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3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

F!Corrin depends on what you want to do. +Spd works well for a Windsweep build if that's your thing -- Windsweep 4 removing the inability to follow up would be nice -- and maybe if she ends up with a personal Dark Breath, then maybe the MT jump would be better than needing +Atk for damage.

As for Shigure, with fliers who have high offenses, ask yourself if you're going to be using them on a flier team a lot or not. On a flier team, +Spd Shigure could end up having a diminishing return from all the speed he can get from stacks of Goad Fliers that +Atk would be better. On off-flier teams, he might not be able to get as much speed buffs and in that case, +Spd would be better to let him be more independent.

I already turned the +Atk Shigure I had into a manual though, so I have to go with +Spd now.

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I know Ylgr is a kid, but it still throws me off guard when she's standing next to or fighting people like Lilina, Sakura, and Sanaki and I'm like, "Man, she's tiny."

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Yeah, the scaling in the home screens compared to the normalised sizes in the actual battles always throws me off and my first instinct is usually that its a glitch before I realise what's going on. Don't have Ylgr but Fae is so, so small. Lyn looks like a giant here:


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44 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Don't have Ylgr but Fae is so, so small.

You don't have summer Ylgr? Not sure, but I think Ylgr might be smaller than Fae.

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36 minutes ago, Kaden said:

You don't have summer Ylgr? Not sure, but I think Ylgr might be smaller than Fae.

Oh right, didn't occur to me. I can definitely see that being the case. Let's see...TQSh6fp.png

Forgive the super lazy and inaccurate cropping but the difference is already pretty obvious even without going anywhere near pixel-perfect. The biggest difference would purely be down to the feet I think.

However, I had another look at the Rokkr Sieges screenshot and something didn't quite look right. So....



Hmm, I don't know what to make of this. Tiki doesn't lose any height, so I'm inclined to assume her sprite is scaled at 100% at all times. However, the scaling factor for Fae seems inconsistent. Obviously I can't just drop Ylgr into Rokkr Sieges right now but it'd be interesting to see.

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28 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Is Ylgr supposed to be 5 or something

Or did they just make her model super tiny

She might be around 12 years-old and short at the same time which is weird to me since for whatever reason, I think of Delthea, Lilina, Nino, Sakura, and Sanaki as being short people and then Ylgr shows up being shorter than them. Some art of Fae have her being tiny too, but at least she's around Ylgr's height which itself is also weird since Fae looks like she's younger than Ylgr.

23 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

They should increase the sprite size by 10% for every merge, so that a +10 unit is double the height of a plebian unmerged unit. Muahahahahahah.

+10 Surtr would be huge. +10 Amelia would also be huge.

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2 hours ago, Humanoid said:

They should increase the sprite size by 10% for every merge, so that a +10 unit is double the height of a plebian unmerged unit. Muahahahahahah.

This is the greatest idea I've ever seen. I submit that this should also work for bonus unit boosts, and stack. Or fortresses. If a +10 unit happens to be the AR bonus for a strong attack fortress... get ready for it to take up the entire map.

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15 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Now, what should I do with 2 spare summer Lindes? 

Something I always wanted to do if I got an extra Summer Linde was give her dagger to an armor unit with Bold Fighter. The combination of Desperation and Bold Fighter sounds pretty fun. Halloween Kagero already comes with BF so she's easier to build, but Winter Cecilia is free and easier to merge.

If you don't like the thought of armor movement there's always things like Sothe who can probably do the same thing as your Cordelia and Takumi there too. You could build a full team of warping Desperation users if you wanted!

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27 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Something I always wanted to do if I got an extra Summer Linde was give her dagger to an armor unit with Bold Fighter. The combination of Desperation and Bold Fighter sounds pretty fun. Halloween Kagero already comes with BF so she's easier to build, but Winter Cecilia is free and easier to merge.

Desperation and Bold Fighter sounds crazy, thanks for the idea. But yeah, I'm not an armor fan due limited movement. Desperation doesn't help much on AR defense either. 

29 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

 If you don't like the thought of armor movement there's always things like Sothe who can probably do the same thing as your Cordelia and Takumi there too. You could build a full team of warping Desperation users if you wanted!

