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I got baited.

130 F2P orbs: L!Lucina, S!Noire, and S!Cordelia merges.

1 pack: Hrid comes home +Def -HP. Try and pull Ylgr to complete the siblings...+Res -Atk.

3 packs: Try to get a not -Atk Ylgr. Two more before settling on +HP -Def. +Atk -Spd Surtr too. Get Hardin, Hinoka, Shigure, and F!Kana.

Oh well. I'm back to completion, which will make it feel good to skip the next banner. It is clear that I will not be able to save to +10 S!Cordelia, especially if they release characters I care about. I think any of my +8s will be easier goals to save orbs for: Zelgius, F!Morgan, S!Catria, or S!Tana, and I will make S!Cordelia my splurge of next year instead of a new instrument or a third vacation.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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My wishlist going in:
Ests. (ESTS!)
+Atk SIlvia 
+Atk Caeda. (because i STUPIDLY. booked the wrong fricken Caedas). 
some other good fodder. 

and then 5* Rarity I wanted
Everyone in Blue, Ryoma. 

this happened
Lucina:+hp/-res... dooable.
Silvia: minus attack again. because... of course She is. 
(thanks for the swap, Stahl). 




the random 5* pull. of course it had to be her. and she's +hp/-spd. 
Because of course she'd have a Bane in what makes her awesome. like. thanks game. 
(Hawkeye helps because I can save Klein now). 

Then this happened he broke me. (sigh) - +spd/-def. 
No word of a lie, I told someone look at me get one Hrid, the one guy i don't want (why weren't you Ryoma?) and No i have so Sophie's Choice this. Who gets him. 
OG!Myrrh? Hallowen!Myrrh? Soliel? Do I keep him? I have no idea. (Subaki was summoned so Klein may live). 


Lucina again
+def/-res. because of course she'd be that
(nothing in the circle worth noting, all crap)

All in all: 265 orbs spent, 4 5*'s (worst than last month where i had 6/7 in about the same amount) but 
3 legendaries vs. 1 compared to last month (and last month other than Olivia, I hit my wishlist. I wanted to save 85 orbs (which i did) - ideally would have liked to save more than that but i am also out of fodder in the worst possible way - unfortunately - i'm still out of Fodder. 

No Hector, No Innes :( no Cordelia :( still no Grima, still no good flying unit, no Ests, No Silas I can actually use (+atk/-def, like what the hell is the point?), 1 Caeda (who is +def/-res, again. not helpful), and a Libra +def, but -res

but i saved orbs  (I start next legendary with a net 85 - the 400 is for Airzura LOL) 
this doesn't surprise me. I don't snipe - and i get meh results. (sigh). i don't like this legendary hero, and of course i get him. of course. 

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Ok, ~100 orbs for the legendary banner. Wants: Better Lucina (not -ATK again), Ryoma, Hrid. 

This is what I got:



Lucina +HP/-DEF, Hrid +HP/-ATK and Cordelia +ATK/-RES. I'm happy I fixed my Lucina, even if -DEF isn't optimal. Hrid and Cordelia should swap natures, since I already got a +SPD summer Cordelia. 

No good fodder, but I can't complain about two 5* I wanted in 100 orbs. Can keep the other 100 saved up for anything book III offers. 

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I see a lot of people are getting L!Lucina. Someone with a lot of money and orbs can instantly +10 her if that's the case. 

I got two of her in my fifth roll and a Summer Innes. Innes wasn't really on my wish-list but after the trouble I went to just to get a five star unit he was truly worth it. Besides, he has Goad Fliers so he's an instant addition to my flier team. 

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Only spent 50 orbs on this banner and got a Brave Hector (+Atk, -Def). I have a +2 LA!Hector that is +Def, - HP so I'm debating if I should fodder off my Brave Hector or keep him and build him.

Any suggestions? The Def bane is making me wonder if it would be worth the effort. But more importantly, I have a personal disdain towards all 4 CYL2 Heroes because, during their banner, I managed to reach 7.50%. FREAKING 7.50% before getting pitybroken by a Delthea. I got so mad I swore to fodder off all Deltheas and CYL2 Heroes that I get.

