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5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

So i decided. If Julia returns in Feb (with Azura) i am not going to bother +10ing out elincia. (I might) fish for a few copies depending on how well i can save up by then (I do feel i need to do a DC/CC pit stop. especially how rare CC is) I'm thinking Feb might not be a Full Legendary/Mythic blue party which means that one of Summer Lyn/Petra/Dimitri will be there. (not complaining!). 

Actually, I think @Humanoid forgot about BB!Tanith so really the seasonal for February will be either BB!Tanith or BB!Pent. S!Lyn probably won't be on a Legendary banner until April or May. I also think any of Fjorm/L!Julia/L!Tiki are likely to come back in February instead of Dimitri or Petra so I think blue in February could be two Legendary Heroes plus one of the Bridal Blessings unit.

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3 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Actually, I think @Humanoid forgot about BB!Tanith so really the seasonal for February will be either BB!Tanith or BB!Pent. S!Lyn probably won't be on a Legendary banner until April or May. I also think any of Fjorm/L!Julia/L!Tiki are likely to come back in February instead of Dimitri or Petra so I think blue in February could be two Legendary Heroes plus one of the Bridal Blessings unit.


maybe i should just prepare myself never to get Julia then 😞 (or azura merges)
(It also hit me the blue might even be a Legendary/Mythic or something. 

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Huh, forgot they still had colour sharing seasonal banners earlier this year. Just named the one blue unit that came to mind from the bride banner then tried to think of the next banner up.

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Strange to start book II refines with Kana. So many book I units missing ... all healers and Cordelia for example. 

Staffies and Cordelia are like the Gen 1 units that are least in need of refines.

I mean, Cordelia still sets the bar for lance fliers. She ties for the highest Atk of all lance fliers and every lance flier with more Spd than her has the difference (or more) taken out of their Atk (other than Marisa and Ryoma, who have only 1 more point of total Atk + Spd). That's honestly kind of absurd for a launch character.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Staffies and Cordelia are like the Gen 1 units that are least in need of refines.

I mean, Cordelia still sets the bar for lance fliers. She ties for the highest Atk of all lance fliers and every lance flier with more Spd than her has the difference (or more) taken out of their Atk (other than Marisa and Ryoma, who have only 1 more point of total Atk + Spd). That's honestly kind of absurd for a launch character.

Yes. Staffies need refines. and Prfs. so does Cordelia. it shouldn't matter what "bar" they set. just because they are good doesn't mean they should be punished by not having something that can help them more. 

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57 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Staffies and Cordelia are like the Gen 1 units that are least in need of refines.

I mean, Cordelia still sets the bar for lance fliers. She ties for the highest Atk of all lance fliers and every lance flier with more Spd than her has the difference (or more) taken out of their Atk (other than Marisa and Ryoma, who have only 1 more point of total Atk + Spd). That's honestly kind of absurd for a launch character.

The units that need a prf/refine (to be valuable) are only one fraction of the units that should receive this treatment. 

I'd be fine with a gimmicky refine for Cordelia as long as it complements well with her ability to Galeforce. It would make me use one of my old favorites again, even if it's just to discover her new abilities. Honestly, I'd be fine with an art refine for her.

All staff units can be valuable with the standard skills, but in this regard all staff units are (more or less) the same boring. Prfs/refines often enough give old units a new niche to make them interesting (again). 

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I want Prf staves as well... They need it!

Interesting that Female Kana is the first Book 2 unit to receive a prf and refinement.

She is in a interesting position, where if you want a cheaper project you go with Fae but if you want an expensive one you go with Adrift F Corrin.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Sigh, no Gray/Mathilda/Barst refines yet again.

Shiro needs one, too. I can understand Kana a little bit because she's eh as a 5 star but she showed up a bit too early in the waiting list for me. (that said a part of me doesn' mind since I got a random one recently so I'm curious what it'll be)

Also interesting how Subaki doesn't have Subaki's Pike unlike the other retainers who have the named weapons

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Kind of strange they are starting on refines for Book 2 characters (still waiting on Cordelia) unless they are just giving special treatment to Kana. Still, if Book 2 is on the table now I want refines for L'Arachel's Ivaldi and SM!Eirika's Gleipnir. Oh, and Marisa needs a new weapon like Shamsir or something.

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And I am still waiting for Jakob ever since they gave Felicia her refine.  I may see about Subaki since I like him well enough to think about him being a +10 at some time.

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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I'd be fine with a gimmicky refine for Cordelia as long as it complements well with her ability to Galeforce. It would make me use one of my old favorites again, even if it's just to discover her new abilities. Honestly, I'd be fine with an art refine for her.

Atk/Spd+5 with 40 recoil damage, and the Refine could be free Galeforce once per turn. Free up that Special and Sacred Seal slot for something else!

Art Refine is good too.

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8 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Yes. Staffies need refines. and Prfs. so does Cordelia. it shouldn't matter what "bar" they set. just because they are good doesn't mean they should be punished by not having something that can help them more. 

Oh they deserve them eventually, but they have less priority that the other more underwhelming units like Sub and Gordin.

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Do you think that Male Kana will get in the next refines a moon dragonstone or something similar?

Though I am still waiting for Fae and Cecilia refines as I am merging Fae and have 7 copies of Cecilia. 

Edit: I mistook this for the Refine thread and someone had already asked this question, is there a way to delete this post?

Edited by SuperNova125
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1 hour ago, SuperNova125 said:

Do you think that Male Kana will get in the next refines a moon dragonstone or something similar?

Highly likely. In fact that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw F!Kana's stone.

