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9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Reminder that this HoF Revival had bot assistance to win the previous poll.

If the Harvest Nowi obsessed botter didn't interfere, we would've gotten Three Houses (Summer Lorenz, Summer Ingrid, Summer Sylvain, Summer Dorothea) here instead.

How do we know when a bot has interfered?

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Now that the remixes are out, we have a new schedule for these banners. Thanks to Mina_776_ for this graphic.


It's crazy how Eliwood went from November 23 to November 24.

We also have some specualtion about future Hall of Forms:

  • November 23 - Legendary Ike is confirmed for HoF, even though it will be Path of Radiance themed and Legendary Ike is Radiant Dawn.
  • December 23 - Radiant Dawn theme, Yune confirmed.
  • January 24 - Awakening theme, Legendary Chrom or Legendary Female Robin (Grima) as candidates.
  • February 24 - Fates theme, Legendary Ryoma as candidate.
  • March 24 - Three Houses theme, Sothis as candidate
  • April 24 - Engage theme, no legendary possible.
  • May 24 - Heroes theme, Fjorm or Hríd as candidates.
  • June 24 - (New) Mystery of the Emblem theme, no candidate at the moment.
  • July 24 - Echoes: Shadow of Valentia theme, no candidate at the moment. 
  • August 24 - Genealogy of the Holy War theme, no candidate at the moment.
  • September 24 - Thracia 776 theme, no candidate at the moment.
  • October 24 - Binding Blade theme, no candidate at the moment.
  • November 24 - Blazing Blade theme, Legendary Eliwood as canditate.
  • December 24 - Sacred Stones theme, no candidate at the moment.


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18 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Datamined stuff:

HoF units

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Legendary Ike, Young Soren, Marcia, Winter Black Knight


Fargus weapon

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I like it, not only is it great, but it feels like it's referencing his actual role in the game, ie, to ferry people places.

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Fargus either forgot or didn't care about the memo that the last GHB of each book is supposed to suck (like Matthis, Bertram or Galle).

So in his place, Wil is the complete meme here instead. That stat line is among the worst we've seen in quite some time.

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What is going on with Wil's resistance?

Unlike Ronan, who had a high magic/resistance growth for his class for some reason, Wil's resistance is shit in FE7.

Still, hard to complain about 45 base attack. He can at least hit things hard.

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10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Still, hard to complain about 45 base attack. He can at least hit things hard.

That's the same Atk as Etie, who got released near the start of the Book. And despite that ten month gap, Etie somehow also has six more points of Spd than Wil.

Wil does get a super asset in Atk (while Etie does not), but I don't think that ends up mattering much when Etie can go to +10 Dragonflowers while Wil can only go to +5.

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5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Etie can go to +10 Dragonflowers while Wil can only go to +5.

And Dorothy beats them both with 46 base Atk. No superboon but 10 Dragonflowers, so she's the only archer that hits 51 attack.

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12 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

And Dorothy beats them both with 46 base Atk. No superboon but 10 Dragonflowers, so she's the only archer that hits 51 attack.

Yup, she exists too and also has 43 Spd (complete with a super asset). I chose not to mention Dorothy just to avoid making Wil look even worse.

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Wil's stat spread is non-sensical considering his stats in his source game, but it's not bad at all.

It's just screaming to run Arcane Nastrond with Sabotage A/D 3 and Def/Res Ploy 3 once Sabotage A/D 3 exists. His Res stat isn't quite as high as Ronan's but base 40 is more than enough for this build, and Ronan's Atk stat is quite a bit worse than Wil's.

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Ngl I am kind of hoping Brave Gullveig makes it onto the Predicted Kvasir/Gullveig mythic banner just because it's something that is probably not going to be possible again (brave and mythic of the same book end charcter) Plus it would go with the other heroes that they said were coming back this month (Heior and Seior)

Edited by vikingsfan92
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The next Hall of Forms has now been officially announced with Legendary Ike, Young Soren, Marcia, and Winter Black Knight. As with the previous one, the skill pool contains all skills released through Legendary Elincia.

The most notable skill additions are Atk/Spd Prime 4, Disarm Trap 4, Aerial Maneuvers, Def/Res Ploy 3, and Infantry Pulse 4. While the previous Hall of Forms didn't really have many units to make use of the new skills, every one of these skills other than Disarm Trap has a unit that it's a potential optimal pick for.




Legendary Ike is the slowest sword Ike, and he doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up on his weapon. His refine and remix are also rather awkward, giving him the Slaying effect on his weapon and a 4-cooldown Special that has 2 stacks of Quickened Pulse on it.

As a result, he builds differently depending on if you're running him with his default Ragnell or if you're planning to switch him over to Arcane Eljudnir.


Legendary Ike [+Atk]
Ragnell [unique]
[Special] // (Radiant Aether II)
Atk/* Finish 4 / Fireflood Boost 3
Quick Riposte 4
Time's Pulse 4 / Infantry Pulse 4

Quick Riposte 4 is pretty much required due to his middling Spd, which locks him out of other options for the B slot.

