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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
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Actually, since they're going to Hel, why can't they bring them back? Could the land of the dead not contain their souls? Zombie Surtr anyone?









I am interested in whether or not we’ll see undead Gunnthrá though. Not expecting it, since Book III seems to be ignoring Book II’s characters at the moment (unless Fjorm died offscreen, but I would expect someone to mention that if it happened), but it could maybe happen, and if it did I’m interested in what she would end up being as a unit. Maybe she’ll be a Mythic unit? Original Gunnthrá is a Legendary, after all...


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7 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

No more banes? But they build character!

They still do, just for unmerged units.

Now I just need to know if it completely fixes superbanes too. Mostly for my +SPD/-HP Marth who would like that 4 HP back, but Roy and Azura would also like to have their superbanes patched up.

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30 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Yeah, even if there's not a lot of them I still enjoy them. On top of that they made this banner another flier-heavy one and I'm always interested in more fliers.

Same. Fliers are pretty handily my second favorite move type, and given that IS seems to have told cavs to fuck right off for the most part, I've been investing my remaining favoritism into my fliers. So always nice to see them getting some nice additions.


31 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I've done that with a few units too and never thought I'd come to regret it. Also my Loki makes me a little sad now, who I got a +hp -atk one of and continued pulling(with actually spending some money) to get a better one. I just ended up with an even worse +res -spd one, which I foddered off for her Duel skill since why waste the fodder just to +1 her, right? Now I could have had her atk bane be fixed if I'd actually merged her.

Yeah, same. After foddering two L!Ikes for warding breath and those ending up being complete wastes, I've just started merging any 5* exclusives I get unless they have something that someone really, really wants. This just makes me all the less likely to fodder them.

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So, anyone else panic for a second when they saw the title for the post on merges?

Also I now need another Chrissa more to fix her supberbane. Enough to pull on a banner where she shares with Chrom? Not with my orb count.

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So let me get this straight... for the update to merging allies, the first merge is an auto patch for the unit's bane (or Flaw, being the official term) and every merge going forward gives the normal stat increase. Which effectively means.... banes... have been removed altogether. That's incredible. In the case of a +10 unit, it would be simply +SPD, +ATK, etc. That's a huge QoL upgrade, even if it kind of sucks when fighting against +10 units, especially ones like Nowi and armors since the lack of speed was really nice on them, but oh well. In the case of neutral units, they simply get a boost in stats that I guess varies from hero to hero. Pretty cool actually. So my +SPD/-HP Matthew will effectively be +SPD only after the patch since he's +9. Sweet. My Nino and Lukas get boosts as well.

For other units, it means my +ATK/-SPD Celica is getting an upgrade at the cost of 1 merge and my +RES/-ATK or +DEF/-SPD Mia also get patched up nicely! I lose out on a Chill SPD unfortunately, but I can live with that. My +ATK/-SPD Delthea gets her speed patched as well. I love the Drive ATK fodder from the extra one I pulled but it's not like I would have ever foddered her anyway. On top of that, my +SPD/-RES Lute gets to keep her fantastic RES now when I merge her. Today is a good day. My Myrrh gets to keep her HP as well as her +DEF since I'm probably going to merge her, though I miss out on Hone Dragons as well.

The last thing is my +ATK/-DEF OG Hector. I could merge him but DC is too precious so I'll live with my +HP/-RES Hector. Sadly where I lose though is since I don't have a dupe of S!Cordelia, Laveatein or L!Lucina I'm stuck with the crappy banes. I also lose out on fodder but I was sitting on it forever so it's fine.

ALSO! @mcsilas @mampfoid @Alexmender @daisy jane @Landmaster This means my +SPD/-ATK Morgan gets his ATK patched up at no cost to bulk! I wonder if this applies to *4 units and below.

As for the rest of the update, Beast units are cool (Ranulf when?), and AR QoL improvements are nice like that fountain which I'll be upgrading immediately. I also have everyone but Julia so it'll be interesting to see what everyone gets since I have a Seliph supermerge too.

As for the datamined stuff.... Let's be quick.


-Despite being a new unit type, Fjorm is pretty tame. She's all about ATK/SPD and bonding which caps out at 45/45 offenses which goes well with built in Chill SPD 3 on her bow. It's just a shame that unique and fun weapons like this are locked away on seasonal units. 

- Hrid is fine. Chill ATK on his weapon, QR and a uniquely tanky build on a flier is pretty neat. He's good... is what I would say... if he didn't have Hone ATK 4. This is probably the WORST POWERCREEP to hit the game as a whole. It's literally the HIGHEST BUFF POSSIBLE with NO emblem restrictions. Not only is this utterly retarded, but it also means it's going to show up on Abyssal maps. Just think about that for a second. I've never cared about any of the powercreeped skills since they first started, not a single one. But this one, this one urks me.

