if he's using cheap skills (he's not an Arena unit). These levels of atk (Atk +9 and Heavy Blade) without even needing a merge or to be +Atk, in a launch unit is just...glorious! xd


Any idea which assist should I give him? He has more than enough SP.

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1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Leif being not recognized as Sage King is one of them

Another line that's a bit odd. I know it's referring to him apparently being a wise man, but still.

Though to be fair he can use magic as a Master Knight.

@Javi Blizz I've had a 5* Eliwood for a long while, he is fun to use, though I use DB3 and Iceberg on him instead as he's mainly player phase for me.

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