Edited by zuibangde
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Looks like L!Grima is finally taking a break from legendary banners until February, which means one last shot to get the one copy I need until then.  ~250 orbs spent, let's see how I did:



One copy, but that's all we needed.  I can't believe it.  I started this project by pulling two copies of her on Ryoma's legendary debut back in May, and since then I've committed nearly every orb I've saved towards the +10.  Tallying up all the free orbs we got throughout those months, I estimate I spent a little under 2000 orbs for her.  Not sure what the average number it takes for a colorless legendary hero, but I'd say I did all right.  My legendary banner progression:

L!Ryoma: 2 copies (neutral, +Def/-Spd)
L!Hector: 2 copies (+Hp/-Atk, +Def/-Hp)
L!Lucina: 3 copies (+Def/-Atk, +Spd/-Def, +Atk/-Spd)
L!Marth: 1 copy (+Def/-Atk)
L!Tiki: 0 copies
L!Eirika: 2 copies (+Spd/-Atk x2)
L!Hrid: 1 copy (+Spd/-Atk)

And here she is in all her glory:


I couldn't get the fabled +Spd/-Hp nature I was gunning for, so she's still the neutral I pulled back in May.  I'm happy with it though.  She's one of those few units who takes advantage of all their stats, so not taking a hit on any of them is A-Ok with me.  I was hoping I would be able to pull enough copies of Nanna to +10 her as well in the meantime, but sadly she's still at +5.  It'll have to wait -- I'm so done with pulling colorless.

@mampfoid (hope you don't mind the tag) 


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Nice one. Congratulations.

Are we going to see more of Hrid soon?


6 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Here's the things I got today in appearance order by spending the rest of my orbs

  • L!Lucina Spd+, Hp- - much better IV than I had before. Welcome
  • Hrid Spd+, Res- - terrible IV, but I can work with it
  • 11% rate - and no Laevatein =(

I just want 1 more 5* unit, then I quit this banner

Lucina and Hrid are nice. Congratulations.

Sad that you missed out on Laevatein, but she may come back with the Voting Gauntlet.


7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

This are my result for Hríd's banner:

Looks like Laevatein loves you, or wants to bribe you for Voting Gauntlet.


@daisy jane

Wow, I looked at the pictures and was amazed. A good Lucina rate and even a Hrid, that would be my dream.

Then I read the text and now I'm sad. The 5* rate wasn't that good, but it would still be ok, if you liked the ones you got. But you didn't even want these ones, so now it's just sad. I feel so sorry for you.



Nice, more Lucina and Hrid and you even wanted them. Congratulations.

I am happy for you, but somehow I can't shake the feeling now, that all the Ryomas and Cordelias are reserved for me *sigh*



Good to see your commitment paying of.

Congratulations to your +10 legendary hero, that's truly something special, now enjoy the result.


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19 minutes ago, Azuris said:

Looks like Laevatein loves you, or wants to bribe you for Voting Gauntlet.

Nah... I am going with Gunnthrá. She is not from the Kingdom of Flame but that girl is on fire! *ba dum tss*

Maybe I can go with Laevatein if Gunnthrá loses the first round.

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31 minutes ago, Azuris said:

@daisy jane

Wow, I looked at the pictures and was amazed. A good Lucina rate and even a Hrid, that would be my dream.

Then I read the text and now I'm sad. The 5* rate wasn't that good, but it would still be ok, if you liked the ones you got. But you didn't even want these ones, so now it's just sad. I feel so sorry for you.


Lucy is okay! :) 
(I just wish she had better IVs) but i think i can make her +def/-res work for me. 
Hrid is going to a better cause. :) 
I have to always look at the lemonade here, because if i don't then i'd be really upset haha

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55 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

that girl is on fire! *ba dum tss*

Now I'm angry at Surtr again.


55 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Maybe I can go with Laevatein if Gunnthrá loses the first round.

