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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's called Triangle Adept.

That only protects against one color, while making you die easy to another.  Marth is super annoying in that you can't double him, and he can double you always.  If he is on a tactic team with buffs that probably puts him out of range of being one shotted so essentially with all that building of TA3, swordbreaker 3, dragon buffs one still needs two encounters which is crazy.  

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16 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

That only protects against one color, while making you die easy to another.  Marth is super annoying in that you can't double him, and he can double you always.  If he is on a tactic team with buffs that probably puts him out of range of being one shotted so essentially with all that building of TA3, swordbreaker 3, dragon buffs one still needs two encounters which is crazy.  

Nowi with Hone Dragons kills Marth with full Tactic buffs in one hit (at high merges, Marth only survives if he's +HP or +Res).

If Marth is unfortunate enough to have a Spd buff, Corrin has enough HP to hit him with Panic Ploy and is fast enough afterwards to double with Swordbreaker and Hone Dragons buffs.

Corrin is also already a popular Windsweeper due to her high Spd for a dragon.


As for Triangle Adept itself, losing your match-ups against the match-ups you already suck against is a small price to pay for completely dominating the match-ups you need to do well against.

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

This is the great trap/evil of freemium games.  The daily log ins, the daily quests (in some), limited time quests.  All these things essentially force one to play or they feel as they are 'missing out'  and won't be able to keep up, etc.  It becomes like a job/chore in a way at least on days/times when one does not feel like playing.  They rob people of their lives.  

Yeah, exactly. Realizing the effect this was having on me was what convinced me to scale back on grinding boring stuff.

I want to enjoy the fun parts of this game, because they're really great. I decided from the start that I could pull that off without spending money, and I've stuck to that. Now, I've realized I can still pull it off without as much tedious time-sinking as I've done in the past.

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33 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Nowi with Hone Dragons kills Marth with full Tactic buffs in one hit (at high merges, Marth only survives if he's +HP or +Res).

If Marth is unfortunate enough to have a Spd buff, Corrin has enough HP to hit him with Panic Ploy and is fast enough afterwards to double with Swordbreaker and Hone Dragons buffs.

Corrin is also already a popular Windsweeper due to her high Spd for a dragon.


As for Triangle Adept itself, losing your match-ups against the match-ups you already suck against is a small price to pay for completely dominating the match-ups you need to do well against.

This pretty much.

Welp until we get a Cancel Affinity Sacred Seal, then Dragons are dead for sure against Marth.

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6 hours ago, Thane said:

Do you guys have any "low tier" merge projects either in the works or finished?

I'm working on Rebecca now. She's +Atk/-Def and currently sitting at a nice 5-star 9+ merged. I still have to get her a better weapon and an A and B skill, but otherwise she's pretty set.

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6 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

@Thane Here's an idea of what you could have with a +10 Felicia (mine is +Atk/-Def):

I have one with the same nature and I've been thinking of promoting her since forever. I barely use my other 5* units as it is and I'm still waiting on my last couple of merges for some of my merge projects so feather expenditure isn't really an issue, at least for now.

4 hours ago, Lewyn said:

This is the great trap/evil of freemium games.  The daily log ins, the daily quests (in some), limited time quests.  All these things essentially force one to play or they feel as they are 'missing out'  and won't be able to keep up, etc.  It becomes like a job/chore in a way at least on days/times when one does not feel like playing.  They rob people of their lives. 

I'm going to admit that I feel like I've been a "victim" of these "traps." I don't like missing out so I feel like I have to play. I'm fully aware that no one is forcing me to play this game but it does feel like a chore to play the game recently because of FOMO.

Currently going through a stressful period in my life so I'd like to ask the frequent visitors of this thread for some advice on managing balance with playing this game. 

Edited by tobuShogi
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Tomorrow is the first day of the next VG's login bonus, think they'll drop the details tomorrow then? I mean the safe prediction is it'll be Boundless Barrage Bombardment Battle of the Brave, but there is a slim chance they'll go otherwise.

If it is isn't tomorrow, well it has to be in one of the next two days then, since we've got the Grand Hero Battle on the 4th and I'd expect they're going to consolidate the announcement of that with the VG, and probably the new New Heroes of the 7th too. I'm not expecting too much of the NH personally, but any new non-alt reps are good reps to me.

And whenever the next calendar drops, I'd expect the next non-filler banner to be Seasonal, even though Braves are alts just the same and the only difference between them and Seasonals is that they stay in the standard pool. *Yawn*

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7 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:

I have one with the same nature and I've been thinking of promoting her since forever. I barely use my other 5* units as it is and I'm still waiting on my last couple of merges for some of my merge projects so feather expenditure isn't really an issue, at least for now.

I'm going to admit that I feel like I've been a "victim" of these "traps." I don't like missing out so I feel like I have to play. I'm fully aware that no one is forcing me to play this game but it does feel like a chore to play the game recently because of FOMO.

Currently going through a stressful period in my life so I'd like to ask the frequent visitors of this thread for some advice on managing balance with playing this game. 

I know that feeling. 
basically what I do, when i feel like that, is that, if i am making dinner (ie: i have to boil water until the pasta is ready?) play the game. 
having to use the washroom/taking a bath? play the game.  etc etc. some maps (though albeit i'm not as advanced/far as you so my time is mostly grinding)  gets you a little something. 

as for actual balance. I adore my planner. i write everything in there so i know what' what. 
I'm sorry you are having a stressful time (HUG)

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tomorrow is the first day of the next VG's login bonus, think they'll drop the details tomorrow then? I mean the safe prediction is it'll be Boundless Barrage Bombardment Battle of the Brave, but there is a slim chance they'll go otherwise.