As for this batch. I don't see how Subaki or Gordin could get anything that would make them stand out at this point with the potency of the units in their category. Subaki is a tank so he could maybe get something defensive oriented but I fail to see how he'd compete with Tana. Then with Gordin aside from the fact that L!Alm exists, there are plenty of cheaper and more powerful options like Klein with his refine so I'll be shocked if either of them get anything that makes them worth investment.

As for F!Kana, it's true that she's one of the more underwhelming green dragons but her getting a refine before the likes of Fae or Ninian is annoying. They wanted to give her something to make her worth pulling as a *5 but she really could have just been demoted instead. She's literally just slightly better Fae. Will be more interested when M!Kana gets a refine. At least I just pulled her as a pitybreaker though so if the refine is hype I might grab it.

Athena is the clear star for me here (sad, most of the most exciting refines for me tend to be for the swords.). I was just considering building up mine but I wanted Safeguard+ which I lacked. Now I can finally give her that +ATK nature that's been sitting in my barracks forever. Can't wait to see what it is, I hope it's not just another Slaying Wo Dao+ like Karel/Fir. She really needs something to help her stand out. More importantly something that Mia can't just powercreep if she gets a refine down the line.

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8 hours ago, daisy jane said:

Yes. Staffies need refines. and Prfs. so does Cordelia. it shouldn't matter what "bar" they set. just because they are good doesn't mean they should be punished by not having something that can help them more. 

Yes, it does matter what bar they set. Cordelia is currently the second best offensive lance flier in the game, beaten only by Onsen Ryoma with a mere +1 Spd over her, but with Cordelia being far easier to merge and fish for Assets. Furthermore, offensive lance fliers are still relevant in the game, unlike other weapon classes with a general lack of unique weapons (I'm looking mostly at bow infantry here), due to the easy availability of Firesweep Lance and their ability to run Galeforce sets.

If you feel like you're being punished for not getting more when you're already sitting at the top, that's called "feeling entitled".


8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

The units that need a prf/refine (to be valuable) are only one fraction of the units that should receive this treatment. 

Of the 102 units that have gotten unique weapons or refines, only about 10% of them were at or near the top of their class (when equipped with their existing unique weapon if they had one) when they received a unique weapon or refine:

  • Celica (justified due to being 5-star-exclusive and competing with Lilina and Tharja)
  • Cherche
  • Elincia (justified due to being 5-star-exclusive and competing with Palla)
  • Brave Ike (justified due to being CYL and Slaying Axe being just slightly better than Urvan)
  • Lilina
  • Nino
  • Awakening Tiki
  • Mystery Tiki
  • Tharja

This is excluding classes where the top of the class was falling out of relevance or already irrelevant. For example, Minerva was the best fast axe flier when Hauteclere received its refine, but "fast axe flier" consisted of only her and Camilla at the time, both of whom had Atk and Spd stats that utterly paled in comparison to other "fast" classes. Minerva's 31/33 offenses were just bad compared to, say, Cordelia's 35/35 or Hana's 35/36.


The biggest problem with giving Cordelia a unique weapon right now is the fact that she's already better than 3 Grail units (Valter, Cynthia, and Sigrun), 2 of whom are recent, and comparable to a 5-star-exclusive unit (Sumia) while also being comparable to 3 recent seasonal units (Onsen Ryoma, Spring Marisa, and Bride Tanith).

Cordelia absolutely should not get a unique weapon before Sumia does or before Bride Tanith gets her Legendary/Mythic Hero banner rerun, and I'd even argue that Sigrun and Cynthia should also get unique weapons and Valter his refine first.

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21 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Staffies and Cordelia are like the Gen 1 units that are least in need of refines.

I mean, Cordelia still sets the bar for lance fliers. She ties for the highest Atk of all lance fliers and every lance flier with more Spd than her has the difference (or more) taken out of their Atk (other than Marisa and Ryoma, who have only 1 more point of total Atk + Spd). That's honestly kind of absurd for a launch character.

Azama, Wrys, Lucius and so on would like to have a word with you.

Most infantry Staff users are utter garbage compared to the amount of support and offense they can offer to a Team and are not even on the middle of the food chain, but on the bottom. They are in no way competitiv in any competitv play like AR because they offer not much compared to the top high end Staff users or other support classes.

Not every Staff refine needs to be about Offensiv power but most infantry staff users could use Refines that either refine their role as support massivly or fix their poor offensiv stat line.

Seriously if you encounter a Wrys or Azama you arent filled with fear at all, not for their offense and not for their defense. Because you can just tank them forever with no consequences.

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16 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Azama, Wrys, Lucius and so on would like to have a word with you.

Azama, Wrys, and Lucius can still Gravity, Pain, and Panic just as well and as safely as any other infantry staff.


16 minutes ago, Hilda said:

They are in no way competitiv in any competitv play like AR because

There are a lot of units that are not competitive in Aether Raids and vice versa because Aether Raids requires different kinds of play than other game modes.

Staves, for example, are borderline broken in Arena Assault.


16 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Seriously if you encounter a Wrys or Azama you arent filled with fear at all, not for their offense and not for their defense. Because you can just tank them forever with no consequences.

Seriously, if I encounter a lot of things, they don't strike fear into me.

Oh, and Azama does actually strike fear to me in Grand Conquest because annoying people like to make Fortress Def/Res Azamas that end up just sitting on fortification tiles being unkillable and dropping Pain + Savage Blow bombs on my units. It's really, really annoying and is one of the many reasons why I hate the game mode.

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Been looking forward to getting more Rineas! Pretty sure she's my next grails project. And her teammate, Boey, only needs 1 more copy for him to be at +10! I don't have the orbs for summoning right now, though. Otherwise, I'd go for a Halloween Kagero or something.

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