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Oof, I would like to summon more of the brave units, but I do need to save up orbs. :(

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (And I can't try for Bravecina. :( )

4* Frederick (Not the unit I'd have wanted. Especially with -Atk.)

So that's a shame. I doubt I'll be back until November ends.

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Hmmm...so much for saving.

Free pull from Brave TT banner was Soren for my main account- my first one and yay more green mages! +HP/-Def so kind of neutral I guess. Too bad I wanted Brave Ike for a bonus 40% unit.

That's when control slipped away since I badly wanted a 40% unit for my main account. Sniping for green for Dorcas, but 2 sessions had no greens.

Of note was a session with 2 red orbs. 1st one was 3 star +Spd/-Def Olivia. Eh okay. 2nd orb? 4 star +Spd/-Def Olivia -__-. What are the chances of the same nature? Too bad not what I wanted.

Alternated between TT banner and Dorcas banner, and then I just went you know what? YOLO since we're gonna get some orbs from TT anyway- and I decided to pull in the Halloween banner since I haven't properly tried that. 

There was 1 green and it was Halloween Henry!!! The one I wanted the most! AND YAY, more green mages!! Main account sorely lacked green mages, and he was +DEF/-HP which is all fine in my book!


Tried to test my luck again in Dorcas banner, but sadly no more 5 stars. Did get some useful Palla fodder and a +Def/-Res Subaki so it wasn't too bad. I was at 80, now down to 29 so I think I'm okay now after that Count Henry pull.

As for the second account, I got my 3rd ever Roy which went straight to Boey for his Gronnraven set. Also had a +Res/-Def Cordelia, which replaced my -Spd one. I already had Brave Ike on this account anyway so I'm not too desperate, although trying for Dorcas netted me two sessions with no green orbs again. Typical.

So yeah at least I sort of had a happy ending to my desperation summons. I'll just make do with Joshua and debut my new Rawrblade Katarina in TT.

Edited by mcsilas
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Well I wanted to save up my orbs for the future 8% banner, but a could use another brave hero and I couldn't resist the opportunity so I got: Frederick, Odin, Sully, Palla, Eirika, Roy (the wrong one), Hana, Sakura, Lilina, Raigh, Abel, Cherche, Henry, ATiki, and finally a BRoy that is +def-hp, not too bad. And so my orbs can rest again.

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How weak the flesh is.
I did one full pull. And I got B!Ike, at first I thought I fodder him to my A.Tiki for Steady breath, but he has HP- atk+ and is a 40% hero for TT.

I guess I can be happy with it. I still can spare enough orbs for the next banner. I have 69 Orbs now.

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well, i got a 5* azura on a free pull,

then as i was trying to get plain red lucina (i know its stupid JFC), i ended up getting 5* sigurd, 5* witch nowi, and the two colorlesses i pulled when i was bored were 5* takumi and 5* sakura

all f2p orbs and it wasnt over 50 orbs total lol

Edited by claire
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And thanks to new banner and stuff, up to 515 total pulled units.




Mae was a free pull.

And boons/banes:


Mae (+HP/-Def): While I have a better 4* one, this one's worakble.  I'll probably merge them, even if I really need Desperation.

Nino (+Atk/-Res): This isn't bad at all!  Not ideal (that's +Spd), but maybe I'll be in a situation where I need the extra oomph.
Raven (+Spd/-HP): If I can ditch his axe, he's going to be a terror.
Catria (+Res/-HP): I have this combo in 5* form.  Luna's a good skill.
Seth (+Atk/-HP): 35/31 offense numbers on a horse is Sigurd levels of insanity.  I need to think about how I want to build him, but he's going to be something else when I'm done with him!

I didn't think I pulled very well.  Oh boy was I wrong!


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I went and pulled on the obvious bait TT banner for greens and see if I could pull an Ike...

- Freebie pull was a 3* Barst (I was expecting him)

No more green orbs so I pulled out from the session. Next session, 2 green orbs...

- 4* Bartre (I already have mine fully merged so this one is going home)

- 5* BIke (+Atk -def...I don’t know what to feel about this...)

He’ll be good enough for the TT. 


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Well I only did the free pull today and I managed to get my first Eliwood!  I was hoping for his son, but I am happy to have him at 4* with an atk boon res bane bug eyes and all.  I am saving all my orbs until next weekend then I will see how many I can spare to try again for H!Jakob, since I want to do several pulls from the supper banner on the 27th.

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After obsessively playing with the summon simulators, I decided I wanted to spend some of my orbs. My main reason for saving for the 8% banner was because I really wanted Deirdre. But I also didn't want to spend more than 60 orbs on said banner, so even if I didn't get her, I'd be content getting someone good. But it's so far away...and I also wanted to try my hand at getting Dorcas or Lute. Something about summoning on new character banners just feels more rewarding. After several very lucky summoning attempts on that summoning simulator, I took it as a sign. 

