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@mcsilas @mampfoid 

One blue and green stone. Gave me a +ATK/-RES Shigure and a Barst.

No (better nature) Hinoka or Minerva but probably some of the best I could have gotten otherwise once again. Can't complain.

Next banner targets are Elincia/Delthea for tomorrow, Neph on the banner after, everyone on the Lyn/Takumi/Ephraim banner and Jaffar/Minerva on the last banner. There's hope for me yet.

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Two greens and one blue. I want both Minerva and (another) Hinoka but as usual I go for the lone colour so I don't have to make a 50/50 decision. It's 4* Shanna HP/Atk which is fine by me. But those two green orbs are just sitting there, taunting me.

What the hell, YOLO! I open both.

5* Minerva +Def -HP
3* Camilla +Spd -Res

I've wanted Minerva for well over a year, so it's pretty cathartic. Especially given 5* Maria was my first ever 5* unit, I'm not usually sentimental but it's good to get the band together finally. That Camilla might be better than my current +Spd -HP one too assuming I don't give her DC.


EDIT: Remarkably, she's the first focus unit I've pulled outside of a Legendary banner since Peganino in early June. Two months between drinks, no wonder I'm burnt out on summoning on regular banners.

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Ok so the initial plan of all my stocked up orbs going to Takumi was thrown out the window with Dancing Xander being a thing.

I went in with somewhere between 98 to 90 orbs with the intention of finally getting a seasonal Xander and if I could maybe get an extra one for CC. This also gives me the perfect excuse to possibly get a better natured Niles or Legault.

I only summoned on Colorless. In the event there was none I went for Blue. And if there was neither (which happened quite often because of course it did) I went for Red.

It was only until I was down to 20 orbs that I got this



No! I mean she’s +res/-spd which might be better than my previous Faye but I didn’t want to see your face right now. Well I’ll worry about her later.

Still no Niles or Legault either.

Anyway I’m no quitter. Xander isn’t squirming his way out this time. I go and gather like 30 orbs from quest and chain challenges I had yet to do and get back to summoning.

Things we’re looking grim again. I had exactly 20 orbs and there were 4 colorless and 1 red. First 3 grays give me nothing but Jakobs and a Jeorge. Last one gray one though



Yeeeessss! I finally got him I wasted all my orbs trying but I did it. He’s +res/-hp which is kinda crummy because of its super bane and his res is still crap but it’s all ok.

I wish I had orbs left to try for that extra one like I wanted or that I got a better natured Niles or Legault but I’ll settle for what I got.

Overall not the greatest luck with a banner but I still got a Xander who wasn’t -atk or -def and begrudgingly obtained firesweep fodder.

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Xander hp+, Res-, seems optimal. I probably use him a lot.

Ryoma is neutral. I always open the unit I least want, however I do need dancers thank you.

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Already have Minerva, just promoted a Caeda, so Hinoka it is.

  1. 4* Femui: Meh.

And back to the Festival banner. 26 orbs.

  1. 4* Athena: Feathers.

Still no green orbs...21 orbs left.

  1. 3* Gunter: Worthless.

Can't even get good skill fodder. A couple of Barsts or Selenas for Reposition would have been great.

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@Zeo some nice pulls!  Barsts are great and Shigure could always appreciaye extra Atk (that’s the one I promoted, too)

@NegativeExponents- congrats on the Xander and the extra Faye! Good to know you at least have him! 

As for me i already had a +Atk Hinoka but i could replace my -Spd Minerva in my main. Of course no greens show up- 1 blue and 4 reds. I mean in hindsight i should have probably tried the red since Caedas are rare for me and finally using the Wing Sword would be nice but i went for blue just in case i can get spare Hone Fliers fodder. It wasn’t- just a +Spd/-HP Catria. That’s fine, already have a +Spd/-Res one so someone gets to have Luna.

as for my second account, i wanted to try for Caeda now that i had proper time to think of who to go for but of course there were no reds. So i tried for Blue again for spare 5 star locked Hone Fliers but instead got a Mathilda. I wish you were better stat-wise but i’m already gonna train one of you in the future, so she xould be Hone Atk fodder if i get another dancer.


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Tempted to pull for Hinokas (know that feeling? @DLNarshen). Could use a better nature plus Hone Fliers would be fantastic fodder. Free pull was Ogma (along with 4 colorless orbs) ... a sign to stay away from this banner. 

2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

I got a -HP +SPD Ike, but since I have no plans of merging him, I guess I'll use him as Aether fodder

With the free pull? Nice! I could use more Heavy Blade fodder.

2 hours ago, Zeo said:

One blue and green stone. Gave me a +ATK/-RES Shigure and a Barst.