Doesn't hurt to have a backup plan.


45 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Lucy is okay! :) 

I'm glad you like at least of them.


45 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I have to always look at the lemonade here, because if i don't then i'd be really upset haha

Yes, that is a good way to look at things.

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1 hour ago, Azuris said:

Nice, more Lucina and Hrid and you even wanted them. Congratulations.

I am happy for you, but somehow I can't shake the feeling now, that all the Ryomas and Cordelias are reserved for me *sigh*

Thanks! Yeah I'm content with the outcome. Perhaps the natures could have been better, Hrid only wants DEF and ATK and I get -ATK of course. Like his siblings (-SPD Gunnthrá & -ATK Ylgr). 

Who do you want to get? 

2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

hope you don't mind the tag) 

I don't mind at all.

Wow, what a project. I'm happy you brought it to a good end, Grima looks fantastic, congratulations! 

Also we are -ATK Hrid buddies now. 

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I don't normally brag, but this was the best luck I've had on FEH since launch. 100 orbs on the legendary banner for five full pulls - 

Three Hrid, 2 Flyouma, 1 Grima, 1 Bowcina. 


Best part? Not a SINGLE bad nature.

Hrid is +atk -spd, Flyoma is +spd -HP, Bowcina is +Spd - Def, Grima is +Atk - HP

Edited by Noir
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Quoting like 1000 people OTL

10 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo @mampfoid @Cute Chao @Vaximillian @Rafiel's Aria @Usana @Landmaster

Welp Hrid banner is here. I had 65 orbs in my main account and 145 orbs in my second account. Plan was to s nipe red and go blue if there were no reds, especially since I need some good red fodder (mostly WoM fodder in Cain and sort of Palla).

Starting with the second account, it wasn't until I was down to 15 orbs until I pulled a 5 star-


Well, I needed a second sword flier after Elincia, and Legendary Ryoma is new in this account!

....and he ends up being +Spd/-Atk. At least Spd boon is refreshing compared to the -Spd in my main account, but wow so many orbs disappeared for this. Good news though is at least I got a Cain along the way (WoM 3 for Minizura!) and a few Pallas. Even summoned a Hinata but as usual he is a good boon/bane (+Atk/-Spd) so not sure if I want to fodder. A rare Roy and Draug fodder is also nice and I got both a +Atk/-Res and +Spd/-Res Ogma which is interesting.


In contrast, I had a smaller 65 orbs in my main, but somehow I got my target fairly quickly (after 30-35 orbs)


A quick Hrid is nice!

....and just like Ryoma he comes at an annoying +Spd/-Atk..which is not what he wants.  I mean his Atk is so high that -Atk is still workable but then again, he's also valuable DC fodder so I feel like I should try again before building this guy if I don't get anymore of him.

Between this guy and the -Atk Saber from the New Power banner...I've been having tough luck with natures despite pulling the focuses.

Also Lon'qu drought is officially over with 2 Lon'qus in the same session. Stil no +Atk/-Res though. And hey, I have my very first Silvia! Finally, a second red dancer (+Def/-HP)! Unsure if I should 5 star her or do a 4*+10 like my Olivia.


Now down to 2 orbs on both accounts. That was an orb drain, better do the legendary battle maps then...

It's funny how despite having less orbs I got Hrid in the main and not on my second account...it almost makes me feel bad saving orbs and not getting the target anyway... and I felt so good I stockpiled over a 100 after a tempting couple of months..

At least the 5 stars are new legendaries, and they're only in these kind of banners so that's a small victory

So much for getting enough orbs to try for a non -Atk L!Lucina/Bector..


My Ryoma also had -Atk, he doesn't seem to want to come home with good IVs today (though my benefit is I probably won't use him). And Hrid too, yikes, but it is true his Atk is sky high so Horse Emblem buffs can make him workable. I'd wait till the end of the banner before building him incase you can get a better one. But sounds like you got a lot of good fodder! Silvia is good as a 5* but I'm sure 4*+10 is just as usable.

