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Good news: I won’t leave any kind of pity rate on Marth’s banner. 



But oh look, it’s the one red I already have again complete with a +Res/-Atk combo. ...Yeah, this is a sure sign to stop pulling if I’ve ever seen one.


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Well, GC got me enough orbs for this.

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (Fuck.)

3* Ogma (THAT'4 3* Ogmas on this banner! What the hell? +Spd/-Atk)

4 Red, 1 Green (............)

4* Barst (Well, it's Reposition. Neutral), 4* Lon'qu (Well, Vantage could be worse. Neutral), 4* Soleil (Again, could be worse. +Def/-Spd I was wrong.), 4* Henry (.....  +HP/-Atk), 4* Draug (Nope, not even useful for the Ephraim I didn't pull. +Spd/-Res)

4.25%. Crap.

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Only had 20 orbs.

That said, I broke my streak of having a 5 star from each legendary banner. Decided to try 1 red from the banner on my main but of course no reds showed up- I did get a +Spd/-HP Peri out of it I guess. I mean I didn't try too hard on that banner anyway.

Tried the dancer banner again for one last push for anyone with a 4% rate. 1 red and 1 colourless gave me a +Def/-Res Stahl and a +Atk/-Spd Gordin. That Gordin looks nice and not sure if I should replace my +Atk/-HP one. No dancers for me then.

Need to get back up to 20 again for CYL banner.

In the meantime, after the insane legendary banner luck on my second account, and having 40 orbs, I thought why not try for my Marth.

I got him....the normal Marth. And an Ogma. And a Barst!

Very Shadow Dragon themed there, but Barst makes it all worth it. Even better than Hector that I was trying to find.

Opened the rest but got no 5 stars. Just an Oboro and a Saizo...who is +Atk/-Res which is neat. @Zeo Should I use this Saizo compared to a +Def/-Res one?


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Posting this again because I'm so happy:

I only spent a total of 38 orbs on the CYL 2017 rerun VG banner. Funnily enough, one of those 2 Brave Lyns is +Spd/-Def, which are the IVs of my now +8 Brave Lyn. She'll be +9 once the VG event ends or if Lyn gets eliminated from the VG.

Got 206 orbs + login orbs + round 1 VG quest orbs to use on the dancer banner (which is still at 3.25% since I had only spent 15 orbs on it so far).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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7 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Posting this again because I'm so happy:

I only spent a total of 38 orbs on the CYL 2017 rerun VG banner. Funnily enough, one of those 2 Brave Lyns is +Spd/-Def, which are the IVs of my now +8 Brave Lyn. She'll be +9 once the VG event ends or if Lyn gets eliminated from the VG.

Got 206 orbs + login orbs + round 1 VG quest orbs to use on the dancer banner (which is still at 3.25% since I had only spent 15 orbs on it so far).

Wow, that's pretty lucky~ Congrats!~

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I still haven't got the 5* Lucina (red unit) or 5* Morgan (also red unit).  I have spent a lot of money and no luck.  I did get HK Marth though a plus I wasn't expected from his banner, $60+ later and no orbs left.  Help!  :(:

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Up and Up the Pity rate goes, where it'll stop nobody knows. Seriously game, give me a Legault if you are going to do this! OR at least keep up the earlier trend of useful units. Now I am getting Jeorges. I already did a 4*+10 of him.


Edit- Yup. Screw this. 5.5 pity. 1 Colorless and 4 greens. I end up with a Neutral Faye. Since I had such a high Pity I opened the greens even though Ephraim is very low on my desire list since Green is by far my strongest color barracks wise. Guess who shows his face? With a -ATK nature of course. +DEF. But I would almost rather have +RES for scoring reasons. Plus running the calculator +RES actually lets him survive and kill Tharja when he intiates if he has a fortify under his belt(and he should have that or a Hone at the very least). Anyways me not happy. If it had been a Veronica and an Ephraim fine. Ephraim would be a nice bonus I guess? But as the only decent unit from the haul I am disappointed since he will likely never see any use given my barracks. So that was a 5.5 pity that effectively gave nothing. I would rather it had just pushed my pity yet higher.

Edited by Usana
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I'll be trying my hand on Lewyn when he joins but I can already predict its going to be highly problematic. Heroes just doesn't like giving Green orbs to pull from and if they do then the Gacha system starts treating me poorly. 

