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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:



I might just give him to Fae... unless you think he's worth keeping

Think of it as bulk on both sides of the spectrum!

Fae probably wants Steady Breath more anyway for that extra cooldown (if you ever get a Bike fodder).

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I got three five stars within just two rotations on the legendary focus and then had to discover that Gaius and Jaffar are -Spd while Shiro is +Res. Bleh. :(

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@mcsilasI use a def+ -Res boon. But i stoped useing Boey that much due to the current Meta. If i am up against only armorers BLyn its Fine usually( watch for zelgius) Ayra tough... atm he suffers from being destroyed by the Dragon refine and the strong red units that got added :(. I use him occasionally in AA but thats it

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Anyways, after two gaining the twenty orbs, I did another summon and got a +res/-spd S!Leo. The +res boon makes me want to both turn him into a raven mage and a debuffer who I can partner with Gunnthra. The only thing is that I wanted one of the blue heroes.

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@Hilda Ah cool, I guess it's just the meta unfortunately changing, but I guess it's good to know it's the same one as you used 

Hmm if only I have more orbs, now I *want* to find a better natured Shiro now that I have Corrin.. summoning urges work in strange ways..

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Immediately used the new Orb surge on the Legendary Heroes banner.
*tries to snipe for Green. Game gives you 1 Colorless, 3 Reds, 1 Blue*
Thanks for nothing.
*hits the Colorless one*
*gets PA Olivia*

The votes during Hero Rises were not for vain.
+Atk, -Def

Green Orbs still don't show up though. The game knows it is the best color.

Edited by Zeratul
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2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* M!Robin (Bonfire. Alright.), 4* Camilla (Savage Blow. Alright. +Def/-Spd), 4* Hinata (Fury. Alright. -Spd/+Def), 3* Gordin (Atk +3. I guess.), 3* Felicia (BoL. Alright.)

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Rody (*Sigh. +Spd/-HP seems alright.) 5* B!Ike (OH LOOK, POSSIBLE FODDER!. +Atk/-Spd. So close to not being, but WHO WANTS STEADY BREATH?), 4* Camilla (Again? Really? +Res/-Spd), 4* Palla (Goad Fliers. niiiice), 3* Gaius (*music stops)

Well, I kinda wish I didn't get only B!Ike, but still Steady Breath is great fodder.

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Clearly I need to summon more when I'm on the bog because it turned my luck back around. Scraped together the last possible orbs from quests aside from Training Stratum ones to get back to 20 and do one last round before bed. Green, Blue, Red, Grey, Grey doesn't look so hot, but...

5* Gunnthra! Ideal result out of all possibilities. She's +Atk -Def to boot, this was worth waiting nearly 100 orbs for.

With that done I decided to complete the circle because I'm done with this banner.

4* Catria +Res -Spd - Meh.
4* Laslow +HP -Def - Double Meh.
3* Lissa +Def -Spd - Meh times infinity.

5* Summer Gaius! And also +Atk -Def like Gunnthra! While he's the opposite of Gunnthra in that he was my least wanted unit in the banner, I'll happily take it, especially as his stats are better than I actually remember them being. I haven't looked at him since the initial Ylissean Summer banner and thought he was more mediocre than he is.

End tally of the banner is approximately 220 orbs spent for six 5-stars: Summer Corrin, Horse Ephraim, Bike, Like, Gunnthra, Summer Gaius. The only unit I wanted and failed to get was Mia, so I'd say it was an unqualified success.

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Been getting really lucky on all the legendary banners. Always end up with the exact characters I want. Needed both Leo and Mia and got them both within 90 orbs.



Leo is +hp/-res, which isn't that great, but really only wanted him to have a copy of him. 

Mia is +spd/-def. Pretty good since I actually want to use her.

Decided to just finish the circle since I was at a 9.5% rate. Now back to saving orbs.

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My luck on the legendary banner is still scaring me. 60 orbs in and I've gotten five 5*'s. 


