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31 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

@Alexmender Wow, nice surprise (despite the nature), congratulations! 

While -SPD isn't optimal, +DEF brings her well above 40 DEF with her A-Skill. Add some buffs and 50 DEF is possible. Her weapon wants her to be EP anyway, I got some nice Ignis blasts out of mine.

Thanks! Yeah, while training her I saw that she dealt like 40+ dmg with Ignis. Her nature is unfortunate but I still want to give her DC whenever I get a spare Hector. She'll be lots of fun in AA.

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18 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Thanks!  My luck was bad on the first summer banner (was going for Summer tana, just got multiple off focus pity breakers), so this is a relief. 

On your pulls Shiro is actually pretty solid, Tailtiu is a good blue blademage  but she is available at 4 star, so I'm sorry about that.  Did you have good luck on legendary banner and the first summer banner?  


Totally missed this quote, my bad! Yep, Shiro made up for me missing Summer Robin. And Tailtiu was actually a pretty good pull for me, I was needing another Blue Mage and I was lucky enough I pulled her at 5*. Legendary Banner was decent as I mentioned before since I got my main goal which was Bowcina. But Summer Banners were where I was insanely lucky and why I'm not too mad about this banner. I got Summer Gaius, Elise, Leo, Corrin, Tana, and Innes and in there I also got Sanaki and 3 Mias (from her banner) so overall, I can't complain too much about missing a couple from the Legendary Banner.

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:


Totally missed this quote, my bad! Yep, Shiro made up for me missing Summer Robin. And Tailtiu was actually a pretty good pull for me, I was needing another Blue Mage and I was lucky enough I pulled her at 5*. Legendary Banner was decent as I mentioned before since I got my main goal which was Bowcina. But Summer Banners were where I was insanely lucky and why I'm not too mad about this banner. I got Summer Gaius, Elise, Leo, Corrin, Tana, and Innes and in there I also got Sanaki and 3 Mias (from her banner) so overall, I can't complain too much about missing a couple from the Legendary Banner.

Wow that is quite a bounty of summer units!  So overall you made out great.  

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2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Wow that is quite a bounty of summer units!  So overall you made out great.  

Yep! Some of them I wasn't even trying for and most appeared after 1 or 2 pulls in a session so I really can't complain, I only wanted to really save from trying to pull Lissa later in the year since I'm sure she'll return in December, but no biggie, I got plenty this time around~

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No reds on today's daily banner, which is a shame since I've already got an optimal Odin and Nino at 5 star but would have taken a suboptimal Tharja just to light up her catalogue entry. Have some blue mages that would appreciate a blade tome some day and what do you know I nabbed a 5 star Odin as my free pull. +Atk/-def but I'd keep my +Atk/-HP. Good pickup. Keep the freebies coming!

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Ugh, two reds and two blues. Having to do a 50:50 guess hurts my soul, but there's no way I can justify spending 4 orbs. Still, having to make an arbitrary decision like this hurts my soul.

4* Sophia +Res -Atk

Bah, she's suddenly common after I finish my 4*+10, after not appearing for ages. And I will never know what was in the other red.

EDIT: Since I only plan to do the free round on the dancer banner, YOLOed at no pity rate on the departing summer banner.

4* Ogma +Res -Atk
4* Gaius +Atk -Spd
4* Fir +Spd -Def

That's a fail. Don't think anything but the daily orbs and daily quest orbs are coming tomorrow so that just takes me to 11, not enough to go again.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Free pull: Odin! 

At 3* rarity of course. 

Oh hey I got (and was looking for) Odin as well.

4 star this time. Guess no free plus version for Summilla.

+Atk/-HP though which is...workable I think? 

@Zeo @Rafiel's Aria @Vaximillian

Well I'm really bad at saving orbs now but I wanted to get rid of my 3.75% pity rate in the Awakening banner in my main. Really wanted either Skylivia or Maribelle after the male Morgan pitybreaker. 4 reds and 1 colourless..1st red was a Hinata (yay!). Then I chose colourless and..


Maribelle!! Finally a focus unit and one of my targets!

She's +Spd...and...-Atk.... sigh. Almost perfect. 

Although I guess she has the same Atk as neutral Elise which is still workable. But also Dazzling Staff fodder...but she's 5 star exclusive...hmmm decisions decisions...

Also I did get Olivia....the normal one. Then an Ogma and a Seliph. Red hell is real.....


I tried in my second account, and got Olivia as well. Yes, the normal one as well... Summoning red can be such a pain sometimes. Also I messed up and forgot to get the 2 daily orbs before starting the session so I had to leave 1 orb unopened with 18 orbs. Could've been a Libra but I guess he demotes so it won't be too bad (although the colourless orb I picked over the green orb was just a 3 star Matthew....)

So yeah, less than 20 orbs again before the  new banner. I'm just gonna wait for those sweet TT orbs though.

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Oh, which colour tome do I need more? Blue for Summer Corrin, Red for someone like MagEirika or Green for Cecilia?

Blue it is. If not then Green

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green

3* Clair (Spur Spd fodder. +Atk/-Spd)

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42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Oh hey I got (and was looking for) Odin as well.

4 star this time. Guess no free plus version for Summilla.

+Atk/-HP though which is...workable I think? 