9 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

This are my result for Hríd's banner:


Somehow, Alolan Selena decided to appear for me... three times... And I got Innes with the first Laevatain, since I like to open all orbs after get a 5★ unit. I will use the +Spd -Res Laevatain, and I still don't know what to do with the others... I could give my Legendary Lucina the Atk/Def Link skill. She will like it.

From the 3★-4★ summons I got, the most interesting ones are: +Spd -Def Silvia, some Clairs, including a +Atk -HP one, some Ares and Silas copies for future merges... and the final copy of Soren that I needed to complete my +10 Soren! Yay! 3 +10 infantry units, one to go!

I planning to use the future orbs on the Fire and Ice banner, since I still don't have Ylgr and I am at 4,25% on that banner.

Congrats on the 5* and new merges!

8 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Here's the things I got today in appearance order by spending the rest of my orbs

  • L!Lucina Spd+, Hp- - much better IV than I had before. Welcome
  • Hrid Spd+, Res- - terrible IV, but I can work with it
  • 11% rate - and no Laevatein =(

I just want 1 more 5* unit, then I quit this banner

Congrats, that's a good Bowcina. Hope you can get Laevatein!

6 hours ago, Usana said:

@Landmaster Congrats!

So I had 102 saved up orbs. It got me

Neutral Ryoma - Not sure if this is better than +SPD/-ATK. I'll have to run some numbers.
+DEF/-HP Hrid - Darn it. I was hoping to keep his HP at least neutral for potential panic ploy of non-armors. Don't care enough for him to try and fix it though. And with these two I was done going after reds.
+SPD/-RES Brave Hector- I had none of the blues so yay!
+ATK/-SPD Brave Hector- Someone call the police, I think I am being stalked(this was back to back sessions each with one blue).

And that was it. I was really hoping to see a Lucina this time. But I guess it wasn't meant to be. Got an awesome Hector though. I kinda wish he had normal DC so that the spare could hand it off. Not sure what to do with the spare other than to hold on to him incase somebody every wants bold fighter.


Neutral is good (imo) or at least better than a bad spread. I'd probably go with Neutral over losing Atk personally. Hrid's +Def seems good, though sucks for the Panic Ploying. And you really lucked out on the Hectors! Congrats, good pulls overall.

6 hours ago, Chrom-ulent said:

I got baited.

130 F2P orbs: L!Lucina, S!Noire, and S!Cordelia merges.

1 pack: Hrid comes home +Def -HP. Try and pull Ylgr to complete the siblings...+Res -Atk.

3 packs: Try to get a not -Atk Ylgr. Two more before settling on +HP -Def. +Atk -Spd Surtr too. Get Hardin, Hinoka, Shigure, and F!Kana.

Oh well. I'm back to completion, which will make it feel good to skip the next banner. It is clear that I will not be able to save to +10 S!Cordelia, especially if they release characters I care about. I think any of my +8s will be easier goals to save orbs for: Zelgius, F!Morgan, S!Catria, or S!Tana, and I will make S!Cordelia my splurge of next year instead of a new instrument or a third vacation.

Lots of pulls, congrats!

6 hours ago, daisy jane said:

My wishlist going in:
Ests. (ESTS!)
+Atk SIlvia 
+Atk Caeda. (because i STUPIDLY. booked the wrong fricken Caedas). 
some other good fodder. 

and then 5* Rarity I wanted
Everyone in Blue, Ryoma. 

this happened
Lucina:+hp/-res... dooable.
Silvia: minus attack again. because... of course She is. 
(thanks for the swap, Stahl). 




the random 5* pull. of course it had to be her. and she's +hp/-spd. 
Because of course she'd have a Bane in what makes her awesome. like. thanks game. 
(Hawkeye helps because I can save Klein now). 

Then this happened he broke me. (sigh) - +spd/-def. 
No word of a lie, I told someone look at me get one Hrid, the one guy i don't want (why weren't you Ryoma?) and No i have so Sophie's Choice this. Who gets him. 
OG!Myrrh? Hallowen!Myrrh? Soliel? Do I keep him? I have no idea. (Subaki was summoned so Klein may live). 