Oh yeah, I could run SS!Takumi/BB!Cordelia, SS!Camilla, Anna, SS!Linde or another dagger unit, thanks! 

Candidates are Kronya, Eir and Sothe. Felicia would be cool as well, but with her low ATK she depends too much on her plate. 




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59 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Noticed no one made any mention of this.

No one from the last 3H banner demoted, what a surprise.

I decided, for fun, to see just what their 4* skills are.

~F!Byleth has Even Atk Wave. Fury 3 to, but I'm not counting it since it becomes Fury 4 on her.
~M!Byleth is Odd Spd Wave.
~Dimitri would offer Lull Atk/Def. Death Blow 3 as well, though again it becomes DB4 on him.
~Edelgard would be Dull Close.
~Claude would give Def Smoke.

They would all offer a powerful skill at 4*. But instead we must contend with this...

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Noticed no one made any mention of this.

No one from the last 3H banner demoted, what a surprise.

I'd imagine no one else bothered to mention it because it was practically a given no one on that banner was going to demote (M!Byleth, predictably, also didn't demote post-Sothis banner). Personally, I didn't bother to bring attention to it because I was too preoccupied with being pissed that I couldn't pull any of them. Truly, the biggest surprise of all...except not.

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

That feeling you get when you come to the realization that you have every Azura in the game-

....except the original one.

Yeah she's pretty rare. Well she'll be in the weekly reruns soon (and also the final one with Leo and Elise).

She needs a refine though. Wonder if she will get the Blue Gem weapon with Tactics refine like Titania/Seth (even if she's not on a horse, at least being a dancer makes good use of it).

Also I just realised..I never built those 3 Houses banner obstacles for AR, even if I did get all the stones needed to build them. Game needs a reminder in the AR screen that the limited stones will expire or something. Oh well, it's only decorative.

@Xenomata Would have loved a 4* Dull Close source. Kind of want to build Luke up.

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14 hours ago, Zeo said:

Noticed no one made any mention of this.

No one from the last 3H banner demoted, what a surprise.

Yeah we've had quite a few banners like this, and the demotes have been underwhelming for the most part.  If you want a unit, don't hope for a demote cause likely it isn't happening and when it is it is an obvious unit that is much worst than the rest on the banner.  Like remember last year when we argued and debated about which unit would get demoted cause it wasn't super obvious?  Now it is, or there is no demote at all.  


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3 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

So... Mercedes this time?

Judging by what @Lewyn just said. Mercedes will either demote or there will be no demotions at all. Probably none because she has an AR skill which means people have a new Mist pitybreaker to look forward to and people can be pity broken by Hubert who has new skills that are entirely situational and do absolutely nothing to shift the meta. He'll just be *5 locked because shiny new 3H unit.

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16 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Judging by what @Lewyn just said. Mercedes will either demote or there will be no demotions at all. Probably none because she has an AR skill which means people have a new Mist pitybreaker to look forward to and people can be pity broken by Hubert who has new skills that are entirely situational and do absolutely nothing to shift the meta. He'll just be *5 locked because shiny new 3H unit.

Honestly, Mercie’s AR skill isn’t a good enough reason to not demote her as far as I’m concerned when her stats are barely different from Brady’s. Yeah Kjelle, who also had an AR skill, didn’t demote but I’d assume that had more to do with her having Bold Fighter and the fact that she’d make Effie completely obsolete if Kjelle did demote.

Hubert, for his part, now holds the highest base Atk among all mages yes, I know Lilina probably outperforms him anyways. That, and they’ve let far more unimpressive mages hi, Leo than him stay as 5-star exclusives.

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Would not mind Mercedes being the demote her. More noteworthy colorless characters in the 3/4* pool for me. I only had a few characters there I would invest into just because most of them have been not my case. Brady was an awesome addition and I surely would like Mercedes there. But lets just wait and see. 

But next time a nice archer would be good. So far I only care about Leon and Setsuna there..

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I think it's probably Mercedes, Hubert's more likely than nothing, but frankly Kaden and Velouria were each more likely than either of them. So honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if there wasn't one at all.

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