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@Vaximillian Darn, I thought they usually are in the datamines but I guess not this time. Or for some reason the current season is 3 weeks or something.

@Cute Chao Have you already used your free pull yet? If you did end up getting all 4 by rolling, at least the free Celica is free DB4 haha

@mampfoid Thanks, I think I'm too used in summoning in Legendaries with the higher rate so I remember why I rarely summon on normal banners this much haha

Then again, I didn't have a good rate in summoning Brave Heroes last year either. I think I just have CYL banner curse to counter those 5 star luck in the past heh

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Decided to use today's 20 orbs to get a second Celica (Cherche and my Arena score would like that DB4), instead I got my second 5* Soleil with +SPD/-ATK ... funnily my other Soleil is +ATK/-SPD. *sigh*

Tempted to burn also the rest of my meager orb stash (40), but I'll wait what the legendary banner will offer.

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Pulled a +HP -Res Veronica. So that leaves Hector to get. I don't intend to roll for Celica since they unfortunately made her the one unit type I definitely do not need or want any more of.

Edited by Korath88
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@mcsilas I feel bogus for telling you to do full pulls and then that happens to you. Grats on the Legault and Sothe though! I pulled a Sothe as well, let me see if I was as fortunate as you.

...+DEF/-ATK, nevermind. He's LnD3 fodder as it appears. After Matthew I don't think I'll be doing any more dagger +10's. I'm perfectly happy with him. Between CYL2 and the dancer banner, I'll probably skip the legendary banner as well. I can't think of a single unit I need enough to-.... LA!Hector.... ouch. I might just have to swallow that pill though. 

@mampfoid @Alexmender So the orb dropoff left me at 27 orbs so I went for another shot at the Brave banner with a rate of 3.75%. No greens, 1 blue, 2 red and 2 colorless. That's not too bad even though no chance of Ephraim. It's just...



Why though?.... this is my 2nd pitybreaker. This is historic for me. I have never been pity broken twice on the same banner in the history of me playing this game. I have. never. been pity broken twice. Fittingly it would be on a banner like this, no? A green and blue pity breaker to block both my favorite characters on the banner (luckily Hector I got for free). To top it off, she's +ATK/-DEF. Now... you may think that's pretty good. But I already have a +ATK/-SPD one I got way back on her original banner. I'm content with that one, I even gave her Lancebreaker.

Now here's the thing, she's got 34 speed without the bane, but I've fought so many DC Lances that have left her at 4-1 HP that the -DEF bane would effectively jar her matchups vs lances across the board which is primarily what I use her for, not swords, not red tomes, lances. Meaning again, like with my +SPD/-HP and +ATK/-HP Micaiah and +RES/-ATK | +SPD/-RES Lute, I have to once again choose a nature and make a sacrifice of some sort (still haven't made those decisions btw). That or use her as Drive ATK 2 fodder which is almost a waste. 

Back to 3.00%. Not entirely sure how to proceed at this point. But I think I'm just going to wait now.  Try and hold on to any orbs I get and save going into the next month and wait until the dancer banner is soon to expire and the next New Heroes banner is on the horizon to see what I'm going to do. The Legendary banner is going to be tricky but I might end up not pulling for LA!Hector and just skipping the banner. That'll suck a lot but what can you do.

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Forgot to mention it last night, but I decided to just free summon Veronica now rather than later.

My reason? I don't want Ephraim or Celica all that badly, but Veronica I do want. By that logic, I'll have gotten at least 2 or 3 copies of Ephraim or Celica before I get even one bad-natured Veronica.

...call it whatever you want, I'll call it "Why am I not seeing Bartre anymore oh wait it's because I actually want him now" syndrome. Also free 20 orbs from the quiz and daily orbs did nothing for me.

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Well today's orbs brought me to a 3.50% pity rate on the brave banner and several Hawheyes and Faes and I am to the point of hating Fae because she shows up way to much and I don't need renewal fodder at all.  I am hoping Ephraim shows up soon and I am praying the legendary hero this month is a girl since I won't have any orbs if it is Hirid.  