He has a 3-cooldown Special that is charged to 1 cooldown at the start of the first turn, which is an awkward number to use something like Breath in the Sacred Seal slot or Pledge in the C slot, so it's probably better to run Time's Pulse 4 to have a Special that functionally has 2 cooldown. Infantry Pulse 4 will only activate once per turn, so it's only useful in game modes where you can limit the number of enemies that attack each turn to one, but it doesn't have the condition that Time's Pulse has, provides support to other infantry units, and limiting the number of enemies that attack each turn to one is not terribly hard in the Arena, which is Ike's home game mode.

Feel free to grab whatever rare Special you want; you'll be switching it back to Radiant Aether afterwards anyways.

Arcane Eljudnir:

Legendary Ike [+Atk]
[Weapon] // (Arcane Eljudnir [Def / Res])
[Special] // (Aether)
Atk/Spd Prime 4 / Atk/* Finish 4
Gambit 4
Atk/Spd Pledge

Aether + Gambit 4 + Pledge is easily the best build option with Arcane Eljudnir. You have the option of running Prime 4 for Distant Counter or Finish 4 for the additional effects and more options for stats.

I don't remember what the best sword for slow units is that is available in Hall of Forms. Grab whatever rare Special you want; you'll be switching it to regular Aether afterwards anyways.



Soren has a guaranteed follow-up on both phases and a good Sabotage/Ploy stat spread. Unfortunately, Atk/Res Ploy 3 isn't in the Hall of Forms skill pool yet, so you'll have to make do with Def/Res Ploy 3.

Young Soren [+Atk / +Res]
Atlas+ [Res] // (Adroit War Tome)
Still Water 4 / Remote Mirror / Fireflood Boost 3 / Atk/Res Finish 4
Sabotage A/R 3
Def/Res Ploy 3

Still Water 4 is the best skill in the A slot for activating Sabotage and Ploy, but the others grant better additional effects if you aren't worried about winning the stat comparisons.

If you're able to offload Ploy 4 to a different unit, he can instead run Atk/Res Oath 4 in that slot to boost his Res for his weapon's Res comparison condition.

Atlas is there for the novelty since it's not like there's anything better to grab in that slot. You'll want to grab his default Adroit War Tome to actually run the event with, but once you're done building him, switch him to Atlas since you're almost guaranteed to be offered it since there are only 2 inheritable colorless tomes.



Typical pegasus knight stat spread with no exclusive weapon. Ideally, she'll want to swap out to Arcane Luin afterwards.

Marcia [+Spd]
Piercing Tribute+ [Spd] // (Arcane Luin [Spd])
Ruptured Sky
Flared Sparrow
Aerial Maneuvers
S/D Rein Snap

There's no reason to run anything else in any of her skill slots unless you really, really want Canto.

Black Knight:


New toys were released after his release, which means he has better options than his base kit.

Winter Black Knight [+Spd]
[Weapon] // (Solemn Axe)
Armored Beacon
Atk/Spd Prime 4
Savvy Fighter 4 / Vengeful Fighter 4 // (Special Fighter 4)
A/S Far Save 3

His default Special Fighter 4 is still the best option for the B slot, so pick one of the other premium B skills.

While he doesn't have any skills in his kit that grant him non-stat Bonuses to activate Prime with, it's not hard to stack Bonuses on Save tanks, and you can always fall back to his default Distant Dart if need be.


8 hours ago, vikingsfan92 said:

Ngl I am kind of hoping Brave Gullveig makes it onto the Predicted Kvasir/Gullveig mythic banner just because it's something that is probably not going to be possible again (brave and mythic of the same book end charcter) Plus it would go with the other heroes that they said were coming back this month (Heior and Seior)

Given that we're pretty much guaranteed to get every single Book VII character on this banner (Seidr, Heidr, and Nerthuz are confirmed, and Gullveig and Kvasir are assumed to be the new units), I would not be surprised at all if they filled in the free blue slot with Brave Gullveig.

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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


Given that we're pretty much guaranteed to get every single Book VII character on this banner (Seidr, Heidr, and Nerthuz are confirmed, and Gullveig and Kvasir are assumed to be the new units), I would not be surprised at all if they filled in the free blue slot with Brave Gullveig.

From the looks of the pool it's either her or Eitr for the last slot and for the meting of the banner alone I hope it's Brave Gullveig over Eitr. Although if it's not it would let me build up more orbs for Brave Gullveig return.

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Ah, of course IS would drop a character people (myself included) actually wanted after Azama.

For those keeping score, this is the fifth straight 3-4 star Resplendent and we got a Grail Resplendent (Ursula) right before that streak started.

I get that there’s a lot more demote characters, but it’s nonetheless strange that we’ve gone this long without a 5 star exclusive Resplendent.

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I like the art, but why does she have to be another fairy?

Also, the more that I think about it, the weirder her "completely sideways" default pose feels. I'm not sure why, she's not the only character who's sideways for their default art, but it feels a bit off for some reason.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Adult Tiki....getting something? What sorcery is this? 

I guess Sanaki Dev and Nino Dev cornered the market for this month's loli content.

Oh yeah, and we should be getting Kvasir next week. There really was no room for Young Tiki this month.

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5 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I like the art, but why does she have to be another fairy?

Well, Adult Tiki is closely associated with sleep... the only thing I wonder about is why Dokkalf.

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