They more than likely will, as they've typically done so when the VG login bonus starts. And yeah, I'm expecting it to look like this:

Brave Mercenary Ike vs. Brave Warrior Hector
Brave Lion Roy vs. Sacred Twin Lord Ephraim

Brave Lady Lyn vs. Warrior Priestess Celica
Brave Princess Lucina vs. Brave Princess Veronica

Personally, I'm looking forward to the Wendee Lee bloodbath in Round 2.

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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Isn't there supposed to be an update coming soon? Like within the next couple days?

“Early September”, for whatever it’s supposed to mean. Maybe first week?

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16 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

They more than likely will, as they've typically done so when the VG login bonus starts. And yeah, I'm expecting it to look like this:

Brave Mercenary Ike vs. Brave Warrior Hector
Brave Lion Roy vs. Sacred Twin Lord Ephraim

Brave Lady Lyn vs. Warrior Priestess Celica
Brave Princess Lucina vs. Brave Princess Veronica

Sounds reasonable, it pits the two rounds of Braves against each other from the first match, and roughly aligns similar characters. Old girl with retro girl, modern girl with new girl, stoic rough boy with outlandish rough boy, and Roy vs. Ephraim, which isn't which so parallel. The one issue, if you consider it one, I see in this setup it that it would be possible for the final round to be two characters from the same set of Braves to fight each other in the final match. To avoid this, it would be necessary to separate the two sets on opposite sides of the gauntlet.


8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Just a shameless self-promotion and reminder that we already have a thread intended to discuss the upcoming gauntlet in.

If it’s indeed the eight braves, I’ll have troubles choosing between Lyn, Celica, and Lucina. I ❤ all of them!

That is all the way back on the third page, FEH board moves fast, it has likely been forgotten, I did obviously. We need somebody to bump it into the foreground again to avoid a duplicate topic being made as a result of forgetfulness, I guess I'll do that.

 To spin your dilemma positively, if one of them gets sunk, you'll have a lifeboat or two to climb into. Unless by sheer bad luck they all get offed before the final round.


3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Isn't there supposed to be an update coming soon? Like within the next couple days?

For some reason, the SF homepage says it should likely be no later than the 8th.

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24 minutes ago, tobuShogi said:


Currently going through a stressful period in my life so I'd like to ask the frequent visitors of this thread for some advice on managing balance with playing this game. 

What I do is play Heroes to relax and this is a mobile game so it should really only take up about ten minutes every time you play.  I only play Heroes for about 10 minutes at a time and if there is an annoying map that I can't beat I use a guide so I don't spend all my time playing.  What I am trying to say is only play the game for at max 15 minutes then go do something else, unless you are HM grinding then I recommend doing that when you are watching a show/movie at home since you do that with auto battle and just need to tap your phone every once in awhile.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The one issue, if you consider it one, I see in this setup it that it would be possible for the final round to be two characters from the same set of Braves to fight each other in the final match. To avoid this, it would be necessary to separate the two sets on opposite sides of the gauntlet.

They’ve set a gauntlet up like that before. Namely, the summer one where it was males on one end and females on the other instead having the Ylisseans on one end and the Nohrians on the other.

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2 hours ago, tobuShogi said:

Currently going through a stressful period in my life so I'd like to ask the frequent visitors of this thread for some advice on managing balance with playing this game. 

I'm pretty bad in balancing the time I invest into this game myself. I guess you should define a fixed daily time frame where you play and then stop. You'll prioritize automatically, grinding with low reward will seem less and less appealing. 

For myself: I should start reading books again, that should keep me from doing too much grindy stuff. 

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Oh man ... in my outrealm Sharena's team only has one area right now -- their own base. One of the adjacent maps has an Anna knockout. So there's really only one spot anyone on team Sharena can fight in.

I don't know if this was very well thought out.

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3 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Isn't there supposed to be an update coming soon? Like within the next couple days?

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

For some reason, the SF homepage says it should likely be no later than the 8th.

The first Relay Defense map is scheduled to start on the 8th, meaning the update must come on the 8th at the latest.

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@Ice Dragon Just for clarification. These combat manuals will be able to be promoted without the need to level them to 20? Which means you could turn your library of *3's into manuals and promote them at any time for *4 inheritance or *5 merging with no crystal cost? That sounds amazing with no downside or cost, so I'm trying not to get ahead of myself.

Anyways, people are wondering about how they could fix Odin but chances are they're just going to give him a blade tome with adaptive damage like Felicia's Plate. People are also saying Double Lion for tome Celica also but I think she's just going to get ATK/SPD Push 6 for +10 ATK/SPD during her first round of combat. As for Cherche? No idea, but they'd better give her something good if they expect people to swap out her Brave Axe or Hammer.

All in all, 2/3 of these units didn't really need refines. Celica's tome is outdated but she wasn't exactly hurting for a buff. Henry and Raigh on the other hand say hello. But I have a Celica, so I'm interested in all the same. Also have a +ATK/-HP and +SPD/-HP Odin just waiting to see what's better. Grats IS, you finally gave a refine to the worst mage. Now if you could just give Matthew his prf....

I wish more than 3 units would get refines at a time though.

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4 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Just for clarification. These combat manuals will be able to be promoted without the need to level them to 20? Which means you could turn your library of *3's into manuals and promote them at any time for *4 inheritance or *5 merging with no crystal cost? That sounds amazing with no downside or cost, so I'm trying not to get ahead of myself.

That's what it says in Japanese if my translation skills are still up to scratch.

Even if my translation skills are not up to scratch, it definitely says you can use Unlock Potential on them and it definitely says you cannot use Level Up on them, which means they necessarily do not need leveling to promote.

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