That's how it always went with Green for me. Green has a very poor selection of interesting characters but when there's finally a very good character to pull like Hector the game starts doing its best to ensure that character is never pulled. And thus my teams forever have a shortage of green units. 

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Thanks to the VG I got 5 orbs for a YOLO roll trying to get B!Celica, there were no reds though so I went with a Green orb because I consider B!Ephraim>B!Hector. Well, this one really paid off:


+Atk -Hp. That nature is sooo good. Now I just need a Hector banner to give him DC and get an OP monster.

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I honestly don't know why I chose to YOLO on Arrival of the Brave (5* rate was at 3% and everything) tonight, but I'm glad I did. It only resulted in me getting to cross Brave Celica (+Def/-HP) off my "to get" list far earlier than anticipated and getting the last Cherche copy I'd need to +10 her in the future.

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22 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I still haven't got the 5* Lucina (red unit) or 5* Morgan (also red unit).  I have spent a lot of money and no luck.  I did get HK Marth though a plus I wasn't expected from his banner, $60+ later and no orbs left.  Help!  :(:

Uh, you do realize that the non-focus 5 star rate on legendary banners is set to 0%, right? As in, the only 5 stars you're going to pull from those are the ones in the banner. It's not bad luck, you just pulled on the wrong banner entirely.

Besides, male Morgan is 4 star, you don't need to pull a 5 star one. And normal Lucina isn't a focus unit right now, so you'd be better off waiting until she is one again, if ever.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Uh, you do realize that the non-focus 5 star rate on legendary banners is set to 0%, right? As in, the only 5 stars you're going to pull from those are the ones in the banner. It's not bad luck, you just pulled on the wrong banner entirely.

Besides, male Morgan is 4 star, you don't need to pull a 5 star one. And normal Lucina isn't a focus unit right now, so you'd be better off waiting until she is one again, if ever.

Yes well it doesn't matter the banner I have never got either and Morgan's not a 4*.  I should know since I checked.  He doesn't appear in the four star summons.

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4 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yes well it doesn't matter the banner I have never got either and Morgan's not a 4*.  I should know since I checked.  He doesn't appear in the four star summons.

M Morgan is available at 4* on all banners except the new-player Hero Fest one. That one trips people up a bit because it still only has the units that were available when it launched, back in February.

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5 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Yes well it doesn't matter the banner I have never got either and Morgan's not a 4*.  I should know since I checked.  He doesn't appear in the four star summons.

Morgan is very much available as a 4*



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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

M Morgan is available at 4* on all banners except the new-player Hero Fest one. That one trips people up a bit because it still only has the units that were available when it launched, back in February.

That...doesn't make sense.  Because every time I've gone to get him, he's been 5* locked.

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3 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

That...doesn't make sense.  Because every time I've gone to get him, he's been 5* locked.

...What do you mean? Are you saying that you've only pulled 5 star male Morgans? Then that's just damn good luck. I assure you he can be pulled at 4 star.


Note: not my screenshot, this was taken from a Google search.

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Then I must have the shitest luck.  All the banners I've pulled from Male Morgan is a 5* only summon.

What do you mean? Other than than one banner Humanoid mentioned, every banner has the same summonable characters at 4* and below. You can click "Details" for every banner and look at which Heroes are summonable at what Rarity and Morgan is always at both 5* and 4*. You've just not had good luck pulling him.

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2 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Then I must have the shitest luck.  All the banners I've pulled from Male Morgan is a 5* only summon.

I revise my previous statement, M Morgan is not available at all on the Hero Fest banner because he didn't exist back when it started. However he is available at both 4* and 5* on every banner after the one that introduced him, and that banner ended on March 22. On each and every banner that's started after that date, he has been available at 4*.

If you look at the "details" tab on each banner right now, he'll be listed twice, once under the 5* heading and once under the 4* heading, maybe the double listing is throwing you?

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18 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

OMG. Just OMG.

@Vaximillian You're probably gonna hate me for this, but

I just pulled Julia off the dancer banner.

Is it lucky for pulling her off-focus, or unlucky for blowing Naga knows how many orbs on her focus? Up to you do decide.

Congrats for your Julia! I’m a bit jealous but very happy for the both of you.

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Well, I'll count it as lucky that at the very least I got a 5-star off my 3.75% pity rate, and that she's not -atk.

But yeah, I hope that you can get Julia soon as well, whether it's off-focus or she gets a banner.

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