Lucina again
+def/-res. because of course she'd be that
(nothing in the circle worth noting, all crap)

All in all: 265 orbs spent, 4 5*'s (worst than last month where i had 6/7 in about the same amount) but 
3 legendaries vs. 1 compared to last month (and last month other than Olivia, I hit my wishlist. I wanted to save 85 orbs (which i did) - ideally would have liked to save more than that but i am also out of fodder in the worst possible way - unfortunately - i'm still out of Fodder. 

No Hector, No Innes :( no Cordelia :( still no Grima, still no good flying unit, no Ests, No Silas I can actually use (+atk/-def, like what the hell is the point?), 1 Caeda (who is +def/-res, again. not helpful), and a Libra +def, but -res

but i saved orbs  (I start next legendary with a net 85 - the 400 is for Airzura LOL) 
this doesn't surprise me. I don't snipe - and i get meh results. (sigh). i don't like this legendary hero, and of course i get him. of course. 

Still lots of goodies. Est will probably show up when you're not looking for her.

3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ok, ~100 orbs for the legendary banner. Wants: Better Lucina (not -ATK again), Ryoma, Hrid. 

This is what I got:



Lucina +HP/-DEF, Hrid +HP/-ATK and Cordelia +ATK/-RES. I'm happy I fixed my Lucina, even if -DEF isn't optimal. Hrid and Cordelia should swap natures, since I already got a +SPD summer Cordelia. 

No good fodder, but I can't complain about two 5* I wanted in 100 orbs. Can keep the other 100 saved up for anything book III offers. 

Congrats on your 5*~ A better nature is always at least a win~

3 hours ago, Smog said:

I see a lot of people are getting L!Lucina. Someone with a lot of money and orbs can instantly +10 her if that's the case. 

I got two of her in my fifth roll and a Summer Innes. Innes wasn't really on my wish-list but after the trouble I went to just to get a five star unit he was truly worth it. Besides, he has Goad Fliers so he's an instant addition to my flier team. 

Congrats! And Summer Innes is great, really defensive for Flier Emblem teams~

3 hours ago, zuibangde said:

Only spent 50 orbs on this banner and got a Brave Hector (+Atk, -Def). I have a +2 LA!Hector that is +Def, - HP so I'm debating if I should fodder off my Brave Hector or keep him and build him.

Any suggestions? The Def bane is making me wonder if it would be worth the effort. But more importantly, I have a personal disdain towards all 4 CYL2 Heroes because, during their banner, I managed to reach 7.50%. FREAKING 7.50% before getting pitybroken by a Delthea. I got so mad I swore to fodder off all Deltheas and CYL2 Heroes that I get.

-Def isn't the most ideal but I think with Armor buffs, it can be worked around. He's a good unit and +Atk is good but if you have someone looking for some fodder from him, you could give skills to someone else.

2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Looks like L!Grima is finally taking a break from legendary banners until February, which means one last shot to get the one copy I need until then.  ~250 orbs spent, let's see how I did:

  Hide contents


One copy, but that's all we needed.  I can't believe it.  I started this project by pulling two copies of her on Ryoma's legendary debut back in May, and since then I've committed nearly every orb I've saved towards the +10.  Tallying up all the free orbs we got throughout those months, I estimate I spent a little under 2000 orbs for her.  Not sure what the average number it takes for a colorless legendary hero, but I'd say I did all right.  My legendary banner progression:

L!Ryoma: 2 copies (neutral, +Def/-Spd)
L!Hector: 2 copies (+Hp/-Atk, +Def/-Hp)
L!Lucina: 3 copies (+Def/-Atk, +Spd/-Def, +Atk/-Spd)
L!Marth: 1 copy (+Def/-Atk)
L!Tiki: 0 copies
L!Eirika: 2 copies (+Spd/-Atk x2)
L!Hrid: 1 copy (+Spd/-Atk)

And here she is in all her glory:


I couldn't get the fabled +Spd/-Hp nature I was gunning for, so she's still the neutral I pulled back in May.  I'm happy with it though.  She's one of those few units who takes advantage of all their stats, so not taking a hit on any of them is A-Ok with me.  I was hoping I would be able to pull enough copies of Nanna to +10 her as well in the meantime, but sadly she's still at +5.  It'll have to wait -- I'm so done with pulling colorless.

