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Way to push Edelgard, giving her her third-tier type-C in 3-9-5 Normal difficulty!  At least they threw Claude a bone and gave him that treatment too...


(Would have embedded it, but it was leaving an ugly mess no matter what I tried...)

Edited by shiningpikablu252
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41 minutes ago, XRay said:

I am jealous. Since I was too late to at preordering, I have to settle for scalper prices on eBay.

And as Anna always say "Know a quick way to make a profit? Then let's hear it!" You can probably sell it on eBay for well over $200. I bought Fates Special Edition for $250 something.

I could, especially if I wait another week. But I also kinda needed that money for a bill.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

So I just pulled a Nah and...

What in God's name is Infantry Breath?... Is this Steady/Warding Breath 1 but in C skill form?... when did this become a thing?! Who benefits from this, someone enlighten me, I've just pulled literal gold as a pitybreaker and I have no idea what to do with it. Well... the adjacent requirement takes it down a bit, but it's still probably the best spur you could ever ask for.

I know you like throwing Matthew into the crowd to see what happens, but Infantry Breath could make up for the loss of Flashing Blade with his new kit. The adjacent condition is not always easy to fulfill, but easy is boring anyway. ;- )

55 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I meant to post this earlier but I was able to make Rank 1 in this Season of Rokkr Sieges~

Hoarding all your Axes may be overkill but I like to be safe~


Hoarding axes for a bloated final score (like ~5m) is weirdly fun. I needed only 1 axe overall in round 1+2. 


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So, leading to Three Houses's release, Forging Bonds has convinced me that Edelgard is sort of a distant and cold stuck-up asshole with conquest ambitions and that Claude is a cowardly and underhanded little fuck.

So while I thought I'd sympathize with Dimitri and an "holy kingdom" the least of all three, it looks like I'll be picking the blue team now.

Edited by Vince777
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@Kaden Gave him a look. Interesting unit to be sure. I'm not sure I'd pull for him, but he looks pretty fun. I have a personal bias towards Ranulf and Kaden seems more fitting for how I play, supertanks and all.

@Landmaster The extensive scope and potential use for the skill only makes it harder to decide who exactly should benefit. I doubt it'll be Matt but Nah might just show up in some form of clear just so I can test it out.

@mampfoid It probably won't go to anyone in Matt's squad for 2 reasons. First is Nah actually fills one of the very few empty roles in my barracks: a powerful red dragon. The only one I have is a +ATK/-RES Y!Tiki which is cool and all but she's nothing compared to pretty much every red dragon that's been released since her except maybe Garon. Bonus Doubler, Infantry Breath and a weapon like that isn't something I can fodder off so easily, especially when she's got a boon in DEF giving her freaking 41 which is just nonsense.

The second is that Infantry Breath doesn't really work because the hardest maps generally split the team up to an extent. It would only realistically be on either Inigo or Genny who only around 40-50% of the time stay adjacent to Matt during EP (less in the case of Genny) which is unreliable. A better skill would be Infantry Rush but even that wouldn't be that reliable because Matt's ATK even with all the debuffs to the enemy is simply not that great. The perfect C skill for Inigo or Genny to have would be Infantry Flash which would be the perfect replacement for Flashing Blade and with such a skill I could maybe even go back to running Aether for him.

Come to think of it... guess who's coming back on the up and coming Mythic banner? Infantry Flash's sole owner currently: Legendary Marth.

Guess I'll be pulling both green and red at the end of the month. Hopefully the Mythic isn't anything I'd be interested in. Now let me scrape up those 30-40 something orbs lingering around that I haven't acquired yet.

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27 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Come to think of it... guess who's coming back on the up and coming Mythic banner? Infantry Flash's sole owner currently: Legendary Marth.

Oh yeah, sounds like a plan. Good luck getting Marth, Fodder-King! 

So Nah lives, have fun with her. ; -) 

28 minutes ago, Zeo said:

The only one I have is a +ATK/-RES Y!Tiki which is cool and all but she's nothing compared to pretty much every red dragon that's been released since her except maybe Garon.