- Gunnthra is ridiculous. Her spread is great and she runs a standard Desperation set which is fine. Even her powercreeped Hone SPD is fairly tame and gets points for being unique. She would be fine, if not for her weapon. -4 to all stats on a unit within a 4 SPACE RADIUS makes this the single most impossible debuff to avoid in the entire game. There is literally no way to fight her while avoiding this debuff. It only applies to one unit which makes it not completely broken, but it's still pretty bonkers.

- Laevatein is the most tame of the bunch. Chill ATK/SPD is potent but fine for a healing staff and she's got Wrathful Staff which is always good.

- Laejarn Chills both stats. That's pretty much it. She's got a nice spread but as a lance cav in a sea of them I'm uninterested.

Tempest Rewards are nice, some of my coins are safe. ATK/SPD Bond is a must, Spur DEF/RES is cool and I'll probably upgrade is and Threaten RES is lol.

The powercreep is real. Exciting things ahead but also some of the most worrisome things I've ever seen. This game is slowly becoming P2W it seems like. I've never said that before but it's a slow burn, a very very slow burn.

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Funny enough, Azura's LHB wasn't as hard as I thought it would be once I figured out where the movement buffed enemies would end up.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

One again I am the only one not salty about a new banner.

I'm indifferent but I'm tire of other people need to be perpetually piss off all the time

1 hour ago, ChickenBits said:

@Alkaid Don't worry you're not alone. I'm actually excited enough to spend my Tibarn orb stash. Limited heroes are always exciting for me and I love girls but I do understand the frustrations of others.

And it turns out understanding the other side doesn't make them any less obnoxious either

Edited by Zangetsu
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Best change to happen this year happens three days before it ends. I've flippantly suggested the removal of banes in the past, but never imagined it'd actually happen. It'll actually be enough for me to evaluate and clean up my barracks even if I'm not actually playing the game. No longer having to hold onto more than 2 non-manual copies of each unit (since at best you'd probably be deciding between atk vs spd or atk vs def) is just an amazing quality of life change.

Sure, it might lead to a few minor regrets such as when I've sent home atk/spd or spd/atk units, and perhaps neutral might be optimal for someone now, but overall the cost is well worth any potential regrets.

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Sigh... why do I so adamantly try to remain unspoiled if fucking Gamepedia and the news in new tabs on google chrome mobile are more than willing to try and spoil me...?

I have been trained, however! I have the magical ability to very quickly avert my eyes and forget just about everything I see! So I don't know jack crap about the new banner except that there is a new banner.

...but still, fuck gamepedia and google chrome mobile...

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

Just a sec. So with the new update banes are gone at +10?!?! Dammit i want a redistribution of IVs!!! Superbanes and Boons just became usefull!

Gone at +1, even better.

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1 minute ago, Hilda said:

-_- i want some new IV reallocation on some units. In some cases i would rather pick the superbane and superboon together...

what happens to neutral units?

This is what i dont get yes


Neutral is a total downside and bane is full upside now?


Fuck f2p units i guess

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3 minutes ago, Hilda said:

what happens to neutral units?

1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Neutral is a total downside and bane is full upside now?

Neutral units get +1 to three stats instead of +3/+4 to one stat.

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Holy shit. So much good news. Tailtiu getting a refine. Yes yes yes. Glad Seliph and his family are getting a refine


There were datamine tags like cancel follow-up+boost stats, negate adaptive damage+CC, negate buffs+negate adaptive damage

Anyways my orbs are going towards a certain unit


It's Fjorm and Laevatein. Might snag one copy of Lae, but I might merge up Fjorm

The boon bane thing was stupid as there was a double the RNG involved when pulling a unit. Glad they're addressing it as other gachas don't have that shit


Also it seems beasts will be physical units as windsweep affects them



The skill tag you mentioned being useless also does damage to enemy units. So it might be a Skadi that deals damage every turn


Edited by silveraura25
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I'm extremely not impressed by this one. I'm all in for giving the OC's some alts but they went with the wrong ones. I feel that Sharena is pretty nastily snubbed. Since its her last year alive you'd think they would allow her to have a little fun at new year. Maybe they don't want to give her an alt before the inevitable skimpy demon Sharena. Not that I expected Alm but it does start getting very notacible how he's the only non Japanese only lord who's yet to have an alt. I'm not sure why since Alm is recent, popular and unlike Ike he actually has the personality to happily engage in seasonal festivals. 

As for those that did get in...yeah I'm extremely unimpressed. 



Laevatein is fine since she's still alive and still has room for character development. Fjorm is also an okay choice as she deserves a break after all that happened to her and like Sharena its likely her very last new year. 

But Hrid and Gunntra are just awful picks. What did Hrid do to deserve an alt? Aside from being present he never really did much so its strange and more than a little annoying for him to get an alt over actual characters. And Gunntra is only barely any better. She has an eensy teensy bit of relevance for her stint as a plot device but she hardly did anything either and she's dead to boot. 



Edited by Etrurian emperor
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