AND ONE OF THEM IS A SECOND JAFFAR I'M SO HAPPY!!! +Atk and still -Spd, but I kind of don't care, +Atk is really nice on him.
sCorrin though... I really need a ranged flyer but I also hate the fact that she's in a goddamn bikini enough to where I'm not keeping/using her. I'll probably end up giving Soren Swift Strike unless I end up with a blue mage who wants a meme weapon in the near future. She's +Hp/-Atk which while not a deal breaker on me using a unit makes me definitely not feel bad about sacking her. Please IS give me a mage flyer that isn't a woman in a skimpy outfit.

19 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your luck, you fared a bit better than I did.

My Seliph is only +7, so yours is higher now

Ufda well a -Atk Ephraim is better than no Ephraim hopefully?

I can't believe I'm winning the race to +10 Seliph that only I'm actually trying in.

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I made a couple of attempts at Hardin last night after getting FH!Celica but to, unsurprisingly, no avail. What I did get was two more Reinhardts (both 4*) so I now have enough of him to +10 him whenever I feel like doing so. Cordelia is still my main +10 priority though.

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Well used the 20 free orbs and 10 from quests to try again for Grima and Hardin, no luck just fodder and a 4.25% pity rate.  I think I am give up and just go to the legendary banner since I would like Ephraim and I still don't have Gunnthra ether.

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26 minutes ago, Zeratul said:

Don't hate me pls. But seriously what happened with the Green Orbs?

I second this. I've been getting the same problem, where they're almost never showing up.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I second this. I've been getting the same problem, where they're almost never showing up.

I got Greens out the wazoo.  For me, it's Blues that don't want to show up.

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42 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I got Greens out the wazoo.  For me, it's Blues that don't want to show up.

Geez, no wonder you got so many Fredericks... I want that so much. :(

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44 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Geez, no wonder you got so many Fredericks... I want that so much. :(

I just want some Rachels.  Even though she's 4* now, she never shows up for me.  I even used some more freebie Orbs today trying to get a better Ephraim or a 4* Rachel, but no luck.

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31 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I just want some Rachels.  Even though she's 4* now, she never shows up for me.  I even used some more freebie Orbs today trying to get a better Ephraim or a 4* Rachel, but no luck.

I've never pulled her before, so even if trading was possible, I couldn't give you her... xP Bummer though.

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used about 50 orbs total if I remember correctly really wanted summer Corrin, kinda want Ephraim and Gunthra.

First 15 orb circle:

Ephraim: +def -Res

Summer Leo: -atk +Hp

two more tries later that night, sniped a blue, got out, then a green and left.

didnt want to spend too much  because I promised myself to save orbs, "next will be my last full circle, no sniping I need to save".


Summer Corrin! :+speed -Hp

Brave Ike: +hp -Def (not sure if I will merge on my neutral or save for SI).

170 orbs left and kinda want to jump back in for Gunthra... but I really promised myself to save.. also want Grima... and Zephiel. 

Edited by Chelone
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6 hours ago, Zeratul said:

*Pulls again*
*No green Orbs, yet again*
Come on, game.
*Picks Red*
*Gets another RD Ike (+Res/-Def)*
... alright, then. My VG representative will be Warding Breath Hardin (@JSND Alter Dragon Boner shall be pleased).

Don't hate me pls. But seriously what happened with the Green Orbs?

Eh its k


My Hardin is already Steady Breath Kappa

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Some where between 70-90 orbs used on Fallen Heroes and all I have to show for it is an ogma and a 4.75% pity rate, why game? All I want is Hardin is that so much too ask for?

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Back to the Legendary banner to snipe for Ephraim and any of the greens.

  1. 4* Oboro: Bleh.
  2. 3* Nino: I've got enough Draw Back fodder.

Waste of orbs. One more time.

  1. 4* Donnel: Worthless.
  2. 3* Donnel: Even more worthless.

Stupid pot-head...

  1. 3* Florina: Worthless.

Not good color distributions here.

  1. 3* Florina: FFS, the game can't even be bothered to give me interesting 4* units.
  2. 3* Cherche: Useless.
  3. 3* Cecilia: Don't need Escape Route anymore.

This is ridiculous. The RNG isn't even pretending that it's not screwing me over anymore.

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