Garon can be pretty useful btw., ask @Maaka :



He won me a couple of Allegiance Battles already. 






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@Zeo Oooh congrats on the Nah, she fills a nice niche. Her C skill looks interesting to play with, could have nice synergy with Morgan's double Spur and buffs for Nah (although double red in one place might be risky)

Yarne is quite fun to play with,  I free pulled one in the Awakening kids banner tickets although he is -Atk. Still, fast Galeforces is pretty fun to use, and Atk/Spd Solo pretty much makes up for the bane. I just use him with base kit so far, and Escape Route + GF is kind of handy in Aether Raids even though most people would give him Desperation

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21 hours ago, XRay said:

I totally forgot about Yarne. He only has slightly less damage output compared to Ares on Enemy Phase, but more damage output on Player Phase, and he is less dependent on Velouria for setup since he can initiate without fear of being doubled.

Yarne exists I guess which is something he wants with him and his fear or extinction. People did talk about Yarne during his and Brady, Jelly, and Nah's introduction, but I think the others might have won the spotlight more. Well, Jelly and Nah. Jelly was people wondering if she were to demote as she would introduce Bold Fighter and Barrier Lance would mean people would not need to rely on Berkut and grails to get a Res+7 when attacked lance while Nah is your trainee infantry dragon with Oracle Breath that prevents follow-up if she has a field buff, had Bonus Doubler introducing it to the regular summoning pool, and introduced Infantry Breath as a new skill. Yarne didn't have anything new as all the skills he had were in the game and fallen F!Corrin introduced Atk/Spd Solo to the regular summoning pool in the previous new heroes banner. That being said, he's pretty damn good and it's fun having him teleport around with his default Escape Route.

16 hours ago, Zeo said:

@Kaden Gave him a look. Interesting unit to be sure. I'm not sure I'd pull for him, but he looks pretty fun. I have a personal bias towards Ranulf and Kaden seems more fitting for how I play, supertanks and all.

The funny thing is that all three are green and they're all good for their own reasons with Kaden and Ranulf being good support units and Yarne being a good offensive unit.

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51 minutes ago, Hilda said:

The banner in August will be CYL3 according to the news

Maybe they will surprise us and add refines for CYL 1 at the same time

I dunno... so far we've not seen a refine be given to a weapon that has a stat up effect. Weapons with multiple effects have been given refines or been introduced with a refine, but usually one of the effects is underwhelming, or the unit in question was in dire need of redemption. But never has a stat-up effect been on a refined weapon yet. Plus the weapons are still somewhat decent even now.
Then again, the CYL1 weapons are beginning to show some forms of age, plus we're running out of underwhelming Year 1 units to give Prfs and refines... in fact, here is all of the non-seasonal Year 1 units who have not received a new Prf or refine since the beginning of the Weapon Refinery, up to the Gen 1 Genealogy banner, which is the most recent banner that had characters on it who later received a refine. For reference, the next banner after that with new heroes on it was the first Farfetched Heroes banner.



*  =  This unit is not summonable, can only be obtained via certain events or Heroic Grails
>> = This unit has a Distant Counter weapon
!  =  This unit is a Staff unit, which have yet to have received a new weapon/refine