Good pull! Will you keep +ATK, or will you wait for +SPD? 

Good luck in the next days! 

2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Overall not the greatest luck with a banner but I still got a Xander who wasn’t -atk or -def and begrudgingly obtained firesweep fodder.

Very good pulls in my eyes, there are way worse colorless pity breakers than Faye (never got one myself). Also the most stylish of all dancers, congrats! 


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I've already pulled Hinoka without trying to lately as well WHAT THE HELL GACHA

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red No second Minerva then. Caeda?)

4* Roy (TA3. +Atk/-Def, I think I'm looking for -HP regardless of the boon.)


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Freebie was Arthur~ Also pulled a Marth and Hinata going at another attempt for Micaiah~ This is actually the first time I've ever pulled Hinata so I'm not that mad, actually but back to the Orb grind~

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@mampfoid This is the best Shigure I've pulled to date. I haven't pulled one with a nature this good so I'd probably just run him and give him a SPD refine or something like that. But between having over 6 Cordelias (whom I probably would prefer to build as I like her more), having S!Corrin and F!Morgan as blue options and Hinoka being my only source of Hone Flyers effectively meaning I'm stuck running her on my team means I'm not exactly hurting for another blue flyer so it'll be awhile before he sees a promotion. There's quite a few other units in front of him that want 20k feathers.

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@mampfoid I want Hinoka merges, and I still really want Minerva. X_x  It's tempting, but I got to keep my eyes on the prize.  My free pull gave me Abel -- Swordbreaker is always welcome, I suppose.  This was actually the banner that made me swear off spending money on this game for good back when it first ran.  It gave me the +Spd Hinoka I now use as a base, but only after hundreds of orbs, a several pity breakers, and lots of frustration. 

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My plan was to wait until the next legendary banner but got bored today and thought I might take a risk at the dancer banner

pulled 1 red - 4*sophia - then I hit a blue orb and got a -atk +spd Hardin - stopped after that - not gonna push my luck

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@mampfoid This is the best Shigure I've pulled to date. I haven't pulled one with a nature this good so I'd probably just run him and give him a SPD refine or something like that. But between having over 6 Cordelias (whom I probably would prefer to build as I like her more), having S!Corrin and F!Morgan as blue options and Hinoka being my only source of Hone Flyers effectively meaning I'm stuck running her on my team means I'm not exactly hurting for another blue flyer so it'll be awhile before he sees a promotion. There's quite a few other units in front of him that want 20k feathers.

Hinoka is cool, but as long as you don't run a Bladetome, Hone Flier is not a must. Goad, Fortify and (since Shigure) Ward Fliers are cheap and valuable options. 

Yeah, Lances and especially Fliers with Lances have a lot of competition. If Flashing Blade wasn't restricted to Infantry (and armors) I would have promoted my +SPD Shigure already.

23 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

@mampfoid I want Hinoka merges, and I still really want Minerva. X_x  It's tempting, but I got to keep my eyes on the prize.  My free pull gave me Abel -- Swordbreaker is always welcome, I suppose.  This was actually the banner that made me swear off spending money on this game for good back when it first ran.  It gave me the +Spd Hinoka I now use as a base, but only after hundreds of orbs, a several pity breakers, and lots of frustration. 

Ok, totally understandable. I would have pulled on the banner if I was 100% sure to merge Caeda ... but now that we are going to get a +8 M!Marth and perhaps even a +10 one until the end of the year, Caeda is further delayed. 

What are you saving up for? 

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Today's banner baited the main. Got a +Spd -HP Hinoka (vastly upgrading from +Def -Atk who is now Hone Fliers fodder - still thinking who could use it best). One fewer hero I have to hold-my-nose-and-train-with-bad-IVs to get the 5* lv. 40 confession.

Also got a +Atk -HP Clair in the pile of 4-stars. Is HP or Def the better bane?

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Had 1 blue and 1 green on my free summon circle today, so I picked green since Minerva is still missing from my collection. Just a 3* Arthur for me today.

I could really use some more Camillas to give Savage Blow to some of my healers, but green doesn't want to cooperate with the fodder I need.

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in the end I deided to give it another try - 2 reds 3 blues. The first blue that I hit had a +def-Hp Ryoma inside - wow - thats two 5* units in 14 orbs - certainly not gonna pull more and call it quits until the legendary banner

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... So when is CYL again?  'Cause with my lopsided luck, I just might have some orbs for the event.

Went for a free pull on the Flyer Skills banner and,


I don't even mind the bittersweet IVs!