+ATK is good (as far as you can speak of "good" in his case). I have a +ATK and a +SPD copy trained up at 4* just in case. 

42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Maribelle!! Finally a focus unit and one of my targets!

Hey cool, she looks really great, congratulations! 

42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So yeah, less than 20 orbs again before the  new banner. I'm just gonna wait for those sweet TT orbs though.

I'm trying to stay strong until the CYL banner, the upcoming special banner will get only 1 full circle from me ... at least I hope so, since dancing Xander looks so temptingly goofy. 

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OMGGGGGGG. I FINALLY GOT Flier!Olivia!! After like 5 pity breakers and also throwing the REST of my free orbs to never get Bow!Lucina. Wow. I literally had 5 orbs and was like, "Whatever" because I had a 3.25% rate and wow.


I got her. I'm like ... shocked. She's +Res/-Def which isn't the best combo, but honestly I'll take it because she was such a hassle to get and her art is gorgeous. And I will never pull from Reds again because I've never had SUCH bad luck (unless F!Morgan is involved and now apparently her mother Lucina). 

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19 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Yep! Some of them I wasn't even trying for and most appeared after 1 or 2 pulls in a session so I really can't complain, I only wanted to really save from trying to pull Lissa later in the year since I'm sure she'll return in December, but no biggie, I got plenty this time around~

The nature of gacha can't get every unit you want, I know with Summer Tana, or how I only got Elincia on her 3rd banner.  However all that you pulled means you don't have to pull for them in the future which saves more orbs towards Winter Lissa next time she comes.  Lissa is an awesome well written character in general and a very respectable design of a female character, there is no 'incest' stuff, isn't fan servicey at all or sexualized in any way.  I hope we get more designs like her in Three houses.  

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@mcsilas OMG best mom!!! Congrats! I'm glad you got her! Even with a less than ideal bane, I think having a great boon makes up for it. 32/36 offenses on a horse healer is amazing, especially when you consider that a +SPD, neutral attack Elise has 32/35 offenses. I'd keep her around for now, but don't invest TOO heavily in her if she's a character you'd be interested in pulling for a better boon/bane that's super dangerous. She's still amazing fodder. 

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I'm slightly concerned that I have better chances of my free pull being Ninian than summoning more than 2 heroes on legendary banners (lately). This is the 3rd time it happened but more merges are never bad. Her nature was +RES/-HP. 

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OMFG, I just got Takumi

I actually got summer Takumi. I am so happy. I don't even care what nature he is. Sure, I'll look it up later, but for now I don't even care I have him.

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The game hurt me again with a 50:50 pull on the blues. The one I picked was a 4* Sully Def/Res. The one I didn't was probably Ephraim, at least in my mind.

Only 11 orbs but whatever, had a final flutter at the summer banner. Intentionally didn't do the Squad Assaults because I'd rather keep those for a rainy day. Luckily it was one red, one grey and three greens so there was no decision to make. 3* Draug Res/Def and 4* Maria Spd/Atk. And so ends the summer of 2018 without me picking up even a single summer unit. Oh well, better luck next year surely.


EDIT: Second account free-pulled a Tana because of course it would. Unfortunately for her, that account has no Ephraim.

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One more summer's day, so I'll pull now. Also, Threaten Def.

Threaten Def first.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Well, roll of the dice for a second 5* Peri. Ugh)

3* Cordelia (Honestly, I'd have preferred if she hadn't dropped to 3*. Neutral)

So, the last day of Sketchy Summer.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Great if I just want a focus unit. Alright for who I want)

3* Seliph (Rally Spd? +Spd/-HP, nah.), 4* Wendy (I could try to build up a bunch for 5* +10. Is that worthwhile? +Spd/-Def, aparrently actually pretty good from a meta perspective though -HP would be better), 4* Effie (Is this finally a good enough one? +Res/-Def, nope)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Clair (Spur Spd fodder. Is +Spd/-Res actually good though?), 4* Draug (Have not pulled in a long time. +Spd/-Def, that sucks)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless


Alright, that's Hinoka number 3 that I unintentionally pulled. She's +Atk/-Spd, infuriatingly. Really? Not one with an uncompromised nature.), 4* Reinhardt (*sigh. +Res/-HP), 3* Chrom (I could stand to see better fodder. +Res/-Def), 4* Barst (REPOSITION! +Def/-Atk), 4* Serra (Well, recover is good build up for my Elise fodder. +HP/-Def)

Well that's annoying. Once again a blue mage flier eludes me. Guess that might happen again on the legendary banner and I'll wait a whole year for a miserable rerun to pull Summilla.

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So on the Threaten Defense Banner my goal is Ephraim. I have never pulled Ephraim and at this point I think he might be the only Sacred Stones character I don't have. Must complete collection. 3 Reds/1 Colorless/1 Blue. That is fine, since I only planed to use the free summon(I technically have an Ephraim in legendary Ephraim so I am not willing to go whole hog into this). And I get a 5* . . . Tailtiu. Again. +ATK/-HP. I am starting to think the game really wants me to make her a 5*+10 project. The rest of the nine orbs I had got me nothing on the Summer banner. I was kinda hoping for Camilla. By far her best art if you ask me and I could always use another hone flyer, even if my Summer Corrin would likely be better(what are the chances I would get a +SPD Summer Camilla to compete with my +SPD Corrin?).

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