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Was on Palla's team for the first two rounds and now Catria yanked me away for the final round. Would have liked the idea of being on Palla's team the whole way through but I'm fine with how things ended up.

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Yeah, I got switched to all three teams this time. First Palla, then Est, now Catria. Catria is my favorite so it was a pleasnt suprise. They really should just have you on all three teams every time. I generally never get to be on my favorite's team. I got Edelgard twice then Dimitri once, got Eliwood twice and Hector once, you see there's a pattern, here.

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On 10/19/2019 at 7:22 AM, Icelerate said:

I have 527 orbs currently. The max I've had was 650. 

I had 248 orbs but wasted all of them trying to get B! Lucina because I thought she was cool. Then I realised she's obsessed with papa, who I don't like at all. Also, I didn't a single 5 star, but I got three consecutive all donnel picks. I got lucina by accident several months later. I foddered her for feathers so i could 5* someone. (Reinhardt, who I foddered later to +2 L'arachel.)


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I didn't play GC much on the first round and am paying for it. If nothing else, I didn't grab the two lances from the training stratum quests and now I'm 2 recharges shirt of tier 25. Ugh.

Est - Palla - Palla for what it's worth.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Again reminded of why I hate Grand Conquest. Why does this piece of shit game mode still exist?

Also, my finger now tingles like mad from rapidly tapping the screen for 2 hours straight of auto-battling.

Im weirdly fond of GC because of the reward to effort ratio(just autobattle for ez 15k+ feathers) but i can see why you hate it lol

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Again reminded of why I hate Grand Conquest. Why does this piece of shit game mode still exist?

Also, my finger now tingles like mad from rapidly tapping the screen for 2 hours straight of auto-battling.

It is a bit tedious, but I do not think it is that bad. I play on Lunatic so I can still manage to get to Tier 25. I find Lunatic to be the sweet spot of being almost guaranteed to win while almost mindlessly marching Enemy Phase units forward.

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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Again reminded of why I hate Grand Conquest. Why does this piece of shit game mode still exist?

Also, my finger now tingles like mad from rapidly tapping the screen for 2 hours straight of auto-battling.

Yeah, it’s really not that good. I used to hate it myself but then I got into Aether Raids but now I don’t even care about it enough to hate it.

Case in point, I left two orbs on table (I finished at Tier 20) because I couldn’t be bothered to slog through that mode any further.

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Speaking of (un-)likable modes, this is how I value Event modes currently (only gameplay, not the rewards):

Hall of Forms > Tempest Trials > Røkkr Sieges > Forging Bonds > Grand Conquest > Voting Gauntlet = Tap Battle

Lost Lore doesn't count, because there is nothing to play and Relay Defense seems to be out. TTs have been my favorite mode for a long time, but it needs a renovation. It's not a big challenge anymore and it could use some story elements like FB. 

Hall of F(j)orms is a great new mode, but it doesn't even have an ending sequence. 

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Well I personally lIke GC..  it's one of the only modes i'm actually good at, i think every map is fun and challenging. It's better than just hitting a big sponge for points which is what Rokkr is. that one can go away any time, and bring something else fun. (I play infernal 1 manually all the time). I finished top 2 in the end. (per usual. i usually spend allmy lances, get tier 25 and just end up where i may).

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I like Grand Conquest. I usually autobattle on the first Infernal difficulty until about turn 7 or 8, and then I try to "solve the puzzle" of destroying the castle before time runs out. I realize this is not how the mode is meant to be played, but this way it requires very little effort while still providing some fun situations to think about. I could probably score higher more consistently if I did it manually, but it takes too much time, and I don't lose much in the way of rewards anyways. Getting to use the units of your friends is also pretty fun.

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The thing with GC for me isn't the gameplay - after all, like all the other modes it's just autobattle - but that it has the smallest margin for error in terms of getting all the meaningful rewards, orbs in particular. Essentially, I have to remember to play it every day it's on to get to T25. For the other modes, doing "badly" generally just means a few thousand feathers less, and the ones that award orbs do so trivially.

TT you can mow down the 50k point mark pretty easily, then generally it's just 3k, 4k or 6k rank feathers on top depending how active you are.

Rokkr Sieges point targets are trivial and the mode only requires effort if you want the accessories.

Hall of Forms was completed halfway through the event duration and there was no further reward for continuing.

VG performance is just feathers, since you can abuse force-restarting the game to get the quests done for orbs even if you have no stamina.

Forging Bonds is just driven by effectively-infinite stamina.

Tap Battle daily reward quests are trivial, the rest you can do in just one session with unlimited attempts.

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53 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

I’ve developed a habit of skipping the third round of GC, I don’t find it fun and the rewards aren’t worth my time.

same ecxept i developed a habit of ignoring it alltogether, I just cant finde the time for it

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Huh, I didn't realise so many people don't like GC.

I'm with @Humanoid; the margin for error for all the rewards is too small for me (as in, impossible without doing Infernal or staying up past midnight on three of the days). Plus I don't have good enough EP units to autobattle even Lunatic.

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So i decided. If Julia returns in Feb (with Azura) i am not going to bother +10ing out elincia. (I might) fish for a few copies depending on how well i can save up by then (I do feel i need to do a DC/CC pit stop. especially how rare CC is) I'm thinking Feb might not be a Full Legendary/Mythic blue party which means that one of Summer Lyn/Petra/Dimitri will be there. (not complaining!). 

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26 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I'm thinking Feb might not be a Full Legendary/Mythic blue party which means that one of Summer Lyn/Petra/Dimitri will be there.

That relies on Lukas in December and then both Pent and Laegjarn in January, which seems unlikely.

If we assume one seasonal a month instead, that puts Lukas and Dimitri/new Legendary as the other December one, Pent in January, and Laegjarn in February. From a selfish perspective, Azura-Julia-Laegjarn would be my preference and I'd hope to have 500+ orbs saved up for it.

Edited by Humanoid
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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

That relies on Lukas in December and then both Pent and Laegjarn in January, which seems unlikely.

If we assume one seasonal a month instead, that puts Lukas and Dimitri/new Legendary as the other December one, Pent in January, and Laegjarn in February. From a selfish perspective, Azura-Julia-Laegjarn would be my preference and I'd hope to have 500+ orbs saved up for it.

oh right. shoot i knew i was forgetting people. 
okay. so if it's a seasonal it might be Laegjarn (which wouldn't bother me. because that's swift sparrow 3 fodder - i've got a good one already). 
if it's a 5* exclusive it might be Dimitri. which MIGHT bug me because while i'd like 2 (1 for est, one for me, that's all i need). but all i really wish is Azura and JUlia to have someone good. I don't mind Naga i truly don't (even though i don't think she's that 'great" compared to other flying dragons). but i just want to have a +10 Azura. as Lancezura is Out, Nohrzura shares with Inigo, BabyZura needs grails, and Airzura is a seasonal, Legendary is where it's at. 

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