@mampfoid (hope you don't mind the tag) 


Congrats on your +10 Grima!

41 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Well I manged to get Hrid within 20 orbs so I am really happy about that because I can focus on S!Innes once the December quests come. 

Congrats! I hope I can get some Innes merges, too, but I may wait for the Quests, too XP

34 minutes ago, Grandosco said:

15 Orbs got my Gunnthra to +2!

Saving for December! 42 Orbs currently. Good luck to everyone!

Congrats on +2 Gunnthra!

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6 minutes ago, Noir said:

I don't normally brag, but this was the best luck I've had on FEH since launch. 100 orbs on the legendary banner for five full pulls - 

Three Hrid, 2 Flyouma, 1 Grima, 1 Bowcina. 


Best part? Not a SINGLE bad nature.

Hrid is +atk -spd, Flyoma is +spd -HP, Bowcina is +Spd - Def, Grima is +Atk - HP

That's super lucky and great natures, congrats!

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3 hours ago, Azuris said:

Good to see your commitment paying of.

Congratulations to your +10 legendary hero, that's truly something special, now enjoy the result.

Thanks!  It's been quite a journey, and while I had to pass up on a lot of units I wanted, I'm glad I was able to hold out. 

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I don't mind at all.

Wow, what a project. I'm happy you brought it to a good end, Grima looks fantastic, congratulations! 

Also we are -ATK Hrid buddies now. 

Thanks!  I'm just really glad I can avoid colorless for a while haha.

Yeah, bummer about the bad Hrid natures.  Despite -Atk, do you intend to run Galeforce on him?

24 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Congrats on your +10 Grima!

Thanks, and good luck on getting Innes!  I saw that you also got Hrid and L!Ryoma for your efforts, good stuff. 

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The 4th is +Def -Res... I believe IS is telling me to do a +10 Laevatein...


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Alright, 198 orbs on hand. Unless I get supremely lucky on the first circle, sniping for reds and blues.

  1. 5* Laevatein: There's the luck I was looking for! And she's +Atk/-Spd of all things...First Lucina, then Karla, now Laevatein. Of course her Speed isn't stellar to begin with, but it still stings. Let's keep going.
  2. 3* Seliph: Meh.
  3. 5* L!Lucina: Excellent! Of course she's +Res/-Atk, exactly the same as my current copy...*angry muttering*
  4. 3* Virion: Bleh.
  5. 3* Leon: SP fodder.

2 5*s, but both with bad IVs. I've got 183 orbs, so might as well keep going and see what I can get. I just hope I'm not going to regret saying that.

  1. 3* Lilina: More SP fodder.
  2. 4* Shigure: Okay.
  3. 3* Beruka: Useless.

Not going to bother with greys at all. 170 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  2. 5* Ryoma: Finally another Water hero! He's +Def/-Res, so decent enough.
  3. 4* Peri: Meh.
  4. 4* Mathilda: Hone Attack fodder?
  5. 5* L!Lucina: And here she is again! Now her IVs are an absolutely amazing +HP/-Atk. It's slightly better than +Res/-Atk though, so I guess you're the new master copy.

That's 4 5*s for 48 orbs. Of course none of them have good IVs and two are merges, but I'm not sure I should press my luck any further...Oh whatever. 150 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: Okay.
  2. 5* Laevatein: Again? And +Def/-Spd? Merge fodder.
  3. 4* Tailtiu: Drive Spd fodder is always handy.
  4. 3* Roderick: Bleh.
  5. 3* Sakura: Worthless.

Alright, let's see if this ridiculous hot streak keeps up. I doubt there's any impending banner I care about, so 130 orbs to spend (hopefully not all of them).