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@Zeo Darn, too bad about the pitybreaker, it feels bad to get random multiple pitybreakers

That said I use +Atk/-Def Delthea (and with Lancebreaker 2 even), and hey she works just as well. Death Blow really helps. You just need to play her more like a regular Delthea I guess.

That said, I'll just be happy to break the rate with anything at this point watch it come bite me later with a dupe

@EricaofRenais Darn, that sucks, but hey at least Fae is Draw Back fodder, too. Positional fodder is always nice




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On the Choose Your Legends 2018 banner so far I've gotten:
+Res/-Spd Flying!Olivia - New unit! Huzzah!
+HP/-Atk Veronica - New Unit AND the one I wanted most from the banner! Now the free choice is an actual thing I need to consider! Woot!
+Atk/-Def Sigurd - A repeat, but a good one! Strangely enough, he has EXACTLY the same IVs as my original Sigurd. To merge or fodder... I'm not sure, so I'll think on it for a bit.

I'll keep pulling on this banner until I get everyone or it ends, I'm pretty sure. That or something else amazing comes around, but heh, what are the odds of that?

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22 hours ago, mcsilas said:


@Cute Chao Have you already used your free pull yet? If you did end up getting all 4 by rolling, at least the free Celica is free DB4 haha


I did. I went for Veronica due to f2p guides most likely using her :)

Oddly, this banner has been incredibly lucky for me, though. I've used only a few orbs, since Xander left me with nothing, and yet I've managed to get Hector, Celica and then Ephraim, who popped along this morning Oo

Welp, not complaining. Gonna save now for the hopefully FE4 banner that's coming along :)

Good luck if you continue pulling ^.^

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I don't think it'll be an FE4 banner. We had one of those more recently than Tellius or FE6. Those two need banners more.

The other alternative I can see is a banner theme focusing on characters that betrayed their country. The last FE4 banner was at May, then again it took a while for a fully FE8 banner to appear. 

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36 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

The other alternative I can see is a banner theme focusing on characters that betrayed their country. The last FE4 banner was at May, then again it took a while for a fully FE8 banner to appear. 

Yeah, and the last Tellius, FE8, and FE6 banners were January for the first two, and never for that third one since FE6 STILL has yet to have a banner at all.

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After two days of RD feather farming, I decided to try my hand at some more CYL2 summoning.  Went in with 25 orbs planning to snipe greens in an attempt to get Ephraim, saw one green orb, and got a whole 3* Nino.  I'd be more agitated if I weren't planning to build up an OG Nino; haven't checked her IVs yet, but chances are they're at least non-harmful.


Tried for a second pull, no greens, two blues, two colorless, one red.


Now, what I SHOULD have done was pull for the red only, since I'm also hunting for Celica merges.  What I did instead was to do a catch-all approach and pull the entire batch.


Only two units were worth my time:

A 3* Kaze (Atk Smoke fodder)

And this:


Despite what I just said, I'm trying to decide if I want to merge her up or fodder her off for Galeforce; however many I get, I just might hold onto a couple for that purpose and use the rest for merges...

Never thought I'd do this again, but I just might dip into Dolphin-level spending to make this happen.


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1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Despite what I just said, I'm trying to decide if I want to merge her up or fodder her off for Galeforce; however many I get, I just might hold onto a couple for that purpose and use the rest for merges...

Wow, how many did you pull /do you plan to pull? 

If you fodder her off, keep a 4* Hawkeye (or Effie) and a 4* Virion ready, to pass DB3, DB4 and Galeforce in one go. 

1 hour ago, Selena4Lyfe said:

Never thought I'd do this again, but I just might dip into Dolphin-level spending to make this happen.