  1. Arthur
  2. Azama !
  3. Azura
  4. Barst
  5. Beruka
  6. Cecilia
  7. Clarine !
  8. Cordelia
  9. Female Corrin
  10. Donnel
  11. Draug
  12. Effie
  13. Elise !
  14. Fae
  15. Frederick
  16. Gaius
  17. Gordin
  18. Gunter
  19. Gwendolyn
  20. Hawkeye
  21. Hector (technically, Berserk Armads is not a refine of Armads)
  22. Henry
  23. Jagen
  24. Jakob
  25. Laslow
  26. Lissa !
  27. Maria !
  28. Nowi
  29. Olivia
  30. Ryoma >>
  31. Sakura !
  32. Selena
  33. Serra !
  34. Setsuna (Guard Bow, despite being an evolution to Assassin's Bow, does not count as a refine or Prf)
  35. Sheena
  36. Subaki
  37. Virion
  38. Wrys !
  39. Narcian *
  40. Lachesis !
  41. Olwen
  42. Reinhardt
  43. Ursula *
  44. Lucius !
  45. Ninian
  46. Priscilla !
  47. Rebecca
  48. Ike >>
  49. Mist !
  50. Xander * >>
  51. Boey
  52. Genny !
  53. Mae
  54. Camus * >>
  55. Athena
  56. Legion *
  57. Clarisse *
  58. Tobin *
  59. Gray
  60. Leon
  61. Mathilda
  62. Berkut *
  63. Clive *
  64. Valter *
  65. Brave Ike
  66. Brave Lucina
  67. Brave Lyn
  68. Brave Roy
  69. Black Knight * >>
  70. Arvis *
  71. Ayra
  72. Arden *



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9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I dunno... so far we've not seen a refine be given to a weapon that has a stat up effect. Weapons with multiple effects have been given refines or been introduced with a refine, but usually one of the effects is underwhelming, or the unit in question was in dire need of redemption.

Elincia effectively has a +3 Spd base effect and got a refine nonetheless.

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53 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Maybe they will surprise us and add refines for CYL 1 at the same time

That would be awesome! 

I'm kind of biased with Roy, but Lucina's weapon was outdated already in 2017. Lyn is still fine and Ike ... no refine will save him from being foddered. 

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11 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Elincia effectively has a +3 Spd base effect and got a refine nonetheless.

I'm actually still trying to figure that one out...
For one, Klein got the same weapon, but his Argent Bow is slightly weaker than existing ranged Brave weapon Prfs unlike Amiti, which has the same might as any other Prf melee Brave weapon (though on looking she had the first Prf melee Brave weapon)
For another, there's nothing saying that the weapon has +3 Spd and -5 Spd. It's simply -2 Spd, so it may not be considered as having a Stat Up effect, at least by Developer standards.

...well, thinking is not good for sleepy time, so I'll just have to think about it later...

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It's a little petty but when developers show favouritism like that it makes me dislike the characters just a little bit more. Same applies to Sigurd and his bonus BST for example.

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4 hours ago, Hilda said:

The banner in August will be CYL3 according to the news

Maybe they will surprise us and add refines for CYL 1 at the same time 

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

That would be awesome! 

I'm kind of biased with Roy, but Lucina's weapon was outdated already in 2017. Lyn is still fine and Ike ... no refine will save him from being foddered. 

That would be great.

Yeah... Lucina was outdated pretty fast. Maybe giving her lance "Effective Against Dragons", and change her drive effect from "Atk/Spd+3 to melee allies within two spaces" to Atk/Spd+4 to all aliies within two spaces" can make her a better unit.

Brave Roy is a Galeforce unit, and he has Heavy Blade on his weapon. Maybe Atk/Def Solo as refinement? Or even Lull Atk/Def, so he can inflict Atk/Def-3 on foe and nullify their Atk and Def buffs.

Lyn has Dull ranged, so I don't know what she can have... Maybe change the Dull Ranged to Dull Everything? Her secondary effect can be... hm... I don't know.

I also don't know what to do with Ike... not that I care. He will always be Steady Breath+Aether fodder for me.

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38 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Yeah... Lucina was outdated pretty fast. Maybe giving her lance "Effective Against Dragons", and change her drive effect from "Atk/Spd+3 to melee allies within two spaces" to Atk/Spd+4 to all aliies within two spaces" can make her a better unit.

Effective against dragons (and/or beasts) would be very nice. Since mine became a Galeforce unit, in-built Flashing Blade would be great as well. 

I never liked her buff-bot role, I wouldn't have problems if her refine would change her role completely. 