  1. 3* Reinhardt: Garbage.
  2. 4* Hawkeye: SP fodder.
  3. 3* Boey: Worthless.

117 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: Bleh.
  2. 4* Lilina: More SP fodder.
  3. 5* Laevatein: Third time's the charm? Seems so, since she's +Def/-Res. Not the fastest, but now Laevatein's got some serious bulk on her.
  4. 4* Effie: No.
  5. 3* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.

101 orbs spent to get 6 5*s. Of course three of them are Laevatein, the one red I didn't really care about, but L!Ryoma and a marginally less awful L!Lucina are good to have as well. I've definitely taken enough risks now, so unless there's an incoming bounty of orbs this week that I forgot about, this is it for the banner.

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

what are you saving for? 
I'm at 105 for December already.

Lucky indeed! Glad I got something if not my top priority (Noire).

I’m saving up for this year and last year’s Winter Festival Banners. I really want Winter Lissa and/or Chrom. A non-minus Atk Winter Tharja would be nice, but I won’t hold my breath on that one XD

Best of luck with saving and pulling! I know how hard it can be to resist new shiny units :3

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36 minutes ago, KMT4ever said:

Alright, 198 orbs on hand. Unless I get supremely lucky on the first circle, sniping for reds and blues.

  1. 5* Laevatein: There's the luck I was looking for! And she's +Atk/-Spd of all things...First Lucina, then Karla, now Laevatein. Of course her Speed isn't stellar to begin with, but it still stings. Let's keep going.
  2. 3* Seliph: Meh.
  3. 5* L!Lucina: Excellent! Of course she's +Res/-Atk, exactly the same as my current copy...*angry muttering*
  4. 3* Virion: Bleh.
  5. 3* Leon: SP fodder.

2 5*s, but both with bad IVs. I've got 183 orbs, so might as well keep going and see what I can get. I just hope I'm not going to regret saying that.

  1. 3* Lilina: More SP fodder.
  2. 4* Shigure: Okay.
  3. 3* Beruka: Useless.

Not going to bother with greys at all. 170 orbs left.

  1. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  2. 5* Ryoma: Finally another Water hero! He's +Def/-Res, so decent enough.
  3. 4* Peri: Meh.
  4. 4* Mathilda: Hone Attack fodder?
  5. 5* L!Lucina: And here she is again! Now her IVs are an absolutely amazing +HP/-Atk. It's slightly better than +Res/-Atk though, so I guess you're the new master copy.

That's 4 5*s for 48 orbs. Of course none of them have good IVs and two are merges, but I'm not sure I should press my luck any further...Oh whatever. 150 orbs left.

  1. 4* Tharja: Okay.
  2. 5* Laevatein: Again? And +Def/-Spd? Merge fodder.
  3. 4* Tailtiu: Drive Spd fodder is always handy.
  4. 3* Roderick: Bleh.
  5. 3* Sakura: Worthless.

Alright, let's see if this ridiculous hot streak keeps up. I doubt there's any impending banner I care about, so 130 orbs to spend (hopefully not all of them).

  1. 3* Reinhardt: Garbage.
  2. 4* Hawkeye: SP fodder.
  3. 3* Boey: Worthless.

117 orbs left.

  1. 4* Mamui: Bleh.
  2. 4* Lilina: More SP fodder.
  3. 5* Laevatein: Third time's the charm? Seems so, since she's +Def/-Res. Not the fastest, but now Laevatein's got some serious bulk on her.
  4. 4* Effie: No.
  5. 3* Oscar: Lancebreaker fodder.

101 orbs spent to get 6 5*s. Of course three of them are Laevatein, the one red I didn't really care about, but L!Ryoma and a marginally less awful L!Lucina are good to have as well. I've definitely taken enough risks now, so unless there's an incoming bounty of orbs this week that I forgot about, this is it for the banner.

that's really great. 
I feel really bad now. i spent 265 and only got 4 5*'s :( 
and i didn't even snipe, go figure. 

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