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Eh. Niles and Clarine. Could have been a Minerva in one of the Greens or an Eldigan in the red but I don't care. Took my changes for a Jaffar, Klein or better natured Matthew/Serra.

4 orbs wasted, moving on.

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It's a joke. I used so many orbs, even wall, first time she appeared in a banner, and now, she came in a free pull ? Joke on you, game.



-Def +Res. Of course her IVs are bad. Grrr.


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Could probably pull for any of these.

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (No Jaffar then)

4* Sheena (What is my luck with constantly getting her lately? +HP/-Spd, is it better than +Def/-Spd?)

Back to trying to get enough orbs to not get Christmas units.

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Decided to pull colorless. I have all of these characters, but Jaffar and Eldigan have less than optimal natures (+RES -HP and +HP -SPD). I’ve been lucky enough to get two Eldigans however. 


No luck in two Jaffars. Just did two pulls and got Serra and Sakura. Probably a sign not to pull again. I’m kind of tempted because it’d be great to have a good Jaffar, but I’ve been really good at saving my orbs... I’ll wait and see what the legendary banner and possibly the next new banner are like before I commit. 



Also with a potential Raven and Lucius BHB on the way, I may have a chance to pull for more merges of them....


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My friend just sent me a picture of their latest pull...

They got 3* Eliwood and Subaki (or Elizabeth and Dubai as their phone autocorrected it to...)


And Takumi, Eldigan and Minerva.

Jealousy was rife xD I've never had a triple pull yet! Although, to be fair, I colour snipe a lot these days.

That being said, they do need pulls like this more than me as they've not long got into the game whereas I've been playing a lot longer. So yay for them :D

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Got a Soleil from my free summon. No clue what to do with her, I have a ton of red swords as is. Ill hold onto her for now and do something with her later.

Also sniped 2 more times yesterday, still nothing yet from Winter's Envoy. Not giving up, though I am really running out of orbs. Entirely dependent upon daily orbs now.

Edited by Tolvir
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Either this banner hates me with a fiery passion or the game REALLY doesn't want me to get a 5* green armor unit who isn't Sheena. Or both... I'm willing to believe both with these results.

Just pulled a 5* -Atk/+HP Camilla at a 4.25% pity rate. I've put about 200 orbs into the Winter Envoy banner so far and not a single focus unit. I've gotten a 5* Lilina, Tailtiu, and now Camilla, three 5* characters that are not focus and in all three colors of the banner, plus I already had them all and didn't really desire more... Now I'm at 0 orbs and really hoping that the Tempest Trial has as many orbs as possible on it. The Legendary Hero banner, almost no matter what it will be might not be my priority. A green armor unit is the last kind I need to fill out all of my team needs for now and maybe the Legendary banner would be good with Hector, Amelia or Halloween Henry, but I doubt it since they were all fairly recently on banners.

Blargh ^^; Winter Envoy Banner, whatever I did to anger you I'm soooorrryyyy... just please give me a focus unit <3

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Free summon was Lucina, my first one. These free summons have treated me well, probably my fifth or sixth 5-star freebie summon alongside Ephraim, Amelia, Dorcas and Klein at the minimum. Ike may have been an off-focus freebie, can't remember. Guess I'll hold off promoting Soleil until my next set of feathers.

5* Lucina +Def -HP

4* Chrom +Spd -Def (only my second ever)

3* Raigh +HP -Spd (I now officially have enough of him to make a 4* +10 ...someday)

3* Lon'qu +Spd -Res (He may be of increasingly little relevance these days, but the IVs are nice, joins the queue behind Soleil, Athena and Hana)


Back down to 40 orbs after having saved 80+ supposedly for the Legendary Heroes, but considering the yield from those orbs I can't be disappointed.


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Hmm TT banner. Maybe I'll try for Lightning Breath+ fodder...




Well damn. She's +Atk/-Res, too! I'm not sure how I feel about this, I *was* going to upgrade a +Def/-Spd one to make Dragon Defense emblem (my defense wins dried up :(... ) but on the other hand, this saves me feathers.... -4 in Res kind of sucks though 

@Ice Dragon  @XRay @MrSmokestack maybe @Arcanite? Thoughts on building this Nowi instead of +Def/-Spd? But yeah, damn I think this is my 2nd free focus summon for my second account.

Also main account free summon was 3 star Hinata, I'll take it!


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Yeah whatever, game. Just give me my standard-issue Odin and I'll be on my...


...right then. Freebie 5* #4 works too. She's neutral when I've already promoted a +Atk/-Res Nowi a while ago so, I guess someone else will enjoy that Lightning Breath+.

Side note: I honestly wasn't paying complete attention to FEH as this summon was occurring as I both was focusing on farming coins in Super Mario Odyssey and was entirely expecting to get nothing of note. Perhaps I should try using this strategy more often in the future?

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah whatever, game. Just give me my standard-issue Odin and I'll be on my...


...right then. Freebie 5* #4 works too. She's neutral when I've already promoted a +Atk/-Res Nowi a while ago so, I guess someone else will enjoy that Lightning Breath+.

Side note: I honestly wasn't paying complete attention to FEH as this summon was occurring as I both was focusing on farming coins in Super Mario Odyssey and was entirely expecting to get nothing of note. Perhaps I should try using this strategy more often in the future?

Lol, this was me when I was summoning so I was surprised to see those 5 stars when I looked back at my screen. 

Maybe wanting a unit as a fodder or looking at another game gives people good luck...

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