I'll give her an attack +3 seal and build her up to having a Firesweep Lance+ with a Brazen Att/SPD in the A-Slot.  I know she had a PRF weapon, but I have to look into it before I consider putting DD towards it with these IVs.

So, yeah.  I'm mighty hyped!

P.S.: Considering the properties of the FSL, would Renewal be a viable b-slot until I get my hands on a Wrath fodder?

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2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

F!Grima merges. 

Ah yes, now I remember. I'm imagining all the Azamas and Wrys on your way to +10 ... good luck ;-)

49 minutes ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

... So when is CYL again?  'Cause with my lopsided luck, I just might have some orbs for the event.

Went for a free pull on the Flyer Skills banner and,


I don't even mind the bittersweet IVs!



I'll give her an attack +3 seal and build her up to having a Firesweep Lance+ with a Brazen Att/SPD in the A-Slot.  I know she had a PRF weapon, but I have to look into it before I consider putting DD towards it with these IVs.

So, yeah.  I'm mighty hyped!

P.S.: Considering the properties of the FSL, would Renewal be a viable b-slot until I get my hands on a Wrath fodder?

Wow, great free pull.

Wrath is infantry only sadly. Brazen needs her to take damage, which is difficult with Firesweep.

Perhaps there are better candidates for Firesweep than a -ATK Hinoka. Someone like Shigure, Cordelia and Shanna have the advantage of getting better natures (and merges) more easily. Also Hinokas refinement is not bad. 

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1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

I'll give her an attack +3 seal and build her up to having a Firesweep Lance+ with a Brazen Att/SPD in the A-Slot.  I know she had a PRF weapon, but I have to look into it before I consider putting DD towards it with these IVs.

So, yeah.  I'm mighty hyped!

P.S.: Considering the properties of the FSL, would Renewal be a viable b-slot until I get my hands on a Wrath fodder?

Firesweep wants Life and Death, not Brazen. You're not meant to be taking damage with Firesweep and thus Brazen will never be active. And for the same reason, there's no point in Renewal, which would end up healing you and taking you out of Brazen range in the event that you were damaged. The simple Firesweep build would be LnD + Hit and Run (or Drag Back). Wrath isn't learnable by fliers, but even if it was, it wouldn't be a good choice for Firesweep.

Now Firesweep works okay with her 32/35 offenses, but there's so much competition for that role, notably Cordelia's 35/35 and Shigure's 33/37 at neutral. But of course, none of her competitors have Hone Fliers, which makes her a key unit especially if a Blade mage is present. With that in mind, if you just want the one Firesweep lancer, then it's a perfectly reasonable choice. If you want a fleet of fliers though, it might be better to find her a better niche.

Her personal weapon is nice too of course, especially since she'll probably be more a support unit than your key nuke, but I get the Dew problem with her: I haven't bothered with it myself, and just kept her default Brave Lance. Unfortunately, a brave weapon is a liability too with an Atk bane, so maybe consider a Slaying Lance instead if Dew is too much of a premium.

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42 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Firesweep wants Life and Death, not Brazen. You're not meant to be taking damage with Firesweep and thus Brazen will never be active. And for the same reason, there's no point in Renewal, which would end up healing you and taking you out of Brazen range in the event that you were damaged. The simple Firesweep build would be LnD + Hit and Run (or Drag Back). Wrath isn't learnable by fliers, but even if it was, it wouldn't be a good choice for Firesweep.

Now Firesweep works okay with her 32/35 offenses, but there's so much competition for that role, notably Cordelia's 35/35 and Shigure's 33/37 at neutral. But of course, none of her competitors have Hone Fliers, which makes her a key unit especially if a Blade mage is present. With that in mind, if you just want the one Firesweep lancer, then it's a perfectly reasonable choice. If you want a fleet of fliers though, it might be better to find her a better niche.

Her personal weapon is nice too of course, especially since she'll probably be more a support unit than your key nuke, but I get the Dew problem with her: I haven't bothered with it myself, and just kept her default Brave Lance. Unfortunately, a brave weapon is a liability too with an Atk bane, so maybe consider a Slaying Lance instead if Dew is too much of a premium.

...I wish I could bookmark forum comments, cause this one is mighty helpful.  Don't know how I didn't think of Drag Back for the B-Slot...

Just looked up the properties of Hinoka's Spear, and I'm remembering now why Hinokopter got a resurgence in memeage.  Essentially Guidance for Fliers and Infantry with no HP penalty...

Yeah, no more trepidation towards directing DD in that direction.  It won't be to priority, but it'll happen within a few months.

As far as Fortify Flyers, I mainly use NY!Azura for that, but I can certainly use Hinoka for that purpose during Arena Assault, or when I want  the challenge of not having a flying dancer.

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