So I went in with my 62 orbs...


And got this 56 orbs later.


She's +DEF -HP. XD I'm pretty sure that's exactly the same as my Julia. But wow...what a good surprise. But now I'm not sure I have a reason to pull from the 8% banner. While the greedy side of me wants more Gennys, I think I feel content without them.

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For the last unit in the Halloween banner I got a pool of 4 red summons with 16 orbs. I pulled three, had no luck, decided to feed the dragon to prep for the Farfetched Hero banner, and Nowi was in that 4th orb.

With the Farfetched banner itself, apparently my game likes encore performances. 4 Blue summons with 15 orbs, three with no luck, dipped slightly to prep for the super banner, and lo and behold that 4th orb. 



-HP +Spd, which is just fantastic. Super quick to get into Desperation range, 38 Speed to play with, and 34 Res stays intact for Ploy shenanigans. Put on Atk Ploy seal and keep the A skill and have a blast.

I got Dorcas on the third summon on the first day, and Mia arrived a bit later, so this banner's done and now I can focus completely on the super banner.

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It took for the 5* rate to climb to at least 4.50%, but she finally came home. And of course, came with less-than-ideal IVs (+Def, -Atk) but I just come to expect that to happen to the units I really want. As a side note, those two Sakuras put my main 4* one at +6.


I put the remaining orbs I bought today towards sniping for Lute so naturally this ends up happening instead. Note: I'm not actually mad about the below result.



+Def/-Res to the +Def/-HP of my first that's already leveled so I used this one for a merge level. I could've used her to give my +Spd Lyn Flashing Blade but there was no way in hell I'd kill a Mia for the likes of Lyn. I also opened the other red and immediately regretted doing so (3* Fir, for those wondering).


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Decided to pull for Brave Roy on the Tempest Trials banner.
Got a Brave Roy after some Red-sniping. He's +RES/-HP, which seems like a decent spread (27 RES is okayish, and he's not -ATK/-SPD, so I'm happy).
And now both of my 5-Star Roys are +RES. Weird coincidence, that (especially since none of the 4-Star Roys I've pulled are +RES).

Then I remembered that I had a pity rate on the Halloween banner, so I decided to give it a couple of pulls and see if I could get Cat Sakura or Witch Nowi.
I got lucky and got Cat Sakura. +ATK/-HP seems good for her. She should make a pretty solid magekiller.

Gonna just save for the 8% banner now, hope I can get some 5-Stars on that one (primarily on Red, since I don't have any of the three Red focuses, but another Genny would be nice too).

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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Welp, after getting myself a pretty...workable?...challenge-accepted?...Lute on the 15th...




I got my latest paycheck, plunked down another $150-odd dollars into Heroes and decided upon three goals:

[*]Get Mia

[*]Get a +Spd/+Att Nino

[*]Get Two Odins to give standard blade tomes to Delthea and Linde.


I can safely say that I accomplished every one of my goals.


Accept the Odin one.




After plumping down about 40 orbs in the Brave Heroes banner trying to get Brave Roy, and only coming up with a 4* -Att Tharja to whom I gave Celica her Raurblade, I gave the Unlikely Heroes banner a shot..  After about 70 orbs, I stumbled on a Mia.  *SQUEEEEEEE*




The only problem is that the Mia I got was +RES/-DEF.


Honestly, I was set to settle for this, mainly because I wanted to have as many orbs as i could on standby for the November 28 banner.  But the Holy Ghost (a Christian thing, don't worry about it) told me "My boy, an OP Loli like that is what all weeaboos in the making fight for."


Yes, I'm claiming that a religious deity assisted me with a video game in which gambling is a thing.  Bite me.


Another 15 and lo-and-behold, I did in fact get me another Mia, and with ideal iVs!




With that goal accomplished, i decided I'd spend 20 orbs on the Heroes w/Death Blow banner, thinking that I'd be clear of any 5* blue focus units.  Of course, my stupid ass forgot that DEL-FUCKING-THEA was a focus blue mage on said banner.  Thankfully, I didn't pull another one of her and instead got an Odin with my second blue-sniping pull.  Unfortunately, I hit my 20 orb limit before I could pull another Odin and had to pull out of the banner.  However, before hitting my 20 orb limit, I did have a nice surprise waiting for me.




He looks usable, but his IVs don't look ideal, so I'm thinking to hold on to him and give his brave bow to Bridelia; if I don't get one, then I'm willing to train him up.