Better set a full-stop limit before to stay sane. ;-/

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so, after getting Mia and Ephraim after a 3,75 pity rate I decided later that day to go another round for hector, a 3,50% pity rate was broken by Celica in a blueless circle - fine. Initially I felt that saving for the legendary banner was the way to go but since I accumulated 40 I felt like summoning again for hector. two circles with two blue stones each didnt give me anything. The third circle, and still the initial rate of 3% gave me again two blue stones. The first one was a 3* Cordelia, the second one was NOT Hector but Ishtar, Without a pity rate and 13 orbs left I decide to do a last yolo pull and was greeted by a circle that had no blues. So I picked a red and hoped for reposition and got ANOTHER Celica. Pity rates suck imo, you can get up to 4,75 or higher and nothing good or you get your units at 3%.


Btw I now possess a -hp+res and -res+def Celica. Which one should I go for? I am leaning towards +def

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And I just got double pity breakers. At 4% I was thinking I was finally going to get one of Celica/Ephraim/Hector but no, Alm and Minerva killed my pity rate. Getting 2 five stars in one batch is cool but not when they're units I already have. Oh well, Alm may be able to be the first 5 star exclusive unit that will get to +10. The Minerva will be LnD fodder I think, I adore her but she doesn't need merges.

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Wow, I got Veronica, the one I wanted most! What did I do to deserve this?

Oh right, building a 5.25% pity rate.

Still, getting any focus unit saved this pull session from being a disaster and for that I'm grateful. Even if her +Def/-Atk nature is about the worst you could get. Now I can use my freebie on Hector. It's rare that I can walk away from any banner with what I want. Now I can save orbs with peace of mind. Also I nabbed an optimal Oscar to promote on my first attempt so that's cool.

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Alright, got 21 orbs on hand. Time for another Brave set.

  1. 4* Femui: Eh.
  2. 3* Cordelia: Feathers.
  3. 3* Seliph: More feathers.
  4. 4* Frederick: Meh.
  5. 4* Legault: Meh.

More disappointing pulls. Still have time though.

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Now up to 1,172 total pulled units!


Sakura (+HP/-Spd): Yep.  Fodder.  This is super-unfortunate.

Marth (+HP/-Def): I use him as set-up for Moonbow on a flying team (so Palla can pass on Moonbow and Goad Fliers).
Jakob (+HP/-Def): Uhhh. . .what's up with all the +HP units?
Oscar (+HP/-Res): And unlike the guy above him, I think long and hard about what he passes on.
Niles (+Spd/-HP): This is somewhat decent, but I much prefer +Atk.
Wrys (+Spd/-HP): Can you, like, trade with Sakura?

Lukas (+Res/-Spd): You still have no business tanking magic.
Ares (+HP/-Spd): I need to see if my Super Lukas has Brazen Atk/Def.  If not, I'm merging him.
Sophia (+Spd/-Res): Can you trade with Ares?  No?  Awww. . .
Roy (+Spd/-HP): That's. . .actually really good.  I think I have one already, though.

Clarine (+HP/-Spd): Good, I can pass on Martyr+.
Caeda (+HP/-Atk): Talk about a bane you didn't need!
Ares (+Spd/-Atk): Some people can get away with this combo.  Ares isn't one of them.
Est (+Res/-Def): I'd need DC and a lot of convincing.
Rody (+Atk/-Res): This will do NICELY.  Firesweep + Life and Death 3 + horse buffs should be enough pain.

Selena (+Res/-Atk): REPOSITION FODDER!
Lissa (+Res/-Spd): This is a slightly better Wrys.  Hmmm. . .
L'Arachel (+Atk/-Def): Someone talk me out of slapping an -owl tome on her.
Jagen (neutral): Eh.
Jagen (+Res/-Def): 38 Res is so tempting (never mind hilarious when coupled with Fury).  I'll need to think about it.

Caeda (+HP/-Spd): Again?  Sheesh. . .
Veronica (+Res/-Atk): She's still terrible at tanking, but at least her speed is intact.  But she's a unit I didn't have before, and even with -Atk, she still heals for a respectable amount.  She's gonna steal a Martyr+, since she can't heal herself otherwise.

That was a surprising amount of fodder.


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So, healing skills banner isn't too interesting. Hilariously, I have everyone, but Gronnwen is -Atk so......

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Nino (Worthless. +Spd/-Atk)

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