40 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

 Brave Roy is a Galeforce unit, and he has Heavy Blade on his weapon. Maybe Atk/Def Solo as refinement? Or even Lull Atk/Def, so he can inflict Atk/Def-3 on foe and nullify their Atk and Def buffs.

Lull is a good idea, didn't think of that. If they added a Desperation effect to his weapon, that would be perfect.

He could run a breaker, double Desperation (to cancel out Hardy Bearing in AR), Brash Assault or both Desperation and ER/WoM. 

Another Idea would be Alm's and Celica's Brave-Lion effect, would fit his title. 

43 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

 Lyn has Dull ranged, so I don't know what she can have... Maybe change the Dull Ranged to Dull Everything? Her secondary effect can be... hm... I don't know.

Currently physical melee units can't counter her, perhaps they could expand that to dragons? 

44 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

 I also don't know what to do with Ike... not that I care. He will always be Steady Breath+Aether fodder for me.

DC on his Axe would make him interesting, since his "deflect everything" effect is already good. There is only Dorcas with a DC axe. 



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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I'm actually still trying to figure that one out...
For one, Klein got the same weapon, but his Argent Bow is slightly weaker than existing ranged Brave weapon Prfs unlike Amiti, which has the same might as any other Prf melee Brave weapon (though on looking she had the first Prf melee Brave weapon)

The Argent Bow has -1 Atk and +3 Spd compared to what would be expected of a Brave exclusive weapon. Considering the developers consider 2 Atk to be roughly equivalent to 3 Spd (as can be seen in refine effects and Legendary Hero stat bonuses) and -1 Atk on a Brave weapon is effectively the same as -2 Atk on any other weapon, I'd say that Argent Bow effectively still has only one base effect since the stat modifications balance each other out.


6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

For another, there's nothing saying that the weapon has +3 Spd and -5 Spd. It's simply -2 Spd, so it may not be considered as having a Stat Up effect, at least by Developer standards.

It's quite clear that developers consider the Brave weapon effect to come standard with -5 Spd and not any other value. All other weapons with the Brave effect follow the exact same template stats unless the Brave effect is conditional or the weapon is the Argent Bow, which is explained above.

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The notification saying that CYL is coming in August doesn't mean that the early August banner is CYL. It could mean that CYL is coming late August too. 😕

I still think Three Houses is going to be the early August one to keep building on the hype of the game coming out. It's the logical solution, probably business wise too.

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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

That would be awesome! 

I'm kind of biased with Roy, but Lucina's weapon was outdated already in 2017. Lyn is still fine and Ike ... no refine will save him from being foddered. 

I think B!Ike would be very nice with a Shield Pulse refine with a conditional Distant Counter. When Urvans effect (-80%) kicks in he can Counter regardles of Distance or something like that

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Hah HA!  I FINALLY BEAT ABYSSAL ROBIN!!! Her Abyssal map has been staring mr in the face for months now since I cleared all the others. I finally figured it out down to one move and all it took was giving Naesala Pass and having him act as blue mage bait. Reyson passively healed him so he could still activate Pass when I needed him to. And giving NY!Hríd Spd/Res 1 seal so he could survive Robin by 1 hp, her Ignis would hit for 40. My conscience is now clear at seeing that green check mark.


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9 minutes ago, Hilda said:

When Urvans effect (-80%) kicks in he can Counter regardles of Distance or something like that

Whether Urvan's condition "if the opponent makes consecutive attacks" is met can depend on whether or not he can counterattack, meaning giving him Distant Counter when that condition is met can cause the condition to no longer be met.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Whether Urvan's condition "if the opponent makes consecutive attacks" is met can depend on whether or not he can counterattack, meaning giving him Distant Counter when that condition is met can cause the condition to no longer be met.

In the case created by Hilda "When Urvans effect (-80%) kicks in he can Counter regardles of Distance or something like that", the condition will be met only in consecutive attacks situations (Brave type weapons, like Brave Bow, Dire Thunder, Whitewings weapons...). Against a ranged foe that doesn't have a brave type weapon, the DC effect would not trigger.

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