I also got an Eldigan for the first time, but he's -SPD so I'm thinking to use him for fodder.  A shame too.  I've been needing a red sword user for my Horse Emblem team. :(


What are y'alls thoughts on what I should do with him?




Finally, the goal of getting myself a perfect IV Nino.  I've known of the tempest-grade power of El Nino, but I've neglected getting her after I'd gotten Deirdre last month (I think it was last month).  Deirdre has become a staple in my TT and Arena teams, so I didn't feel like I needed a Nino.  But then after finally starting to use the Tailtiu that I also got last month(?), I got a taste of how powerful a blade tome user could be when combined with my AxeZura.


Needless to say.










And after realizing this fact, I remembered the other fact that I had a freshly summoned Nino sitting in my barracks, sipping on a freshly squeezed cup of orange juice with a 3* necklace wrapped around her neck.  I immediately went to level her up to LV 40 so she'd have a nice stash of SP to use for upgrading skills prior to training when I remembered to check her stats.  And her stats weren't the best.




And so I started off on my quest to get me a Nino.  A nother Nino.


I ended up grabbing two Ninoes in the span of about 40 green-sniping orbs.  The first one's IVs were +HP/-Spd.  The second one was perfect.





Once again, I'm leaving this summoning campaign a happy camper.


Now I just gotta get me a Genny, a Bride Cordelia, and a couple Hectors so I can spread the Distant Counter love around - I'm realizing that a flier was a VERY POOR CHOICE IN DC CANDIDACY - DAMMIT TANA!  NOT EVEN WITH VIDOFNIR CAN YOU MAKE IT WORK RELIABLY!  YOU DON'T ENCOUNTER ENOUGH DAGGER UNITS TO MAKE IT WORK WELL AND BOWS ARE RIGHT OUT - AND CURSE YOUR INADEQUATE RESISTANCE!

Edited by Selena4Lyfe
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After weeks of not getting any 5*, I finally made it back to the mean this week!



Att+/Spd-. Strong and slow.



A neutral pick. 

I hope I get something/anything on the hero fest. Last time I keep pulling for Nina and she refused to show up. 

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More orbs have come in, so here's another shot at the TT banner.

  1. 3* Nino: No thank you.
  2. 4* Hawkeye: At least he's not a pity breaker.
  3. 5* Brave Roy: Very nice. +HP/-Res, so his IVs are decent enough. Time to Galeforce the crap out of this TT.
  4. 4* Tharja: Meh. Darting Blow 3 is nice.
  5. 3* Hana: I was hoping for 2 5* units, but I guess not.

A decent Brave Roy for 75 orbs. Not as much as I was hoping to get from this banner, but I'm satisfied. Now to save up again.

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Two more attempts at Death Blow, two more pools with zero reds. I think I'll have a decent bulk for a final attempt sometime in its final hours...

I did, however, get a +Res -Def Leon! @eclipse I've been waiting on one, but forgive me, I think I might wait on 5* promotion for something a tad more favourable.

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@Vaximillian @mcsilas

Well, I, uh... I got up to 17 orbs, and I decided to try one last time for Mia... no reds. Shoot. Well, there's one blue, so maybe I could get Lute instead-



...You are not Lute. However, you are a character I've been hoping to see again, even if you have one more star than I would've liked. +Res/-Spd, which is... not good, but at least it won't hurt him too much with his base weapon, so I think I'll keep him around. Unless I find a character that wants a Brave Lance+, I suppose.

Alright, well, might as well use my last 13 orbs to see what else I got. Let's check out the two greens first. And one is a Barst! A 4-star Barst, in fact! And he's +Atk/-Res, which I think might be his best possible boon/bane! He will definitely be saved and promoted someday. Not too bad, let's see what's under the other green-



I was hoping for Mia, but this is perfectly fine as well. +Spd/-Res (huh, I just realized that he's the exact opposite of Abel. Neat), which could be better, but could also be much worse. And now I have a 40% Tempest unit! I'm very glad I decided to spend some orbs tonight after all.

Alright, we're on a roll! Let's see what one of the colorless orbs is-


3-star Wrys. +Spd/-HP. Well, it wouldn't be a summoning session without 300 feathers to close it out.

Long story short: I didn't get Mia, but things turned out more than pretty alright in the end.

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21 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

I did, however, get a +Res -Def Leon! @eclipse I've been waiting on one, but forgive me, I think I might wait on 5* promotion for something a tad more favourable.

I got two Leons recently, and one of them is for sure due to be promoted!

…Because both are Res/Atk, and I want to give his bow to Faye.

@DefaultBeep: Don’t tempt me and my 18 orbs! Congrats with your Barst, you wanted him lots. Oh, and Dorcas is there too. Cool, I guess.

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